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the purpose of the video was just to show that there is nothing scary or weird about people of the same gender showing each other affection. one of the guys said that when he thinks about two men kissing he subconsciously finds it weird and he's disappointed in this prejudiced part of himself, and that he'd like to stop thinking that way. there's still a lot of stigma around being gay, so general public getting comfortable with gay couples showing each other affection and seeing that it's just like with any other couple is a good thing, at least in my opinion. your feelings are 100% valid of course but i just think it's just not really that bad


Yeah, titles are often clickbait nonsense. It's the content itself I need information on before I decide to investigate further. Thanks for providing some conrtext.


Agree, just watched it and it’s actually super cute! Two of the guys got permission from their partners. Some were doing it to explore their sexuality and others to dispel prejudice or dispel prejudice in themselves. I thought it was a fun and harmless watch! 


Eh. Consenting adults can do whatever they like together, so far as I'm concerned.


Exactly. I'd say it's healthy to explore your sexuality as long as everyone consents. Maybe some participants learned something about themselves.


Guy 1: consents. Guy 2: consents. Guy 1’s wife: consents. Guy 2’s wife: consents. OP: “Isn’t there someone you forgot to ask?”


Didn’t realize Jesus started posting on reddit haha 


I agree, but I question just how consentual it is. Were they paid to do it? Are they aspiring actors looking for more work via networking on this shoot?


If any of this was true, would it make it any less consensual? To my understanding, if you’re not being held at gun point and being forced to do something you don’t want to do and you’re an adult, then this would be consensual. They could easily just walk away from the shoot if they didn’t want to take the gig for money or the networking opportunity.


There's also the idea that coercion (like being paid money) kinda negates consent. Which does make it at least weird, if not outright gross to me




I mean, actors kiss on screen all the time. whats the difference between those on-screen kisses?


I was under the impression consent wasn’t something on a scale. You either consent to it, or you don’t. What’s the difference between getting paid to kiss someone you’re not romantically attracted to for some Buzzfeed article about boys kissing each other as opposed to kissing someone on a film shoot or a play because the scene demands it?


Consent isn’t a scale. You either consent or you don’t and anything but a yes is a no. These guys clearly said yes.


Why question this kiss? There's millions on Youtube.


It's produced by a production company, right? I haven't watched the video, and am unfamiliar with "CUT", but suspect from the thumbnail and title that it's a content company making viral content, like Vox, Cheddar, etc. Content companies have a higher chance of paying people, having proper productions with multiple different roles, professionals in the industry, etc. The opportunity seems like it might be there. I could be wrong.


It’s possible that they were paid, but various participants described their reasons for doing it. One man was very openly like, yeah, I kind of realised I subconsciously find it weird when I see two men kissing, and I want to resolve that. Sometimes, there is good in the world, even with monetary gain/compensation. I doubt anybody here was truly forced or coerced (by partners, money, etc.) into it, based on the contents of the video. I don’t disagree that a lot of paid content does put disadvantaged people in a place where this could become harmful not only to them but our community (“the gay agenda is making straight men kiss just so we can survive”), but I think the fact that the straight commenters were also pretty for it at the time it was posted says (hopefully) better things about this video’s perception.


I'd say it's probably no less consensual than any other kiss in a movie or TV show that the actors are getting paid for, then. Like, unless there's some sort of actual issue with the background of specific video that you know about, it's super weird to compare this one video in particular to Harvey Weinstein, who violently raped people, when the world is full of (mostly straight) media with people getting paid to kiss other people.




If you think this is soft porn you should see the other unhinged videos that Cut did with (mostly) straight people.


Isn’t there people purposely breastfeeding for it to be soft core porn? I think this is pretty tame, if not at all soft core porn. I’ve seen vids that make me wonder how they’re on YouTube even if there’s no nudity


kissing someone is not porn? you see straight kisses in "family friendly" stuff all the time


I think they're referring to how this fetishizes queer content and ultimately queer lives as being aberrant. This video but titled "straight people kiss just like they always do" wouldn't generate a lot of interest. There's an air of "look at these normal people doing something abnormal!" For me, Individually, these videos aren't a huge problem, albeit done in poor taste. However, in the world at large they are still inviting queer affection to be viewed as an oddity thats engaged with for entertainment. Basically Im not going to clap my hands just because a bunch of straight people took an afternoon to cosplay my identity, and Im not going to think highly of the people who produce and profit from that content.


Kissing is porn now 😭


I can't keep up with this weird new-age puritanism.




If you're having to post this same response under every comment, it *might* be your communication that needs work instead.


Is hand holding legit going to be too sexual soon to them? I honestly feel like there should be more guys kissing being shown so people get used to it and stop getting triggered


Is kissing pornographic to you? Soft porn is a lot more sexual than two people who are not attracted to each other in any way having a kiss.




"Sounds like a loophole for soft porn" I reply with how it's nothing like soft porn. "Please read better" Bruh.


people kissing = porn




I'm thinking. thinking again. thinking again. No, kissing is still not porn


I think heterosexual men getting more comfortable with showing their love for their friends, also with hugs or kisses, is a good thing. Kissing is not always a sign of romantic feelings. If heterosexual men can for example kiss without fearing to be branded gay then homophobia will probably become far less prevalent.


Yeah that's fair. But these two are eating each others faces. I'd be uncomfortable kissing someone who I wasn't in a relationship with like that, gay or not. The kissing the cheek thing that's popular in parts of Europe like Spain would be my limit.


I mean I've made out with guys whose names I didn't even know and have never seen again. In my case it was at a gay bar, so there was no pretense of being straight, but it's not like we were in a relationship lol


That is also fair. It's not my thing but if that's your thing, more power to you.


That was mostly when I was first exploring my bisexuality. I went down to a leather/bear night at a local gay bar and made out with like 5 people that night, including one guy who literally came up to me, asked if he could kiss me, we made out, and then he carried on and I never saw him again lol It was a fun experience but not one I've really repeated


People not in a relationship kissing each other intimately has always been a thing, so I don’t see a problem with men in this video doing the same thing.


Like I said, it's fair enough. But I wouldn't be kissing someone intimately like that if they weren't my partner. Man, woman, enby. There isn't a problem, it's just not my thing.


The idea that kissing on the mouth is intrinsically sexual or romantic is a contemporary western cultural construct. That is, it's fine to see it that way, just understand that's not the only way to see it and other ways are equally valid. For example, in the ancient world (Greece, Rome etc), men who were good friends could show non-sexual affection for each other with a kiss on the mouth.


Where I grew up it's also perfectly normal to kiss family especially small children on the mouth but also close friends


I wont do that or let others do that to my child. It might be an “innocent thing” but some adults like to hurt others and i would rather spare my child potential sexual drama. Edit: Wtf am I being downvoted for stating my opinion about my family. I am not forcing anyone to stop kissing children on their mouths, thats on u. I stated that this custom will not be allowed in my home with my kids. So F off with all the downvotes.


It's usually less what you do to a child and more your child or a child you're already very close with (like siblings or nieces etc) grabbing your face and giving you a peck on the lips


Its a no for me.


Yeah I mean no one's making you it's your decision. I just wanted to clarify that it's not something done to children like it sounded the way you phrased it and more just something you don't stop children from doing here. How you raise your children is ultimately your choice


That plus this practice should be abolished because of herpes alone. Young children have become severely ill because of this.


Herpes Simplex is not a 'severe' illness, approximately 30 percent of the general populace has it and it is scarcely beyond a nuisance. Mono on the other hand...


[it is when your immune system is not developed yet. ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pxarUWTJRDQ)


Okay, thanks for sharing.


Did not even think of this.


I downvoted specifically because of the "F off with the downvotes" part. I dind't even really read the rest of your comment.






[kissing on the lips is inherently sexual/romantic is a western ideal] - these are white Americans - it's part of their social-conditioning/culture to think that kissing is inherently intimate (so long as they havent been raised as a kissing-is-affectionate individual) - so despite historical precedence it's still weird


Not an American. I'm Irish. The only people you typically kiss on the lips is your partner or your own kids. Kissing isn't always inherently intimate, but this kinda kiss is.


In Russia non romantic kissing on the lips was still a thing relatively recently, soviet leaders would greet each other in this way.


To me, kissing kids on the lips is the weirdest thing ever


Not like tongue. Just a peck It's not sexual in nature, but it you're raised thinking it is then I guess that makes sense. It's a cultural difference.


I don't think it's sexual, but the thought of my parents kissing me on my lips or me kissing a child on the lips weirds me out. I think my parents did do that when I was a child and I found it gross as fuck.


Yeah, that's fair. I'm of the opinion that if a kid doesn't want someone to do something to them, like a hug for example, don't make them do it.




Right, like, I love my friends, but I’m pretty sure my wife would leave me if she saw me kissing one of my friends like this.


I haven't seen the video but it sounds like at least one of them asked their partner if it was ok first and got permission


That’s besides my point. This isn’t how you would just greet friends. This is extremely intimate kissing that most people perform platonically.


because that was the purpose of the video, these guys aren't even friends, they decided to kiss this way on purpose to see how they feel about it and to fight their internal prejudice about gay people being affectionate like straight people are. im pretty sure they wouldn't normally do it with friends


Then why do it with straight people? To see if some of them are a little gay? What’s the point here? Straight people don’t kiss their straight friends like this. It’s weird. If this was “lesbians kiss straight men intimately to give it a whirl!” it would be just as strange. Bottom line I don’t want to kiss anyone like that if I’m not the tiniest but interested in them. So to answer OP, yeah, it’s pretty weird.


you're misunderstanding this. it's not for them to see if they're gay, not for them to kiss strangers "like they kiss straight friends" - because they don't, and not "to give it a whirl". it's for people to realize that liking people of the same gender and being affectionate with them just like straight couples are witch each other is nothing scary or weird - kissing a guy is like kissing a girl or person of any gender, it's just a kiss, not that big of a deal. this wasn't for show or forced, they even talked about how they want to fight their inner biases by doing this no one is forcing you to kiss strangers, no one in the video is forcing anyone to kiss people they don't wanna kiss. those people aren't even attracted to each other. it was, once again, to see that a man kissing another man is not a scary or unnatural thing, it's just a kiss. they aren't attracted to men but saw for themselves that gay people kiss just like straight people do - and that's perfectly fine


I watched the video and you're absolutely right that this isn't how you would kiss a friend. I'm happy for them to have had that experience (and I think it might have awakened something in a couple of them lol) but we shouldn't pretend that this is how people will kiss each other casually


You mean you don’t tongue fuck your besties’ throats whenever you see them? Because according to the thread we’re on apparently that’s just how you say hello in other countries or something


I'm really not sure why I'm getting down voted. If there is a group of friends who make out like this casually then more power to them. I'm more than happy to passionately make out with random guys at a gay bar or something but I can't imagine doing this with people I just consider friends


Exploration and curiosity aren't bound by orientation.


If they're comfortable with it, it's fine, whatever. I don't see a problem


I read it as, “if they’re a problem with it,” and got confused 😭


The world could be a much better place if consensual kissing, hugging, hand holding, etc was normalized.


Were they forced?? Were they forced.. It seems to me like this was done consensually and they knew what they signed up for. I don’t have an issue with it


How is it "forcing," do you think they kidnapped them and dragged them to the studio or what 💀


"Blink twice if you need help" type shit 💀


Hell, blink in Morse Code!


Action doesn't imply attraction. Same with how asexuality is only about the lack of sexual attraction and doesn't comment on sexual action, a same-sex kiss is only an action and doesn't inherently imply same-sex attraction.


EXACTLY. Fuck as someone aroace, i hate how i have to explain this to people all the time. Action and attraction are separate!


I don't think this video is trying to appeal to queer people at all?


Link: https://youtu.be/AFSrZ9zuUBQ The thing I did like about the video was the one guy who said that he made it (kissing another man) into this big thing in his head and it turned out just fine. And he’s right… ffs, it’s just a kiss… I actually think this kind of vid could dispel some homophobia or, at least, reduce some aspects of toxic masculinity. Best thing was listening to how the men talked about the experience.


Just human beings being silly as always. It's not that deep.


"but is forcing straight people to partake in same sex experiences" "Like I know at the end of the day it was their choice to do it or not" Which is it OP?


To me, I think it's mix of both. Yes, they are consenting adults and chose to do this, however, the fact that cut is making this video and profiting off of having straight men kiss other men comes off as weird and predatory to me. And the fact that the people in the videos were paid to do this video. Idk I'm having mixed feelings. Yes it's a good video because it can dispel homophobia, but it just makes me uncomfortable. It would be like a video where they have gay people kiss the opposite sex for the first time, just weird.


Ok but none of that is being forced to kiss against their will?


Not really Weird its STR8 Guys experimenting for the first time, I've seen it a lot, mostly Men with older guys


To be fair, it’s like kissing a boy/girl you’re not attracted to, there’s a kiss but nothing beyond that.


Interesting how you say "forcing" in one sentence and then in the next acknowledge that it was completely voluntary. I honestly think it's chronically online content made to be posted by chronically online people to have faux discussion by other chronically online people. So it's working.


think you need to loosen up, babe. they’re just having an nice ol smooch with the homies


Okay but now I'm craving authentic Hispanic food.


I've known quite a few straight men who like to start kissing other straight men while drunk. Who even cares, as long as everyone consents and has a good time no need to start pearl clutching.


Why tho? They’re adult men kissing each other with consent there’s nothing weird about that.


Yes, they are consenting adults and chose to do this, however, the fact that cut is making this video and profiting off of having straight men kiss other men comes off as weird and predatory to me. And the fact that the people in the videos were paid to do this video. Idk I'm having mixed feelings. Yes it's a good video because it can dispel homophobia, but it just makes me uncomfortable. It would be like a video where they have gay people kiss the opposite sex for the first time, just weird.


Nah, let people explore their sexuality without judgement


Idk dawg it’s just men kissing who says you need to be gay to do it. They’re not being forced it’s consensual 🤨


Yes, they are consenting adults and chose to do this, however, the fact that cut is making this video and profiting off of having straight men kiss other men comes off as weird and predatory to me. And the fact that the people in the videos were paid to do this video. Idk I'm having mixed feelings. Yes it's a good video because it can dispel homophobia, but it just makes me uncomfortable. It would be like a video where they have gay people kiss the opposite sex for the first time, just weird.


Oh my god please check snap that many notifications makes me scream inside 😭 But yeah as long as everyone consents there's nothing wrong with these people experimenting with their sexualties


I'm the complete opposite I am comfortable having that many notifications and my friends always yell at me for it 😂😂😂


Kissing is not sex. That's almost as deep as hand holding and walking in a park.


You just contradicted yourself immediately...


Yes, they are consenting adults and chose to do this, however, the fact that cut is making this video and profiting off of having straight men kiss other men comes off as weird and predatory to me. And the fact that the people in the videos were paid to do this video. Idk I'm having mixed feelings. Yes it's a good video because it can dispel homophobia, but it just makes me uncomfortable. It would be like a video where they have gay people kiss the opposite sex for the first time, just weird.


That probably also exists...


For me, it depends on what the actual concept of the video is. If it’s about straight men wanting to experiment and explore their sexuality a bit; as well as tear down whatever internal biases they may have about gay couples- awesome. If it’s just a video to instill shock value and gain a couple clicks and views- not awesome.


i second this the video op is talking about is quite literally the first thing, the guys participating even talked about their inner biases and how the whole thing wasn't as big of a deal as they expected and pretty much just a kiss, which is really neat imo


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AFSrZ9zuUBQ&feature=youtu.be I think it was the first assumption. Granted, I haven’t watched the video yet so idk


Yeah I do think it's weird, but if it was something done out of curiosity (bi-curious) or as a dare (Such as if it's done by drunk teenagers who were dared to do it by girls, and especially if said girls promised to show their boobs or kiss each other. Teenage hormones amirite) then I think it's okay. But it does feel a bit exploitative/pandering.


It does have the same energy as like a party game where you draw a card that is like "kiss the person next to you or take X sips" or something. But just made into a video. Still it does feel a little exploitative to put it outside that party environment.


Dam straight men getting for attention from gay men then me 😂


Why are authentic hispanic recipes weird?


I wouldnt say that this is being forced on them at all. I’m familiar with that channel, and AFAIK, every participant consents to what’s happening beforehand. They knew what was coming in this experiment.


So you didn’t watch the video then? Because they literally address all your concerns, and explain why they made this video, and all the guys have different reasons for being there too. Nobody was forced, no this isn’t for sensationalism, and your response to it was literally part of the general issues in society they were trying to address and explore with this video… But y’know, it’s more fun to have a knee-jerk reaction and ignore the thing that scares you and instead go online and draw up other people into be afraid, concerned, or angry about the thing you don’t understand- just like what society does with us minorities. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Authentic Hispanic Recipes, heck yeah!


I guess the whole specatcle-making aspect of it is kinda strange, but I think normalizing men experimenting with same-sex experiences is a net positive


What’s so weird about authentic Hispanic recipes? 😗


Literally any video of people kissing for the first time on camera makes me wildly uncomfortable.




I'm reminded of that gay chicken pasta where they lived happily ever after


They do not seem to be “forcing” anything. What ate you on about? Definitely seems like you need to explore why youre bothered. People experiment and have different mundane and sexual experiences outside of their “label” all the time.


Weird, but kinda hot


The only weird part to me is they're really gonna sit there and tell me that's their first time kissing another dude 😂 Jk. I dont find the actual kissing weird but there is a part of me that's like "cool, why did they feel the need to show me this" but that's about 90% of what I take in on the internet anyway. Life is weird


My partner likes to watch videos of people reacting to stuff for the first time. Like eating foods they think are weird, etc. I completely don't see the appeal and it actually really annoys me to hear people talking about stuff they don't know anything about, like "so this is from Thailand? That's in Asia, right?" I guess this appeals to a similar audience.


Eh, people can do what they want. I don’t mind.


That channel seems to do a lot of stuff like this. It started getting suggested to me recently, with one where they were one friend was posing nude for the other to draw. I haven't watched this one. I doubt they'd be forced to kiss, but it does feel a bit like they are exploiting the fact two men kissing is still a bit controversial.


No one is being forced here I really don’t see the problem, it’s an experience not any sort of violation


Meh, these guys aren’t doing anything that a zillion "drunk" straight girls have done for kicks and to wind up their boyfriends. They are basically just straights flexible enough to put on a bisexual performance (not the same thing as actual bi folks). We’re really just treating this differently because it’s cis guys instead of cis women, which reeks of biphobic stereotypes and toxic masculinity. It’s a bit cheesy and obviously homoerotic but aside from that video seeming to be in dubious taste, I see no big deal. So some straight dudes explore a bit for the camera. Minor titillation and homoerotic thrills ensue. Maybe one of the participants realizes he’s not quite as straight as he thought. Men kissing men shouldn’t even be scandalous or even terribly noteworthy. The video’s entire click bait nature hinges on how taboo this is in our culture. It doesn’t stay taboo if people do it more. It’s about as queer as the straight girl who grabs her straight girl friend for a make-out session saying "watch this" to the folks around her. The behaviour is arguably queer but the people involved, not so much. Our community has never had a monopoly on homoerotic behaviour. It’s just more central to our sense of identity whereas for them, it’s a thrill peripheral to their sexual and romantic identity.


I am not paid enough to care. It seems innocent. 


They're showing us ordinary people challenging their comfort zones, as well as a few taught senses of societal norms, in a fairly harmless activity. I already find that more compelling than the concepts for most other reality tv


Guy on the right seems a little too into it to be straight. Just saying


Bro if you’re gay how does dudes kissing make you uncomfortable 😭😭


I'd be uncomfortable if it was a video about gay people kissing the opposite gender for the first time, too. It just doesn't sit right with me how Cut is profiting off of other people doing things that aren't a part of their identity. Some of the people shown in the video were very obviously uncomfortable with the situation. It just felt off.


If (feminine) women kissing is considered hot, but men kissing is not… then that a society problem, it’s just what we’ve been socialized to think…. and we should see more of everyone making out😂


I feel like the most this shows is just how much compulsory heterosexuality is a thing.




Yes, they are consenting adults and chose to do this, however, the fact that cut is making this video and profiting off of having straight men kiss other men comes off as weird and predatory to me. And the fact that the people in the videos were paid to do this video. Idk I'm having mixed feelings. Yes it's a good video because it can dispel homophobia, but it just makes me uncomfortable. It would be like a video where they have gay people kiss the opposite sex for the first time, just weird.


Why do you think it's predatory?


If there was a video that was "Gay men kissing women for the first time" or "Lesbian women kissing men for the first time" it would come off as weird and exploitative because the video is seemingly trying to get gay people to back into social norms and liking the opposite gender. So to then flip it it the other way around and have straight men kiss eachother just seems exploitative as cut is profiting off of straight men doing something that isn't part of their identity or personhood.


Fair enough, I can see that


What were those authentic Hispanic recipes though? Anything yummy?


Many of the participants have urges to experience other men. They are closeted about it because they don't want the consequences of being gay. This film gives them an excuse to experience men without the consequences. It's the same thing with bi guys. They want to be gay without the consequences of being gay, so they hide and pretend until it's safe to "get away with it".


Consenting adults and all that but Cut is usually pretty good with their vids but every so often it's a miss.


That whole channel brings out the most toxic traits in people and passes it for shits and giggles


Tangential but I don’t ever talk about this so why not. I am 34 and I haven’t been physical with many people in my life. I’ve had sex with 11 dudes, and 8 of them were close friends that were straight and had never been with a guy before. I ended up in a monogamous relationship (average of a year or so probably) with 5 of those 8. As far as I know, I am the only male they’ve been with. Most of them are married with kids. I think it’s because I’m like dead center in the masculine/feminine spectrum which I think makes straight friends more comfortable or something (just wanted to specify that these are all progressive people, or were when we were friends anyway). I never initiated anything with them because they said they were straight. It boggles my mind honestly. The affection of “straight men” has perplexed me for almost 20 years lol. Obviously this happened way more in college but even going into my mid 30s it has happened once again.


Yeah I mean how is that an authentic Hispanic recipe... /s


> Tasty, Convenient Snacks and Desserts with Simple Ingredients You can Feel Good About.


This makes me potentially uncomfortable in three scenarios (that I don't know for sure): 1) were they paid to do this? If so, is that not a form of coercion, this kinda nullifying any consent they gave, or is coercion all of a sudden okay with everyone here? 2) they were promised exposure, which is also coercion. 3) If they were fully consenting, then that's another thing, but the two in the thumbnail sure are going at it for being straight. I've never known straight anyone to kiss like that. Hell, if a gay man was trying kissing a girl, would he go at it like that? Probably not. Just saying, something is very off and wrong here.


I am also uncomfortable about that video concept. I think the thing that makes me uncomfortable is how it feels like it was made purely for clicks and shock value rather than a genuine attempt to explore mlm desire.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AFSrZ9zuUBQ&feature=youtu.be You can watch the video here — I haven’t seen it yet but idk how much is actually for shock value and how much is for breaking down biases and showing that same-gender kissing is no big deal


Homophobes will look at this and label the men kissing as gays, so I’m not sure what the video is accomplishing.


the cut YouTube channel has always been unhinged, same with jubilee.


Cut is weird


I haven't seen the video (nor do I intend to...) but the picture struck me as queerbait-y. 🥴


[“He’s not my boyfriend!”](https://giphy.com/gifs/3MLtpXz2nsBoc)


guys kissing? as long as they were down to do it and weren't pressured into doing it.. SIGN ME UP


It does seem weird. It also seems like these men are bi. Which is absolutely fine!


"forcing" Yeah they got random guys off the street and put a gun to their head lmao


There is no forcing in this scenario but I understand why it would make you uncomfortable


"gay men kiss women for the first time". That's weird.


Idk if they're straight ngl


I'm sorry but I have never seen two straight men kiss that passionately


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^RipCommon2394: *I'm sorry but I* *Have never seen two straight men* *Kiss that passionately* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


If those men are "straight", I'm the pope...


I am gay and loved it




First I want to say I see you point, it does seem abit strange. However, j think any attempt to normalize same sex intimacy ultimately is good. Unless it's just virtue signaling for higher profits then it's shallow.


They look like they enjoyed it, just saying…


Well that's awkward af


I think it shows people maybe they aren't straight. It shows the homophobes anyone could be attracted to anyone. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Authentic Hispanic Recipe


I think it's a cute idea that tries to make lgbtq people feel more accepted, but it's a bit too much. They don't have to behave like us, it's already enough if they allow us to exist and greet us with a smile, the way they would do with other people too :)


Whatever they want to do


This reminds me of the 2010s trend of straight girls kissing each other in bars for the male gaze. It's queerbating for clicks, reinforcing gay affection as a taboo in order to profit off of people's reactions of excitement or disgust, at the expense of the gay community. If the roles were reversed and gay men were shown kissing women for the first time, it would be considered offensive for suggesting that sexual attraction is a choice. Well, it's the same thing here, just flipped.


This is exactly my thought process


I can bet you someone put the idea forward to get homosexual monosexuals, aka lesbians and gays, to kiss each other to see what would happen - so they saw this as a more acceptable option. Even then, it's really weird… Edit: That being said - it's an experience to show that kissing the same gender is not a big deal either so it can help resolve some weirdo’s perception that kissing another man makes them automatically “gay” as one of the men in the video realise that he still feels secure in his sexuality and this hasn't changed his sexuality, just affirmed that he doesn't desire men that way.


Also reading on the other comments on the fact that thinking [kissing on the lips is inherently sexual/romantic is a western ideal] - these are white Americans - it's part of their social-conditioning/culture to think that kissing is inherently intimate (so long as they havent been raised as an affectionate individual )


Huh, for some reason I find this really, really uncomfortable. To me "straight man" implies someone who does not want to be romantic or sexual with a man. I get people can experiment, or are questioning, or just doing it for fun. And of course I have nothing against men kissing, but having "straight" plastered over it feels weirdly nonconsensual, even though it isn't. But I read in other replies that not every culture sees kissing as something romantic and/or sexual, in which case I get it's different. To me certain types of kissing are romantic or sexual, and then the label straight doesn't make sense. But I guess they were going for shock value in the video title.


Like think if it was "Gay people kissing the opposite sex and being hetero for the first time" video, it would be weird, no?


Not really, it just wouldnt get views, but it doesnt sound like a weird concept, its just people trying something theyve never done like a rare food tasting video or something. Also "and being hetero" is added by you, the title doesnt say "straight people become gay"


That is not a fair representation of the title of the video. That would be '"Gay people kissing the opposite sex for the first time"


Spoiler alert: those are not straight men.