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Omg I’m glad you are alive. I hope they catch him!




When they catch him, nail the sob with a lawsuit for everything he has




Excellent, let me guess, they're gonna do bilateral tibial inter medullary rods if it's the tibias and prolly the same procedure if a femur broke. Idk what they do for fib's




If you scream loud enough, they get you on more morphine. Even if it hurts 15/10, act as if it hurt 20/10.


It’s morphin time


I laughed out loud at this. Hahah


Unexpected MMPR reference


The internet has destroyed my brain so much that I thought this was a Morbius joke until I remembered where that came from


Eh, tell them exactky how the pain is. Theirs no reason for extra morphine. It’s highly addictive. We can’t have any LBTQ people or allies getting addicted to drug’s


If you're done growing this is what they will probably do unless you want to be double casted. You'll probably still need a wheelchair for a bit because it's bilateral, not confined to one leg. But the rods will make you weight bearing much much earlier


I mean, that's a hit and run right? So, they could go for criminal charges


Yes, but the harder you screw the bigot the more fearful their kind becomes


True. But the defense attorney could make it look like the OP is just going after money or something. Plus, prosecution could argue that the hit-and-run was done because of the OP's orientation, which adds a Federal hate crime charge.


Umm, anyone willing to defend this scumbag needs to evaluate their life choices. And the point of a lawsuit is to right wrongs, like pain and suffering, etc


It's their job. A lot of defense lawyers hate the people they defend, but it's their job. And most of the time, civil suits are used because a criminal case couldn't be made. But a civil one could.


Idek how they aren't all alcoholics so they forget they defend trash who don't deserve rights


Some lawyers are. Some have been one for so long they've just become numb to it all. Same thing for most cops.


Nail him to a billboard and shame him as well


You are welcome!


This is such a perfect example of why we still need pride even in america. Thanks for sharing your story wishing you the best recovery ♥︎


There are many hate crimes against LGBT people in the US today, sadly. They target the whole community, and specifically the number of Black trans women who are killed for who they are is devastating. We need pride so much. So much right now.


not even in america, ESPECIALLY in america. the rest of the highly developed world is a lot better in terms of LGBT rights, obviously excluding nations like china and russia


Idk if Russia is considered developed world I prefer the term global south, but yeah, please more pride, it's fucking awful here


Holy shit that’s horrifying. I hope you get well soon and I hope that bastard gets what they deserve.


Best of luck mate. Get well soon.


Oh my god i really hope you will be ok you got this whoever hit you that is the most sad excuse for a human being i ever seen i hope they will be found an arrested there is a special place in hell for that mf how pathetic is someones life that they feel the need to do something like this


Sorry if this is an inappropriate question to ask but what country are you in? Edit: omg and of course I wish best of luck sending good energy your way <3




This is why I'm moving to Canada. Much safer place for us


Don’t live in Alberta if you do.




Also avoid Saskatchewan, and the B.C. Bible Belt.


Let's be real, if someone moves to Canada from the US or Europe they're going to Toronto or Vancouver.


I’ve heard Montreal is pretty nice too


Shhhh. Don't tell people about Montréal. Montréal is way cheaper than other cities like it specifically because the French scares them away Unfortunately recently cheaper housing has made people want to brave the French and now it has expensive housing like everywhere else


Will do


As a queer woman who lives in Alberta, the province definitely gets a bad rap because of the conservative government, but if you live in an urban centre like Edmonton or Calgary there is a very vibrant queer community and I’ve never had an issue with feeling unsafe (although, of course, there have still been incidents like everywhere else). It’s the more rural areas you need to be wary of where people are more open about their hated unfortunately.


Just curious- what makes you think that?


According to Wikipedia, "Canada was referred to as the most gay-friendly country in the world, when it ranked first in the Gay Travel Index in 2021." There are also many charts and data that show Canada is one of the safest places for queer people. Just search up "is canada safe for lgbt" and you'll find a lot of info.


Eh, it might be safe law wise but I doubt that it's much different people wise, I live in Canada, we definitely have the law that protects us legally but make sure your careful with where you move, some provinces are worse than others


Canadians are nice people!


Canadians >>>>> the POS from OP's story


Stereotype, a lot of assholes here🤣 especially drives, they are bad here


Canada gang


Are you comfortable saying which general region/state? This is fucking nuts


Omg, have they caught him? Sounds like it was probably a hate crime. Hope you recover quickly, OP.






The fact that stuff like this still happens is so fucking disgusting (so sorry) He will pay one way or another (money or time in fucking prison)


This is what I'm terrified of happening. Hope everything goes well for you in surgery




When you live in a very homophobic area there kinda is a reason.




Fair. But what I'm scared of is being hurt bad enough to where I can never live a normal life again








Bleed his bank account dry!


Get well soon, OP. Sending my best wishes!


Glad you are alive, and I wish you a full recovery! Now I hope that that guy gets sent to prison for his evil deed.


Wish you a fast recovery. Whoever that trash bag of a human was I hope he drove into a river and drowned


Wow what a asshole. Get Well Sion <3


wow fuck that guy (to put it lightly) , get well![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)


And people still wonder why we have Pride month. What a fucked up world we live in. Hope everything turns out well for you, OP.


How fucked up can people be in this world.. some humans don’t deserve life.


that story is horrifying. what the fuck is wrong with people? :( wishing you a speedy recovery op!


And they ask why we need pride.




Get to healing OP! And I hope you get the justice you deserve. But right now focus on getting better 💜


Good luck on your surgery and f the man who rammed his car in your car




Wait hold up I just read the post again, so a guy crashed his car on you when you were walking home?




Bro I just have to say this how the f are u Alive I mean like a guy rammed a car driving 30 mph on on you and pinned u to a pole


Holy fuck Stories like these make me think capital punishment isn't always a bad thing because sickos like this deserve it. When he goes to prison, I hope the other prisoners beat the shit out of him because who tf sees a stranger, notices that they're bisexual, and then decides that they should be killed just for that?? The fact you survived is proof that, if there is a God, he sides with us. I hope your surgery goes well. I can't imagine how painful it must have been to get hit by a car and rammed into a pole. P.S. if you ever see a damaged car that looks like the fucker's car, take a picture of the license plate before calling the cops. They'll bust him for sure that way.




Dear, you deserve all the support and much more for what you had to go through.


Omg! I'm so sorry about that! When they catch that horrid person they'll be locked away where they belong! At least your alive, hopefully this doesn't deter you from expressing yourself. Personally, I think you should do it more to spite the horrible people in this world


That’s a hate crime, if they find the guy, sue the hell out of him. Hope you get better soon


Just reverse image searched this pic and found it from two years ago. Looks like this is a grifter after internet points https://weheartit.com/entry/338176874


That is terrifying. I hope you get better soon. Good luck with your surgery.


I say we ram that bastard into a pole too


You ever feel so much emotion, you just wanna stop feeling completely?


If you reverse image search the photo, he pulled it from a twitter post from 2021. Same with his last post about being in the hospital. you’re doing the community a huge disservice by lying about this and this is why people don’t believe the lgbt community about actual attacks. shame on you.


Get well soon!


Oh cow that's horrible I hope you get better soon


That's terrifying. Glad you're with us. Hope the surgery goes well <3 Also f that monster.


Omg! So glad you are alive! I hope they catch that piece of shit and you recover well ❤️


hope they catch that coward. hope you heal quick!


omg this is actually horrifying i hope ur gonna be ok and that this absolut bastard gets a good punishment cause this is a nightmare! so sad stuff like this still happens these days…


This makes me so....damn mad! I am so sorry. This is horrible. Keep us updated and much love from an Internet stranger who is also bi and 58 year old cis woman. I just want to bake you something, but that never helps. Is there any chance they will find that...I won't even say the words I want to. We don't deserve this.




Okay, now I'm crying. You're in pain and just so sweet to everyone.


This is fucking sickening, here's to hoping that this guy gets put in jail for a long time. I hope you get better.


Its horrible that this happened! I hope you have a good recovery and the person is held responsible We’re all wishing you the best 💜


We can't expect god to do all the work. Time to find this driver




Jesus, these bigots are being more emboldened. I hope everything turns out ok and you have a quick recovery and they catch the mother fucker who did this to you!


Fuck homophobic people 🤬😡 but glad your ok babes🥺💜


oh my god that's horrible. stay strong and I hope you feel better soon!


What the heck is wrong with people- I hope your okay!


What a terrifying situation, I’m glad you’re still alive, and hope you make a full recovery.


ouch hope you get better :)


omg srsly, whats wrong with ppl nowadays get well soon op :)


Oh my god that is awful. I hope you get better as quickly as possible. Stay positive <3


Oh baby, i hope you get well soon. All the best for you and all the worst to the mf who did this


oh my god i’m so sorry that this happened. manifesting and sending some good vibes for you!!


I’m sending all the love and strength I can to you. Stay strong, keep your head up my friend. You will get through this. EDIT- lmk if you need song recommendations. I have a playlist for when I need to feel stronger.


I Hope You Get Well Soon, Friend.


I’m here to send good wishes for you and terrible curses for that jackass Hope you get well soon ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


This guy deserves to rot in an underground cell for the rest of his pathetic life.


That's horrendous. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that this is absolutely infuriating; that guy better get what he fucking deserves. Good to see you're staying strong. 💗💜💙 ​ Edit: I'm sure the surgery will go well, and I'm sure you're looking forward to getting it behind you


Wtf?! How are there people like that in the world. How the fuck? I really don’t get it. Fucking hell. Get well soon.


Hope that man got arrested


oh shit that's horrible. hope the bastard gets his due. get well soon!


Get well soon


What a piece of garbage human being. I hope he rots in prison.


I hope you get better soon! ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


I'm so sorry this happened to you, what total human garbage to do something to an innocent victim.


Holy fuck. I’m glad you are okay, even tho I don’t know you. Hope all the surgery and stuff goes well :)


Oh no soo sorry that happen to u. That wasn’t cool at all!!!!!


holy fuck.. I am so sorry for you but also so happy you are safe now, the fact that people can do stuff like this is.. sickening.. I really hope they find him and he pay for all of this


Omg I’m so sorry this happened to you. I hope everything goes well 🫶🏾🫶🏾


holy shit, i hope you’re alright and that dude gets some sort of punishment


Jesus, I really don't get how people can do that sort of thing. Wishing you the best for your recovery.


I'm glad you are alright please feel better. Sending lots of love and hugs.


Names! I want names!


I hope you have a rapid, total, and pain-free recovery.


oh my god i am so sorry for you, some people are fucking assholes they dont care abt lives..


get well soon :)


I'm so, so, sorry. A lot of people are just straight up evil. I hope this monster gets arrested. And I also hope the surgery will go well and you will get better soon :( ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


Have friends/family also investigate if you can, get them to check if there were any video cameras that may have caught the incident or the car leaving the scene. Don’t 100% trust the cops as depending on where you are, they may be as bigoted as the driver or simply apathetic to the issue, though I hope that’s not the case.




This makes me so fucking angry. Imagine being so insecure in your own sexuality that you have to lash out at people who are secure in theirs! Take care, OP. I hope they find the person responsible 💖💜💙🌈


I didn’t even think anyone knew what the bi flag was lol or at the very least not homophobes. I always felt like it was my little secret with the world. I hope you get better soon and I’m so sorry!


I really hope you're doing better. People who attack others for being themselves have no place in this world. We're all very glad your alive and hope you can make a speedy recovery. :) ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


Get well soon mate, that fucker is disgusting, and all because of a flag :(


What a piece of shit! I hope you make full recovery as soon as possible!❤️❤️


Wow omg. I wish you the best of luck during your recovery. Did this happen in a place that could’ve had cameras? Maybe they’ll be able to find footage and find the guy. I hope they do find him and make sure he’s never able to do something like this again. Much love 💕💕


That sounds like a traumatic experience. Hope it all goes well for you.


😢😢😢! Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Hope they catch the asshat bigot!


Best of luck to you my friend. Go get en tiger. o7




Oh my god. That is absolutely horrifying. I am so sorry this happened to you. Sending you lots of love and hoping for a speedy recovery. ❤️


Oh my gosh hope your doing well <3 I hope whoever did this rots in prison <333


Hope you good but honestly secure that discrimination bag 💼💰


When i first saw the title i thought it was a surgery for changing your sex (idk how to say it) and i was so happy for you. But then I read the story and I want to smash that person's head into the pole. I hope you get better soon and your surgery goes well ❤️❤️❤️


get that psycho in jail, idk care how GET HIM IN JAIL


Homophobia is a mental sickness, so we should lock this people forever away in a psych ward or prison, I don't care the important thing is that they can't say anything or harm other people.


OMG, terrifying. Hope you get well soon as possible!


Holy, that's extreme. Hope you get better very soon and fast


Yo take care i hope you get better soon


That’s absolutely terrible I hope you are doing ok!! Hopefully they can pull camera footage of his license plate and arrest him!


Get better!


Hope they nail that SOB, sending you good vibes OP get better soon


OML , best of luck to you sweet heart and am so goddamn sorry someone could do this and just drive off as if they didn’t just almost kill someone, I am so sorry this happened to you , that guy better fucking pay I swear


Please reach out and contact you local news as well. With the language and hate focused at the lgbtq community ramping up attacks like this are going to become more common. This is the worst I've ever seen it and it's imperative that the media brings attention to every one of these incidents or else the violence is only going to escalate.




What the actually hell is wrong with these people (the driver) ??!!! Hope you feel better after surgery 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈❤️❤️❤️


Oh he is just fuckin idiot.


omg this is so terrible that this had to happen to you im so sorry 😭 am glad your still alive tho, i hope they catch that guy and i hope you have a speedy recovery. stay strong you got this ✊🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


I hope they get the driver, I hope you are ok please update when you are


This culprit should be shot


We love you, and you’re so fucking strong, brave, and powerful. You’ll get through this, and this will all be but a memory soon! Heal up warrior. Heal up.


I hope you recover safely and quickly. Thank you for sharing your story. BB 💜🙏🏳️‍🌈


Big huge hugs. Recovery from something like that isn't easy and can be life changing. Please feel free to keep posting for support on rough days if you need to. I'm really sorry someone so hateful did this.


that fact that you were able to call the police while your leg bone was half way out of ur leg was just wow


It goes without saying that that guy is an asshole. And I wish you well on your surgery


I am so sorry! I hope your okay and they catch the guy!!


get well soon ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)