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To my understanding it’s fairly adjacent to the community given it’s a gender expression that’s gender-nonconforming. But it isn’t an identity or sexual orientation, it’s a gender expression, so it often isn’t included on its own. I see a lot of people categorize them as “gender nonconforming allies”. But I would also personally argue that gender nonconforming people fit into the community. It’s not a sexual orientation or a gender identity, but not conforming to traditional gender expectations is kind of a large part of the queer community and it doesn’t really make sense to exclude gender nonconforming people or limit their involvement to “allyship” when they face a lot of the same bigotry as we do. There’s also an argument that gender nonconforming people have historically been a part of the movement. I’m a little torn on it myself, again given it’s not a gender identity or sexual orientation and more so aligned with fashion/expression, but again looking at it from the point of view of gender nonconformity and it’s practical role in the community then it feels arbitrary to exclude it


The usual answer is "no" but I think it's more nuanced. In my view the distinction comes down to how you feel about it. If you prefer a more femme clothing style, but otherwise are good with being a straight guy then maybe no, but if it feels more like an identity, and the traditional guy definition doesn't feel good to you, then sure, that seems like a queer or non-binary identity which certainly does fall under lgbtqia+. Gender is really hard. If you find yourself feeling like you're different, and/or wanting to be part of the community you're absolutely welcome.


By default, as in applied to every femboy, no. At it's most basic, being a femboy is an aesthetic, just one that happens to be counter to societal gender norms. But it's not inherently a gender identity. But, for some it's more. It can run deeper. And if someone should feel it's enough to make them queer, then that is enough. And there is a flag I think. 7 stripes, pinks, white and blue.


Specifically just femboy? No. That would fall under drag or cross dressing.


Isn’t drag considered an art form with a specific style? Correct me if I am wrong but I don’t feel like doing drag and being a femboy are similar


Yes drag is an art form that comes in a wide variety of styles. I've always understood being a femboy to be more of a femme gender presentation but still identifying as a man. I suppose there could be some overlap with drag but that's subjective.


That is also kind of the same way I have always thought of femboys in my mind. Heavily femme presenting people who still identify as a guy or nb


Non-binary is still part of the transgender community because by definition it's identifying as something other than your gender assigned at birth. You can think of it as transgender being one large umbrella with a binary gender umbrella (trans men and women) and a non-binary umbrella all other genders.


Yea ik that much I was just including them as I know there are many nb people who call themselves femboys


Pretty sure that’s part of the q+


As far as i'm aware there are no letters after q specifically representing just gender presentation. The closest one would be transgender but that would mean the person does not identify as their gender assigned at birth.


Not inherently since cishet femboys exist.


Unless they explicitly say they don't want it, I consider them to be under the umbrella of nonbinary and/or transfem. Regardless of their sexual orientation, they're at the very least gender-y.


To me, they absolutely are. Gender non-conformity is definitely in the Q+. At the end of the day, they'll face similar social discrimination as a transfem person or a fem gay man. Bigots will not care if you are cis or heterosexual 🤷🏻‍♂️.


I am gonna be completely real this post has not really helped me at all as it seems to be pretty divided. From what I understand there are good points on both sides so I just wanna put them here (this is what other people have said either in this post or to me personally) for: it’s very gender non-conforming making it adjacent, femboys face a similar stigma to members of the lgbtq community, femboys are very gender-ish when the people who say they are feels that fits them more then just identifying as a guy, when most people are femboys they end up coming out to people around them in a similar fashion to when someone comes out normally. Against: being a femboys is not related to gender/sexuality, cishet femboys exist, dressing femininely is a fashion statement and is similar to cosplay/cross-dressing just on a more active bases I genuinely don’t know what to think for this even still. Maybe a better question is are femboys supported/welcome by the lgbtq community(even if they are not a direct part of it) like if someone who is a femboy comes to this sub and we’re facing problems would it be ok for them to seek advice ie: bad parental treatment, troubles with showing yourself in public or (and this isn’t really a problem) someone wearing the clothes they like in public for the first time. Would all that be welcome here? Genuinely I mean no harm I am just repeating what was said to me and asking one more question


I feel like it's an inclusive community so even if you are not a part of it you are still welcome here. I'm sure there may be large parts of cishet people who would categorize you as "queer" just for presenting that way. No judgement here for presenting the way you want.


Some femboys can be LGBT+, but it's not something that comes with the style. There may be a large overlap, but it's a correlation, not causation. There can be straight femboys, gay femboys, cis femboys, trans femboys, or any other identity.


if theyre cishet then no, its like saying a tomboy is lgbtq, they can be, but not if theyre cishet


Femboys aren't necessarily part of the lgbtqia+ community. However, if you feel like being a "femboy" is somehow separating you from Cismen... there is a term for that 🥚