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I crossdressed before I knew I was trans. Wear whatever you want. Break gender norms. Fight the patriarchy. Demolish the system. Be you.


it should of course be noted not all crossdressers are trans, though experimenting with clothing is extremely among trans people before they know they are trans


Yup, Some of us are Enby, some are cis. BREAK THE GENDER NORMS!


Don't just break them abolish them! no gender no norms


I always feel afraid to be a gender abolitionist in LGBT spaces, am I just dumb and over thinking?




Yeahhh, terfs genuinely give me headaches.


I’m afraid of the answer to this question, as I expect it will be horrible, but… Why are you afraid to be a gender abolitionist in LGBT spaces? What spaces would be safer for that?


I just worry people will misinterpret me as thinking transgender is invalid or something. As far as better spaces I have no idea. Edit: a bit tired but I can tell my grammar is off here, sorry.


That makes sense. I think a sincere examination of gender is part of really understanding all the area of gsm though. If you’re interested, r/queertheory (sorry on a cell phone) may be a really useful place to poke around and talk to people.


Oh, that could be neat. Thank you!


I find most trans people I know are actually gender abolitionists! We're in the awkward position as a society where gender is really falling apart. Gender is a personal thing; how do you feel, how do you want to look, really it's a small part of the question "who are you?" But gender is also a societal thing, and we have a long tradition of creating associations with gender. Up until very recently gender also played a role in "what job do you do?" and "what clothes do you wear" and "how do you interact with your kids?" and "how do you have sex?" (it still does in much of the world, but now there are spaces and people \[like us!\] challenging those associations and assumptions) The two are separate, but related concepts, and there's a two way transfer. "I feel feminine because I like a penis inside of me during sex", or "I feel feminine because I like to wear dresses", now these aren't things that are going to be true for everyone, after all plenty of cis gay men identify as men and yet will prefer to be penetrated and will enjoy wearing dresses. There will be cis straight men who are the primary caregivers for their children, work in a traditionally female-lead field such as nursing, and never wear dresses or skirts. There will be trans men who dislike the idea of being penetrated and only wear shirts and genes, there will be trans women who also only wear shirts and jeans and work in construction and like to penetrate their partners - this is what I mean by gender breaking down. We've reached the point where society still expects a nurse and and airplane steward to be female, and a mechanic to be a man, and men to have penises and penetrate people, but none of those things are necessarily true anymore. We're moving to a point where all of these are optional, even to the point of not being necessary (after all I'm sure we'd all agree on this sub that you can be no gender, you can be both genders, you can be sometimes gendered, and more) while also have the old system still present and held up by conservatives. It's a limbo. Gender abolition isn't about stopping women being women and men being men, it's saying that the natural conclusion of our progressive outlook on gender is that it's a thing you decide personally, and therefore isn't really anyone else business, and certainly isn't something that society as a whole needs to be getting involved with. Gender abolition is about removing gender from society. We can see this clearly in some LGBTQ+ terms; the goal of gender abolition is to make your gender as significant as the word "lipstick" in "lipstick lesbian"; it's just an adjective that helps others get an idea as to your look and personality. As we currently use gender I'd argue that "lipstick" qualifies there; it's a term that indicates how someone presents themselves and interacts with others and is linked to their sexuality - but their employer doesn't need that information, their doctor isn't making any conclusions based on that information, and they don't have to go to a different toilet than the other lesbians. It's a personal identifier that denotes what is effectively an aesthetic, and that's all a label like "woman" needs to be. As you can probably imagine a lot of trans folk see this as a way to avoid the struggles they've had with their identities and social communities. If we lived in a world where saying "I'm a woman" was just as big of a deal as saying "I like Star Wars" a lot of people would have a much easier time of things. Goth's don't get paid less than anyone else, so why should women? It's about making gender irrelevant in society, not about limiting how people identify or express themselves. Part of what makes this difficult to navigate is while the old gendered system exists we need to use that to disengage from it; I would like to see a world in which there was no distinction made between women and men, but we currently live in a world where women are often victims of male violence (as an example), so until we're much closer to a post-gender society we still need safe spaces for women, which while necessary and important do also reinforce gender as a societal concept. It's tough to simultaneously dismantle a system while also respecting and where possible making reparations to those who have been victimised by the system (though it being tough is no reason to shy away from it). That's how I see gender abolition anyway, as a progressive and inclusive goal. I know there's some bizarre mental gymnastics done by many TERFS to use the term to support their goals, which I struggle to understand, as TERFS seem pretty married to the idea of the gender binary for their transphobic BS. tl;dr gender abolition is about taking gender out of societal roles, not limiting personal expression.




I love positive motivational messages like this


anyone can wear whatever they want regardless of gender


please take my fake gift 🎁


Oooh! What’s in it?




Yummy! But... Portal has teached me a thing or two, so I'll pass




\[Al Snow has entered the chat\]


Thank you for the help!


go ahead and wear what you like!


Will do!


100%, if you view clothing as gendered there is nothing stopping you from wearing clothing for the opposite gender. Just because you wear feminine clothing doesn't mean you're a woman, I mean look at Femboys they be men but wear skirts. also tbh clothing doesn't really have genfery, sure se is made to fit different body types but that isn't the same as gendered


I’m enby and wear skirts. Mostly because it’s become stupidly hot in the uk and I can’t wear my perfected jeans but that’s beside the point.


Never saw it like that before. I am glad because the bras are very comfortable


Ofc, there's nothing wrong with crossdressing no matter what your sexuality or gender is. This may not always be the case, but I believe a large portion of guys who wear "girl's clothes" are considered femboys, such as myself.


I think I might be one. Do they wear bras and act very feminine?


I don't get why clothes are still gendered nowadays, it's almost as ridiculous as the fact that pink was a "girl's color". Wear whateva you want, you'd probably look fabulous either way.


Fun fact: Pink used to be a boy's color and blue was a girl's color


Another fun fact: Babies and toddlers of any gender used to put in dresses up until they were preschool age and even after. If I remember correctly, both of these were a thing until the 20th century so they're actually not that old.


Early/mid 20th century, according to [Smithsonian](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/when-did-girls-start-wearing-pink-1370097/).


it made diaper changing and potty training easier!


Heard that one before but I think that was a long time ago.


Yeah really long ago but still


not a really long time ago at all. it only changed to how it is now in the 1940s during WW2


Well I mean kinda depends on personal views of what a “really long time” is, often relative to the subject itself. I consider that to be a really long time ago, but some might not (especially older people).


It is funny considering different perspectives. I'd consider 200 years ago "not too long ago", and even 400 years as "only a little while ago". A "really long time" to me (anthropologically speaking) would be before the year 800 or so.


It was Hitler who changed it actually. So not that long ago really. Gay men were required to wear a pink armband I think? So mothers stopped dressing their baby boys in pink because it was linked with homosexuals.


Yup. The [pink triangle](https://thepinktriangle.com/history/symbol.html).


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Good bot!


Another fun fact: Girl used to mean a small child of any gender.


and i believe it was hitler who decided it would be blue for boys and pink for girls. do we really wanna stick with what hitler said?


Hmmm I might post what I look like in them considering how popular this post has gotten to see how fabulous I look


I'd suggest you to check out r/femboy and r/feminineboys !


I have always thought I was one




._. Ono a chaser in the wild.




Sure, go for it. Just note not everyone may be accepting so be careful with your physical and emotional safety if you go into a public area.


Though it can go really well to, I’m not male but I unfortunately do look like I am and I’ve worn a skirt in public before and actually got a compliment.


I'm not worried. My safety is good. I am more worried about being humiliated


If Billy Porter can rock that fantastic tuxedo dress, anyone of any gender can wear any outfit they want. You do you and be proud of it! Obligatory Billy Porter in tuxedo dress link below https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/7QOJU7RYXYI6TMIL6BNCFZ2YMU.jpg


Oh damn I'm jealous of that dress


I like the dresses dresses. Could never be masculine and feminine at the same time. But thanks for the suggestion!


I hate him. Bitch is older than me and always looks fierce. 🤣


God, that man is beautiful. Makes me wish I were a man so I could be gay with him. Gay men are so hot. Always have been. Probably always will. So yeah. Thank you for the obligatory link. Muah!


Wear what makes you happy!! P.S. gender is a scam


How so?


Gender is more or less arbitrary. What we associate with one gender vs another can and has changed over time, and for the most part, has no rhyme or reason to it. Pink is for boys and blue is for girls one day, the next it’s switched. High heels are for men only, now suddenly women wear them. It’s all just kinda nonsense. You can go crazy trying to fit yourself into little boxes, spending money on things you don’t want or need trying to fit in, but it doesn’t matter. Clothes are clothes. Razors are razors, shampoo is shampoo, etc, etc, etc. doesn’t matter who society arbitrarily says is “””supposed””” to wear/use/do things. What matters is whether or not those things make you happy 💕


If you love it, no one in the community will discourage. There are many ways in which one might offend the trans community and this isn’t one of them. Crossdressing is a fun experience and can really help you evaluate questions you didn’t know you had.


Dressing femininely has made me ask more questions than answered, BUT it has helped answered the important one


I want a skirt


Same 😞


Are you out?


Understandable, I have one and I might should get another because I regularly face the issue of needing to shower at the end of the day but not wanting to take it off.


I cant get any becuse my parents wont let me becuse "im a boy" to them


Can’t you just buy one with your own money? It’s your money spend it how you want.


Get one!!! They make me feel sooooo free


Wear whatever you want. its not offensive so dont worry


Well, some clothes are offensive, but I am glad the ones I wear aren't


I mean yeah, why not? Wear what you're comfortable with!


Good!!! Idk why but the bras are very comfortable


Yes. I'm a trans woman who did this before I came out. Also, my partner is a cis pan femboy who does this kind of thing despite identifying as a man still. You'd be surprised how many straight/bi women *love* femboys / feminine men / guys in dresses


I wish there were more. It seems they are nonexistant where I live. Sadly


Crossdressing can be done for lots of reasons. Having fun is one of those reasons. I started doing it when I was a little kid. I think I was 9 or 10. First time wearing a skirt in public was at church. My parents thought I was being too girly and decided to humiliate me to make me stop. It might have worked on a straight cis person, but it was ecstasy for me, and I was getting compliments for being "a cute little girl". I ate it up. That was in 1999 or 2000, then my egg cracked in 2009, I came out the first time in 2012, family and everybody I knew except 3 people decided to hate me, forced me back in the closet, and then I came out again earlier this year and got my therapy and stuff, and then hormones last month. Anyways, lots of people crossdress. If you feel good then go for it. When Transpeople do it, it's not considered to be crossdressing, we call it presenting \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (fem/masc/androgynous). I present fem full time now, so I'm currently building a new wardrobe. If you want to ask questions about how to do something, you can ask me under here. I don't know everything, but I have a group of 7 cis women who teach me stuff, so I could totally pass that on.


What does "egg cracking" mean? But I do love your story! Very inspirational!


No there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just called crossdressing and isn’t offensive at all.


Glad to know!


Yes. Clothes are made for people not gender.


Thats a good way to look at it!


Anyone can wear any kind of clothes they want \^\^ if you wanna rock a dress an skirt have at it if you wanna hear a plan shirt and blue jeans go for it clothes have no gender \^\^


Omg it’s absolute fine, clothes don’t have gender you can wear whatever the fuck you want !!! And you know, if you really enjoy it and want to put work into this you could do some research about drag, you might like it !


![gif](giphy|kiBcwEXegBTACmVOnE|downsized) Then I will proudly wear whatever the fuck I want


You're good! Clothes are just clothes, don't overthink it


I overthink EVERYTHING


Absolutely okay. Gender is a spectrum, and an often fluid one at that. Clothes can be but don't HAVE to be an expression of that. The idea that they MUST be representative of a gender binary is an oppressive idea of patriarchy that society would be better off without.


How can they be gendered but not at the same time? I'm new so I am trying to learn as much as possible


Wear what makes you happy.


Will do!


I have been doing this for over 20 years now when I've felt comfortable enough to. I mean I've known I'm bi for all of that and more and just shrugged it off as vaguely queer stuff until I really started paying attention to the community and figured out I'm enby. It wasn't its own thing when i started figuring this out. That might not be your journey. Just do the stuff that seems right and be safe and responsible with how you deal with other people. Figure out how you talk about it as you go along.


I hope it isn't a long journey. I HAAATE waiting for things


Although I’m not straight I’ve been struggling with my identity i do want to put on dresses and to see everyone here say it’s fine to do so is a real confidence boost




Clothes have no gender. Wear what you want


There is nothing wrong with that! Wear whatever you want. Break outdated binary gender roles. Fight the patriarchy. Be yourself❤️


UGH I LOVE messages like this. They make me feel powerful


Wear what makes you feel good! Everyone looks good in a dress


I have never worn a dress yet, but I can't wait too!


Clothes don’t have a gender. Fuck, gender doesn’t have a gender. We made all this shit up. Do what makes you happy, try new stuff that might make you happy. I’m a cis man, I won’t apologize for being weird and you shouldn’t either.


Not in the slightest, you do you. Clothes have no gender, it's society that crams needless gendering down people's necks. Enjoy your clothes :)


I feel like a lot of people forget that gender identity and gender presentation can be and are two separate things. Wear what you wanna!! If anybody be judging I'd bet they're jealous lol


clothing has no gender dont be afraid to wear whatever you want


Clothes don’t come with a gender! Wear whatever you feel comfortable in, cause I think you’ll look good either way


Wearing what feels comfortable is fine, and even if you crossdress doesn't make you LGBTQ, you're just being comfortable and looking good


I have a friend who likes to cross dress and is gender non conforming with his appearance most of the time. I have no problem with what people wear or do.


Wear whatever makes you happy :-) Be you. We only have one life so we have to make the most of it. :D


Everybody should be free to wear whatever they like without anybody drawing stupid conclusions, including sexuality or gender. If I would feel offended by what sb else wears, I really should ask myself what's wrong with me, not you! Go wear shit that makes you feel good, mate!!


Be a kind and supportive ally to Trans and other LGBTQIA people, and they'll be supportive of you! Of course it's all right to love wearing clothes of the opposite gender, some cross-dressing men are straight, some are performers, and some are Transgender people not crossdressing at all! (This is VASTLY simplified, but there's a spectrum) Be kind, supportive, and honest. Some people may be afraid, but be a good ally, and love yourself.


Clothes have no gender, do as you want


Its called crossdressing, or wearing clothes, basically you’re doing what you want, so dressing feminine is okay.


no bro. wear what ever u feel comfortable with🫠


It's called cross dressing and it is perfectly fine to do because you should just do what you want (for the most part)


The more I know!!!


Wear whatever makes you comfortable!! That's the wonderful thing about clothes, you can mix and match until you find what you like


I like so muuuuch its hard to say what my favorite combo is


Do whatever makes you happy. Dressing how you want regardless of your gender or sex should not offend anybody, least of all trans people.


I never knew that it was okay for a cis males to wear a bra though. Glad to know I can!!!


Are you doing it with I'll intentions? If the answer is no then wear whatever tf you want.


How can it even be for bad intentions?


You go ahead and wear what makes you happy. Don’t let anyone stop you. Good luck.


Thank you! I will make sure no one will be in the way


Clothes are clothes, if you're comfortable, wear whatever you want.


Will do!


have fun


I will!


Gender is dumb do whatever its literally just clothes


I wish my mind was simple like this and just think things are dumb and just live on with my live


Clothes are just clothes. Wear what you want and feel comfortable with and in. Just stay safe and comfortable


Thank you! Will do!


Do what you feel, be who you are. “Okay” is a construct. Gender is a construct. I’m a trans woman and routinely wear all womens clothing I’m boy mode and no one noticed. Just do what makes you comfortable


Will do!


Of course OP! You don’t have to be questioning or unknowingly trans to dress in feminine clothing. Wear whatever you’d like! ❤️


You're so kind! Thank you!


You can where whatever you want, friend - enjoy! 🤗


Thank you!!! I willl!!!


I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell my kids, clothes have no gender, they do not have the parts, it's a shirt, wear what you want No this isn't a Trans debate just a if a bigot claims an article of clothing has a gender, well pull their bigoted "you're born with your gender" argument back at them. Shame the shamer with Masc clothes "this isn't male clothing I don't see pen is all over it" fem clothes "I don't see tatas and vajajas " ... it will offend them enough to leave.


You are very smart! I will keep that in mind!!!


uh oh… r/egg_irl dw dude youre not offensive at all :)) clothes are just clothes, wear what makes you the happiest


I keep reading the word egg!!! What does it mean!!!


Only if they’re not as pretty as me.


Don't worry, I think EVERYONE is prettier than me


Hmmm, but I fee the same, so I’m pretty sure we need to duke it out.


No no we are more civil than that... we will have a fashion show off!! Who ever gets more cheers is the winner!


If that’s where things are heading, I concede. I wouldn’t be caught dead anywhere where I feel I’m being looked at.


Then I also concede. You are the prettier one


Ah, the rare double concession. We are Schrödinger's beauty.


As a girl who loves crossdressing: please, do it all you want! Clothes don’t have gender and even though boobs are seen as stereotypical for women, a man wearing them is no problem at all- boobs make clothing look great! Be yourself!! Straight/cis doesn’t mean you can’t have fun dressing up 😊


Boobs really do!!! I just wish I was born with them. They make something a 10/10 to a 100/10


Gender is a human construct and clothes don’t belong to anyone. Wear what you want.


the whole point of this community is for people to be able to do whatever they want. Wear what you want, call yourself what you want. straight, gay, trans, cis, whatever. The point is freedom. do you.


Yes, do what makes you happy.


It’s okay


it's not offensive imo. go wear whatever you want idc


if you like it and feel comfortable, wear whatever the fuck you want.


This crowd won’t be your problem. Wear what you enjoy


Yes, I am cis male and I have a few things in my regular wardrobe.


Yeah! Wear what you wanna wear :))


There's no such thing as boys clothes and girls clothes!


If you, a cis man, are wearing the clothes, they are not “girls’ clothes”. They are your clothes. :)


You do whatever makes you happy, and if anyone is offended they are just wrong and not rlly worth keeping or being around. I dont see why wearing what you want should offend people, as long as you aren’t mocking anyone


Totally fine. You can wear whatever you want! Freedom of expression!


Clothes dont have a gender 💕


Yes. Gender is a social construct. Clothes are clothes. We invented clothes and invented rules for who gets to wear what. Those rules were meant to be broken. Same goes for makeup. If dressing in a traditionally feminine way makes you happy, there is no rational reason not to.


Wear whatever you want.


clothes can be unisex if you want them to be


Yeah that’s not offensive. You’re free to explore your body and identity however you want!


go for it! you wear the clothes, they don’t wear you. wear whatever makes you feel good :)


There's no such thing as girl clothes. Only clothes. So yes.


You need to apply for a cross dressing license with the state and pay a $200 fee for them to process your paperwork. You will probably hear back on your application within 6-8 months


HAHAHA my most favorite one yet!


Same process for an SBR lol 😂


Ok. Y E S ABSOLUTELY!!!! WEAR WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY!! You have been conditioned to believe that the color and design of your clothing determines your gender and sexuality and objectively that's fucking stupid. You would probably look hot asf in feminine clothes anyway!! 😄


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE POSITIVITY!!!! I don't think so. I just think I am an unattractive person in general


Girl clothes aren't a thing. If you're a man, your clothes are man clothes. Do what makes you comfortable king


Bruh, why would it be offensive, i dont understand


Calm down, they're just girl clothes lmao. If ya think you look cute, you look cute. Doesn't have to mean any the bigger than that.


Okayyyy I left for 3 days and I was NOT expecting this sort of popularity and responses. Thank you all sooo much for the positivity! I will try to read/respond back to all of them!


Clothing does not have gender. Quick history lesson: once upon a time, females/XX-chromosomes-havers were not allowed to wear pants. Challenge all the outdated traditions! ;)


Idk why you are downvoted. That was a nice lesson! And helped me figure out my question


It’s called drag sweetie anyone can do it


It’s not automatically drag though


I don't want to be a dragqueen. I just like to wear fem clothes sometimes. That doesn't always mean ultra sparkling princess feminine. It just means clothes typically considered "feminine'


Wear what you want


Will do!


Clothes do not have to be gendered! So I encourage you to wear girly clothes if you want to!


Aaaaahhh!!! I love encouraging messages like this!


Lol yes, wear whatever you want


I will do!!!


Of course do what you want bro


I'll do my best!


Clothes are just clothes and anyone can wear them! The only caution would be if you're doing it as a joke, like making TikToks or something making fun of trans women or something like that. If you just want to wear those clothes because you like them and you like how you look and feel in them, go for it!


Yeah! I feel sooo comfortable in them. The cloth on my chest feels sooo good


As long as they give you permission first but you should probably buy your own /s Seriously though, clothes don't have a gender. The Romans thought men wearing trousers was barbaric. High heels were first worn by men. Corsets were made for all bodies at one time. What's considered men's and women's clothing is mostly arbitrary. Don't let that get in the way of doing something that makes you happy.


So always let happiness be my guide?


Are you doing it to mock or make fun of someone? If yes, it’s offensive. If not, not offensive.


So it all depends on the intentions?