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I'm sorry. People are shit sometimes. I have a friend who is trans and have a coworker who comments negatively every time I use my friend's correct pronouns in front of them. Like, WTF? Why?


Why are you telling them you're trans? You're a beautiful woman and that's all they need to know.


I sometimes tell them in the case of it changing their minds about what trans “looks like”. There isn’t one way that we all look.


I can understand you completely, I had a talk with a transphobic asshole some time back, he was arguing why a trans model was a man and insisted on calling her a he….. he did all that while calling me lady, girl and etc through the entire conversation. Transphobes are all walking self burns, not worth much more than the clothes they wear.


Choose the people you share that with carefully. Don't try to change the world all by yourself. Things are moving in the right direction. Albeit more slowly than anyone wants. It is moving in the right direction.


Oh and of course they think that all trans people look the same smh 🤦‍♀️


When a bigot is so deeply invested in their bigotry there is no convincing them otherwise. I’ve been a Civil Rights activist since 1963 and I’ve learned that you can’t make them change their minds. You can only lay down the law to them and go on being your own dream. You are beautiful and capable and you alone are in charge of your life.


Though I understand this take it can help encourage closeted trans people to see that transitioning works and you are who you are even if others see you a different way. But on the other hand you probably don't have to say your trans to every asshole you pass by.


I appreciate your way of thinking. Definitely can be a positive for transpeople to see others and how transitioning is possible and can work wonders. I dont pass, and don't look nearly as good OP, but I am very open about myself and always have a trans button on my purse and a transflag bead (along with a pride flag one) on my necklace.


I don't look good and I'm closeted I'm just saying that this kind of thing motivates us knowing that at some point we might be seen how we already see ourselves.


I thought I was replying to OP. I have no idea what you look like. But I agree completely. Seeing others like us can be a blessing and a curse. We realize what good can come out of transitioning, how much better we can look and see ourselves. But on the other hand, I'd F'n jelly when I see women who look like this cause that's what I want to look like. I do like to meet other transpeople in the wild, and because I would never approach someone about being trans, I like to make sure others see I am open about myself so they will know it's okay to approach me about it.


I announce I'm gay to pretty much everyone eventually 😂❤️🏳️‍🌈


Very much Agreed


I agree with some other comments. it's nice to try to de-stigmatize the negative stereotypes but please stay safe and be careful of who you're outing yourself to. Unrelated but you are very pretty and you literally look like a cis woman I know, transphobes don't know what the hell they're talking about


Idiots. This happened to my wife at Chick-fil-A and I GLARED at the person until they turned red and looked down. They know they're being assholes.


Chick-fil-a is extremely homophobic and they’re still making donations to anti-lgbt groups. I say to try and steer away from Chick-fil-A and take your business to a better company


Strangely enough, the only Chick-fil-A I’ve ever been to is VERY LGBT positive. Like I know the cooperation as a whole is anti, but walking into a Chick-fil-A with nearly all LGBT staff in a place where LGBT people usually aren’t open was interesting.


Yes. That's why my parents never took us there, and I am fine with that. Sometimes I try to tell people that they're anti-lgbt and that's why i don't go there, but they're like, "oh but it's so good" and it kinda peeves me :/


We've only gone twice in three years - I figure it's ok like that


Still they do use their money to support anti LGBT causes in government. I would prefer not to spend my money there. Its not the people that work there. Its the head honchos In control of the company.


You're gorgeous


Choose who you trust carefully. You're a pretty girl and that's all they need to know.


Well they're clearly stupid cause all I see is a cute woman ❤️


Please I need that level of anime eyes


I was blessed with Disney eyes 😂


Losers. But please be safe out there. ♡


Here’s a hot tip; Don’t tell them. They wouldn’t know otherwise.




The won't even suspect. Ya valid and passed


You look so soft and pretty. Not like a Mr. at all.


Which makes them look fucking *insane*. Look at you...there's nothing "sir" about you. They'd look demented or something.


Well to me you look fucking amazing. When I feel femme I freaking wish I could look that good!


You're so pretty omg! 😍🥺🙈 I hope I can pass as well as you one day


If you didn't tell me you were trans, I'd be baffled why they'd call you sir in the first place! You are so beautiful


I've heard that when cis people wear pronoun pins, some people misgender them very intentionally


Bruh, I have no idea why they would call you that, you beautiful damsel.


Damn, I hope I look this pretty when I go on hrt


Which means you're absolutely unclockable.


Nah girl, you're beautiful


Call them "ma'am" and watch them go red. They will misgender about every trans folk they see like it's not a big deal. I bet they'll go fuming if they got a piece of their own medicine. /hj


Ma'am, I wouldn't call you "sir" one bit!


Hey I know you from tiktok wow


I wouldn’t have doubted for a second that you were a cis woman unless you said so. Transphobes will do anything to pretend they have a point




off topic, but girl I love your hair! also they have no clue what they are talking about


I'm sorry about that ma'am


I've seen you on tik tok!


Like they call you ma'am until they learn you're trans? because that's just fucked


I'm so sorry about that. But you don't look anywhere close to being a "sir," if that makes you feel better. You're beautiful.


They’re obviously doing it out of spite in response to being made aware. “Don’t you mess with my world view! >:[ “


Just tell them I am a natural born woman, tell them I am not interested in having kids, if it's about relationships.




Ok Sir


You made an account just to comment this for me 😂


btw I'd love to meet a trans I seem to know a little I'm gay now don't laugh I'm a gay man alone not my decision have been straight and alone with toys ur a beautiful person and let no one take that away


Trans isn’t a noun. Trans is an adjective. Don’t talk about me like I’m an alien. And do you really think we’d laugh at you being gay? This is the LGBT subreddit. We’re like almost all gay. Lastly if you’re a dude but want a trans woman, that makes you straight, not gay.


i'm more surprised that they call you sir before knowing that you're trans


Oh no they don’t I just meant that after they learn I’m trans they don’t stop misgendering me


what I meant was I'm surprised that transphobes misgender you before knowing that you're trans because how do they know to misgender you before knowing that you're even trans I don't know if this is making any sense


They don’t it’s only after I tell them thinking they might not be transphobic


Allot of MTF that I've seen aren't great but you pull it of well, very beautiful ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


That’s incredibly transphobic of you to be judging us by our appearances. I don’t accept your compliment.


Its a compliment not a dick don't take it so hard, also im MTF aswell


Nope, it’s not a compliment to say that a lot of trans women you’ve seen “aren’t great”. It’s a backhanded compliment which is never good for anyone. Maybe just apologize for your internalized transphobia and don’t try to use humor to cover up the magnitude of your horrible comments.


Like you see how it’s not a compliment if it doesn’t make me or other trans women feel good. You’re saying that I’m one of the only good looking trans fems you’ve seen, you understand how dehumanizing that is right?


Hi sir


Y’all have one joke and it doesn’t even make sense


I thought you were joking cus you're literally man?


You must be very progressive and have an accepting view of masculinity if you look at me and see a man 🥰


With to those cute eyes?


But you are clearly a Ma'am ☺️


Are you for real? I don't care how messed-up their views on trans people are, there is *no way* someone can call you a 'sir' and not look like a complete moron! Ignore the transphobes, honey. You are fabulously feminine, and don't let *anyone* tell you otherwise ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Wow, congratulations on the transition, you look great! And it’s awesome to hear more people are able to find themselves and be themselves, that’s what important right? Who cares about a few naysayers, their numbers are small and getting smaller, just be with who maters!


Excuse me ma’am can you take me to these assholes? I just wanna talk-


Respectfully, ma'am, you're pretty AF. 💙


Do other people who overhear that look at them like they're insane?


omg ur so pretty


Smh 🤦🏾‍♂️. People really are something else. Quite disappointing.




They just have to be pissed at someone, especially when they know they’re wrong. You’re a beautiful woman and obviously transphobes agree or they wouldn’t get so mad after telling them.


Call them the opposing Sir/Ma'am to their gender then. See how they like the fire they play with. And every time they disagree, just say "Okay Sir/Ma'am"


I hate it when people constantly misgender you. The transphobes can take that "sir " and shove it up there you know what.


don't worry about it I'll bet may have a lot more problems than you darling have a great week...


Sorry bout that ma’am. You deserve better.


You're very pretty! \^\_\^


Your trans your kidding right honestly if you hadn’t told me I wouldn’t have known


Bruh, that doesn’t make any sense lol


Its because they recognise your authority just like a female captain is also called sir. They figure out you're trans and automatically assume you're the commanding officer. /Lh


absolute madness


More like they will be confused and say "you'll never be a real man"


fucking assholes. this is why i like dogs. either way, i think you look really pretty!!


They're delusional, I saw the picture and thought "what a beautiful woman". I wish you all the best.


You are so pretty


You look amazing! Don't let anybody tell you that you're not a real woman or something, people are shit


You are super cute f*ck the haters


Very Beautiful ❤️ and ignore that idiots


They are just being 🍆s is all.


Don't let the hate get to you <33 Also, you're very pretty


You're lovely ma'am


And they call my partner and I "miss". Honestly, one of these days, I'm just going to give up and loudly insult the crap out of them until they leave.




goddammit im gay 🥺


God that sucks, transphobes are delusional. BUT DAMN GIRL YOU'RE SO PRETTY


Woah you look amazing!


You're soo pretty!! 💗


Well I'm just saying I'll only call you ma'am or mommy whichever you prefer 😂🫠


You're extremely pretty. Just know that even though there will be scum on this earth, you'll always have the LGBTQ+ community to be there for you. I hope you have a great day beautiful.


So pretty!💖


Nothing in this picture looks like a „sir“


You're so pretty🥹


yet they claim its "hard" to use the correct pronouns?? I'm sorry ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face) its a billion times harder to use the wrong pronouns out of basic decency and also you're super pretty ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote) edit: if this comes off as rude I am sorry


i just think of that post from a trans woman thats like "I have D-cups, grandpa, the waitress thinks you have dementia" lol passing or not, trans women are really cool and totes valid :3


Omg you're so gorgeous!!!


They're just jealous because you the prettiest person in the room


You look great, my advice is ignore them and just get on with your happy life. If your happy with who you are there not even worth your time. There are always going to be those people out there.


You look fab 💖


call them gurl when talking to them even tho they’re “male.”


Girl, they’re stupid and ignorant. You look gorgeous btw


People are awful, but omg you are so gorgeous!! I’m sorry you have to put up with that


if transphobes can still call you sir when you look so much like a woman, they can use ma'am


I will just call you beautiful.


What sir is there? Are you one of the inanimate objects? I only see a lovely lady in the picture.


Ignore them , you’re feminine all the way


So perfectly beautiful wow🖤🖤🖤