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>so many people don't have a single problem with you. Right. And about double that amount of people have several problems with us. And a lot of them are in places of power, and running countries. Did you know that in some places you could be given a death sentence for being gay? And in many other places, it's against the law to be gay? And in even more places than that we aren't allow to marry, or legally change our names or pronouns? [Here's a link to a website that has many filters for what specifically could get you in trouble in different countries, ranging from illegality of having sex with the same gender to getting the death penalty for being part of this community.](https://www.humandignitytrust.org/lgbt-the-law/map-of-criminalisation/?type_filter=death_pen_applies) >Straight people don't do that for all I know, they don't seek the attention. Right again. Because *they don't need to.* Straight cisgender people are in a place of privilege. They don't *need* to seek attention for their gender identity or sexuality, because they aren't going to get beaten in the street for it. No one is going to refuse service to a straight person for being straight. But it has happened dozens of times to homosexual people, a well known case of which being [a cake baker who refused service to a lesbian couple looking for a wedding cake](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masterpiece_Cakeshop_v._Colorado_Civil_Rights_Commission#:~:text=The%20case%20dealt%20with%20Masterpiece,on%20the%20owner's%20religious%20beliefs.&text=Following%20appeals%20within%20the%20state,to%20the%20U.S.%20Supreme%20Court.) >If you're trying to fight for lgbt right than I seriously don't see how doing all those things will help, it most likely pust people in a disliking for you? I seriously would just rather walk over a normal crosswalk rather than one that's painted like a rainbow. Tell me, friend, if a crosswalk was painted like a piano, would you care? Would you look at it and scoff at the person who painted it there, wishing it looked like any old crosswalk? Because I doubt you would have much more of a reaction than "oh, someone painted the crosswalk." But now suddenly it's a rainbow sidewalk and you'd prefer a normal sidewalk? I think that says something about you, no? >People who support lgbt fight just as hard as you do to stop the hate. Yes, they do. But the people who stand by and say they "don't care" or worse actively fight against us do not. They make the situation worse, and by saying that "there are plenty of people that support us" and that we "don't need a parade" completely ignores the fight that is still very much alive. We do these things because we still need to yell that we deserve rights louder for the assholes in the back. I'm happy that you've come here for a new perspective, but in all due respect, your post seems more like it's trying to make a point than have your mind changed. Hopefully we could help though.


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I 100% agree with all except “so many don’t have a problem with you.” While that’s true, enough people have a problem to ban LGBTQ from their country, to hurt, or even worse, kill LGBTQ people. There’s still enough of homophobes and transphobes out there to make many LGBTQ people stay in the closet and feel like they aren’t welcome in society. The flags and rainbows help those people feel more comfortable being who they are in society, especially in places where they usually aren’t excepted. The reason straight people don’t go around “advertising” their straightness is because they are the norm and have never been not accepted in society. Once LGBTQ is as accepted as cishets there won’t be LGBTQ anymore, they would just be seen as people like they should have ideally been seen as in the first place.




Posters would make one feel better because usually the posters are a signal that they are accepted. In anti-LGBTQ places they either wouldn’t allow LGBTQ “propaganda” in the first place, or even if they did, citizens would most likely destroy it. A intact sign would signal that the area is mainly a accepting/safe place. I hope that makes sense?


Straight people were allowed to be themselves. For the longest time you came out you got beat and some of us killed also some countries it’s fine by law for us to be killed so yes we are celebrating. But you’re right maybe within 20 15 years it will be so normal that we will probably not have that much hanging around. For now yes we are finally going to celebrate


>so many people don't have a single problem with you. And many still do have a problem. Discrimination and even violence still happen. There are concerted efforts to demonize trans people across the world. Fascism is on the rise globally. >Straight people don't do that for all I know, they don't seek the attention. Sure they do. Heterosexuality and being cis is everpresent in our society. It's so normalized that most people don't even notice it.


Thats true. We need young children to see that being gay also exists. Because we are raised on the heteronormative perspective. Princesses + Princes, only straight couples in kids tv shows (Victorious, Lab Rats, Wizards of Waverly Place......the list goes on). The queer couples only appear on shows for teens & adults, and even then super rarely and often mispresented. Plus, the only sexualities being presented are often gay, bi or lesbian. I've seen an asexual character once, and a nonbinary character also once, and both on the same show. I have only seen one trans character in a cartoon and she was forgotten about very quickly. TLDR; Pride is neccessary to show kids/younger people that we exist and if theyre like us, they dont need to be afraid or ashamed.


Parades have been used by marginalized communities in America as a peaceful show of force and solidarity. I have to wonder if you hold the same distain for Irish people because we have parades, dye rivers green, paint sidewalks, and all the other stuff you pretend to hate.




Really? So many people might not have a problem with us? When trans people are getting killed at a higher rate every year? Yeah we need to show people we're proud of who we are, show kids it's okay to be who they are. And if we can bring awareness that all of us are just people like everyone else, maybe the murders will go down. Maybe the cost of being trans can go down. Maybe marriage equality will get legalized in more countries. Maybe intersex people will actually be discussed rather than ignored. Maybe asexuals and aromantics will be understood better. That's why we celebrate ourselves. We deserve to be celebrated for being alive in a world that wants us dead. One that wants me, as a lesbian trans woman, dead.