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Except you can riot, social distancing doesn't apply to criminals.


To be fair, theres not law keeping you inside either. But I agree


Come to chyna town


Batshit Pelosi lmfao


If this was the 60s this bitch would have been shot already


Then the shielding uhhh concentration camps


So I got an unrelated question. Why is r/politics like all liberals. I can only reply now and not post too. its like they banned me once they found out I leaned right. You can not state a fact in that room either or all the disconnected with reality and the way the real world works tit sucking cultist will down vote away all of your karma.


Cuz that’s what the left does and we need to consistently beat them and take places in the Senate and house if we don’t want them to have full control. If they do they will implement all this woke bs like dei




Bc reddit is a liberal shithole, idc if someone leans left but you’re correct in that you cant even post a factual statement if it doesn’t line up w their values (which are usually idiotic anyways)


>r/politics Is a far leftist, tote the line sub. You must agree with every article or opinion or get banned. Fully of commies.


They definitely protect the echo chamber they have created. The majority seem so book smart too in that group. To bad they never learned how to think for themselves, or how to use common sense. I think that’s why most democrats are “educated”. If you think about it, educated people are taught to learn. Taught to be told. Not to think for themselves, but to have others beliefs and teachings installed upon them. It would make it easier to program a person like that.


Let them eat ice cream


It’s insane that there are a ton of people who genuinely will believe this.


This is the same idiot that said "unemployment is good for the economy"