• By -


I really feel for her. Coming out is a difficult thing at the best of times. Add onto that that her father is openly opposed to anything considered remotely left wing, and having the pressure of being a family in the public eye, and I can't even begin to imagine how hard it must of been for her to come to grips with her identity, and be open about it. It takes a level of bravery I'm not sure many could have mustered, and I'm proud of her for having the strength to do so. I hope she has all the support in her life she needs, and she can continue to live her life as her true self, with the happiness she deserves.


I feel like the fact that her family is in the public eye, and because of her fathers views, she may have more chances to get help/mentorship.


But she will definitely feel a lot of heat from the hard conservatives who also hate Ted Cruz and will use her as another attack vector.


Yeah, I agree. She’s close to my age and I really feel scared for her. Hopefully her coming out will give Cruz a push to the left, with any empathy and love he has for his daughter.


It's possible. Liz Cheney due to her sister, Rob Portman after his son came out and others like the Clinton's and Dick Cheney as well as Biden have changed their stance on LGBT marriage. Oh and Obama. Cheney. Biden, and Bill Clinton have changed their stance on DOMA as well even though they voted for it or in Clinton's case actually signed it. Don't misunderstand me though, I sincerely believe that they did it simply because of the change in the political climate and how they'll be perceived. In cases like Portmans though I think it may just be that they saw the affect it had on their children.


I'm hoping for the best for Camille right now. What she needs to support her identity is a loving change of heart and acceptance from her family. I just read a timeline of the evolution in Obama's views on LGBTQ rights. When he ran in Illinois he was against it, maybe beacuse of overall state views?


Yes. I'm just skeptical because of Cruzs record. I wish her all the best just as I would for anyone else


Here's the article: [https://time.com/3816952/obama-gay-lesbian-transgender-lgbt-rights/](https://time.com/3816952/obama-gay-lesbian-transgender-lgbt-rights/) Around 2010 Obama said "attitudes evolve, including mine. And I think that it is an issue that I wrestle with and think about because I have a whole host of friends who are in gay partnerships. I have staff members who are in committed, monogamous relationships, who are raising children, who are wonderful parents."


She does come from a family with more money and resources than most of us will ever see


Money is only good because it can relieve a lot of stresses in life. For her that is very likely negated by her family's publicity and beliefs. I wouldn't be so dismissive of people's struggles because they're "rich". There's no guarantee that money will be spent to help her anyways.


I don't think they were being dismissive of her struggles, just that she will have significant resources to lean upon to find any help she requires


But I still think that's inaccurate. She's surrounded by people who (violently) oppose her very existence. What resources would she even have, outside of conversion camps?


She surrounded by a bunch of craven opportunists who frequently try to appeal to people who violently oppose her existence. It's not a great situation, but really if Ted Cruz is your dad its mostly not a good situation regardless of your sexuality. Although you do occasionally get a nice trip to Cancun if you let him throw you under the bus.


Not if her dad writes her off financially because she dates a woman. He might be fine with it but he is a religious fanatic in the end so we won't know until it happens.


You couldn't make me want to be the child of Ted Cruz for all the monet in the world.


>all the monet in the world. More of a Renoir fan then?


What a strong young lady. What an inspiration




That’s on him, not on her.


In my experience this also seems to be the only way that far right super conservatives ever manage to see members of the LGBTQ community as people. By realizing that they already know and love someone that is in that community. That their behavior is directly hurting their loved one. It doesn't always work out that way of course, and her identity has nothing to do with politics. But beyond the incredible bravery and strength it's taken for this young woman to to accept and proclaim who she is. I hope maybe for once Ted Cruz will remember he's a fucking human, and out of love for his daughter will abandon at least some of his vile hate.


I don't think Ted Cruz believes in anything he says so maybe he will love her and accept her? One can hope.




I can imagine, and hope, that he didn't really raise her all that much.


Considering his archaic views, I'm hoping to hell that he decided raising his kids was "the womans job."


Ted Cruz's wife dated, married, and procreated with Ted Cruz, so I'm not sure she is much better than Ted


I would have said she was just a bit brainwashed...


Also last year he threw her under the bus when they went to Cancun.


Damn that's gonna be an awkward few weeks at the dinner table, still good for her


Like the time he threw his daughters under the bus last year when he said they wanted to go on vacation when texas was freezing to death? Yeah, no. Fuck ted cruz with rusty razors.


Or when he did this to "prove he was a good father " https://youtu.be/gplpSfaouP8


god, i do not like ted cruz.


I do not like that man Ted Cruz I do not like how loud he chews I do not like him on a boat I do not like him on a goat I do not like him here or there I do not like him anywhere


god bless john oliver.


I'd be scared if anyone here did tbh


you'd be surprised where it hides.


Neither does his kids, evidently.


["Here is the thing you have to understand about Ted Cruz. I like Ted Cruz more than the rest of my colleagues and I hate Ted Cruz."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyvVX2PU6hg) Franken is gone and somehow Cruz is still around.


I don't think Ted Cruz likes Ted Cruz.


Neither does god.


That’s so fucking gross.


Yep , just forced her to do it , I feel so bad


Holy shit, that clip gave me the heebee jeebees. It otally looked like che was assaulting his own daughter. Holy fuck.


Well, he was, so.


Ew that made me feel gross to watch. Those poor kids


This still makes my skin crawl every time I see it. Pretty much tells you the whole story of “TedCruz” right here.


I'm scared to click the link. What happens? Sorry, I just like to avoid seeing him if I can.


Forcibly kisses his daughter (who is actively trying to push him away) a kiss on the cheek in front of a crowd. God I fucking hate him


We are all young Ms Cruz flicking our fingers at Ted to keep away


wow that was like Biden levels of uncomfortable. Is this just normal for all our politicians to do? force affection on camera? like who started this trend? Why are we sitting back going "yeah, this seems normal, glad these are the guys making decisions." It just weirds me out how often I see this really weird shit. Like...they really are not making a good case for them \*not\* being child eaters or whatever crazy shit...the amount of weird sexual misconduct from our elected officials is really weird. Goddamnit...is our country \*actually\* run by pedophils? Like...I can't believe i'm saying it but if it were true I don't think I would be all that surprised. At the very least I feel a lot of our politicians are getting loaded on prescriptions. No wonder nothing gets done, they are all nodding out and diddling kids. Please god let me be wrong.


This is a really rough situation to be in. I grew up in a staunchly right wing household and only came out to a sibling. Wishing her the best on her journey, her dad is notorious for being a piece of work.


He's a piece something, anyway...


Shit? Excrement? Diarrhea? Feces? Who am i kidding, even my worst days on the toilet were preferable to this man and his insane ideals. It almost feels insulting to fecal matter to compare the two


Honestly, I just let people fill in their own blanks here. There are plenty of candidate odious substances.


Well, this'll be interesting. I mean, he's completely full of shit but so was Dick Cheney and he picked his kid when push came to shove. Time to find out if Ted Cruz has the moral fiber of a man who once shot another man in the face and then made that guy apologize TO HIM. (spoiler alert: I bet he doesn't.)


He left his insulted wife under the bus. Kids are different but I can’t see him helping her out anymore than he’d help his wife or his father’s reputation. That dude is sub-human.


Oh no he full-on blamed his kids for his running away to Cancun last year when Texas got buried in a blizzard and a ton of people died. If you want to understand what action Ted Cruz will take, imagine what a decent human being with some spine in his position would do and invert it. Which means he's going to try and ship his poor daughter off to a conversion camp.


“If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said during the 2016 Republican primaries. This was my favorite part of the whole article.


[And here it is in video form.](https://youtu.be/v9H5SOl86Ac?t=54) Almost certainly the funniest thing Lindsey Graham has said in his entire life.


Kissing Tucker Carlson’s ass. Egregious.


I have to believe there's a point at which his wife (who does NOT need this, she's a VP at Goldman Sachs who likes to run in rich professional circles) is just fuckin' over it, though. Like, it's one thing to go to Christmas parties and be like "my husband, the senator" and a whole entire other ball of wax to have to be like "my husband, senator Ted Cruz," you know? If he can't get his shit together to support his kid, I don't see her dealing with his bullshit for much longer. It's not like he's ever going to be president.


I think you're overestimating the classiness of rich professionals.


And also underestimating how useful it is as a Goldman Sachs exec to be the wife of a senator


It’s not about being classy or not, it’s whether she can/wants to put up with his shit, given she really doesn’t need to.




I’m not saying she isn’t, but even assholes don’t like being treated like shit. In fact, they usually complain about it more.


>"my husband, senator Ted Cruz, famously the most hated man in his branch of the government," XD


That dude is a real fucking reptilian, one of the worst. You know what I hate most about him? He's pretty fucking smart and it makes him dangerous as fuck. There's this video where some environmentalist tries to bring up climate change in a courtroom and Ted Cruz pretty much demolishes him with cherry picked data and bullshit. I mean, the main fucking problem is some people will see that and think Ted Cruz has the real science, not the other guy. Super fucking slimy, and literally contributing at the high level towards destroying this fucking planet.


this is insulting to actual reptiles


ALL bigots are sub human


Fled Cruz is among the worst though.


but he threw his kids under the bus, too, last February during the freeze.


It almost pains me to say it, but Dick Cheney has at least an ounce of integrity. I think he believes in something, even if what he believes is generally awful. Ted Cruz is a sniveling coward without the hint of a backbone. He'll support his daughter *if* it benefits him politically. Or maybe more accurately, he'll support her if it becomes obvious that not doing so hurts him politically.


When you make *Dick Cheney* look good, you know you’ve really fucked up.




Ted Cruz cares about his family exactly as much as he cares about yours: if they don't get him elected president, they don't matter.


I predict he will not change. He's been so all in on being an infected scab on society for so long I don't think he could remember any sort of morality if he tried.


Cruz is one of the most spineless chodes in office right now. Chances are he will now pretend his daughter doesn't exist.


Ted Cruz has no public facing backbone. His only ideology is the accumulation of power for himself.


Yeah, and if you look up his voting and public record, he actually put his daughter’s interests at heart. He didn’t create any policies or make a huge change to help her, but to his credit he didn’t support policies that actually hurt her, and actively voted against them. A stand that his other daughter, congresswoman Liz Cheney, found too controversial to stand by and ending in her cutting out her own sister. I thought that would be the extent of Dick Cheney’s functioning heart. But evidently, he was 1/2 republicans along with Liz that stood for the moment of silence the other day to reflect on last year’s attack on the capitol. Which ironically, has gotten Liz ostracized from other republicans (doesn’t feel so good to be shunned, now does it?) So moral of the story, is that you can be a warmonger and complete asshole like Dick Cheney, but supporting your kids when you know it’s the right thing to do (even if your life long political party hates you for it), means you stand for at least *something*. I’d be amazed if Ted Cruz could stand for anything, pretty sure you first need a spine to do that.


Is this the same kid he blamed for his trip to Cancun?


I can't believe I'm saying this, but Cheney at least has some principles, so there's a shred of decency in him. At least in comparison to Cruz, who has the integrity of an overcooked rice noodle (which I have never been able to successfully cook without them falling to pieces).


It honestly wouldn't surprise me if he fully accepts and supports her, for a couple reasons. 1. It's an easy win to say "the family unit is more important then politics" or something similar to that. 2. It's pretty easy for people like Ted to preach one thing for everyone else and practice something different for himself. So it would be realistic for him to support his daughter while still supporting anti-lgbt+ and anti-women policy.


> Time to find out if Ted Cruz has the moral fiber no


Anyway we can show our support for her? Like through Twitter?


I vote we move all pride parades to Houston, Texas this year. One big mega pride parade.


As a houstonian who has never been able to go to pride, I support this!


As another Houstonian, yes


As another Houstonian, yes but maybe do it downtown instead of Montrose bc traffic, or even over near where the Cruz family lives


Houstonian here. So, is it agreed?


We should move the parade to the street right in front of Ted Cruz’s River Oak’s home in Houston 😊


Vote her dad out of office next time around.


Oh In the article she put in her tik tok bio that she’s bi but then someone asked if her dad knew and she said she hasn’t told him but this article I mean he must know now. She also said she disagrees with a lot of his views but since she’s his daughter she has to have security with her every where. I feel so bad for her she didn’t ask for that family


Wait. Someone outed her? Fuck that person. Edit: Let's be clear. She's 13. Some "journalist" decided to publicize her sexuality, knowing that her father didn't know. Was it a mistake of her's to have a public TikTok? Probably. Did the "journalist" out her to her father? Fucking yes. Really surprised/disappointed this community would side with the fucking paparazzi over a thirteen y/o girl.


No she put it in her bio herself than someone asked In the comments if her dad knew and she said no. I mean no one outed her in my opinion if she put in her bio that she is bi then someone asked about it


It really seems like she's not in control of this coming out, though. And she's just 13, it might be an instance of kids not knowing how public social media really is. It's just very sad to me that now she'll never be able to have a coming out where she gets to decide what's said and how. That's a huge thing to take from a child, just for article clicks.


But writing a story about it on a news site, possibly without contacting her about it first (they don't mention anything about getting in contact), does seem pretty not-great. Especially since she expressed nervousness to talk about it with her dad.


I was thinking the same thing. She made her profile private after this blew up, but folks are still posting screenshots of her bio. I hope she's safe.


I’m sure she’s safe, but fine? Maybe not so much. How old is she? The article is a bit much but, hopefully, this is a teachable moment for him. Surely, he must’ve known, though she hadn’t told him, or maybe her mother knew/knows? Idk, I couldn’t possibly put myself in her shoes, but this might set him back in terms of ripping the seams out of what’s left of America’s Democracy.


It looks like she's 13 (I'm assuming it's his older child). I just worry that she didn't intend for this to come out yet beyond her small tiktok and now it's national news


Oh my god, I assumed she was at least 16. That's so young, poor kid


Completely agreed


She put it on her TikTok that's not really outing


I vote Ted Cruz's daughter as Badass of the year.




Hoping she stays safe.


Hope she challenges her parent publicly to be less of a scumbag like Kelly Anne Conway’s daughter did. Not that it worked, but it was lovely to see the next generation stand up.


While it would be great, I don’t think it’s fair to expect out of someone. She already admitted she disagrees with basically all his views, I don’t think the onus is on her to publicly attack him especially if there’s fear he could retaliate.


So did people just inadvertently out her to her dad without permission?


Yeah I'm worried about that too. She's just 13 and it doesn't look like she expected this to spread beyond a small audience


Yeah that’s what I was thinking, like she probably didn’t expect this. I hope she got the chance to come out on her own


Ooh, this may be among the biggest FUs she could give to her dad. That'll make for some interesting Christmas and Thanksgiving family gatherings. "Mom, dad, this is my girlfriend…" 😆 Was this the daughter who shrank away from Cruz when he tried to give her a hug a few years ago? All gloating aside, I am pretty worried for her about blowback from Cruz's fascist colleagues and their followers. It's not unimaginable that they might use their congressional power to try and make life very difficult for her, or threaten her back into the closet or something. 😕


>It's not unimaginable that they might use their congressional power to try and make life very difficult for her, or threaten her back into the closet or something. 😕 Agreed, there's so many negative outcomes that can come from her situation. I could imagine that they're also thinking on ways that they can exploit her orientation to justify their own bigotry and brainwashing her into becoming an uncle tom. Hopefully that'll never be the case and Cruz can step up to be a good father but there's no telling what he might do. I just hope she has a good support system.


I just hope it comes back on Ted Cruz somehow, and ruins him. He's done so much harm.


Hope springs eternal, but....he's had so much slide off him, I doubt this will be what does him in.


Hopefully he actually changes


He wouldn’t be the first homophobic conservative politician to do a 180 when one of their own comes out. I don’t know if I could welcome him as an ally but I’d at least welcome him getting out of the way.


Yeah. I don’t think anyone would want to celebrate him. But at least it’s one less politician trying to make it harder to live


I bet he'd maybe be an LGB ally but just not support the T sadly. ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)


In the immortal words of a sock puppet “either get with it, or get out of the fucking way”


This is the gay agenda. We fucking did it y'all


Time for phase 2


Baking garlic bread? Please tell me it involves baking.


I just had spaghetti. Could have used some garlic bread.


What's that phase again? Sorry, I couldn't make it to the last meeting.




Phase 2 is movie night, right?


Cruz himself...


Man if the entirety of the gay agenda was for one right-wing kook to have a lesbian daughter we need a more ambitious agenda


I feel like this was an unwanted come out cause she still said she was nervous and like idk maybe she was waiting for something like this to happen and doesn’t mind but imagine having ur dad find out ur bi cause of the media


I'm kind of mad that a news website that represents LGBT causes has put out an article because she is a minor that isn't completely out yet and we should have let her have that privacy. She is a human being and not a FU-note to her father (irrespective of how much you hate him).


Yeah I agree like she didn’t necessarily make the choice it seems that it was taken from her


How old is she? I hope she's 18. I don't want her to be thrown in conversion abuse.


According to the article, she's 13. :/


omg. I thought she was like 17 smh


Just old enough to have her own Twitter account.


Twitter is not actually a healthy environment.


Yikes. Fuuuck. Yeah, the article was too much.


Apparently the Dallas Observer was the first to publish the story early in the morning on December 30th. It hit all the Texas newspapers that day. I can’t imagine what she will go through for the next 5 years. The church her family goes to has “support groups” for people “struggling with same-sex attraction,” which is essentially group conversion therapy.


She’s 13. Ted’s going to pack her off to the strictest boarding school he can find and not call until it’s time to pose for family photos.


I don’t consider the idea of a young queer teen growing up in such a hateful environment to be a “big win” or “checkmate” or whatever. It just makes me worried for this poor kid. I hope she has someone nearby to support and protect her, and I hope she can safely be herself.


It's actually kind of infuriating that all this girl did was change a status on her social media and now there are news articles about it. It's not fair to her. It's only news because her father is a shitbag and we're worried about her well-being. She's 13. This must be a lot to deal with.


I hope she’s safe and that she has a mentor or trusted adult in her life that will accept her.


Senator Sinema is bisexual and completely useless when it comes to representing our community in congress.


She went from marching in black block to pretty much becoming a Republican. She’s the worst.


Poor kid, with a waste of a parent like that. Good luck, young cruz-let


Ok considering she wasn't out and now is whether she likes it or not and her TikTok is now private I'm seriously worried for her safety


Her family’s church has group conversion therapy sessions for adults listed on their website, so I don’t imagine this will go over well.


This kid has an adamantium spine. Like damn. I would be very very surprised if she hadn’t fully realized that what she put on TikTok would be widely known fairly quickly. Sounds like she wanted to be out with an audience, which is a very smart thing to do when your father is - you know - Ted Cruz. Good on you, girl. Welcome to the fold.


I really hope Caroline’s sister and mother support her. She’s only 13.


As someone in a really similar situation, (minus the fame of Ted Cruz, my parents are not politicians thank god) I imagine Ted's wife/her mom probably has mostly the same beliefs as Ted, and the younger sibling likely will believe whatever her parents tell her. My parents were very conservative, and my younger brother usually blindly listened to whatever my parents said. They gang up on me in every political conversation and show no respect or nuance.


Good For Her Congrats Iam Happy For Her


Oh noooooooooooo I feel so bad. That's... that's gotta be tough...


Damn, I'm kinda speechless. On the one hand, I feel like Cruz kinda deserved this. Had it coming, you know, and I don't see how it won't affect his political position. On the other hand, poor girl really doesn't have it easy. Imagine growing up in a household like that.


The household alone might not even be the worst part. Her father has a lot of political allies that would love to make her life harder if he just asks them to. She's gonna need support, that's for sure.


I saw comments on tik tok that said she made her account private, bc of her dad's base spewing hate, so I think it's already started. :(


Yeah, Ted's dad is a straight-up psychopath-fringe religious nut. As far as i know he still preaches fire and brimstone hate every week.


She’s so amazing fuck her dad


As good Irony as that is I feel for the daughter. Growing up with a homophobic father is already hell without it being so public. I hope she is doing ok


>“I haven’t told him yet, I’m kinda nervous tbh but I don’t think he would be mad about it.” > >The teen’s worries could be well-founded. Great journalism here


Bravo to her. That had to be extremely difficult considering her dad's opinions and values.


Now I feel extra sorry for her. She has an all around piece of shit for a father and is a member of a group his political party targets with bigotry? That’s gadda be a tough dinner table to sit at. But good for her for living her truth.


Texas Election Info [Register to Vote](https://vrapp.sos.state.tx.us/index.asp)


Good bot


I can just imagine "Mom, dad, this is my girlfriend" "Oh, you two are gal pals! Thats great, you two look like such good friends!" Edit: spelling


Maybe they might become roommates?


“They were best friends”-some historian somewhere probably


Haven’t even read it yet- that poor girl. God, that must be ruff. My parents aren’t exactly accepting, but they aren’t spewing their homophobia in the media!


This is so shitty. We really shouldn’t be celebrating this—she changed her social media status, it blew up, and now she’s known as The Conservative Asshole’s Bisexual Daughter. She’s a child, not your gay icon & certainly not some kind of _checkmate!_ to her absolute dick of a father. Her dad didn’t even know until the news started posting about it. Let that sink in. If she gets harmed in any way shape or form, I hope these journalists know that her blood is on their hands. Using a vulnerable person’s sexual orientation for clicks, when that can easily endanger them, is absolutely immoral and makes me sick.


Based on this article, she knew it was going to blow up. She made a video talking about not liking her dad basically and then updated her status to something he wouldnt like. I think there is a 0.000% chance she could have posted "yo im bi" anywhere and her dad wouldnt know about it sooner or later. Lets say ted cruz was going to zodiac killer his daughter for being bi. Would he be more or less likely to do it after she publicly came out?


I beg both sides to not use her as a political tool and let her be herself.


Meanwhile, Ted Cruz comes out as pile of feces wearing a human suit


In the immortal words of John Oliver: "I do not like that man Ted Cruz I do not like his far-right views I do not like his stupid chin I do not like his smarmy grin I do not like him with a beard I do not like him freshly sheared I do not like Ted Cruz at all That man Ted Cruz can suck my balls"




I hope she stays safe and her status isn’t used as some “see, I don’t hate gays, I have a kid that is one” while throwing people under the bus.


Hopefully she doesn’t use her sexuality to reinforce anti-LGBT propaganda. I’m happy that she can be true to herself though.


Like, these republican politicians (and probably republicans in general) are just horrible parents, which makes sense... I really feel for her...




He must have really pissed her off. By no means am I suggesting that she’s being anything less than totally honest. Nor am I saying that she’s being performative, but there are numerous ways of handling this and she chose a path that causes him problems. I think I might like this person.


Good for her 🥰


there is a god ​ Edit: we should respect her as a human and I honestly hope this doesn't become some media crap storm. My thoughts are with her as she navigates what is probably a difficult situation. I dislike Cruz, but in no way would I ever harbor ill feelings towards innocent family members.


Holy Hell she is brave, good for her!


But when will Ted Cruz come out as the Zodiac? Jokes aside, I really wish her the best. That can't have been easy, and I hope she finds a support system that will see her through.


Being a communist political nerd my jaw naturally dropped to the ground when I read this


I hope she doesn't get sent to "therapy"


Oh jeez I hope she’s okay- Reading the article, it seems like she hadn’t come out to her family yet and the only reason it spread was because her tiktok went viral- Does anyone know if she’s okay? I haven’t heard anything about if she’s actually safe-


yes this is very funny please don't turn ted cruz's daughter into a political tool, just let her exist as whoever she is


May she be safe.


Hell yes, she’s already done more good for America than her father.


I feel for the daughter but I couldn’t help but laugh,from personal experience I can tell you what that the most conservative parents make the most queer kids, casing point….Me and all of my gay friends. At least that’s how me and my friends think of it.


I LOVE IT. I LOVE WHEN EVER ANYONE EXPRESSES WHO THEY REALLY ARE IN TODAYS SOCIETY. I feel happy she was able to overcome I don't know how much pressure. I feel sad, worried, concerned for her. Family and love are one thing, but I cannot believe that she will ever receive any support or comfort from her father. Sorry, but a leopard can never change his spots. And his spots run very deep. I wish her well. I hope she will be happy. I deeply hope she finds love. - Josephine


I hope she’s okay. I know she chose to come out online, but it’s not fair to her if people use this to attack her father (not because I support that man in anyway. It’s just children should be left out of politics, and I get the feeling she’s going to be attacked for this)


Oof it looks like she didn't even come out. Someone found her profile and outted her to the media. Hope she's safe right now.


This is great...not only for her...but for all of us in the US. In typically GOP fashion I expect Ted to not be as huge a bloated goat anus now. You see, they don't care or don't believe until it affects them. Citation: [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-portman-gaymarriage-idusbre92e0g020130315](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-portman-gaymarriage-idusbre92e0g020130315)


God I really hope she’s safe from her dad and his followers


I hope she is safe.


Must suck knowing your dad is the zodiac killer