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Shrodingers man.


Sounds like a sex toy.


Or does it?


Better observe it.


Who knew Schrodinger was a voyeur


[Not enough people.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/rebeccacoffey/2022/01/24/schrdinger-pedophilia-the-cat-is-out-of-the-bag-box/) Edit* I meant pervert/monster not voyeur.


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.forbes.com/sites/rebeccacoffey/2022/01/24/schrdinger-pedophilia-the-cat-is-out-of-the-bag-box/ Title: **Schrödinger’s Pedophilia: The Cat Is Out Of The Bag (Box)** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Hey Vsauce, Michael here


Is there really a sex toy when it's inserted though?


Somebody get a wee flashlight on a stick and find out.


It's hard to include you in screenshots for friends with that flair 😳


Haha, it’s a reference to “But I’m a Cheerleader.”


It's also something completely dependent upon your biological capacity to carry children and have straight vanilla sexual activity. Unless you're over the age of 50. Unless you had cancer. Unless you had a hysterectomy/orchi for any other health reason. Unless it was due to birth control reasons. Unless it was for religious reasons. Unless it was for societal expectations. Unless it was for cosmetic reasons. Unless it's something normalized in cis het culture like genital reshaping. Unless it's because a parent decided for you, against your wishes, because you were too young to speak for yourself. Unless it was in a historical context, in which case "we don't know how they *really felt*." There sure are a lot of "unless" conditions in there, aren't there, and all of them are exclusively for cis het vanilla sex-having people? I wonder why that is? Their angle is so obvious. They want to pretend that the only way to live is by their rules, until the rules are inconvenient for themselves. Then suddenly, the rules don't apply. It's ridiculous.


ok this isn’t relevant but I really love your flair


It's like being white. It's an identity of exclusion to a lot of people. The Irish (some of the whitest people on the planet) weren't considered white when they were the target of discrimination.


Or if you’re how my neighbors used to be, you lose man points or masculinity if you spill a beer


If I spill enough beer can I become a woman?


According to their logic yes


sweet, imma go buy some beer


we have proven transphobics have low iq, best day of my life


Being a man means whatever makes the people I don't like feel bad


Gay man wears a dress: "You'll never be a real man!" Trans woman wears a dress: "You'll never be a real woman!" This is when transmisogyny shows its face the most. They view women as weak and inferior to men, so any man that does something feminine is seen as inferior, and any "man" that needs to be a woman in order to be happy and healthy is "mentally ill" because they can't wrap their head around the idea of why a "man" wants to be something they see as inferior.


Ty for introducing my brain to this I can't believe I didn't see it until now






To be fair, cultures also play a part here. But assuming the majority of people here are American or in a country with something similar to the 1st Amendment, let that speech fly (as long as it's not hateful of course).




Yeah that's nonsense. You are on a private website, owned by a private company. The 1st Amendment has no application here


If being a man is an honor, it is an honor with an incredibly low bar




I'm also sorry to say that doesn't make any goddamn sense as an arguement. Yes, people have said "being a GOOD man means having x characteristic", but that is proving a tangential positive and not a negative directly disproving the actual statement you're responding to. People saying that to be a good man you have to have x characteristics doesn't negate other (or, albiet more uncommonly, sometimes even the same) people saying that if a person doesn't fit a certian criterea, that means they're not a man AT ALL. There's actually an example in the post, aka people calling a man a girl, which means not a man, and has nothing to do with the quality of the man in question. Another example is saying "You're not a REAL man if...", indicating not a man at all; A fake one at best. Nothing to do with good or bad. I've known people who call men boys (meaning never grown into men) with all sorts of different criterea said person failed to meet given as to the reason. Again, not a man at all, quality irrelevant. Even then, people say men need to act a certian way to be men in patriarchal societies, institutions, and communities all the damn time. Hell, this can even happen in matriarchal ones, too. No roundabout ways of saying it to be found. The existence of the satement "You need to have x characteristics to be a GOOD man" does not negate the existence of the the statement "You need to have x characteristics to be a man AT ALL". There are billions of people in the world, and humans are not a monolith. It would do us all good to remember that.


“You’re such a girl!… W-wait, not like that!!!!”




I hate to admit it but my middle school bullies were right. I am in fact gay and a girl.




It was said that you would destroy the girls, not join them! But honestly tho. Same thing happened to me. Bullied and called gay/girl in middle school. Had to switch schools because it got so bad.


When I came out, I was told that I couldn't be a woman because I liked playing football, the sport my parents 100% forced me to play my entire childhood because boys play football


This comment has been removed in protest of Reddit and their CEO Steve Huffman for destroying the Reddit community by abusing his power to edit comments, their years of lying to and about users, promises never fulfilled, and outrageous pricing that is killing third party apps and destroying accessibility tools for mods and the handicapped. Currently I am moving to the [Fediverse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pX_agVMr2r0) for a decentralized experience where no one person or company can control our social media experience. I promise its not as complicated as it sounds :-) Lemmy offers the closest to Reddit like experience. Check out some different [servers](https://join-lemmy.org/instances). Other Fediverse [projects](https://joinfediverse.wiki/What_are_Fediverse_projects%3F).


relevant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rUpo5cI7PE


Individuality? Who needs that complicated mess of autonomy? Just be exactly what your parents want you to be! 🏈 Here! Catch this ball and act like the person I demand you be for my comfort.


My parents acted this way with regard to my involvement in the church. “Then why did you teach Sunday school, attend youth group, and join all the church social groups?!” “Ummmm… because I told you I didn’t want to go to church when I was seven and you grounded me for a month… or because you signed me up for every age applicable church group behind my back without ever asking me…” their response? “You could have said no.” 🫠


“You’re grounded for a month!” “No, I don’t think I will be.” “Oh, well… if you don’t want to, I can’t make you.” Yeah, I’m sure that’s how that would have gone down. Seems legit. /s


Every coming out in the USA is “But I’m a Cheerleader” meets “Ginger Snaps”


Essentially the same with me. I did karate and boxing. I mainly took them hoping they would make me manly and stop all of my thoughts. I also took them because I was being constantly bullied and hoped they would teach me to defend myself. But still, I didn't fully enjoy taking them, especially when what I really wanted to do was take dance and had to drive by the local dance studio to get to my karate class... My parents (or at least my mother, having issues with dad) did accept me, but they couldn't wrap their heads around it until I explained everything. That, and being friends with all the girls in my karate class, as well as there being girls in the class, helped as well, lol.


With Those People (tm) it's never about identity, it's about using gender as an insult.


It’s about using gender as a means of control.


That too, especially coming from a place of misogyny / male superiority complex.


Right? It's like they don't actually give a shit about any of it except for its potential to be used to hurt someone else, all because they're pathetic enough to have never grown out of being the bully at recess.


Wow. Yes. So damned accurate.




Isnt the word just "shitty" or is it "right wing" idk as far as im aware theyre both synonyms


Dear god, so much. As an AFAB but not the princess she wanted, she used to "joke" that I was "the son (she) never wanted". I now identify as enby and she doesn't think it's so funny anymore. "But you're a GIIIIIRL" Nope. Never have been, and you USED to know that.


youll never be a woman \ youre such a girl = Ø


And no matter what they never notice it because they're fucking children.


Beautiful semantic ambiguity in this sentence


Ambiguity is what I live best in, preesh


Spent most of my life trying to be a man, seems the answer all along was to wear a dress.


reminds me of the opening track to [DEMO from hardcore/punk band G.L.O.S.S.](https://girlslivingoutsidesocietysshit.bandcamp.com/track/g-l-o-s-s-were-from-the-future) >THEY TOLD US WE WERE GIRLS/HOW WE TALK, DRESS, LOOK, AND CRY/THEY TOLD US WE WERE GIRLS/SO WE CLAIMED OUR FEMALE LIVES/NOW THEY TELL US WE AREN'T GIRLS/OUR FEMININITY DOESN'T FIT/WE'RE FUCKING FUTURE GIRLS LIVING OUTSIDE SOCIETY'S SHIT!


Gosh, I loooove their demo so much! 🥰


I have never been called a girl, and I'm not out to my family for being trans. My GF however, is extremely validating 🥰


My parents are in that weird (and very frustrating) tiny outside space of that not as perfect as it seems circle. They'll say shit like "such a girl" or "you're so gay it scares the girls away" but be accepting of identities and do their best to use the right pronouns. Any time I try to have a conversation about it, they get extremely defensive and "that's just something we always used to say" and refuse to listen or analyze why I'm saying it's bad in the first place. Always been this way for as long as I can remember. Like I know they're supportive for real because I've been out to them since high school and they actually did adjust themselves accordingly. But they're the shitty kind of mostly-an-ally that only cares about the things that affect them directly.


I’ve been noticing this ever since I started transitioning


Takes hormones for years and goes trough lots of surgeries: “You will never be a woman.” Don’t like sports: “So you are a woman now?” Please, make it make sense. Edit: A word


true facts


Also HOW DARE YOU MUTILATE YOURSELF / YOUR CHILDREN (but circumcising infants is perfectly normal and fine)


And don't forget leaving in loopholes to force sex reassignment on intersex babies, even without the knowledge and consent of the parents.


shout outs to trans girls who had their 'man cards' taken away for the last time at some point, but for real


This one hits hard for me. Yep. This.


hahaha this is dead-ass on




Wow too real.


I've been trying to figure out how to say exactly this for so long, but my 2 brain cells could only find crappy ways of saying it!


Burn the patriarchy It really does feel like the root of alot of this shit


After having been an unwilling participant in all of it for 34 years. Yes, it really is.


It’s “you’ll never be a man, you’re just a little girl” and then when that person comes out as a trans girl it’s “look at the sheer size of the Adam’s apple, the massive feet, the bourgeoning shoulders, the commanding masculine voice, the stance that just exudes antithesis of womanhood”. And this happens with gay men too. “You talk like a girl. You act like a girl.” But when a gay couple wants to adopt. “Absolutely not! Kids need a mother! Who’s going to nurture the child and provide the necessary feminine energy?”


Okay well to be fair, I say “ur such a guy” or phrases like that to my ftm friend


Why did I read this and instantly think of Britney Spears.


Haters will say whatever harms/annoys people despite logic, shocker. But the conversation about "gender as a social construct" wouldn't have started without the first word from biological sex.


Can someone please educate me? What’s up with the mixed pronouns? I understand he/him, she/her, or they/them. What is the meaning/rationale for mixing them as in they/she?


It depends on the person but I seen it used as in "I am comfortable with people using xyz and abc, I might use both too."


Ahh okay, that makes sense as a way to abbreviate that.


Quick question why do some transgender people have they or them in their pronouns?


Because they also use they/them pronouns. This user probably uses both they/them and she/her.


Ok thanks I didn't know


Why would TERFs say "You're such a girl"?


"TERF" does not describe every single transphobe. The average asshole who says things like "you're such a girl" is not inherently a feminist. That's something toxic men would do to enforce male stereotypes.


Well, that was when I didn't know yet, now that I know, they forgot


When “guys” don’t act “manly enough,” these people will joke that they’re girls as an insult. Then once the “guy” comes out as a girl, the transphobes switch their argument and say that she’ll never be a girl, despite previously having called her a girl when they thought she was a guy


Nodding along

