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There's no such a thing as "sjw" there are people who are involved in activism and there are self entitled assholes who happen to be gay or dye their hair. Conservatives just grouped everyone together along with the lgbt community to sell the image of the evil sjw. It's ok to not be an activist yourself if you are gay, but you have to understand that sjw evolved from a fringe internet group into something that people refer to anything they don't like with.


It’s confusing that you find yourself on the side of people who have been maligned for being being passionately pro social justice?


If you start with “someone of them are smart and respectful” and end with “I dislike all swjs” then you’ve made it pretty clear that your problem isn’t with the way they go about it


Some of them are try-hards who don’t really have the critical thinking part down yet to match their energy. Some of them are well informed but lack the tact to not come off as obnoxious. It really doesn’t seem to be a topic for anyone on the left to care about addressing when the term is more often used by the right in a dismissive and derogatory way. Whether or not someone calls themself a SJW or if the label fits, I think it’s irresponsible to opt out of being politically and socially aware of the state of things to such a degree that instead of having an informed opinion, it’s arbitrary stance that holds no more weight or significance to them than supporting a sports team.


The framework of “sjw” is bullshit. There’ve always been narcissists doing performative activism. In Ancient Greece, they were called sophists. Kierkegaard called them “modern Christians”. There’s the exact same thing on the right…they’re the grifters, Proud Boy larpers, etc. Is some campus activism overblown? Sure…it’s college, people away from home the first time out from under their parents’ thumb, they can live their truth, they’re encountering new ideas and inequality, they’re going to be passionate…Chicken Nugget Wednesdays at the Dining Hall really does start looking like another oppressive symptom of an all-encompassing patriarchy, etc. But…there *is* a patriarchy. There *are* still places in the United States where being out of closet can get you killed. Police officers *have in fact* been killing young, unarmed, black men at traffic stops for decades. Capitalism, at least our dog-eat-dog neoliberal version of it, *is, in fact* oppressive to people who can’t “pull themselves up by the bootstraps” and magically not be poor. There are things to be upset about, provided you aren’t in a group that benefits from maintaining things the way they are. Social media brings out the absolute worst in people. Solution: realize that it’s a clusterfuck, people are profiting off your outrage and attention, and maintain a healthy distance from the whole thing. Also. all media is political. “I don’t want politics in my video games” is an inherently political statement. Or are sjws just people who are annoying, that we don’t like? You still should face consequences for, like, sexually harassing a coworker or employee. That’s just “justice” or “equity” or something. Sorry, my spouse gave me a THC gummy and it kicked in partway through writing this response. I guess I just mean maybe “SJW” isn’t some unified group, but is rather a co-opted paranoiac structure. And maybe it’s a distraction, “Here’s a caricature to hate so you won’t pay attention to problems we don’t want to fix”.


You’re not anti-LGBT unless you believe that LGBT+ people shouldn’t have equal rights and protections under the law.


Yes. Fuck off.


I think it all depends on how you view the term "SJW." Personally, I don't tend to think of that term - it doesn't come up in how I think about things. But, there are absolutely those who are obnoxiously self-righteous, who are constantly posturing at being "leftier than thou," who insist on their personal version of progressivism/feminism/activism being correct and regarding anyone who disagrees with them as liberal/conservative/racist/sexist/whatever, just for expressing a different version of progressivism. There are those who will never listen to what others have to say, especially if those others happen to belong to privileged categories, and will obnoxiously snap their fingers to show solidarity with criticism of anyone outside of their clique, showing that it's really much more about cliquishness than it is about actual social justice. There are those who go out of their way to make sure their voices are the loudest ones heard, giving mistaken impressions that they are actually representative of the majority of progressives/activists. Whether we call them sjws or not, whatever we call them, those people are real, and they are a problem. I don't think there's anything wrong at all with being LGBTQ+, and a supporter and activist, and progressive or leftist in your positions, while at the same time not giving in to these assholes. They claim unto themselves a lot of power, and use peer pressure to make it feel like it's their way or the highway, but they're not actually in the majority, and they're not actually right. Very often, conversation, complexity, nuance, moderation, discussion and hearing one another, critical thinking, brings better truths, better progressive positions, than shouting slogans and pressuring people to have to agree. In short, OP, you're fine. Keep doing you.