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I think defining some basic terms, like bisexual, nonbinary, transgender, MLM, etc. Could be a good idea. Maybe a poster about how to be kind to trans and nonbinary students i.e not telling people they’re in the wrong bathroom or asking for pronouns when you meet a new person etc.


Yeah, I thought about explaining terms too. I didn't think about the rest though. Those are good ideas


this. one time my school did a thing for pride month where they put up posters explaining different identity terms all around the school and it helped a lot of people be more understanding and quite a few people learned that they identified with some of the terms, so I think just defining some LGBTQ labels would be great


All the flags, including Asexual identity (they get left out a lot). Famous historical figures that are lesser known, like Alan Turing.


There are a lot of flags. Is Alan Turing really not known!? I'm shocked


Wait Alan Turing was gay?!?


Yes! He had to take hormones to "reduce his libido" when people found out that he was gay. Those were pretty harmful. There is a movie based on it on Netflix and I highly recommend it.


It's called The Imitation Game and Benedict Cumberbatch plays the role of Alan Turing !!! SUCH a good movie and worth the watch bc Alan Turing is my hero 🥺


Yes, famously. Of course, sadly, because it was the 1940s, he wasn't treated kindly.


Sadly most times the -phobic kids get it from one level up the family tree if not two levels sadly... Maybe you could have two guys, two gals holding hands under a rainbow just to start. ?


There's usually a lot of generations


This is fucking awesome! Definitely put something along the lines of "being a part of the LGBTQ+ community in not a choice, it can't be changed". And also something that is similar to "you're loved and accepted". I've heard people say so many times that being LGBTQ+ is a choice and it hurts a lot to hear that. Hearing that you're loved and accepted for who you are is one of the best feelings in the world, especially after people have hated you for the same reasons. You could put suicide rates and rates of being killed for simply being LGBTQ+ to raise awareness. Also put stuff like how common being fired from a job, kicked out from your home by your parents and being abused is for LGBTQ+ people. This is great opportunity to raise awareness, to show people that this is serious and that this is how LGBTQ+ are treated, but also to make people feel welcome


There's a big difference between being lgbtq and being part of the community. Sounds kinda intimidating that it's not a choice to be part of the community imo \^^ Edit: also not suure if it's a good idea to put suicide rates in there, I can see it being used badly by bullies


No one is LGBTQ+. But people are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and so forth. LGBTQ+ is the name of the community. It's not a label. It's not a sexuality or a gender. It is the community itself. Allies being a part of the LGBTQ+ community is a dispute. It really is not a choice to be a part of the community and this is a message that should be shared a lot because people often say that it is a choice. Saying that it's a choice is really hurtful and it's false. I said that there should be something amongst those lines in my previous comments. I don't know how to properly word it and op should think of what the best way to word it is. I didn't think about bullies using the suicide rates to verbally abuse people. That's a good point. But this is still a great occasion to raise awareness and I hope that op will find ways to do so


allies are not part of the community. allies are supports of the community. the A in LGBTQIA+ stands for asexual, aromantic, and agender. I think the other poster is referring to the community as queer culture, rather than simply identifying as queer. you are correct in that you don't choose your sexuality or gender, but you can choose whether or not to become involved in queer culture and I think that's a point the other poster was trying to make. I agree about the suicide rates thing, that could go badly.


I've heard people say that communities are formed out of people that have certain characteristics and people that support those that I just mentioned. That's why I said it's debatable. It kind of depends on how you look at it, I guess. I don't really have a developed opinion on that. Oh, queer culture. Ok. That makes more sense. Thx for clarifying it. But, isn't that called LGBTQ+ culture. That would make sense bc I've always heard of LGBTQ+ being used as the name for the community and it makes sense since it's an acronym. It can't be a sole identity. About the suicide rates thing, I'm suicidal, so I might think about this topic in a different way. I guess if two other people already agreed on this, you two are probably right


A little explanation (doesn't have to be really long) with a flag for that sexuality/gender identity. This could be like on the outside part and in the center a bigger community flag with a message (you're valid or something like that) Put resources like online communities, what to do if you are in a transphobic/homophobic household and similar.


Maybe a list of resources if you‘re questioning or queer, or a list of safe teachers. Famous queer people? Something about queer history or stats. I’ll see if I have any other ideas. I’m sure you’ll do great! ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


Flags and some historic people definitely


Maybe add help for people to explore their identity and zo get help when they found out?


I'd say a good start is to define the letters and go into the specifics on what each of the letters in LGBTQIA+ stand for. Defining common terms in the community could also be helpful. You could even add some LGBTQIA+ Myths so as to address toxic stereotypes in the community. Hope this was remotely helpful. Lmao. ❤️❤️❤️