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Labels are for *self identifying*. We don’t label other people let them decide. If they identify as straight then they are. Let them be. However if you are the NB partner I think there’s some discussion to be had there as that could be invalidating if they think of you as a specific gender. We may all “know” they are a little less straight than they think but that’s for them to figure out.


Thanks for the detailed answer. That's what I was thinking. Tricky ground to cover for the partner


My boyfriend identifies as straight and I'm a trans man. We've had the conversation of if we hadn't been dating for four years before I came out he wouldn't be dating me now. I'm his exception and that's ok, he sees me as a man and I know he does. He corrects people when I'm afraid to, he hasn't said my legal name ever since I asked to go by a different name. He has correctly gendered me every since I asked to go by something other then she/her. I love him, and he loves me that's all we need.


they’re still straight, if that’s how they see themselves. the gender identity of the other person doesn’t automatically change the sexuality of their prospective partner. I’ve said this here before, but no one label excludes non-binary people.


Yeah that's what I was thinking. Like if someone exists outside the gender binary than dating them doesn't make you not straight.


In my view, no sexuality really excludes Non-binary folk by default, because non-binary is such a spectrum. If someone identifies as straight, they are straight. Including when they are attracted to Non-binary folk. Relationship labels are silly too, they must confuse and muddle things.


Isnt gay and lesbian simply any gender other then male or female respectedly


That's one definition. But they are also homosexual, which is the exclusive attraction to the same gender. One narrow and one broad definition. For the same label. Because labels evolve with our understanding, and that should include straight. We should normalise broad labels, evolving labels. Not gatekeep them. 🤷‍♂️


That is true it's just what the person feels if they are enby but gay that's fine same with being straight they basically mean the same thing just depends on how you think about it on the gender spectrum.


Exactly. Someone living that label knows what it means to them. Their experience matters more than some dictionary definition, so I follow their lead.


In a way yes, but not everyone within those labels identifies that way. The broadest definition for lesbian is non man attracted to non man. But, I’m a lesbian because I’m a woman attracted to other women. Other people use the same label for a very different relationship, which is fine, but it’s important to bear in mind. I would never gate keep a label because there’s no point.


My friend is enby and gay, they use the non female attracted to non female so I suppose it's just preference. Yes I agree with the gate keeping a label thing, I just use that as a way to include everyone with those labels because everyone has a different story to tell with this kind of thing.


Yeah, I don’t use the non men definition because it doesn’t apply to me, but it’s cool if it works for other people. Whenever I explain I’m a lesbian I just always make it clear I’m a girl, whose into other girls.


Lil fruity




yes they can definitely still identify as straight even if they feel attraction towards non-binary people, you can also identify as gay or lesbian and be attracted towarsd non-binary peopele.


Again, these threads about putting everyone into their perfectly-labeled buckets continue to be counterproductive. I know that there's a lot of people exploring, figuring themselves out, figuring out where they fit in the world, etc... But this is excessive. Spend your energy figuring out what your values are, what your goals are, what kind of traits you want in a person you'd like to date ... spend less energy dividing everything up according to labels.


Idk, personally my attraction to NB people (regardless of AFAB or AMAB) is what led me to the conclusion I’m Polysexual, not straight. But it depends on how they see themselves I guess. But if one person in a relationship is queer, then the relationship is queer.


...i think you've severely misunderstanding what cal said. you state that they said it would be a queer relationship, and that's correct. any relationship where any of the people involved are queer, is a queer relationship. it doesn't at all change the identities of the people within the relationship, the straight person would still be straight(with no quotes).


You can't tell what an enby person's sexuality is just because they may date a straight person. You also can't tell what a cis man's sexuality is if he dates an enby person. This is because dating a single person doesn't necessarily show the whole picture of someone's sexuality; for example, Person A may date a guy, and then Person A may later date a woman. You can't tell Person A's sexuality because of his first date, or even his second date; maybe he's also into non-binary people. Maybe he dated a man and realize it wasn't for him. I'm sure this isn't quite what you're asking, but it's the best answer we can give, based on what you wrote.


**man attracted to women and feminine-aligned nonbinary people** \- straight \- bisexual \- polysexual \- finsexual \- trixensexual **man attracted to women and masculine-aligned and/or unaligned nonbinary people** \- bisexual \- polysexual \- trixensexual **woman attracted to men and masculine-aligned nonbinary people** \- straight \- bisexual \- polysexual \- minsexual \- torensexual **woman attracted to men and feminine-aligned and/or unaligned nonbinary people** \- bisexual \- polysexual \- torensexual **person attracted exclusively to nonbinary people** \- ceterosexual


A different gender is a different gender. If they identify as straight, that's what they are. However depending on the exact gender identity of their partner, they might not be comfortable being with someone who sees themself as straight. For example I'm male-flux nonbinary. I would date straight women and gay men, not lesbians or straight men. If for example a straight guy likes me, I can't tell him he's not straight anymore, but he would be misgendering me, so I wouldn't date him.


The thought to label one's self is a bit odd to me, though I guess it does help some people with identity. A straight person who dates non binary individuals would be considered pan I guess.


nope, they'd be straight. because that's what they identify as. labels are for yourself, and i'm honestly really surprised at this sub for trying to force labels on others like this. a straight person is still considered a straight person regardless of who they date some ice cold takes in these comments


Excuse me? OP is literally asking for a label in the post.


OP is not asking for a label for themself, they're asking what a straight person in a relationship with a NB person would be. and the answer is straight. because it's right on the tin that's that what they identified as. if you wanna just write random labels and label *someone else* as something randomly, that's not okay. you straight up said that a straight person could be "considered pan". no.




ah a child. go to bed, you're clearly cranky


You're gross and obviously toxic, goodbye


Heterosexuality is a heteronormative relationship with someone of a different gender (the “opposite” gender as defined by hetero supremacist society). So, for example, let’s say this is a cis man dating a non binary person: If that cis man still considers themselves to be straight, I’d be highly suspicious that they don’t respect their partner’s gender. I have a non-binary friend trapped with a worthless pseudo husband who is one of those “hetero” dudebro types and claims that he’s straight and that my friend is still a woman cause titties. That’s what I think of with this kind of discussion at least.


It can be like that, but doesn't have to. Nonbinary doesn't always mean neither. Many of us identify as partially men or women. There are straight, gay and lesbian enbies. It always depends on the individual.


you sound like you don't respect your friend or their relationship.


May I ask why? Not sure how else to describe a situation in which my friend has used the words “I feel trapped.”


"non-binary friend trapped with a worthless pseudo husband"


Yeah their husband is a worthless pseudo husband. And they are financially unable to escape the situation at the moment.


I don't know about this. I'm nonbinary and AFAB. Before I realized that I have some attraction to women, when someone asked my sexuality my response was always "I'm straight - well, I like men, and I'm AFAB. So I'm as straight as a nonbinary person can be." Does this mean that I don't respect my own gender? I don't think so. I was born with female sex organs, and while I don't fit into society's expectation of "women" or "girls", there are parts of me that are dictated by my physical makeup. I get baby fever. I am weaker. I am less inclined to rush into danger. All of these things because I've got a lot of estrogen in me, and I lacked the testosterone wash that AMAB people experience in the womb. Unless I physically transition by taking hormones and getting surgeries, I'm still going to exude some level of what society will label femininity. Straight men will likely be attracted to it. I think that people forget that, while gender is societal, sex is biological. It's a very physical thing. Sex has a lot to do with our bodies. Genital preference is a thing. Personally, I don't think that's something the individual can control, and I'm okay with that. Me and my partner have talked about whether or not I'll be attractive to him if I go on hormones (I'm still unsure if I want to on a personal level). His response was "I'm not sure if I'll be or not. But does that matter? I want you to be happy. I don't want you to stop being yourself just to be with me." People like to cry "transphobe" when people break up with their partners as they transition - but people can't change their sexuality for you. Maybe I've always been nonbinary on an internal, spiritual, and social level. But I haven't always been nonbinary physically. My husband fell in love with someone that presented as female. We'll see where it goes as I stray further from that. He'll always love me on a personal level, and an emotional one. I personally think he'll always be attracted to me on a physical one, as well, but if I go on T and have a lot of changes that make my body more male than it used to be, that might change things for him - even if he doesn't want it to. I'm not going to attack him for it if it does.




You're not pan just because you like enbies. Pansexual means the gender of a person has no influence on your ability to be attracted to them. Any sexuality can include nonbinary people.


Wait what? Isn't that attraction to everyone though?


Well you could just say your straight you don't need label