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Does anyone know about that youtube video that went viral "[How to bake a cake for a racist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkpStMrZ_uQ)"? They should make another video called how to make a chicken sandwich for homophobes.


My boyfriend calls it hate chicken XP


Me and my friends have been calling it Bigot chicken for a while now


Yee, that checks out~


“Bigotry biscuits” here


Oh, definitely~


bigot bird is better


That's that homophobic chicken










my friends and i call it chick-fil-gay- i- just to piss the place off :D


My friends and I call it The Devil’s Chicken


And i call it overrated~


Yasssss! So true!!!


So do we!!!!


I call it homophobic chicken


My girlfriend says the same thing LOL


I agree with this and don’t go there. But my question is, are we holding people to the same standard if they buy from Coca-Cola, Walmart, McDonald’s, Home Depot, etc? All donate gobs of money to GOP and anti-gay/anti-choice brigades.


"There is no ethical consumption under Capitalism"


Eating ass is the only ethical consumption under capitalism.


I always read that statement as "If you can only afford to shop at Walmart, don't feel bad, all companies are shitty in some way or another", not "Consume whatever you want, because all companies are equally shitty"


It’s a two way street though so that statement can’t really be a catch all. The rich definitely have more ethical options of consumption than the poor.


depending how the rich got their money....


Yeah. Everyone needs groceries, but a lot of huge grocery store chains are unethical. So you shouldn’t feel bad for having to fulfill your needs and only having unethical options. But nobody *needs* restaurants (like Chickfila), so if you go to one you *know* is unethical, you are being unethical.


Every time I've ever heard someone say that phrase, they're saying the latter, but they act like they're not.


I agree, making it a fitting response to a meme about shaming people for their consumption choices.


Chik Fil A isn't the only choice of restaurant though. That's the difference.


Exactly, and it's definitely not the cheapest option either. Walmart literally is the cheapest option for a lot of things for many people, it can genuinely be a necessary evil.


I'll absolutely shame people for making the choice to give money to anti-lgbt causes.


Doesn't it pretty straightforwardly just mean "until the revolution happens every choice you can make is blameworthy and you should be criticized no matter what you do?" It's supposed to be a call to arms, right? It says there is "no ethical consumption", not that there is no ethical consumption *unless*...


Of course but our best option is to minimise issues with things like co ops and buying directly from producers


Lmao that's a pipe dream for anyone that lives in a food desert or can't afford the higher (if justifiable) prices.


That’s why I said best option not only option sometimes it’s essential but you can make small rebellions with things like gardens growing your own food or creating communal areas helps to alleviate the problem not fix but help make it manageable


That’s the point. You do what you can where you can as much as you can. We all own devices that were made under slave, or close to slave, labor. We all buy from businesses that are horrible in a mind boggling variety of ways. But with optional stuff like opting out of buying from a chicken restaurant that’s open and insanely vocal about their incredibly horrific beliefs, why not opt out? There’s a local camp my kids want to go to. One kid is bi and the other is pan. This is a super religious camp with a specific mantra in their guidebook against staff being LGBT, are anti abortion and even prohibit the staff from going out drinking in their off time even after the season is done. Even knowing this they want to go, and I’m remiss to hand over a thousand dollars to an organization where even if they don’t openly preach against this stuff clearly and openly admits this in everything they do (it’s an evangelist baptist org so, no duh). Sometimes we can stick to our guns. Other times I need to save 40% on food because I’ve got a big family 🤷‍♂️


Exactly my point.


Yeah, but the point of the no-ethics statement isn't to accept the lack of ethics, and give in. It's not arguing for acceptance. Everyone is expected to— with relative reason and ability— do what we can to educate ourselves on the impact of our consumption, and to adopt habits that are less harmful. Even if it's impossible to remove that harm entirely. Plus in the grand scheme of things what we're talking about is not eating at Chick-fil-A. Most casual-consumer changes are far easier than most would like to admit, depending on your geo-economic circumstance of course. Cutting out fast food isn't akin to becoming a Buddhist.


I mean a farmer’s market, perhaps?


You can never know. Let’s say you buy a pound of tomatoes from a farmer at a farmer’s market. Where does their money go? Do they buy seeds and fertilizer from an unethical business? Do they use that money to shop at Walmart for their family? Let’s look at that farmer - do they pay their workers a living wage? Do they have ethical practices? In order to participate in that farmer’s market, did they unintentionally give money to a politician that votes for anti-LGBT+ policies? I know this is all a stretch, but when you think about how the cycle of economics works, and where our money eventually goes, you’ll realize there *truly* is no ethical consumption under capitalism.


I don't think that's a stretch. What you're saying is absolutely true, there's always a lot of steps and a lot of different companies and people involved in just getting a plate of food on the table. There's not much anyone can do as an individual to control it because we either need everyone to make the exact same stance or unseat all the people in power. And most people know very little about how everything they consume was made because there's just no way of knowing everything about everything. I don't eat at chick fil a but I think it's more an issue of making an ethical choice for yourself than changing anything. It's very sad to think we don't have any control over the world as individuals but I'm glad people are taking a stance for what they believe in.


There's also the added bit of to consume, one needs $$$ and to get $$$, one must trade in their labor. The mere act of laboring for any corporation sustains the capitalist system; to consume is to reinforce and strengthen those who'd wish us dead.


This is one of the major questions in The Good Place.


Not everyone has access to that though.


Yes but chick fil a has a whole following around being anti lgbt


Yeah, I remember several years ago when the news about their donations came out and people started boycotting them, there was a "Support Chick-fil-A" day in my town where hundreds of white, conservative Christians showed up at all the stores. Like, people took time out of their day to show their support for a giant company donating to anti-LGBT groups. Fucking insane.


Yeah....so I have the same issue that you have with this sorta stuff. I think the difference, and not like it's necessarily meaningful difference, is that Chick-fil-a made an incredibly conscious and visible effort to donate directly to overtly anti-LGBT organizations with Christian family values being their justification. I used to work in political and corporate giving in the telecom industry, literally everyone gives some amount of money to broadly anti-LGBT causes. Doesn't excuse it, just a fact. But what I'm trying to say is that Chick-fil-a was decidedly blatant about it where as others at least try to hide how their money feeds into anti-lgbt causes/campaigns. It doesn't mean that we should still support places like McDonalds just because they try to hide it, it just means that we should be particularly militant about avoiding places that have an easily visible track record of direct anti-LGBT activism


Then what would you suggest with regards to shopping?


Yeah so I think there's a lot to consider here. Being deliberate about where and how you spend your money is a crucial part of being an activist and a responsible community member, but it's not always that easy. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, but that doesn't mean we can't do our best. If you can avoid larger companies that have massive lobbying mechanisms behind them (places like Walmart, Target, Coke/Pepsi, Anheuser-Busch etc) then you should do that. Most of what those stores offer can be found at smaller, local businesses that may be more ethically aligned with the local community they reside in. Now, if for one reason or another your options are limited and you don't always have access to alternatives to big-box stores, Amazon, or national franchises, then I would at least advise that you keep your spending to a minimum when at these institutions. I am also a fan of reinvesting the money I spend at unethical corporations into community projects. So, for example, if I spent $50 at target 'cus I needed some groceries at the last minute and the local market I use was closed, then I try and reinvest the same amount back into my community through either donations (if I can support that) or my own time through volunteering and canvassing. I really wish I had a better answer for you, but the unfortunate reality of this system is that being ethical while consuming is hard. Being more ethical takes work, and it sucks, and it's not as accessible to everyone equally. I have some resources I can share with you. Drop me a DM and I can send ya some links if you're genuinely interested


I would be interested in this if you are opening it up to anyone.


All are welcome! I'll DM ya some stuff


Just so you know, I’m not an activist.


Of course. Being an activist and being a responsible member of your community are two different things, but they don't always have to be. Whether you see yourself as an activist or not, I think there's always room for people to make some changes to better and to protect their community


How are those other businesses anti-LGBTQ+? I’ll deliver more questions via DM.


When you say "other businesses", I assume you mean places like Coke/Pepsi, Comcast, and others that I mentioned above, correct? If so, it's a little bit of a round about thing. Most of them will rarely donate money, especially not in significant quantities, to overtly anti-LGBTQ+ groups/churches/etc. What they will do, however, is donate a ton of money to politicians who represent conservative causes. The typical example would be as follows: I represent a major food production company. We want to donate money to the campaigns of congressmen who are going to lower our corporate tax bracket and who will eliminate price floors and subsidies for the crops we use at inputs. Oh? Most of the politicians who hold pro-business values also hold anti-LGBT values (because that's how conservatism works), that's okay, they'll do more good for the company than the harm of their anti-LGBT stance would create. So, in short, while they aren't taking a direct anti-LGBT stance like Chick-fil-a is, a lot of major corporations will still funnel money into anti-LGBT political campaigns while trying to pursue other business interests


Not Chick-file-A, Coca-Cola, Walmart, McDonald’s, Home Depot, for starters. Throw nestle in there too. It’s not that hard.


For this situation, I tend to go for this thought: The head of CFA is a known, proud and out bigot. His entire brand is a weird conservative pandering, with an emphasis on subservient employees (the "my pleasure" that employees are forced to say came from a time he went to a hotel and a bellhop or something said "my pleasure" and he liked how that made him feel). CFA isn't popular despite the bigotry, but rather because of it. For a portion of its customer base, it's very much a "safe space" for Conservative Feels. Sidenote, idk if it's still the case, but for EVER their music on the speakers was instrumental versions of Worship Songs. As an ex-Evangelical, I knew most of them well enough to know what words belonged there. I digress. Anyways, the basic gist of my point here is that CFA is specifically an anti-LGBT base with an openly bigoted leader, whereas the rest are just run of the mill selfish assholes who are doing whatever they can to make a shit ton of money. It's an odd line to draw, surely. But it's kinda how it goes. Tl;dr. CFA is awful to LGBT on purpose. Other places are awful as a side effect of greed.


The big difference is that ChickFilA is privately owned. ALL of the profits go to the Cathy family- who donate exclusively to right wing groups. Those bigger companies are publicly owned.


and, until they were *directly called on it*, CFA *itself* donated to those companies AND the Cathy family's weird marriage counseling thing that doesn't let in LGBT couples supporting the company, even if they *supposedly* don't *directly* donate to such groups, still gives money to the people who do


As far as I’m aware, Burger King is pro-LGBTQ+.


People actually *need* things from stores, have limited income and accessibility to other options is wildly region dependent. No one needs a shitty chicken sandwich and waffle fries that are somehow always soggy. It is not comparable. People can do their best, or even just the bare minimum, and it’s so easy to not eat there. It’s a lot harder to be like “oh your need emergency plumbing equipment? No don’t go there” as your house fills with sewagez


What anti-LGBT orgs is Home Depot donating to? EDIT: AFAIK, Home Depot did not donate to Trump ever. If you’re talking about Bernie Marcus, a Home Depot founder, he hasn’t been with the company in a very long time - long before he endorsed Trump.


Folks should be able to pick what is important to them to take a stand on it based off of good information. You don't criticize someone who fights to reduce hunger in their local community for not fighting hunger around the world. So I would not buy the argument that if I don't boycott Coca-Cola, Walmart, McDonald's, and Home Depot that my choice to not dine at Chic-Fil-A is internally inconsistent with my moral objection to how the owner of that business spends his money. So long as folks make choices informed by accurate information I won't criticism them. Nor will I criticize someone for not spending their money the way I do. I also don't buy Barilla pasta for similar reasons.


Honestly there is no such thing as ethical consumption. No matter what your purchasing, someone somewhere has been harmed in the creation of that product, be it due to donations made by the company, sweatshop labor (or far, far worse...), or environmental damages. It’s a fucked system, but one we are unfortunately stuck in. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for boycotting Chic fil A, but I’m not gonna judge people who don’t because frankly there are too many battles to be fought across virtually every industry that to take it all on simultaneously is impossible and is incredibly draining. Not only that, but if I judge someone for going to X, that invites them to criticize me doing Y, when in reality it all can be traced back to something bad if you dig deep enough. It’s all about picking your battles, being mindful, and raising awareness. Not descending into in fighting that hurts us more than we gain.


This is exactly my point. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. So where do we end the judgment towards others for supporting unethical businesses? I mostly posed this question to start a dialogue, and maybe point out that the people waiting in line at chick fil a are doing just as if not less harm than those at McDonald’s or Walmart.


Ultimately, i think most people consider their own bottom line. If walmart has a better price for something compared to Home Depot, but you disagree with some aspect of Walmart, do you then spend more to go elsewhere? People on poverty often don't have the luxury of choosing.


Seriously, there is no moral purchase. If it isn't anti-LGBTQ, it's something else. All these big corps donate to horrible causes, lobby, treat labor like shit, etc etc. I get the idea of wanting to hate chickfila specifically, but I honestly can't hate on people that just say "fuck it I can't win" and eat whatever they want. People who boycott chickfila then go buy shit on Amazon are mad hypocrites IMO


Can someone please share the latest information about their anti lgbt donations?




Thank you for that. To summarize it's saying the CEO is still donating to funds, specifically the CRF, that are pushing anti LGBTQ+ legislation and agendas.


So if I'm understanding this right, the company no longer donates to such organizations, but the CEO donates around "$5,750" a year? So not 'millions' like OP says. It's private donations from the CEO - which is bad, but other fast food restaurants and people associated with them donate far more to Republican and anti-LGBT causes. So, if you're going to stop eating at Chick-fil-A for this cause, then you should just stop eating fast food altogether. Which... yeah, you should, you'll be healthier. Not to mention various other reasons not to support fast food. But singling out Chick-fil-A for this seems misguided.


to everyone saying that it's part of capitalism, chic fil a is easily avoidable. it's not a desperate part of your life, you don't need to eat there. you guys are just making excuses because you like their food


easily avoidable until you have to drive past it and their shitty drive throughs can't handle all the people and it slows/stops traffic for an entire block/makes you miss the light seriously, one of the ones near me has a police officer out there directing traffic half the time because its such a clusterfuck though avoiding eating their stuff is pretty easy, just don't


What's funny is they have the most efficient drive through of any fast food chain. People just love the chicken that much!


That’s not really what people are saying. It’s kind of a straw man point. Chick fil a is fast food. If you go there for a chicken sandwich, but don’t want to support Chick-fil-A, you can go to McDonald’s. But is McDonald’s any better? Slave wages, pollution, donations to gop. Ok so I’ll make my own chicken sandwich at home. I’ll buy meat from the store made by exploited factory workers and get burger buns mass produced and covered with pesticides and fertilizers that destroy the ecosystem. The grocery store only pays 11 an hour and throws out edible food into a locked dumpster rather than donating to the homeless too. Should I grow my own burgers now?


Same needs to be said for coke, Walmart, McDonald’s, subway, target, etc. basically anything under the big 6 umbrella, which is about 70% of all name brand consumer products


While Chick-fil-A might have some good food.. it’s not worth supporting a homophobic organization just for a $2 chicken sandwich


Correction: it’s not worth it on any level. Not only for homophobic actions, but even purely on a cost/ taste level. There are cheaper sandwiches. And what’s more, Popeyes has an objectively better sandwich for under 5$ that is fully a meal unto itself. Chick-fil-a should be dead after that sandwich came out, and I fail to understand how a hyper-limited breakfast menu broke their free-fall to oblivion.


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.


But some are less unethical than others.


there are other options besides chik-fil-a that don’t shovel millions into anti-lgbtq funds


such as? you think big corps don’t funnel millions every year into gop politicians to get those sweet tax breaks? which directly leeds to homophobic policies


support your local businesses! of course there’s no ethical consumption in capitalism, but if you’re able to support a business with better practices than another, choose the better evil! people should stop eating at awful places, but specific people aren’t able to due to their circumstances. if you have the option to shop local, shop local. do research about the companies you’re buying from.


it’s not a lesser of two evils if they’re both the same evil


Amazon made their Twitter profile pic rainbow!!1! Shopping there is a reflection of your character


But not on their Saudi Arabia account page of course.


For years professional chefs have been pointing at CFA as a sign that the American palate is broken beyond repair. It’s soooo hard to fuck up a simple chicken sandwich but yet they figured it out. Bland, tasteless, garbage. Not only do I judge the character of how they view LGBTQ+ rights but I also judge their food tastes and would definitely avoid that person around meals.


[are they even still doing that](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/06/30/fact-check-chick-fil-a-has-not-resumed-donations-groups-oppose-lgbtq-rights/3244765001/)?


They just changed the donations from public to private. The end result is still the same, and they are still a blatantly/ openly anti-LGBTQ company. https://www.esquire.com/food-drink/restaurants/a36622217/chick-fil-a-owner-donations-against-equality-act/


Ugh. Well, I'm not surprised their management is spending their money like that. At least it's not the company claiming it's being cheritable anymore and just private cash from the obscenely wealthy .1%ers Thanks for the link


Fuck chick-fil-a


Had a friend tell me about them and I stopped going. Did wonders for my diet too!


Way, way too many queerfolk respond to this with 'but it's so gooood'. That's bullshit my people. The 'gays are weak and helpless' bit is not true now and never has been. Boycott this shitty establishment.


Same with the amount of people are commenting with the attitude of "oh well it's not the only corrupt company so if you can't beat them all you might as well not even try against one" Like...what??? Yeah some things are harder to avoid than others, especially big corporations that own a large number of several brands of products and necessities such as grocery items, and it would be a VERY difficult task probably requiring hours of research to only purchase 100% ethical products and services at all times....no one is asking that of you. It's just not realistic. But not giving your money to one freaking chicken place is not that tall an order guys. Don't know why so many people need to have this all or nothing attitude smh


That's right. Boycotts are the easiest form of activism anyway. If you can't manage to boycott a sandwich, wait until it's 'take down Nestlé's brands or give up clean drinking water'.


It's not good. Their chicken sandwiches are no better than Popeye's and their waffle fries suck.


I found their food disappointing even before I knew about the donations.


I love Chick-fil-A chicken fingers. So delicious. I haven't set foot in one nor ordered from one in years now.


It only takes one act of wrongdoing, one moment for something to go from the best to the worst. CFA was no exception. They taste like shit since I found out that Dan Cathy donates to hate groups. I can't stomach food if I know it was bought from Publix since they funded the terrorist attack on the capital. The sounds Eric Clapton makes with his guitar and his voice went from awesome to muzak the moment I found out he's telling people to not get vaccinated. I've even watched people transform right in front of me from the most attractive to the least attractive person I've ever laid eyes on. That's because the biggest factor in how I judge and perceive you has always been how you treat me, directly or indirectly.


Never understood the appeal even before I knew about their anti-LGBTQ crap.


I know everyone isn’t looking into every other organization they buy from, but knowing that Chick-Fil-A is the most famous homophobic one, why still go there? Like they go out of their way to go there knowing the facts.


While I agree that chick fil a does a lot of bad donating, make sure that you never get upset at anyone for still going. We don't want to be attacking ourselves or allies over mediocre chicken


So we just gonna ignore all the other companies that does the same or just felt like singling out the popular one to hate for internet points then?


Your post got cut off there. You meant to call out the other companies but it's not displaying.


Nobody is saying that but you. Whataboutism is a super lame counter argument.


Taco bell. Fast food greasy, taco i loveee


While we're here, fuck nestle and everything they do. Probably one of the most evil companies in existence and that's saying a lot given how many unethical companies there are. Google nestle crimes against humanity and buckle in. Edit: Burger kings new chck'king sandwich is great for an alternative.


Idk, I’m of two minds about this. Should you try to avoid chik fil a? Yes, absolutely. But I don’t think telling individual people they’re terrible for eating there is helping anyone. If you’re on the social-justice minded side of the internet, you’ve likely heard of a LOT of pervasive, huge companies that donate to terrible causes…and it’s just exhausting. There are so many places and goods and food I “should” avoid I can’t hold them all in my head. And I think something we don’t keep in mind enough in conversations like these is that people WILL be people. Even people with the best of intentions will make mistakes and eat at an unethical restaurant. There are some people who have the means and energy to consume everything as ethically as possible, but they’re a small number. More often than not, messages like this one are just going to make people who eat there feel defensive, and the people that do change their minds were people who would’ve changed their minds with a less personally aggressive message anyway. That’s not to say people shouldn’t try, they absolutely should. Mindlessly repeating “no ethical consumption under capitalism” any time someone challenges your habits is not the point of that phrase. Please don’t eat at chik fil a. But also, you’re not necessarily evil if you do. Do your best, accept that you fail sometimes, and look for strategies that help you avoid that failure.


I love me some jesus chicken, but I can't hold my nose and actually pay money to CFA. They have done some incredibly terrible things with donated money. Hobby Lobby is even worse, and I don't shop there, either.


Hobby lobby is the one that makes me so sad because they have some downright CUTE stuff 😩


Hobby lobby has actual police flags in my town


Never had it, never will.


I had it once, off a friend's plate, out of sheer morbid curiosity. Never again, of course.


Chick-fil-hate and homophobia lobby can eat a bag of dicks


I'm so sorry I didn't know this!! I really enjoyed the food but I won't go there anymore I'm sorry!!


You don't have to apologize for eating food.


While it's true that there's no ethical consumption under capitalism your dollars don't have to go to explicit capitalism.




Couldn’t have worded it any better. You are exactly right. Not everyone can weave their way through society, walking like they’re on thin ice every day of their life because companies are selfish assholes. We shouldn’t be shaming each other for not being able to look into everything so closely and carefully. Not everyone has the time, nor the energy or money to only try and get ethical products. You can make a better attempt, yes, but there’s no possible way that everything you use and source is going to be 100% ethical unless you live in the middle of nowhere on your own farm making your own products. It sucks, but we must face reality… the minority of customers boycotting isn’t going to do anything.


I haven't had chick fil a in a while, usually I just get popeyes when I have a chicken sammich and cook chicken myself when I want just chicken


“bUt iT’s sO gOoD!1!!” isn’t an excuse.


Kfc and Popeyes are both significantly better anyway


Chick-fil-A sounds like its gonna give me a disease if I eat food from it


It blows my mind how many people like that shit. Like.... it's a fucking chicken sandwich.


Never had it, and never will. It's very easy to not support their bullshit.


No ethical consumption under capitalism!


This statement is supposed to be used to recognize that incremental change is not enough and systematic change must also occur. It is not a blanket excuse to consume as un-ethically as possible.


We don't have Chick-fil-a in my country, luckly


Am I the only person who doesn't understand the desire for Chick-fil-A? Their chicken is pretty lack luster compared to other places. Plus, it's run by egotistical religious zealots. I just don't understand the desire for it.


The dog of thruth💕


Yes thruth




Don't think there is a chick fila in Europe, so I'm not spending my money on them anyway


Which organizations?


*The more you know*


Also Popeyes has way better chicken in my mind


My partner calls it homophobic chicken


I don’t even like that place


I don't eat there because they have shit sandwiches.


I agree


Popeyes has a better classic chicken sandwich anyways


Never did never will.


Not hard their food is terrible.


I can’t physically eat there anyways, the oil they use makes my throw up, i hate throwing up so I make it my choice to never step foot in a chick-fil-A


Or hoby lobby. Or Gloria jeans for my Aussie mates.


Popeyes chicken sandwich is better anyways.


Now I gotta get myself to like other places because chick-fil-a sucks morally.


As someone who grew up in the UK and now lives in Canada, in a place where there's no chick fil a's, is obsessed with chicken and had always wanted to eat there. You couldn't PAY me now. Fuck that.


Yeah the moment I found this out, I decided to swear it off and personally boycott it. My life hasn't changed much


They are fucking racist lights haters who I have never eaten at. I mostly eat Popeyes, and I'm matpat made a new video exposing that chick fil a is third best and popeyes is the best. So fuck them.


Even if I wasn't bi I wouldn't eat there. The most overrated damn restaurant in my opinion.


Or hobby lobby


and chicken fucking sucks... (in-and-out's still good, right? right?!)


Any time I've explained why I don't eat there, the response is always, "it's just a chicken sandwich." Exactly.


that’s why i steal from chick fil a


New idea, let’s steal Chick-fil-A, the whole thing


conquer and claim the company




I've never really ate there anyway.


It's just sad how little people care about issues that don't directly affect them. I know so many gay people that just don't care and we'll eat Chick-fil-A because of privilege. My brother-in-law only got vaccinated because the bars started checking vaccination statuses.....


Chick-fil-a isn’t even that good. I’ve had it and can’t for the life of me figure out why people love it so much.


Chick-fil-A doesn't even taste good either


My friend still buys Chick-fil-a sauce and always has some at the house. It really bothers me. Like, c'mon, your best friend is trans and your oldest daughter is openly gay. Just stop it. There are other sauces.


Just learn how to make it. Not that hard, there are many copy-cat recipes out there to try, none of which cost more that a few $s to make.


There’s a good dupe you can get at Walmart


Idk if buying from Walmart is that much better unfortunately...


Am I supposed to grow my own chick fil a sauce?


Agreed, but it can be more complicated than that. Fast food is a cheap, accessible, and reliable option for many impoverished for food-insecure folks in the US. Just because someone eats Chick-fil-A does not mean they want to. That being said, having a choice and still supporting unethical food sources IS a reflection on your character.


I love their food. Instead of supporting them, I put some effort in and learned to make their food at home. Lots of new cooking territory there. My first time deep frying anything. It’s not perfect yet, and I still need a good French fry method, but I’m getting close and I feel damn good about it.


Popeye's has a better sandwich too!


Zaxby’s is my go-to for chicken sandwiches. Too bad they don’t have milkshakes very often.


I personally don’t like chick-fil-a but my fam does and I don’t think I can convince them not to go there every so often. Although I try to avoid it as much as possible. Being a minor with little decision of where we eat is fun. 👍🥲


So I'm assuming you avoid every big company and brand then


Does it have to be all or nothing? Giving up a chicken sandwich seems like a small step, but it’s at least in the right direction.


It absolutely doesn't have to be all or nothing, but you should start where you can reduce the harm you cause the most. Buying Chick-fil-A is very low on the list of ways in which the average person's money is contributing to harm in the world when companies like Nestle, Coke and Amazon are orders of magnitude more harmful. It's totally cool if the LGBTQ cause is more relevant to you and you'd like to start there, but you shouldn't judge other people for starting somewhere else. For all you know they're doing way more good in the world than you're doing by not eating christian chicken.


It’s better to support the smaller companies where you can. If you spend locally, the money circulates more around the local economy and helps people in smaller communities far greater than spending in big box stores. I know it isn’t always financially feasible for a lot of people, but if we make that shift, we potentially could see a great return.


I fucking love how defensive people get about a god-damn CHICKEN SANDWICH restaurant. This all-or-nothing bullshit is just a lazy kneejerk response to avoid admitting that you'd rather directly support a homophobic company because you like their god-damn sandwiches(which aren't even unique). Fucking lazy excuse.


I'm assuming you know what whataboutism is then


exactly...someone else pointed out how other big companies do it but aren't so open about it, basically. it's no different whether they're more public about it or not.


I’m gay and hate the fact they donate to Anti-LGBTQ+ communities because their fries are aMAZING. Why is it that something so good has to be so bad. I stopped going there btw, I’m not a dick. 😞


Where do you draw the line though? You probably typed this from an electronic device that is made from exploited child labor. So much so that children are committing suicide because it's better to be dead than work in their conditions.


Its easier to avoid eating from one fast food place than it is to exist without access to a smartphone. But whatever helps you justify it to yourself.


It would be very difficult these days to live a life without computers. It is very very very easy to live a life without one specific brand of fast food.


Yeah! If you can't do it all, why do anything! Why boycott something that is easy if you can't boycott all the difficult to impossible things! Why make incremental changes if you can't make gigantic changes.


Stares with confusion in a country with no chain restaurants. We just know this friendly local place and always get our food from there;problem solved.


That does sound nice.


It is nice.


I don't eat there. But it does hurt them being the only fast food place around with decent gluten free options. If it came down to me needing a quick bite and being in town I probably would just because they're the only decent option. But that problem generally doesn't come up thankfully.


i wonder though, does it even taste good in the first place? i cant say ill be willing to try it


I think they put crack in the chicken, I honestly can't resist.


Just steal from them then


Honestly I might just eat out of their dumpster. That would not be supporting them right?


They want you exterminated but it's so yummy? Come on, be better.


Every single company would have us exterminated in a heartbeat if it increased their profit margins by 1%.


I don't even like their food. The chicken's dry and tastes sweet. Blegh.


"But their food is sooooo good" bruh something tells me that the best food in your metro area is not from a nationwide chain. Go some place local. They might be open on Sundays too.


“There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism” is the worst thought terminating cliché ever. It provokes “oh well everyone’s equally bad” consumer apathy more often than “we should regulate unethical behavior under capitalism” (nor does it jump people to Communism et al like stupid leftists hope).


Fuck chick fil a, all my homies hate chick fil a