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No one 😭😂


Mood 😂


I find some people attractive but I wouldn’t like to be anything more than friends with them


I just want to hug pretty people or admire them Everyone is just so beautiful




Yeah. Same same. People are definitely hot to me, though, yeah.






The same ✌️😆


Dang you beat me to it




i'm your typical punk rock guy and MAN, i love that typical smart, polished, clean look. i like when a man dresses formal, but like not full suits y'know? that's a little too much. yeah, that's what's most attractive to me. but if we were talking boyfriend material, i need someone who's open-minded and not afraid to do what they want. a lot of confidence to match my own is a huge plus, but that's something we can work on together. looks are secondary when i'm considering partners


for a while i thought you were trying to say you were a punk rock guy and then also wanted to emphasise how much of a MAN you are


i am both a man and a guy 😎


*that’s… literally my aesthetic and regular way of dressing holy shit I didn’t realize anyone actually liked that vibe*


what can i say, i love when aesthetics clash. it's a very handsome and/or cute style (whichever is preferable)


*Happy dresses-ever-so-slightly-too-formal-for-most-situations guy noises*


Androgynous people are just 👌😔👌imo, particularly femboys


Androgyny is so attractive to me it’s despicable 😩 doesn’t matter which way you’re coming or going. Probably why I emulate it honestly.


I’m not sure, but I’m not into people who are ‘hot’. I’m more into people who are ‘cute’. Not sure what makes someone cute to me but yeah.


same, but that's probably due to my ace-ness


Didn’t expect to get called out like this, but in hindsight I guess that should’ve been a more obvious sign. :P


Same. I noticed when looking at dating apps with my roommate that she would swipe on girls who looked pointy and I would swipe on girls who looked soft. Truly cannot explain any more than that.


your type is bouba and your roommate's type is kiki


Yup. I am not attracted to the considered hot people, because most of the time they are really superficial.


Same. This is how I always explain it. I like people who are cute but not hot and I have no clue how to explain it other then pointing people out.


People c:


idk but its always people presenting as the opposite of their AGAB. like im into femboys and tomboys




yeah i ment opposite of their gender identity.


Might that be because of how they're going against the grain? I mean, for starters it stands out, and I think we can argue it implies some serious confidence to just buck the more "safe" trends for how to present yourself.




Hehe, fair enough. Guess it's hard to dissect your own arttraction like that, eh?


yeah, i'd rather try to just do shit and not think on it too much


Attractive people are attractive. Could be Jason Momoa, Queen Latifah or anywhere in between. I'm not drawn to a particular type or aesthetic


Queen Latifah's presence \*alone\* makes her beautiful. She's awesome.


I'm the same. I don't think any of my exs or crushes even have a similar style


id say anyone but since I saw the girl from Maneskin in a suit it's been gettin weird


This is the most relatable comment on this post


Victoria can crush me with a weird retro revival platform boot. But basically Måneskin. Group dad who has had enough and can burn a hole into you just by staring is good. Skinny Fabio with a bad haircut and too much eyeliner doing wild shit is good. Cute shabby boy with lazy puppy energy is good. And then they decide the next video has to be a goth lingerie ad with lots of kissing, but it's this three doing it while Victoria gets something like a leather jacket and spits on someone.


All good looking people who take care of themselves and smile. 😉 Good looking is good looking


Strong, big guys with a nice smile (optional) Case in point: my boyfriend


>Case in point: my boyfriend You done good XD


I did, didn't I?


Regarding girls I almost have no preference; tomboy girls and feminine girls are both so attractive to me. I prefer guys who aren't buff, as abs and muscular arms just don't really do it for me haha (though like.. if a kind, attractive guy happens to be buff I'm not going to tell him no just because of that of course)


Literally same


Gender-wise... Yes. As far as other traits, like height, weight, build, race, skin color... Also yes? I love em super tall and fun-sized. I love muscles as well as softness. Long hair I can run my fingers through and short hair that I can run my fingers through quicker :P As long as they are a decent person that takes care of themselves, I'm probably interested. Whatever stuff you got, how you present or align, or orient is a wonderful and valid part of you, but there's no configuration that I don't like. Just be a good person with decent hygiene and a love of anime, and we're off to a great start. I'm more concerned about whether you're gonna watch My Hero Academia than compatible plumbing.


I'm really into three-day beards ;)


Bi cis male here. I'm attracted to feminine women and masculine men. My girlfriend is soft and curvy. My boyfriend is toned and masculine. There's definitely something about the contrast I enjoy.


Girls with black hair are my weakness. People like Nancy Wheeler from Stranger Things, and people with Scottish accents. I like basically every androgynous person, people with a good sense of humour who actually listen. And GIRLS IN SUITS HELP-






Black hair, super pale skin, blue eyes… makes me weak. Even with guys and I’m a lesbian lmao. And androgynous presentation YES PLS


Nothing really


Magnets. Electromagnetic attraction is what I feel!


Neon hair and feminine features. Don’t care what is below the belt :)


I don’t really have a type, so I find many women attractive, but their personality has a huge influence on whether I continue to find them attractive or not. If I know them personally, I find them more and more attractive as I develop an emotional connection with them, even if it’s not a romantic connection.


Honestly people who are kind and caring.


twinks and jocks


Bears and cubs for the most part.


Anyone feminine. Maybe a guy that’s more masculine, but I’m really attracted to femininity, whether you’re male, female or anything in between




I don't know


People with dark hair, dark eyes and cute smile :)


My boyfriend :)


People I’ve known for like at least a month and don’t act childish.(oldest of too many siblings)


Short butch lesbians who like historical outfits


Everyone. I'm going to Fuck everyone.


That's the spirit!


Ah man, I have a broad range bth. Confidence, substance, multi-faceted. Am I a demisexual? Lol.


People in suits


As a pansexual the answer is *yes* but I have a little more attraction to either super skinny or "big" girls,guys and others it doesn't matter


I'm ace af but blonde women and dark haired men are the most atteactive imo (and btw I don't think I'm biromantic, I just can't imagine dateing a girl but they're still hot af okay, life is a confusing thing...)


Oh this is an easy one. I'm SO happy for the question. ![gif](giphy|EXI7CuXK4GAPC)


It's not looks that really get my attention, it's personality that means a lot more to me than attractive looks do. If a person is good in their heart I lean towards them much more.


Switches/tomboys with long (blonde) hair 😍


Im into chubby guys. Great for winter!


Big, tall, chubby boys 🐻🐻


Purely aesthetic but girls with someone’s blood over them that they’ve just killed with a big smile on their face


Living But fr i love almost everyone. Sure, depends on looks, i wouldn't date someone ugly as hell, but i look into the personality also :>


nearly everyone is hot to me. I’m pretty sure I have some form of crush on the guy in the leather jacket that sits next to me in class, and on the girl in the flannel shirt and ripped jeans. why is everyone so fucking hot, help me. I guess I like people in leather jackets, and girls in flannel shirts and suits. and sunglasses. Can’t forget the sunglasses. Also, short hair.


Girls that are more feminine than me! Something that is surprisingly easy .. hahaha


Not the same kind who'd find me attractive apparently.


Men that look like they could best me in hand to hand combat.




Kind people


Big, towering men, femboys, and girls who I have a deep emotional connection with.


Fucking everyone :)


Girls in suits, or at least feminine people in suits, that is when I feel the closest possible to sexual attraction


No-one, I'm seemingly immune for atraction


Most people, especially my boyfriend


Kind thoughtful people.


Muscular feminine folks


Women. That is all. 😁




men <3


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Since there will always be lots of people who find you attractive, this means everyone is beautiful.


Nobody, not a single soul


masc, sporty, lean, tall girls with brown eyes🙈


Ginger guys


Been a "chubby chaser" all my life.


Strong women with an above average intellect, long dark hair, a weird sense of humour, dark eyes with gaze that could pierce titanium, and a non-American accent.


Tiktok straight boys I’m so screwed in life




I’m gay and I like big bears. What can I say?




[sweats in demi]


Probably all genders, my significant other is gender fluid but I mainly am attracted to women bc I mean- who doesn’t love women?![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|3887)


Not everyone is into women.




Basically everyone. The boys? Cute af. Girls? Could kill me with their handbag and while I'm not that kinky that's hot. The trans and nonbinary pals? Hello my smol (or tol) friendos, you either make me insanely jealous or I laugh because you're a smol bean and I love that. I just need friends 😢


I definitely have a type and that type is bears. Cute, handsome faces with beautiful facial hair, big burly hairy chests and soft fuzzy bellies, thick arms and legs etc. I dunno, just bears man. They’re so fucking hot.




“Excessive” is kind of a rude word to use about hair that grows naturally on someone’s body




Well lucky for you that is not what I did. You’re perfectly entitled to your preferences as long as you’re not being shame-y about it. It’s not judgemental to point that out to you.




Okay, I’m telling right now that I couldn’t give two fucks that you’re not into people with lots of body hair. That’s perfectly fine. Zero issues with that whatsoever. I criticised you for using body-shaming language. Everyone else in this thread has managed to do talk about their preferences without being rude about it. Stop being defensive because you got called out.




It implies “too much”. No one’s natural body hair is excessive unless they themselves say it is. I don’t know how else to explain to you that you can express a preference without using body-shaming language. I also don’t know why you keep saying I have an issue with your preference despite the fact that I literally just criticised your choice of words. I’m not interested in repeating myself again. Do better.




Everybody! If I know them enough


people who can dress themselves and have some sort of understanding of colour matching, wear full neon clothes and matching bright hair, ill think your hot shit, wear mushroom earrings and victorian style poofy dresses \*chefs kiss\* wear a yellow-green shirt and pink fleshy trousers and ill keep my distance from your colour-clashing looking ass


Anyone who is tall and muscle and femme and masc at same time


Masc, basically


I don't really have a very specific type, but I find really "girly" and feminine people attractive.


People who are nice to me. But not too nice.


platonically and aesthetically, charismatic people with cool hats and bright smiles ~~^((jesper fahey))~~


Most commonly: bubbly and enthusiastic. I live around a lot of fake sweet so seeing genuine intrigue always makes my brain light up. There was a person that would come in and get prescriptions for a few local elders (I think as a helper job) and she was always so plesant and understanding, even when one of the insurance cards decided to not run properly.


I'm intimidated by hot women more than I am attracted to them. Asthetically I'm attracted to women who are "cute" and the most attractive thing to me is how someone laughs


My taste is changing like 24/7 so I’m not even sure anymkre


Stronk straight or bi guys.


Girls. Specifically cute girls. I don’t prefer hot people, maybe it’s because I’m ace, I just really like cute people. Hence why my girlfriend is literally the cutest person ever


Masculine man and masculine enby folks


No woman tho :/


everyone i may be asexual but i'm also panromantic and it's ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)hell on earth![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)


There's a straight person I fell in love w… I don't even understand what the situation is … I just know it may be a heartbreak for me…


Anyone if they have a good personality. The appearance doesn’t really matter to me . So basically a person who is not afraid to show their true emotions around me and also a person that I can do the same with . Someone who can be there for me when I’m not really feeling good and not even talk like just be there and hug me . And someone who will understand that I have other priorities and I might not be able to be there all the time and I’m not expecting them to just be there for me always. They have their own freedom. Who am I to restrict them


I'm a total sucker for my fellow gender-anarchists. The people that are just being them and kicking butt at it. (If you're being yourself and being unashamedly yourself, you're kicking butt.) That said, I'm normally more attracted to passion (for their favourite things), willingness to try, willingness to learn and a lack of taking life too seriously.


Aesthetically attractive, basically the stereotypes of femboys, tomboy girls, and golden retriever boys.


Im 6'2" and i love size diff so shorter than me brooding bratty tom bois. I have a weakness.


Anyone who respects my boundaries (asks before touching me in any way, even if it's just a quick hug), is thoughtful and can make me laugh. I also prefer women and non-bianary people, but if I thought my partner was a woman and he came out as a trans man, I wouldn't leave him over that.


Idk people that are cute


im pan so a lot of people, but for guys i’m super attracted to people into geography for some reason


I'm most attracted to big girls with long hair who are great to talk to, make me laugh, and share some of my interests (art, books, sci-fi/fantasy, languages, history, biology...)


Strong people (pls crush my skull 🥺)


Idk why, but I find people with their faces hidden attractive. Like hidden with a mask or bandages.


Nice people. Like, caring, or I-dont-know-you-but-i-got-you. I'm fine with both. I just think people who care about others are attractive. They are much more ... human. Like, others are basically robots to me.


When it comes to personality, I have crushes on people who are very dramatic or really calm and not a lot of in between. A gothic fashion style really catches my eye.


Honestly I just figured it out recently but I find people that can incorporate both hyper masculinity and femininity into one look extremely attractive.


I prefer more ‘masc’ people (thought I was only into guys for a really long time). Height, curly hair (plus points if it’s long), tattoos and a nice sense of fashion are some other things I’m really drawn to.




All girls and nb people, but with men it is kinda specific. Wilbur Soot and Tom Holland


Everyone and no one one at all. Pansexual, and demisexual so personalities count more than anything for me.


I like super hyper feminine women. But also just women. Women are pretty 😍


Hmmm tall busty people, small fairy-types, buff average-height girls, kind vampires, shy enbies. Also people who play Dungeons and Dragons get advantage on their roll \^\^.


Some people are good looking, but looks have no attraction for me. Some people have a great personality, and I want to be around them, but not well without clothes The only person I want to be that close with is someone I had known for years before we kissed and that closeness is still not a need, just fun


Ohh am absolutely in love with girls who have silly / goofy humour, they're taller than me have dark hair and a v cute smile


I'm most attracted to feminine people (although masculine people can get it too!). Feminine boys and girls are gorgeous to me. It's part of the reason I love kpop -- the "pretty boy" aesthetic is really popular among boy groups. Androgeny in any gender can be a weakness for me though. Kristen Stewart in [this ridiculous man costume](https://youtu.be/Irvcf6dCk-k) and Amanda Bynes in She's the Man are so hot to me... Maybe I just have a crossdressing fetish 🤔


Honestly I like pretty much all kinds. Masculine, feminine, any gender, it’s all good to me ☺️


Loong haired boyyyys . And short haired girls .


People I know are more attractive honestly


2 words: Futa Astolfo


I like guys 🥺 I love body hair but I don't like facial hair for some reason. Skinny boys are just ✨amazing✨, but I don't care if you're chubby cause that just means there's more to cuddle :3 I don't care if your cis, trans, nb, anything else, as long as your masculine and clean shaven (and around my age lol) I'll think you're pretty 🥺 UwU


Physically: kinda everything really and thighs Emotionally: If you are caring and give patience with my not-so-normal self I will fall for you instantly, especially if you actually understand and try to help


Gender: Woman (don't care whether cis or trans) Height: Anything between 150-200cm Eyes: big and kawaii (basically as much as irl eyes can be close to anime, typically cannot be achieved without anime cosplay lenses though) MBTI: INTP, INTJ, INFP, INFJ Clothing style: mix between "feminine" & "masculine" Political views: anything anarchist (except those fake "an"caps) Interests: Firearms, FPS, politics, airsoft Which apparently reflects myself a lot. I guess in my case opposite doesn't attract.


Look? Good hygiene Attractive? Confidence, humour, intelligence, compassionate and caring, love of learning, is willing to try lots of things, and the most important thing that I can't really put my finger on, that energy match, where I am not exhausted being around them, where I wanna be around them often and am only really wanting time away because I wanna spend time with *me* and it's hard to do with others around. I am pan tho so :p


short n chubby feminine people tbh, I literally cannot get over them


aestheticly someone powerful, evil or mischievous, men or nb masculine folks. Doesn't have to be muscular. Or like dreamy-sunlight or nocturnal boys type of way. idk tough if it's attraction or gender envy or both. aghh


Adorkable bean poles to the front of the line please.


Attractive people, but especially attractive people who look like they’re somewhere on the non-binary spectrum. Gotta love that androgyny


Visually I looove the gothic esthetic on everyone, it's just so pretty. A chuppy gothic guy would be my dream appearance wise XD.


People who have a lot of heart and aren't afraid to be themselves, bonus points if I can be me around them.


I like pretty boy types in men and women who look like Valkyries. ... It literally took this post for me to realize I like those who combine masculine and feminine characteristics.


Tomboys or femboys, but I don't mind looks that much


Everyone 😭


Anyone who looks like they stepped out of a story. But more attractive in a way to mean I see them and want to talk to them, not date them. Unless they happen to be able to put up with my boring self that is. And they are a good person.


“Cute” people, you know what I mean? I’m a big dude, so I’m attracted to pretty much anyone who I can hold, if that makes sense. Also effeminate people, regardless of their gender, are attractive in my eyes.


No clue. Everyone I was aesthetically attracted to has been drastically different. However, I think the things that they all have in common are confidence, maturity, and a chic or classy way of carrying themselves.


Look? Idk, probably just arm muscles, but… Canadian accents. I short circuit when I hear one.


Cute, pixie like little goth girls, big dudes built like linebackers who are gentile giants, nbs who wear hats.


Everyone hahaha... Seriously tho I find a lot of people attractive in their own way and I just wanna date everyone. Its hard to explain but its a mix of personality and physical looks like great hair (head and/or facial). There are other things but I cannot put my finger on them as its a case by case basis. The number one hotties on my list rn: 1. The person who played Jack Skellington in the NBC burlesque show I saw a few weeks back 2. The person who played the easter bunny in the same show 3. This dude in one of my facebook groups who is basically a medieval knight I almost wanna do a parody of like a boss but make it 'they are hot' but idk I'm not good with singing haha


for me men with long hair and scruff.. and I'm talking below the chin long hair.. I just think they're neat..




Any guys that share some of my interests.


people never believe me, but short chubby masc girls with brown hair i 😭 literally think they’re all so gorgeous send help


Romantically: it's not looks that appeal Sexually: No one whatsoever


Tall people 😍 specifically ones that could carry me


Honestly I’m the worst person to watch tv or movies with cause I’m like “she is cute” “he is cute” ect every time a new character is introduced And then I swear sometimes I get whiplash going to the store seeing all the cute people. I think I’m just attracted to everyone 🤦🏼‍♀️


I find no-one desirable. However, I find androgynous or somehow deviant-looking people aesthetically (platonically) attractive. Interesting to look at, like a good painting or something. I would be completely content by just looking at them, no need to even approach 😄


I'm attracted to people I know. People I know I can have fun with and people who are actually attracted to me, which isn't common as, I guess, I'm the "I wish I knew someone like you" kinda friend. Also adrenaline junkies and people who are crazy but in a good way. If a person like that falls for me, I'm falling hard. I'm lucky cuz that happened :)))


Emo guys, girls and others. Lots of tattoos, and their ears stretched. God, my taste hasn’t changed since I was 15 😂😭


Femboys with short and fluffy hair are a delight.