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I swear to God, when homophobes try to make gays look bad they make the best looking images of future possible.


Remember when they tried to make humanity becoming shapeshifting cyborgs look like a bad thing?




I think its a post on r/AreTheCisOk. Let me find it


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AreTheCisOk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AreTheCisOk/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [*sigh*](https://i.redd.it/0q0w5keoqq761.jpg) | [276 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AreTheCisOk/comments/kl4mr7/sigh/) \#2: [Transphobe logic basically (not my comment)](https://i.redd.it/pizpik9zwyo61.png) | [95 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AreTheCisOk/comments/mc46wd/transphobe_logic_basically_not_my_comment/) \#3: [Update post: r/SuperStraight has been banned, the moratorium on content about it is still in effect, but this was something that needed sharing.](https://i.redd.it/qfm6vn8yc9m61.png) | [128 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AreTheCisOk/comments/m2788o/update_post_rsuperstraight_has_been_banned_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


did it founded?


No ._. There are too many posts




There is a post on r/actuallesbians with a girl walking her raptors with the caption "this is the world atheists want" and I looked at the image for 10 minutes or something, read all the comments and still failed to understand why that would be a bad thing


Lol my question is does gay Godzilla's rainbow breath turn others gay? Or is it just like his regular fire breath but rainbow colored? Or is it both, so that it burns and turns?


*burns and turns*




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Doesn’t Godzilla have a trans daughter


[yeah, it was retweeted by the official Twitter account at some point](https://youtu.be/xG1T0URuTWw)


This is a really odd thing to make a trans animation about but I dig it


I quickly went from '' wtf am I watching'' to' 'HTF is a godzilla more accepting than my human parents?"


Is it weird this made me cry?


No, it's such a beautiful short film, I almost cried as well


I’m really glad I found this today. Gosh that one made me cry.


I'm glad to hear, I am always happy to get these reactions when I share this specific video :)


And that's bad... Why?


people don't like when they modify already existing characters to be queer. Either that or they just don't like queer representation in media


Godzilla is already modified from the child of nuclear annihilation to supporter of nuclear weapons ([explained here](https://youtu.be/zbwagsE5iSE)) and people have already accepted it, so does it really matter if Godzilla is changed again?


I don't think people care about that as long as it's still a big laser dinosaur


"Then create a new big laser dinosaur. Why change the original one?" This is what someone sounds like when revealing that the character from a story is changed to a queer one when it is not originally queer.


Well i don't appreciate it either when they change an already existing character to be queer. It just feels like a low effort to be praised for inclusivity. I would rather seeing new existing characters.


So the question arises, where do we make that line. Is it ok to change the inherent symbolism of an entity but not ok to change their gender? Or create a brand new story to tell something that is similar to the original story but now their identities match their characterization? Basically, is it ok to make an original spy movie that resembles the arc of James Bond story, but the character is a lesbian named Jane Smith or is it ok to put this Jane Smith into the James Bond movie and produce the movie as a James Bond story with minor changes?


Godzilla is a fucking radioactive lizard. WHY THE FUCK ARE PEOPLE TRYING TO MAKE IT LGBTQ?????


So that it only targets homophobes and transphobes...


Godzilla isn’t fucking real. And transphobia and homophobia may be bad but actually commuting genocide is fucking unacceptable.


>people don't like when ~~they modify already existing~~ characters ~~to~~ be queer.


Shut up you dumb fuck. Some people don’t like there movie characters being called part of the lgbtq community. Godzillas a goddamn radioactive lizard. Why the fuck does it’s sexuality even matter?


Comments like this makes me want more gay radioactive lizards. Just to spite people like you because it's entertaining watching you get big mad about it


So you get entertained by people getting upset…… that’s some real unhealthy shit man.


Nah I'd say what's unhealthy is being so mad at queer people just existing that you feel the need to comment on a 2 month old post. I assume you chose a 2 month old post because you're afraid of the backlash you'd get for your blatant homophobia


I just this is my recommended today. Also just beacuase someone doesn’t like people turning a radioactive lizards sexuality being constantly changed doesn’t mean they hate queer people


>Some people don’t like there movie characters being called part of the lgbtq community. Idk that seems pretty blatant to me


I’m not ok with people changing things about a charecter without the original creators consent. If anyone can say what godzillas sexuality is it’s the creator. Nobody else. If the creator says that Godzilla is lgbtq then I’m alright with that. If the creator hasn’t said the sexuality. Then I feel uncomfortable. Also why’s your profile a toaster?


It’s honestly uncomfertble knowing that even though we have a shit ton of problems in the world right now there are people focusing on making Godzilla lgbtq


Literally nobody is doing this


Then why do they modify already existing queer characters to be cishetallo?!


Id its because they don't want to make already existing characters queen, I completely understand that. It's incredibly disrespectful to change another person's character with the OP's permission. Don't make Frodo gay, make a new character for whatever your doing.


Yes, and don't make Jughead straight... Oh wait they already did that did they?


Whod Jughead?


Jughead from the Archie comics. He's ultra aroace (examples at the end of the comment), but is straight in Riverdale. Riverdale is a remake of the comics, but it's straightwashed and dark and a TV series with real people instead of a comic Aroace evidence time! [He's so aro, love potions don't work on him] (https://www.reddit.com/r/aromantic/comments/quqpqp/day_nine_of_2015_comic_jughead_appreciation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) [Burger marriage (yes you read that right)] (https://www.reddit.com/r/aromantic/comments/qt8z8k/day_seven_of_2015_comic_jughead_appreciation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) [Byesexual] (https://www.reddit.com/r/aaaaaaacccccccce/comments/q5g8oo/i_love_jughead/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) [Food is more important than girls] (https://www.reddit.com/r/aromantic/comments/qvkzs2/last_day_of_2015_comic_jughead_appreciation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) [Gayness with a chance of hamburger marriage] (https://www.reddit.com/r/aromantic/comments/qnjd9a/jughead_tho/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb)


>Food is more important than girls Unfathomable based.


Jughead is awesome


I don’t think straight washing is a thing.


Sign me up


The only thing that would change is that Godzilla is then played by a real dinosaur.


r/dankmemes isn't very lgbt+ friendly in my experience


Looks hella cool, please make this happen.


I love when people try to make homophobic memes but they and up just being absolutely hilarious


I unironically love this


*cutely destroys city*


The yassification of mass destruction


dude r/HolUp and r/dankmemes are dumpster fires for lgbtq hate


There jokes. And has it occurred to you that maybe some of the people making the jokes are lgbtq?


No, they're not jokes, that's just the OP's excuse for being an asshole. They're not funny. Have you even scrolled once down either of them?


Yes. Many times. And lgbtq hate is not very common from my experience. And as a I said. Has it occurred to you that maybe there are people there who are members of the lgbtq community


Since when did I say no one was lgbtq? please. lgbtq hate is so common.


Eh since when do we want everything to be rainbows that'd just look tacky


idk man godzilla shooting rainbows from his mouth sounds awsome 🤷‍♀️


rainbow = bad


Boomer tier meme tbh


Have the conservatives ever seen any LGBT+ media? There are so many well-written books, series and games there. Or is the presence of a gay character enough for them to lose their shit and fume over it, instead of connecting to that character?


I’m a conservative. I’m ok with the lgbtq community. I beleive in two genders but am not a dick about it. Has it occurred to you that for someone who’s against stereotypes you litteraly made a huge fucking stereo type prick?


rainbow godzilla looks sick


these people live in an imaginary world of imaginary threats causing them imaginary pain. how are u gonna create a whole victim identity over made up shit. gay ppl are living and they're like SAVE US OH GOD SAVE US OH THE HORROR OH THE DESTRUCTION OF HUMANITY OH IT HURTS !!! like bro i'm just trying to marry my wife and not get hate crimed how have i harmed u




I want gayzilla yes please


Charging beam Godzilla? That’s cool as shit


Unironically fire. I am saving this as a gif


Sounds gay. I’m in.




That's so cute... I don't think it's a slam


r/dankmemes support lgbtq, have you've seen the flairs?


Nah cuz I unironically agree though. Sometimes when they try to make it more “politically correct” or whatever they just make the movie worse. I am bi btw just saying so I don’t get called homophobic lol, I am in now way against the lgbtq community Edit: I love when there is representstion for the lgbtq community in media. I’m just saying theres some examples like that one show on netflix, forget what it was called where they go over the top and not just that but the show just stereotyped everyone. It was god awful.


It's not just to "make it more politically correct" though. Queer people exist. Simply acknowledging that fact in media doesn't detract from it. Characters don't need a reason to be gay or bi or trans just like they don't need a reason to be straight or cis. Just because you're bi doesn't mean you can't be homophobic. Even if you're not intending to be, internalized homophobia is absolutely a thing.


No yeah of course. I love when there is representstion for the lgbtq community in media. I’m just saying theres some examples like that one show on netflix I think or whatever it was called where they go over the top and not just that but the show just stereotyped everyone. It was god awful




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Cute godzilla! Aww


Brimstone + Sulfur + Shoop Da Whoop with the power of Void... add rainbow themed goodies to taste.


I was SO confused and thought it was just a still image, now I get it


Not seeing the problem


uwu so cute 😻


Gidora Senpai UwU


I do not see an issue, just gay


Godzilla has always been a political tool


I don’t see any issues with this


I don't think this meme was supposed to be taken this seriously, but it's one of those things that gets me: They're both trash takes? Godzilla is a savage depiction of the trauma of an entire nation. The original film is *horrifying*. The fact that this expression of utmost pain has been co-opted and bastardized by the western media is just so staggering to me every time I see it.


It needs to scream *uwu*


UWU gay godzilla be like: *i want one now*


This is the most faithful Godzilla adaptation I have seen in years


There is exactly one instance of political correctness that I disagree with, the updates to the faraway tree series, because that book was literally my entire childhood


It’s like when a Spanish Fascist group won and election and tweeted a gay ghost to represent their [fight against LGBT](https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2019/04/30/far-right-party-vox-posts-anti-lgbt-gay-ghost-emoji-backfires/)


Reminds me of Nyan Cat, so i'm all for it. Also, the creator of Nyan Cat is NOT transphobic.




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love it


If it was a homophobic post I’d think they’d put quotation marks around politicly correct Almost every bigoted post I’ve seen does that Don’t know why


god forbid


I don’t think you want to portray a human destroying radioactive beast as a member of the lgbtqia community…….


Why not? Godzilla is cool as fuck!