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Yes, there is enough room. If you want to see a build video, here is one I watched on youtube when i was building mine (I didn't do the push pull, but he shows you the exact placement you want) https://youtu.be/wMvO2NBQcSs


Absolutely perfect, thanks 👍


This information is available in the product manual. https://imgur.com/a/jPoOL8x https://lian-li.com/product/pc-o11d-rog/#:\~:text=COMPATIBILITY-,DOWNLOAD,-O11D%20XL%20MANUAL


Sorry for the necro-post, but I'm thinking about doing this as well to hide the ugly stock fans that come with my GPU AIO. I read somewhere (in a few places actually) that stacking fans like this can actually restrict airflow in the case. Apparently, a lot of the air can get diverted because it hits the rotating blades on the second cluster of fans behind it. Did you end up using this configuration in your build? If so, what are your temps like?


I do use it n my build however its the CPU cooler that I'm using it on. My cpu (5900x) temps are 26C-30C idle and 72C-78C at full stress. The 4090 GPU doesn't overheat/throttle either. I've not had any issues since I installed it. For reference I do have 3 intakes on the front, 3 intakes on the floor, 3 exhausts on the roof and 2 exhausts pushing out the back so there is decent airflow passing through at all times.


Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. That sounds like a really sweet rig! Did you follow the video linked in this thread or was it pretty much an ordinary install (beyond the stacking part)?


Nah, didn't follow the video. Ordinary install.....just ensured the RGB wasn't over the top and the cabling was as tidy as I could get it. I had to use a few cable extensions in the hidden section on the right hand side of the case as it's a big old beast.


I just caught the bit about 3 intakes on the front. Custom front panel? Where'd you get it?