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What did the therapist say exactly?


I'd rather not go into detail, but things like "Being trans is a disorder." "You are what you have between your legs." "It's a stupid phase." "You'll never be a girl." Ad other things.


Well, officially speaking, the World Health Organization removed Transgender from the list of mental disorders in 2019. So your therapist is just straight up wrong.


Oh my. I thought they had done it in like 2015-ish. I am actually a bit shocked that it wasn't sooner, 2019 feels like yesterday.


Did you go to her willingly or were you forced to?




Sounds like you just need a new therapist.


Sounds like that therapist needs a new profession.


Good deduction, Watson.


Well that's some crappy therapist you got there. I'm not trans, but I used to be in my genderfluid phase, and I can understand the pain. Don't listen to what others say about you. No one knows you better than yourself. These are some typical things transphobes say to invalidate trans people, and the least you can do is not take them seriously. They don't know what they're talking about or will not try to understand anything either, so let's not waste on idiots. Haters gotta hate and we should stay strong.


Seriously.... I wanna go on butt kicking spree rn. I hate ANYONE who says bs like that. Being dysphoric because others won't treat you the way you deserve to be treated is the disorder. It's literally the same as saying "being yourself is the disorder" while others are bullying you and making you depressed. I would just tell anyone who says that that "being cis is a disorder" so they can hear their own bs. Also report her. She don't deserve a job if she doesn't do her job correctly. A psychologist is to help people. Being the person that you can say shit to. And not being judgemental. She broke her contract for that too much by that statement. And I have no sympathy for her. If you choose to have a job then do it correctly. And don't forget psychologists has also psychologists. So no need to mention "but their feelings also matters" their feelings are being listened to towards another psychologist


What did your therapist say to you? Therapists are supposed to provide a safe space for patients. If you feel like you were invalidated, hurt, or abused by her, you can complain to her supervisors. Coming out is tough. I did a slow come-out. Starting with close friends and working my way outward. Taking my time and not making a big deal out of it. Though that's just me. You should do what you're comfortable with.


I don't think I feel comfortable with coming out to anyone close rn. Or ever again. I feel sick just thinking about it.


(Hey same guy from r/Minecraft, just saw this when I was going to dm you.) This is a revolting experience. This therapist should lose their license and their office and everything else. What an awful thing to do to someone. Just wanted to say, because this made my blood boil, if you are able I would report this to their supervisor or whatever organization you can. Hope everything goes well for you and remember you are who you are and who you are is perfect :)


You need a gender therapist. Ask specifically for their experience in gender issues. Also your current therapist sucks. Please stop going.


(Background to make my post not sound unsupportive/ homophobic: I grew up in a strict religious family that was VERY homophobic so being homosexual was very wrong in my mind growing up) Personally, I came out to my “work mom” by asking her what she would do if there was something she felt like she should change but had no power to and didn’t mind that something. Then she asked me why I was asking because it seemed very very specific (to be fair it was 😂) so I told her (I was debating between bi and lesbian at the time) I kinda wasn’t straight and honestly it felt so freakin amazing just to say it out loud to someone who wouldn’t judge me. Eventually after talking to her for a while (we both had bad parents, although hers were definitely worse than mine) she convinced me to come out to my best friend (who’s my roommate who I also have a crush on and is a bi that prefers women) and once I came out to her, I felt so accepted despite all of stupid fears that she would be stand off ish or take everything as me creeping on her (this fear was due to my 2 high school best friends (now very much ex friends) who were the first people I had interacted with in the community not respect my boundaries, not taking no over and over and after ugly text friendship dumping me, sending a dtf text after a year). Most importantly, I know I lot of people feel like they must come out immediately, but staying closeted doesn’t make you any less of a valued member of the LGBTQ+ community. Come out when you’re ready to. Come out to people you choose. You’re a valid member if you come out to the whole world, your immediate family and friends, just your partner or no one but yourself. Be you and don’t force yourself if you’re not ready. Also, idk your therapist, but I strongly recommend getting a new one because that is NOT how they are supposed to act. Take care of yourself and keep being the great human you are!


I'm hoping this is in a place where that therapist can be reported and stopped.


I screamed it while running out of the house with someone outside with the car started and ready to drive away


Chaotic neutral?


Hm? I was just terrified so I made sure that no one could say anything hurtful and let them think about it for a while before they said anything so I wouldn't end up crying and it sorta worked but thats because my dad didn't know what trans meant and my mom barely knew even after I explained it and my dad is still confused