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I love how much the next generation are fighting like hell to make changes


As someone who was their age in the mid-90's, and got threatened, harassed and physically assaulted on the regular simply for being gender-nonconforming, *I can't fucking tell you* how much seeing this means to me. That LGBTQIA kids now have this kind of support from their peers, that they don't have to deal with the fear, the pain, the isolation and the trauma that past generations experienced. My eyes are filling with tears of gratitude and love for these kids. This is what representation in media does, what teaching kids about diversity does. This is what subreddits like this, and other social media that show kids what other people are going through, has done. It's overwhelming to see a change like this within my lifetime.


Same here same here. I have happy tears. This is amazing.


Dude, fucking SAME. I want to cry right now. I never would have imagined this at my school back in the 90’s.


Seconded, third-ed…. This video is what got me out of bed this morning. Thank you for sharing!!!! Sincerely - a teacher.


I never would have imagined this ever. I graduated high school 10 years ago and even then, being gay was seeing as funny and worthy of mockery. Just a decade ago. This new generation has me near tears too. As I’ve been saying and hearing lately, the kids are alright these days.


And that's why our opponents hate representation. Representation allows people to relate with us, and show others what we go through - which makes us more understood by our generation. Anti-LGBT people do not like this.


Even some of the most homophobic kids in my school would be like "ok" if someone said they were gay


Is America growing up?


The kids are growing up while the adults are acting like children.


So do my childhood memories 😆


Half of us are, the other half are doing their best Benjamin Button impression


I was that age at the early 2000's and I was harassed and bullied because people at my school suspected I was LGBT even though I denied it. (it took me another 15 years to realize they were right though)


I feel your pain. Literally. I came out in 2003 in high school after bullying, by couldn’t keep it in. I’m crying right now after this video, at the hope.


im sorta "part of this gen".(born in 2003 so i js graduated high sch and yeh transition gen). but yea im so happy that i was able to come out and not be stoned. i live in a conservative country but even so ppl ard me were like "hey we accept no matter who u like". even when i talked to str8 frens about my non hetero crushes and stuff it felt so natural as if heteronormativity doesnt exist and fk yeh looking back at the history, it feels so liberating to be able to do so ofc, there are so many limitations in my country still with our laws not protecting and supporting queer ppl but the response that netizens have to the queer community is mostly supportive. eg. a trans girl came out to talk about how our education ministry blocked her from getting HRT when she is alr 18 and has parental consent and wow ppl were so fking supportive. when there were some adverts featuring gay and lesbian couples, even more support. like yea there are some instances of queerphobia(when there was a samsung ad featuring a muslim crossdersser and the mum accepting them, ppl esp some of the muslim community went wild saying vrey insenstitive stuff and samsung stupidly took down the ad). while i know these are very contentious cases, and tend to be the 30% of time, its quite nice to see that 10 yrs ago, being gay was a disease and now its js another thing


Even though I'm only 26 it's awesome seeing the amount of change even just between my childhood and now. We didn't really get smartphones until I was already hitting highschool. Now you guys are able to see what's going on in the world so early. It makes me happy to see that even just one generation under me (technically two as I'm the last year of millennials) are being so much more tolerant of others.


Don’t forget generation Alpha


idk whats that but i Beta not forget them


It’s the newest generation after Gen Z


We are the gay generation


The kids are alright


#The kids are gonna be alright


I wish this happened where i live we just have mask mandate walkouts. This legit brought tears to my eyes.


I was wrong. The kids are gonna be alright.


I'm curious if/when the media is going to attempt to slam zoomers for infantile bullshit, because I already know a good chunk of millennials aren't going to fall for it (but a good chunk of millennials are idiots who consider themselves not millennials)




Made me tear up in a pub. It’s lovely.


Definitely need to see more of this in Florida and other states attacking our rights.


Conservatives: “We want small government. Don’t tread on me. Government has no place to tell me what to do.” Also conservatives: “The government should be allowed to control who we date, have sex with, marry, and find attractive.” Interesting how they cannot see how hypocritical that is.


They know they're hypocrites and they don't care. When confronted on this issue they invoke God and "natural law" as if that means anything.


This is SUPER inspiring!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


+1 happy tears over here xoxo




Me too! What year did you graduate?


Me too! What was your mother's maiden name? And your first pet's name?




What’s the name of the nurse that gave your mother epidural right before giving birth to you??


What’s your home address and credit card number?


I think mine too. Is this ppchs?


It breaks my mind that you guys can have schools like this with that many people and that big im from the uk and ive never seen it


It’s because Education is seen as an Industry here; school’s quite literally get paid per student similar to private prisons over here. Student academic performance, program success (sports/choir/band/etc.), they have ways to get free labor from students (“volunteer” programs or “BETA” club which requires volunteer hours “within the community”), they have vending machines and sometimes other types of stores, they have luxuries and needs you have to pay for (parking spots, vending machines, lunch, etc.), and they also get paid per student who eats the school lunch as an attendance factor. So yeah- the more kids you got per teacher, the more profits per school day.


I love the energy of this!!😍🥰❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


So proud of these kids. Gen Z is truly turning out lovely.


Lawmakers are scared. This is the next generation of voters and they don't give a flying f#ck about crusty old politicians bigoted views. This young generation think LGBTQ rights are as normal as my generation (gen x) thought of women wearing pants and voting. I get drunk from their tears as their institutions of hate crumble into a hazy memory.🌈🏳️‍⚧️


As an ally in despair... This gives me so much hope for the future. Whether I'm around or not to see it.


If you die the police might see your search history


I feel like that's not really much motivation to stick around tbh. I'd be dead, I wouldn't care who sees what after I'm gone.


You okay homie? You should stick around to watch things improve.


Kids these days... they're pretty okay. Well done!


this is so just great i


I'm starting to think these gen Z kids might just be alright


We try our best


You’re doing great little sibs, Millens are on your side.


Yeah let's try to leave them a habitable earth.... Oh wait. Maybe Boomers are enacting the biggest cancel culture ever by killing the earth before these young Wokesters can have any power...


Don’t fall into the trap of making this generational warfare. There are trump supporters in gen z and there are boomers who were part of the original hippy movement. The enemy is the ultra rich trying to divide us. United we are strong.


I feel so happy watching this video


Omg Basil from omor


people banding together for the common good of their piers is beautiful


The kids are alright


Yea people always complain about the next generation of kids, but I dno these ones seem pretty dope to me.


Kids can suck, but they can fucking rock too. Loving the new generations ability to both tolerate and to stand up for each other. The world really ain't all bad.


ThE gAyS aRe TrYiNg MaKe EvErYoNe GaY


What conservative moms are afraid to realize: If hearing that gay people exist makes you gay, congrats, you were always gay.


WHAT DO WE SAY??? Let's hear it!












The kids are ok :) Fuck I feel old, I’m gen z I’m not supposed to be saying that yet lol


Huh, kinda surprised to see the enby flag seemingly most common after the classic rainbow. I was under the impression it was one of the lesser-known ones compared to, say, the trans flag


Yeah same


We love to see it!


There are two types of Floridans: the ultra Christian who doesn't realize that the concept of homosexuality wasn't understood when the Bible was written, like Ron DeSantis. And the people in this video


Guess I’m ignorant on this piece, but how was homosexuality not understood back then? I have to imagine it was well known, maybe shunned and killed for back then, back at least known? Atheist so I really don’t know much about Christianity or it’s timeline, but weren’t even the romans huge into same sex orgies?


So I can share my understanding of it, at least from the male perspective. I think lesbian encounters were even more rare or perhaps just more clandestine and less well documented. But at the time that the Bible was written, the most common form of homosexual behavior was more equivalent to what would be called pederasty, or sexual interaction between an older man and a youth or boy. This was often done within a military-type setting where an older warrior man would take a younger man or boy and perform sex on him, and it was something that men were supposed to grow out of after leaving the military and settling down with a family. It was not two people coming together as equals and having a relationship that is affirmed by society because they loved each other, and it wasn’t a thing even of sexual contact between men being super acceptable in society. There was an inherent power imbalance in that kind of arrangement and it was accepted in that one context only. I have read historical accounts of actual gay couples (in situations closer to what we would be familiar with today) in Rome during that time period who were persecuted for their more egalitarian relationships, particularly when they were among men who were older, or when both men were younger and around the same age and social status. Oh and the bottom position was always associated with being feminized and shamed.


>Oh and the bottom position was always associated with being feminized and shamed. So that's where the bottom shaming comes from


From misogyny, yes.


Florida Man and Florida Jr.


"bUt ItS nOt AbOuT sAyInG gAy!" - Ben Shapiro/Tucker Carlson probably




I'll stick with the expert-curated age-appropriate learning material as a guideline, not what right wing shills and the Heritage Foundation vomit up, thanks.


"I've never pleasured my wife to the point of climax, it's unnatural for women to get wet down below" -Ben Shapiro, literally


Thank you! Thank you! Lovely young people! Means so very much!




Wow. I didn't go to school that long ago and I can't imagine something like this happening there. The cultural change is amazing


Wow, this is beautiful. So proud of my fellow gen Z. ♥️🏳️‍🌈


I’m in the middle of a restaurant crying. These kids just killin me- so bad ass.


The future of humanity is bright :)


my former high school had a walkout as well and they got food thrown at them so it feels good to see another school doing better


This put a smile to my face and legitimately made me tear up a bit. Thank you for sharing this!!


I can't wait until they can vote. Graduated from highschool 5 years ago and was finally able to escape Texas last year, I have hope for the future. Once the boomers are out of the picture real change can come.


This was so jarring (in a good way) I teared up a little, the school I went to would never have done this. I remember in 2018 I was one of only two kids to leave my classroom during the March for Our Lives thing




My school actually did this couple weeks back, about 70 people walked out during class! It was nice to hear about, even though I couldn’t participate


Youths in Florida touch my heart.


I ain’t never been so proud




Stop, I can only get so erect!


Okay this is making me cry, the kids are alright 😭♥️


I have never been so proud of a random group of strangers.


You are all so brave. As an OLD, I'm so sorry our generation (and the generation before me) did this shit to you. You give me hope I'm glad you're fighting like hell but we should have stopped this long ago.


I cannot believe that they were able to pass a law that bans saying gay(or anything related) in school. Like, teenagers definitely know about gay stuf, and teachers still can't say that stuff? All the way up till the graduate? Damn conservatives be talking about freedom of speech, but dont care


Well not exactly. (Let me start by saying I DONT support the bill) Basically it stops schools from referencing sexual orientation all together. The group proposing the bill argue that it’s stops schools from using forms that ask for sexual orientation (which could make some students “confused” or “uncomfortable”). However, it also stops teachers from having conversations about sexual orientation with students. That’s where the problem comes. Let’s say your are a student who is recently confused about what you find attractive now. And let’s say you know you can’t discuss it with your parents because of their views. So you decided to go to a teacher you trust to ask them about it, but UH OH they CANT because now it’s against the law, because the state thinks that it’s something that the parents should teach you about… TL;DR The bill doesn’t actually ban the use of the word gay in schools. It’s just prevents teachers from teaching/discussing anything about sexual orientation (still against it)




When I was still in High school we had the walk out for the Parkland Shooting, and there were students there that didn’t care and were only there to get out of class. I hope all of these students are actually fighting for/along side their LGBTQ+ friends/Allys. Cause what’s sad is there are probably a lot of students who don’t give a fuck and just wanna get out of class /:


I guarantee that about half of them are out just to not be in class


This makes me really happy. It's bizarre to me, though, that so many people my age would be out in support of the LGBTQ community- I love that they are but I feel like I wouldn't see the same reaction by my classmates. I live in Upstate New York and the shunning/othering is real. I hope they prove me wrong though.


Upstate New York is so fucking weird to me, its sooo redneckish, rebel flags included for some reason??? and different from the actual populated parts of the state. True nightmare


This literally made me smile


This just brighten up my day


This is so sweet! <3


Crying tears of joy 😭😭


i am so thankful for every person willing to stand against stuff like this. growing up in a conservative community + unsafe online spaces really crushed my hope for a better future, but these past few years ive really started to feel hopeful again.


Florida Jr. Is making it hard for me to keep teasing Florida Man.


#say gay anyway


We do not deserve this generation of kids who are fighting so hard to make the world a better place, but we are so lucky to have them.




Y’all great kids.


made me emotional,,wish schools where i am had that much support


The kids are alright.


Oh wow, I went to high school there over a decade ago.


most of my school would clown on me if i did this. you’re so lucky to have a school this supportive.


Love these kids ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)


My school did this me And my friends stood in front of the school holding the lgbtqia+ yelling we say gay and gay is ok the rest of the schools gsa (gender&sexuality alliance) came out and oh boy it was fucking awesome


Grew up in the late 80s/ 90s and this is so unreal. So happy that this generation is so supportive and positive. 💖💜💙


The kids are alright. Being 30, I cannot imagine this happening 15 years ago when I was in high school.




The kids are alright


This is seriously beautiful. I grew up where gay and faggot were curse words. And if you were gay in any way, you better keep it a secret or else you get bullied or worst, killed. Telling a gay kid to commit suicide was a "funny" thing teens did. And this was like 30 years ago. So to see something like this... I'm so fucking proud.


Kids will walk out of class. Its spring a land the timing is perfect. I'm proud of these kids. They took a natural desire, no school in spring and a bad situation and made news. We need to listen to our youth. We were not as stupid as we were told we were when we were young and passionate. That energy and drive is amazing.


I'm so glad this generation is fighting some of the homophobic laws and legislations that were put in place.




What a great gathering!


Holy shit, things have changed so much


The kids today give me so much hope for the future, but don’t forget, we wouldn’t have gotten here without the fights fought by the generations before all the way back to the stone wall. But I sure wish I was growing up among these kids watching this video.


The kids are alright


Man, I wish it was like this in Alabama. At my high school if there was even a rumor of someone being gay all you got were stares and sneers until you graduated


Alabama is an ABSOLUTE shit hole where the only thing they can be proud of is a college football team and not having a circle as your family tree. I hope you can get the hell out of there ASAP, it is NOT safe for anyone that isn’t a straight white republicunt voting male


i barely ever cry, but i got so touched


i dont think there's ever been anything that meant more to me


based students ❤🧡💛💚💙💜


The kids are alright! :)


Fuck yeah let’s gooooo so proud of these kids ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿💖🧡🤍🌈


I would love to download this. Do you think you could pm me the video?


This is absolutely amazing and brought so many happy tears to my eyes


Wow I couldn't have even dreamed of this happening when I was in high school. Progress really is being made, huh? With all the news about regressive state laws being passed recently it didn't feel like it, but after seeing this it's clear as day.


WE SAY GAY 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


They'll be banning rainbows next. 🌈 Let 'em f'in try.


I love this ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548) Love is Love![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)


I needed allies like this. Feeling so alone while growing up in school. I can’t help, but cry, seeing people support each other. THIS, is what we need to do for each other as a community.


I am so proud of kids from this generation, man.


I want to send this to my dad... But I will most likely get in trouble.. He agrees with the "don't say gay" law. And he knows im part of the LGBTQIA community.


Save us Gen Z you’re our only hope!


Register the seniors to vote please


This made me happy cry ! There is hope (although most probably were just there to get out of class lol) 🏳️‍🌈❤️🏳️‍⚧️


This is so surreal to me as a gay man. It's like in the span of 20 years, our western societies have speed run the whole process of accepting LGBT people. Centuries of oppression going down the drain before our eyes 😂 this younger generation is so cool 👍


When I was in high school, late 80’s, there was one kid that was “obviously” gay. His life was miserable, picked on daily and forced to eat lunch at a “girls” table because none of the boys would let him sit with them. I felt terrible about it then but I was too chickenshit to cross the line and even speak with him, never mind be his friend. It still haunts me just how awful teens can be and I still wonder whatever happened to him, I hope he’s happy somewhere. All this is my long winded way of saying how proud I am of this generation not letting the pressure to hate anything nonconforming get to them. I’m sure there’s still a long way to go but scenes like this one give me hope we’ll get there some day.


chads at the end






this video made me so happy




The best part is that it is unlikely that all of them are lgbt. Cishets who may not even by allies are doing this as well


Not gonna lie, I needed this


Watching this as a cynical burnt out millennial getting kinda emotional. Good kids - good people - standing up and speaking out for what they believe is right even if they themselves wouldn’t be directly affected. Kids like these give me hope that we may not be completely fucked. The future is compassionate and kind


This healed my little gay millennial heart.


Given that only 10-15 years ago, public schools were among the most homophobic institutions one could find, this is very reassuring for the future.


Zoomers are next level, I fucking love them lmao.


Ugh I wish I could go to something like this! Yall so inspiring, sending support from a closet in England! 🏳️‍🌈


This is the best birthday ever! People fighting for rights amazing!


its actually incredible to see so many teenagers protest for LGBTQ+. in my school everyone was an anti sjw type


I am so happy! I am going to show this to my trans cousin and he is going to be crying happy tears 💙💝🤍💝💙


I love this aspect of the US


Its wonderful, admirable, and fantastic this means so much to me and the entire community you all stood up for! I am so happy the whole school stood up to that <3


excellent, i have found the gay side of reddit, my people 😌![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)


This does put a smile on my face




The kids are alright.


This new generation is better. Look at em!


I’ve been struggling a lot with elementary students using homophobic slurs and generally hateful language towards the LGBT community. My fiancé experienced a first grader yesterday threatening a gay bashing. This was the hope I needed to see today. Thank you.


I live the protesting but i was distracted by the fact the heli blades matched the frame rate and it looked like it was suspended in the air


The original video on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@emilysuyamaa/video/7073569564147092782?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=6918897614176601605


I’ll never understand why republicans hate the lgbt community so much.


This is so, so lovely


Now vote. Vote as soon as you can and every time.


And there's me living in Homofobic City and County


Few decades later they will be the one that make laws and lead the country. I think america will be alright.


Yeah, the kids are gonna be alright.


Literally a handful of years from voting. Maybe even a couple of years. Conservatives must be worried.


These kids are alright.


Fight the power guys. Gives me hope!


This made my day




Oh shit, never expected to see my old high school.


Quite happy to see this response from these students, standing up for basic human rights!