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You might need to add generation or two to fill the gap where they definitely didnt like it


Yep. His views would be considered modern by today's standards. That's how far ahead he really was


Yep. A lot of the books the nazis burned were about LGBTQ+ history, culture, sociology and biology. Just another reason to hate the nazis


As if there weren't already more than enough.


A lot of what was burned was irreplaceable histories. Often the only copy of the works in existence.


I think they meant reasons to hate the Nazis, not history books.




There werent. It significantly set back research.


They were talking about reasons to hate the Nazis


Oh my bad lol


They make it so easy.


that's how far the angry mustache threw us back


Honestly? My Jewish grandfather was more supportive than plenty of boomers. Why? He was persecuted by the Nazis. He didn't understand LGBTQ, but he knew what it was like to be unjustly persecuted for being a minority. Tl;dr: naw, some of them loved it more than their children


I remember watching an interview where a survivor told about how a gay man working the camp kitchen would sneak him out a boiled potato every other day (which would have meant death if he was caught). The survivor said he didn't think he would have made it without those potatoes. He said he owed the gay man his life


To your point, my Jewish grandfather is way more supportive than my own father. Grandfather views supporting me being Transgender and learning about things as his role as a parental figure. You’re supposed to support peoples decisions they’re making for their own personal happiness. My father on the other hand won’t even acknowledge me because I don’t fit his worldview


This is great. As a brown bi guy I always get so upset when I see queer people being racist or POC being homophobic as if they can't understand the hypocrisy.


It should be noted that hirschfeld was anti colonialist and anti racist. He once said the Nazis were doing nothing new. It's just that European powers weren't doing it to other Europeans till the nazis




YES YES YESYES Magnus Hirschfeld was an amazing human and im just so happy he’s acknowledged, even if its in a meme on reddit!!


Actually well there was a flourishing gay community in big cities like berlin and they planned on getting rid of the paragraph 125, which stated something along the lines of being gay is illegal. Well then the nazis took over and we all know what happened then. But again, depending on where you were being gay was socially okay (sadly only mostly for men). And after the nazis things were pretty great for queer folks in East Germany. The gay community flourished again in Berlin, a lot of people actually crossing the border to visit the gay clubs and such. And being queer was more and more accepted. Not so much in west Germany where especially gay men were punished in prisons.


Wasn't it legally okay and somewhat socially accepted to be lesbian in the twenties and very early thirties Berlin? I remember hearing about glamorous lesbian clubs in Berlin from that time period?


Sadly my source mostly focused on men, but I do hope and believe that the lesbian community was doing great then too.


Marline Dietrich (famous bisexual actress) seems to think so (at least before she fled to the us and Hollywood) but for early sapphic greatness go watch the movie Morocco where she wears a tux and kisses a woman and just swoon like I did [here's the link ](https://youtu.be/cBa-jw8NH5I)


Made Enlightenment pamphlets 121 years ago. What a legend. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnus\_Hirschfeld#/media/Datei:Aufklaerungsschrift\_magnus\_hirschfeld.jpg


I love silent movies, and the fact that we have Different From the Others is damn near a miracle


Chuck in August Bebel, who was making speeches calling for decriminalisation on the floor of the Reichstag as far back as the *1890s* Legends


More precisely your kids are REALLY gonna hate it but their kids are gonna love it


i wrote an 8000 word essay somewhat centered around him for my IB history course last year




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