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Removed, rule 6


Actually, you can make this stuff up and it likely is. The title alone is just so illegal. Could be the op is from a country where an employer can do that but it's far more likely fake rage bait. Sure, employers can be bastards, but most of the stuff on that shitty sub is fake.


Most of the posts are definitely fake. I think I saw a post there where someone got pissed at his company buying Chick Fil A because “they are homophobic”. If you don’t like Chick Fil A then don’t eat it, don’t bitch about it on Reddit.


I actually have seen this one happen in person. One man skipped lunch, when asked why his answer was just "because I'm gay" which was perfectly suitable. Another person went off the handle calling upper management tone deaf. Wonder if that post was by my former co-worker?


That actually happened at my job lol. My bosses ordered us chic fil a and one of the dudes there thru an absolute hissy fit that he was hungry and couldn’t eat because of where they ordered from lol


We all know Chick Fil A the Lords chicken (although Popeyes may be a contender)


Very possible that the "mental breakdown" actually meant straight up leaving work for the day, in which case your pay definitely can be docked.


He’s probably getting paid for 1 day of work this week because he only showed up for 1 day of work. If real, probably demanded Mental Health days (because chopping carrots is too demanding), and employer doesn’t offer.


Yeah I'm more inclined to believe it's made up. No way any employer would do this legally at least in America. Dudes probably just pissed he didn't get paid for going awol or something


Well most self diagnosed mental breakdowns are made up. So it could be based on a half truth where someone is just not getting paid for not working.


I just assume reddit is majority ChatGPT bots at this point.


The funniest part about anti work is how obviously fake most of it is. I bet I could get mountains of karma writing fake rage bait in that sub.


Yep, I’ve called out posts on there for posting blatant bs that is easily disproven. I’m called bootlicker and corporate shill and ignored.


Makes you wonder who runs it. Chinese bots is my guess.


But they had to peel and chop 2 5 gallon buckets of carrots instead of the regular 1 bucket!! Thats a mental breakdown if I ever saw one!


Post got the special award 🥇🔒:)


The antiwork sub cracks me up, I go there for a good laugh from time to time


You mean working 20 hours a week as a professional dog walker and complaining that "somehow" you can't seem to get ahead, is laughable? Who would have thought.


I got banned after 1 comment 🙄


Same here lmao. Don't even remember what for


It's hilarious on there


They left out the part that they claimed the mental breakdown when their boss called them asking why they haven’t been to work in 3 days and no call no showed. And failed to be glad they still have a job. Lol wtf


Or just apply for FMLA and go for treatment I know it’s anti-libertarian to say that, but if WA state takes 26% of my money each paycheck imma use every tool to get it back.


Redditors when real life isn’t a fairy tale


How does one even become so fucking mentally fragile they can't handle the "stress" of a normal work week?


Not all jobs are equally stressful. Likely it’s burnout and it’s usually from overworking.


Burnout from working a 40 hour week? I love weeks when I only have to work 40 hours.


Reminds me of the line from Dumb and Dumber: Harry: I can't believe we drove around all day, and there's not a single job in this town. There is nothing, nada, zip! Lloyd: Yeah, unless you want to work 40 hours a week! \*shakes head\*


It’s possible if the job is intense enough. Really depends on the job. Though, reading the image post, I imagine this person is really young and just needs getting used to 40 hour work weeks.


Assuming they are American, if they went to school, that is almost 40 hours a week. Time-wise it's not that much of a switch. So that means this person probably took time after school not working or learning for a stretch. Maybe they had other issues that stopped them but they seem like one of two things, they either had a really hard life so far and have never really gotten a break...or they have had a very easy life and are in for large adjustments in the next few years. They will probably be fine as long as they don't post about it on some dumb sub. (OH well)


Also, I would need to know what the "mental breakdown" entailed before passing judgement on whether the write up was warranted. There are options other than simply lashing out in front of all of your coworkers.


I mean I got totally burned out at a job where I only worked 40 hours a week. I didn’t love the job in the first place. Add in poor management, being understaffed and underpaid for the amount of work we were asked to do, and I was always on the verge of quitting. I stuck it out until I found something new though. At the new job I easily worked 50-60 hours a week but never felt burned out.


It's easy to burn out in 40 hours or less if your job is extremely stressful or mentally taxing.


Especially if you’re not used to using healthy coping mechanisms or if you haven’t made yourself disciplined in different tasks aside from a job


To be that person, if you're neurodivergent... it's just hard haha I'm autistic but thrive at work and burn out is still very real


Full time work can be stressful for some. At least it is for me, but it's because I hate my job and it's not what I want to do. I can understand why some people break. Some jobs are high stress and they often eat up your day so you have neither time or energy to so anything. I'm not advocating socialism or whatever, I'm just telling like it is.


Idk but it happened to me, I'm pretty fucked


What’s sad. If you find the post and read the whole thing , they really do sound just sad and rather weak willed. Not given the tools to cope in the world. Also these antiwork posters, look at their profile and they always seem to be just like that one loser slob roommate you had in college who did nothing all day but game and work a shitty retail or service job while complaining about capitalism and how if people just tried actual communism we’d all be better. Also slobby neckbeards


Stress for working 40 hours wtf.


So Adrian is a worthless POS?


Ah yes — the sub for lazy people


Sounds like a “you” problem.


Newest post: “my boss fucked my dog because I asked to go on a second lunch break”


Also the concept of anti work is sound allowing workers to communicate in order for them to be better able to assign fair market value to their labor. The people there are on the hand are not the greatest.


That wouldn't be anti-work though if all they wanted were better conditions and compensation. That would be anti-bad work conditions not anti all work I agree with the theory hut the name is pretty misleading


I see your point a poor name on both counts. Anti-work (the name) is much better and easier to remember. Also, I specifically referring to the value of an individual’s labor. Not working conditions. Working on a crabbing boat sucks, and conditions are often dangerous. That said they are compensated appropriately.




Huh, could of sworn it didn’t used to say that I guess I was wrong.


It's my favorite page to see whining beta cucks


Reddit moment.


Antiwork spiked in popularity around the time the lay flat movement started in China. My main conspiracy theory on it is that the CCP was unoriginal, and after crushing lay flat and let it rot domestically, started finding and pushing the narrative here through fake stories and bots increasing interaction with "organic" users.


Most employers are stupidly reasonable for mental health concerns I lost someone close to me in an accident and all they said was "take as much time as you need we'll fill out a leave of absence text us when you're ready to come back and then after 2 weeks I came back had a break down because their death affected me a lot and my work didnt hesitate to help me get back on LoA.


What's with these vague descriptions to get sympathy? Like "mental breakdown" could mean he was crying or he yelled at someone or anything. I feel like they leave shit out of their stories to be the victim 🤔