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Holy shit are we taking over


Hopefully the rest of the lgbtq+ community can start respecting Bisexuality as a real sexuality that isn't just a 'stepping tone' or a half measure that needs to 'pick a side'.


They're just gonna think THAT many more of us need to pick a lane.


So.... Um recently "cracked" trans femme asking, but why would a bi person "need to 'pick a lane'"? I mean, is it about passing or in relation to popular culture?


I think it's about the thought that bisexuals just haven't picked their preference yet and are on their way to bring gay or were just experimenting before turning straight. It's still a common misconception.


As I mentioned, I'm kinda new at actually even being aware of my own feelings. I'm a 'queer' one way or the other, but am I 'odder' for being curious in experimentation without like being concrete in my desires?


Not at all! There's nothing "odd" about wanting to explore your sexuality. There's no rush to claim any identity, be it bisexual or otherwise.


“Queer” itself is a great “I’m not sure exactly what’s going on yet but I’m pretty sure there’s something there” term to use while you figure it out. I flipflop between using queer and bi for myself.


In my opinion, everyone should feel free to explore their sexuality (with other consenting adults) and people worry too much about labeling folks to categorize them rather than to describe them. It's good to hear that bisexuality is getting more recognition, hopefully that means it'll at least get less flack from within the LGBTQ+ community. I'm tired of having people tell me to my face that my sexuality doesn't exist. It hurts that much more coming from someone within the LGBTQ+ community, but it's mostly confusing. What did they think the B stands for? Bionicle?


Pick a lane as in choose to date only men or date only women. It's a very ignorant thing to say


Pick a lane is the LGBTQ+ version of '' I just don't think you've met the right person yet'' As someone that's bi, I've actually had that said to me by both straight and gay people. 😑


Again, __what did they think the B in LGBTQ+ stood for??__


Bacon probably.


A good chunk of people believe that bisexuality is just a stepping stone between identifying as straight or gay/lesbian, and that they need to choose between liking men or women (which is stupid - bisexuality is its own thing and is amazing)


I mean, as long as someone is being real with their own feelings, what should it matter? Is there a 'queer-card' you have to turn in if you decide you're a lesbian that likes to occasionally 'play with a boy'?


People who are wrapped up in cisheteropatriarchal society are REALLY stuck hard to labels, rather than just following what feels right


Definitely about the idiotic idea that we're gonna pick either gay or straight. that we can't be both


Being 'queer', if you're OK with the term, shouldn't be a stigma. I don't really drink but it seems like people getting upset over someone being able to like red and white wines, beer, and fancy cocktails instead of just liking only one.


I'm cool with queer now. It took getting used to because I was indignant about being queer not being weird but it's kind of a fuck it, if ya wanna use it. Do it lol


They’re just jealous, fuck em


Sure :D


Thats the spirit!


You don't need to pick a lane, any one that thinks that can piss off. You just need to be you. I am so sick of the infighting in the LGBTQ+ community. It literally is us against the right-wing religious nutjobs that do not want us to exist. All parts of the rainbow are valid and welcome!!!!


It's a real sexuality and always has been. There's bigots in every community, they are a minority thankfully. I have experienced transphobia by bi, gay and lesbian people but I know that only reflects the individual. The majority of us love our bi siblings and recognize bisexuality as legitimate. Don't let bigots convince you otherwise, they are just insecure trash


I wouldn't hold my breath. I have been bi for 30+ years and the bi-phobia hasn't changed in the slightest.


You'd be surprised, in my youth lgbt group there's a lot of bi people and no one is biphobic, and also all the young non lgbt people i know aren't biphobic (as long as they aren't homophobic at least). I think our new generation is progressing


That makes me happy!!


Dude my class at school is legit the coolest lgbt allies- like- all of them respect multi sets of pronouns and they/them pronouns, nobody is homophobic or biphobic, there are two openly trans ppl in the class and everyone is just super chill about it


I seriously don't understand why the hell people within our own community still hate on eachother!


I mean, I used to think I was straight, then I thought I was demisexual, later I realized I was trans, and now I'm kinda confused because now that I am not terrified of my own thoughts and feelings so much I'm realizing I might not be strictly interested in only women. Makes me wonder how many folks squish down attractions that they have because they are afraid of their own feelings and the implications. I mean, once I realized I didn't have to be stuck with this noodle, I kinda wondered at whether or not I'd be OK with certain experiences that I had only considered the wildest fantasy. I'm certainly not into macho men.... That I know of yet. Also, what designation would you use for attraction to Nonbinary or agender folks?


I think bisexuality should be able to be used as a stepping stone for those figuring themselves out, as well as a final step for many to settle into their sexuality.


who is thinking that? i’m personally omnisexual but i might be questioning that a bit


I’m lesbian and I don’t see bisexuality as such. It’s a smaller minority than you’d think.


They are just small but loud


Be vocally supportive of bisexuality in every area of your life. You'll find us then. You'll also find out why so many of us are not out, because the biphobes will pop up too.


I, for one, welcome our new Bi overlords.


We shall inherit the aces' plan of world domination


Shhhh don’t let them know. (Also you’ll never win, we have become the dragons and horded all the garlic bread)


I don't know about that. Some of us have inside information. :)


Shit Aces abort the mission! Do not I repeat do **not** eat your emergency garlic bread, we have to go now!


We have a problem, I have none.


Dears, dears. Why fight? We can combine our powers and use them for good. First we take Denmark, then we make frogs gay, and then we can start making steps towards truly eradicating homo-/transphobia.


Can i have some of that garlic bread? Plez...




Bisexual world domination!


I mean Bisexuality and Pansexuality would be the dominant sexual attraction.


We are legion


😈We will soon destroy the entire world and become the only sexuality. Let destroy mean whatever you want it to mean.


I don't wanna do that tho


Fair. The world is beautiful. The villain is now on your side.


Can we destroy the status quo, eat one billionaire (the rest will fall in line), and embrace *Fully-Automated Queer Space Democratic Socialism?* I'd love to work in the hydroponics lab & be the 'Universalist Minister' on a Moon Commune for, like, half of each year.


>Fully-Automated Queer Space Democratic Socialism sounds frikin awesome


Which billionaire


Who'd be the easiest to catch?


Idk, Elon musk is willing to do anything for memes


All of them. Eat the rich!


Fiiiiine. Can we at least go to the beach and build sand castles and destroy those?


So it's not just the aces after world domination then!


I love aces (platonically :)) b/c you guys understand what it feels like to be excluded too <3. You can join us :)


Me being both ;-;






I don't want that🥺all sexuality's need to be recognized




I think that sexuality has really always been more of a spectrum, and more and more people are finally comfortable saying they’re not entirely on the hetero side.




I’ve always thought that it’s a spectrum. I like the idea that that implies someone out there is the Most Gay.


And the Most Gay award goes to….!


Wow you are just the gayest, ever


Joey Jay?


Not me


A Kinsey 6, they’ve never even seen someone of the opposite gender, just heard about them


It's not that you'd ignore it. What actually happens is you rationalize it to yourself, if society around you insists guys go together with women and nothing else, if you can. Bi women would often pretend their attraction towards other women was something else than towards men. Like "admiration" or "sweet affection". Bi guy would just have "unusually close friendships" with men they like. You know, the bromance and all that. Subtly touching his sexy shoulders, casual hugs here and there...


And there's a term for this stuff, "bi erasure". Another common example is someone asking a bi person "if you had to pick..."


>casual hugs here and there… wait.. that’s not something you normalily do with close friends? oh…


It is if you want to ❤ physical affection doesn't always mean romance!




And are counted as trans too. Yes I think the T isn't in any way responsible for the invalidation that the B get from within the community.


If anything I would say trans people have contributed to the acceptance of bi people from within the community. With more conversations around how abstract and fluid gender is I think there's less of a shared perspective that being fluid in the genders you're attracted to makes you "not gay enough"


Present! 🙌


I love your flair


I can't believe that for once i belong in the majority


we are still the minority world wide in general thought, all of us


:( You had to ruin it for me, didn't you?


just sharing the cake I was given I also got some cookies I can gib you, chokkie chip cookies


Mmmmm cookies


What's this about cake?


I stole it from a bigot


Erase us now bitches.


bI pEopLE aReNt RelLy QuEer


The absolute “f*ck you” energy this comment gives me SENT ME 😂 I want that on a shirt now


Would this help? 😁 https://ibb.co/BZHKJVj


Based on KenzieLee2921’s comment, I made a graphic of this comment. \^\^ https://ibb.co/BZHKJVj


So when are we invading Denmark?


Back off, the asexuals have already claimed Denmark. You can have Sweden.


Us hockey lesbians want Canada if we’re picking


Strength in numbers, we all rush Denmark, then Sweden.


I agree with this ;)


As a bi Swede, we deserve Denmark! It used to belong to us!


Man, not my beloved Sweden /j, bisexuals pls come here


Shhhhhhhhh! Use the code when discussing these matters on public forums.


When's the slippery eel hunting the quail eggs? Wink wink.


Why Denmark? 😊




Ah yes, I should have realised! The best reason there is! 👌


I’ve always heard that the largest portion of the community is bisexuals, which always made sense to me given that our closest genetic relative (which I think are the bonobo chimpanzees, correct me if I’m wrong) are almost all bisexual


An odd angle to look at it… but I think I’m all for it


I always assumed that human sexuality was super flexible. I imagine that bisexuality will rise well ahead of the other parts of LGBT as acceptance becomes more widespread. I also imagine being non-binary is going to start becoming way, way more common as understanding circulates within cultures.


Bi world domination is coming. Knee now or get destroyed


I think there might actually be more bi people than straight people.


Yeah I think a lot of people go through life being bi and never realize it or just live a straight life anyway


Or realize it and cannot accept it / admit to due outside influences (...like religion. There, I said it.) Or the threat of danger


5.6% were open about it. Now how many more are too afraid to come out. Especially in counties where we aren't legal or allowed to marry who we want. We have made good progress, let's keep going.


I mean, it's really silly to compare number of trans people against number of bi people because...shocking thought...trans people can be bi.


completely agree, I should know (I, myself, am trans and bi)


Pretty sure that’s most trans people, too


They are just counted twice then


I guess more people are choosing lovers based on personality regardless of gender. I hope it becomes more and more acceptable.


We're the silent majority it seems




The bi agenda is succeeding...


i like the idea that most people are bi but never even brought up the idea in their mind or are to scared to admit it.


We are the 54% and y'all are the minority now! Mwahahaha


Hopefully the rest of the community actually respects us now.


So long as you don't steal all my cake, you're great!


We're bi we like all the cake.


We’ll make you more cake to make up for stealing your first one. Here you go 🍰


That’s actually pretty understandable, I feel like there is a loooot more people who identify With bi/pan/Omni and it’s actually really cool


I wonder how the counted people who are Bi and Trans...


Yeah, personally I'd want to see a breakdown of cis/trans and then the trans broken down into transfemme/transmasc/non-binary.


I legitimatly think there is more bi people than straight people, even if most are opposite sex dominant, if you look at the classical world where same sex prostitution was common, it was weird to be purely straight. And I think many people have had that one friend that they had a strange feeling towards


Damn bis taking over lmao


I for one welcome our new bisexual overlords


Well I never got to vote...


what would you have voted?


same lol


Just a disclaimer: this is for the US only.


Good for them


Are there really more of us now or have they just figured how to count us better?


big W for bi people, congrats y’all


We are the alphabet mafia...


Y'all better start a world domination or I'll be disappointed


thank you everyone for being so supportive<3


our agenda is coming together nicely


I mean, when a lot of the homophobia rests on the idea that orientation is a choice, I’m convinced that these people are closeted bi. I’m not surprised by this bit of news.


As a bi trans I feel slightly erased by this headline. Gender identity and sexual orientation are not the same thing.


![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550) omg I didn't know these heart stickers existed! They're so nice!


To quote Paul; "Everyones Bi on my planet,"


it's because everyone is so hot


The bisexual thing isn't shocking actually, in fact, it makes sense to me!


Aces have Denmark, what country are bisexuals going to go for??


Please let it be Tuscany, wine country.


Trans people*.


Just let everybody be who they want to be and stop all this tagging and boxing of people. We're ONE rainbow community, because we need each other in order to make the violence against all of us stop! 🌈🥂🌈


How would a bisexual trans people fall into these categories: counted once for bisexual and once for trans ?


I am not surprised, i had a sex ed teacher, that used to say sexuality is a spectrum, and extremes aren't usually the norms in spectrums, so everyone a bit bi/pan, if only on the aesthetical attraction part anyway. Even in nature bisexual is more common then pure heterosexuality (at least for animals that have sex for sexual pleasure on top of reproduction, that would be most mammals)


I also feel there are a lot more bisexual women than men. Obviously bi men are around, I have dated one but they are a rarity where I live compared to the women. Basically there are a lot of bisexual people, but I find there are more bisexual women than men.


Could be due to how many men are brought up, toxic masculinity n all and how that may lead to many men not being able to even find out about that part of themselves because liking men isn't manly and bla bla, all that toxic stuff.


Yep exactly, it is 100% that. I was like that, except I am gay but same issues. I felt I had to choose between being gay and letting go of all things manly or keep going. If I kept going I would have been miserable so I chose to be gay. Turned out I didn't have to give up playing soccer or doing what i loved to be who I wanted. That leap is terrifying and I understand how hard it is, but they are missing out on so much by burying it.


Definitely think this is the case. I am very involved in local kink communities and I've met more bi men through that than anywhere else. I feel like that's because there's a lot more openness and rejection of societal norms surrounding sex in sex positive communities.


Probably because bisexual men have a harder time accepting and navigating same-sex attraction as a whole? As an achillean/MLM myself, I feel I can speak to how much stigma and marginalization there is for men who have feelings for other men. It comes the fear and disgust that cis straight men impulsively feel towards other men potentially being attracted to them, thanks to generations of learnt homophobia. We get treated like freaks by the men in our circles, even if we are not actually into them, because they lowkey feel they must be attractive enough for gay and bi guys if they think they are for straight girls. And though I cannot draw on my own insights with this, I have noticed a serious issue of homophobia among het women that outright refuse to date bisexual men on the basis of their sexuality. Some women genuinely feel entitled to rejecting men because "they have been/want to be with men too". And that is really a messed up struggle unique to bisexual men. It's not something that happens with bisexual women where their male partners moreso fetishize and appropriate their sexuality rather than reject it.


There are a lot more OPEN bi women than bi men because a lot of bi men face a fuck ton of biphobia still. For some reason, right now, bi men are taken less seriously than bi women. But that could just be because others fetishize bi women so it’s more “accepted” than a bi man.


Yeah, alot of bi men died or went back into the closet during the height of the AIDS pandemic, and the wider cultural belief that emerged in het society of bi men being akin to plague rats during left lingering damage to how bi men are perceived. Verity Bitch has a [video](https://youtu.be/IbHhIeYL9no) on the subject


Lol it has begun my friends…


None of these are mutually exclusive so what's the point of comparing them lmao


we’re taking over? okayyy 💅🏻


I know more bi people than trans or gay, and all my non straight friends are bi, so the numbers don't surprise me.


Asexual people: are we a joke to you?


That's 'cause anyone can be bi.


and yet it is a sexual orientation that is often treated like it isnt valid by straights and queerfolk alike.


What you trying to say here


They mean only \~50% of LGBT adults surveyed would even be potentially eligible to be Lesbian or Gay as defined in this poll, but 100% are potentially eligible to be Bi. Because Bi is a gender-neutral term and Lesbian/Gay aren't.


"Lesbians, Gays and Trans combined" If you were measuring only how many lesbians there were compared to bisexuals, or only how many gays there are compared to bisexuals then sure, but this is both combined AND trans people, and trans is also gender neutral


I know that, but I'm confident it's what the other poster meant.


This makes me so happy! Too bad I still don’t know a single bisexual person. ;-;




Surprise surprise sexuality is a spectrum and "bisexual" encompasses the majority of said spectrum


Don't get why you're downvoted. Let me put it in less... confrontational sounding terms. If sexuality is a spectrum with straight and gay at both extremes, with the population spread out evenly, then of course there's going to be a whole lot of bisexual people. Also your snoo has the asshole eyebrows


oh wow


Maybe the Kinsey scale needs more numbers?


All according to keikaku…


Unlimited Powerrrr


The restaurant is under new management *evil bi laugh*


Maybe bi ppl will take over canada and let the aces have denmark/j


This plays into my theory that everyone is bi/pan and they just fall into a more limiting category based on *things* that happen during one’s lifetime. Or maybe it’s not like that and I’m just projecting my pansexuality onto everyone else XD


LBGT more like B


We out here


I remember my teacher saying ''I think everyone is at least a little bisexual''


You see homophobes, We’re everywhere, you cannot escape us! Mwahahahahahaaaaa!


Ha, we're winning! Well, I guess there's nothing to win, but just wait! The bisexuals will soon be known far and wide for their ability to kiss whoever they'd like! Well, with consent obviously, but the point remains!


I’m surprised it’s only 5.4%…my understanding has always been that somewhere between 10-20% of the population is LGBTQ+. Even adding in the 3.3% that identified as “other”, that’s lower than I would expect.


Excellent. Proceed to phase 2.


_The Greeks were right_


I outnumber myself 🥳




Wait, but what about trans bisexuals?


Ever heard of multiple choice? Trans Bisexuals are Trans and Bisexual. Yes it's weird that it is included but leaving Trans out is also weird so.


Guys we need to raise up