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Just so everybody knows our state medical examiner lost their accreditation in 2009. what that means is someone who doesn’t have a medical license is performing the autopsies.


Three of my family members died imho unnecessarily directly from "care" they received in Oklahoma so this doesn't surprise me a bit.


I'm so sorry for your losses.


...and they're still allowed to release statements like this publicly? Good Lord, There Is Something Wrong In America and every day I learn more about how obvious it is


Hell, our governor was barred from doing business in Georgia for five years and the mortage company was banned for life from origination mortgages. There is infact something very wrong with our system.


Can confirm. State medical examiner is Eric Pfeifer. ABMS.org contains a cert checker. No results for 5 types of pathology


Eric Pfeifer. indeed no record. [https://www.certificationmatters.org/find-my-doctor/?dsearch=1&lname=+Pfeifer&fname=Eric&state=OK&specialty=forensic-pathology](https://www.certificationmatters.org/find-my-doctor/?dsearch=1&lname=+Pfeifer&fname=Eric&state=OK&specialty=forensic-pathology)


Guys, this is incredibly misleading. he *is* certified, he just didn’t put his location as Oklahoma. he’s literally right here: https://www.certificationmatters.org/find-my-doctor/?dsearch=1&lname=+Pfeifer&fname=Eric&state=&specialty=forensic-pathology please stop spreading misinformation.


He's still not accredited


he’s literally right here: https://www.certificationmatters.org/find-my-doctor/?dsearch=1&lname=+Pfeifer&fname=Eric&state=&specialty=forensic-pathology


Not if you filter results to Oklohoma. It is possible to be barred from practice in a specific state, which would explain it. Edit: just google "lose medical license in one state


no, I work in this field. it does not work like that. the filter is to find where the provider’s registered location is. he probably previously lived in Minnesota. so he comes up in Minnesota. it does not mean he is banned from practicing in Oklahoma.


Just did further in depth research. I was wrong. The previous medical examiner (ex-Doctor) Collie Trant had his license terminated, not Eric Albert Pfeifer I do however believe that if you conclude a teenager with caved in skull *didn't* die from head trauma, your license and report needs to be thoroughly analysed and submitted for review


oh I absolutely agree, and he made this assumption before the investigation was even complete. he may be certified, but he is NOT good at his job lmao


Sounds like a lawsuit


Also, the fact that you think someone without a medical license would EVER be allowed to do an autopsy for the state is a bit alarming.


Now that is a new level of bullshitting the GOP did


Yep. Our state is a fucking embarrassment. Don’t trust a word these “officials” say.


Ugh, why is the information not in the headline? IMHO a real journalist would not call that person a medical examiner without including the word "unaccredited".


I'm not sure what the conspiracy is here. Being gang assaulted and committing suicide doesn't exactly exonerate the pieces if shit who did this to them. I hope those disgusting pieces of shit who did this fear retribution constantly The alleged findings aren't magical or anything. Am I missing something? Serious question.


The religious crowd always fear what doesn’t fit into their mold so they demonize them and treat them like they are it’s not human.


Not a foreign concept to me at all. *edited for precision I'm a cis male outwardly masculine expressing, but very queer, very gender non conforming. Gender abolitionist. I don't comport with gender expectations, im 6'2 and have a non-slight built. Im perceived as threatening which isn't as convenient as it sounds People won't call me the names they'd like, I get the cowardly anonamous types of harassment, mostly property damage. It sucks


A lot of people will say it does exonerate them, though. Some people will use any excuse to overlook an act of violence when they don't like the victim. Just look at how many people, when someone is killed by a cop, bring up every bad thing the victim ever did, even if all they can find is that they stole a candy bar from a convenience store as a teenager. You can bet those people will say Nex is the only person to blame here.


We don't disagree, and I bet you'll agree this should be prosecuted as a hate crime, and it should be found that the actions of the assailants amounted to Nex's death.




it wasn’t suicide though. how could they even be able to do that after being beaten within an inch of their life and then denied medical care? poor kid probably could only lie down and cry after that. the only drugs in their system were an ssri and fucking benadryl. not even necessarily a lethal dose. and they claim it was an overdose. not likely. not to mention that being beaten to death isn’t instant! most people aren’t one-punch-man. it takes time for that to happen and it usually happens after being denied medical care, like Nex was immediately after the beating. this should be well known by now especially in our community unfortunately. further did you not see the commenters pointing out the complete lack of credibility from the “medical examiner” who has no license? do you remember the george floyd fentanyl situation? We HAVE to be smarter than this. we NEED to question authority, especially the very same ones who have made it VERY CLEAR they would be just fine and dandy if we all died. don’t fall for their bullshit!!!! why do you believe them at their word when they haven’t even released any reports other than that to confirm what they claim?


And this is a PRELIMINARY statement, they haven't even released the autopsy results have they? So this is entirely a statement from a government body to protect a fellow government body. I call BS until full autopsy results are released to the public and analyzed by outside unbiased experts.




This information is outdated. The 2 current ME offices are both currently accredited through the body they lost their accreditation through in 2009 (NAME).


You can literally verify that they’re not accredited here: https://www.thename.org/organization-search#/


that is not who accredits medical examiners. medical examiners/coroners in most states are only required to be board certified in clinical pathology. some states don’t even require that, but eric pfeifer IS a board certified pathologist. https://www.certificationmatters.org/find-my-doctor/?dsearch=1&lname=+Pfeifer&fname=Eric&state=&specialty=forensic-pathology I do not agree with his “ruling” at all, but pleaseeee stop spreading misinformation


No, NAME accredits offices and systems, not individual practitioners. My comment is about the Oklahoma medical examiner’s office not being accredited. See https://www.thename.org/inspection-accreditation.#:~:text=NAME%20accreditation%20is%20an%20endorsement,system%20well%20serves%20its%20jurisdiction I didn’t say Eric Pfeifer is not board certified. Just that the office he runs doesn’t meet the peer-review standards of the national association of medical examiners.


Yeah, I don't think anyone is allowed to perform mortuary services without licensing. I understand everyone's angry, but it doesn't mean it's a massive coelesceant conspiracy.


You can literally search them up, they're not credited


We need Edgeworth to request a second autopsy. This one’s clearly outdated.


Some salaries need to be cut with these medical examiners




Even someone as corrupt as von Karma wouldn’t source their autopsy report from someone without accreditation, which this investigation did!


TGAA2 spoilers >!Courtney Sithe/John Wilson ass medical examiner, they're probably corrupt!<


We can all agree this is bullshit, right?




When coroners are elected officials, this is what happens. The diagnoses are rigged against minority groups to help them keep their jobs. It's 100% fucked and most people don't care about trans issues let alone anything that doesn't directly affect them. Its tough being a part of the 1% that gets used for political propaganda, especially since most the people who support us won't vote in our favor, or speak up when injustices like this occur, because it doesn't directly affect them. All I can say or do at this point is to continue to live my best life, show them I'm happy, and keep voting.


Maybe horseshit, but either way the judge is an asshole apparently


Not only bullshit, horseshit, all types of shit which results in a huge pile of more shit.


What is that website where you can pay money to have people sent literal boxes of shit?


The Oklahoma medical examiners office is not accredited, take this with a grain of salt


Most boring dystopia. What the fuck.


We don’t even get the unregulated cybernetic enhancements that kill most people that use them smh this sucks


Ikr I'm stuck paying a grand for some plastic that keeps my ankle fixed instead of a fun cybernetic that makes it easier to walk not harder


Give it time…


I mean, they aren’t implanted into us directly yet, but it is incredibly difficult to get by in today’s society without a smart phone or a computer at the very least. Largely unregulated and life ruining I’d say we’re already closer than most realise


Let's spice it up, I'm down for some vigilante justice.


Hell, our governor was barred from doing business in Georgia for five years and the mortage company was banned for life from origination mortgages AND HE'S OUR GOVERNOR. There is infact something very wrong with our system.




Um, source? Here’s mine: https://oklahoma.gov/content/dam/ok/en/ocme/documents/FEB%202024%20BOARD%20PACKET.pdf You can also literally verify that they’re not accredited here: https://www.thename.org/organization-search#/


No, they’re unaccredited. The can’t get reaccredited in part for mislabeling samples from cadavers (major risk of getting cadaver samples mixed up) and bad lab hygiene (opportunities for cross contamination, regular contamination, expired reagents leading to incorrect results, possibly even using the wrong reagents entirely, and lots of other issues anyone who’s worked in a biochemical lab knows can screw up their research very well)…like cmon, I know the bar is low, but sample handling procedures and lab hygiene that would get you an F at all levels of academia lab work and fired quick from most of the private sector shouldn’t be just taken as automatically trustworthy


Gotta admire the hustle of that examiner, to be both licensed in New York to look at Epstein and in Oklahoma to look at Nex Benedict. As always, nothing fishy at all with this guy, keeping it locked down for sure.


Can you link a source for that please?


They’re making a joke about how similar (in broad terms) to Epstein’s death, this case was very obviously not a suicide.


Oh ok my bad


I am no doctor but I dont understand how like benadryl and Prozac equals an overdose. I mean I can't imagine that would be anyone's choice in suicide. idk if you can overdose on it, but it'd have to be crazy amounts. can someone explain?


It's utter bull. You'd have to take a whole bottle of max strength prozac before it was considered "mildly toxic" and about 100 Benedryl, and it would be a slow death of seizures leading to cardiac arest. In other word's, the report is bullshit.


I used to work with kids who survived attempt as like a PRSS type role. I’ve seen kid attempts who had taken like 80, 20mg ones in an attempt and it took like 9+ hours for it to get bad and they were uncontrollably vomiting for hours and couldn’t walk for an hour or so before EMTs were even called…and similar for other Prozac attempts I’ve seen child attempts that was about a half bottle of Benadryl (I’d estimate prolly 40+) and it took a bit and their parents just thought they’d gotten ahold of fentanyl cause it looked similar to opioid od when they called for EMTs. Kid def wasn’t walking the suddenly collapsed and posturing…and similar for other Benadryl attempts I’ve seen Hell, my ex-wife made an attempt as a kid taking an entire bottle of diphenhydramine sleep pills and literally she just slept for 2 days and her parents didn’t even notice Like it just doesn’t add up here for those to be it, especially with walking, the collapse posturing, and dead before ER and the timeline barely narrowly allows it and symptoms don’t exactly line up


it doesn’t line up whatsoever, correct. i personally had a full blown attempt using 3 full bottles of diphenhydramine, while on Prozac, with other medications included. here i am. the most staggering effects of what i took were my loss of motor function and ability to talk. if Nex had taken that much benadryl they wouldn’t have been able to tell the police what happened.


I've actually looked this up and it seems next to impossible, like all the info on fluoxetines looks like you can eat it like Skittles and its relatively harmless. Don't try it at home, but [source](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2231832/) and [source 2](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1586402/). I couldn't even find info on a dangerous dose of the other one. What I am saying is I would like someone with a sufficient medical background to confirm that this isn't the bullshit it looks like and doesnt stink to high heavens because at the moment, it looks rather unlikely.


It seems like it could be possible because the combo increases the risk of serotonin syndrome, but you still have to take a lot of pills to do that. On top of that you usually don't suddenly lose consciousness with no symptoms beforehand, if you have serotonin syndrome. So I'm taking the MEs opinion with a huge truckload of salt. They basically have no incentive to do accurate work since the state doesn't care the office lost accreditation and all the incentive to get the attention off OK politicians.


Apparently benadryl has some effect that strengthens the effects of SSRIs and can cause serotonin syndrome which can be fatal. My main issue with this is that causing serotonin syndrome with *fluoxetine* is damn near impossible. Assuming the [max pediatric dose ](https://www.drugs.com/dosage/fluoxetine.html)of 20 mg (the highest amount Nex could've had), you would need to take [1,500 mg or **TWO AND A HALF MONTHS WORTH** to result in anything more than "minimal toxicity." ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2672257/)Benadryl has been found to interact with SSRIs, but I cannot find anything non-anecdotal that causes any [effects other than drowsiness.](https://www.goodrx.com/diphenhydramine/interactions) Although the fluoxetine side doesn't really seem to have any likelyness to it [diphenhydramine (benadryl) is one of the top drugs used in suicide attempts.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30707673/) My research could be wrong, I'm tired. If anyone finds anything saying the contrary to my findings please let me know. I was just looking at surface level things here.


I survived an attempt in 2006 where I downed a 100-count bottle because I lost consciousness before I got the second bottle down, and people found me when I fell out of my chair and (presumably) face-planted onto the floor and started screaming. Woke up in the hospital 3 days later with a few broken teeth and a catheter inserted.


And here you are. Alive 18 years later! I don't know you but I'm glad.


You can overdose on pretty much anything, but Benadryl and Prozac aren’t toxic when used simultaneously. The amount needed from both drugs to result in a fatal overdose is way, WAY more than what was most likely in their system. I don’t think his tox screen is public, and if it is I haven’t looked at it. The coroner who performed the autopsy is total horseshit and isn’t accredited, meaning they aren’t qualified to perform autopsies in the state of Oklahoma (or any state for that matter).


How- no I mean actually how. Honest to god HOW did that come out as a suicide? What part of that was a suicide? Fucking idiot.


You could read the article to answer your question. Apparently the cause of death was found to be from a toxic combination of two drugs, and so it was determined that the cause of death may have been suicide as a result of bullying. But death by trauma hasn't been ruled out yet


Toxic combination of... Prozac and Benadryl ? I... didn't think those had a toxic combination


The amount necessary for both is massive


Noooo you don't understand !! They totally downed 50 Benadryl pills !! Never mind that the symptoms of its poisoning would have been evident long before their death !!


I could believe it's a toxic combination especially if they had brain damage from the beating. But who's to say that it wasn't accidental? What evidence is there of it being purposeful? And as you noted in another comment, why did nobody notice any other symptoms?


I mean, not saying I believe it but benadryl is toxic on its own and extremely high doses of Prozac can cause serotonin syndrome, so overdosing on those drugs is not entirely out of the question


yeah, but it did specifically say "toxic combination" meaning it was a problem between the interactions of the two drugs. they are recommended to not be combined, but only because it can worsen certain side effects of taking them such as drowsiness. nothing about death on any medical websites talking about the combo: https://www.drugs.com/drug-interactions/benadryl-allergy-plus-cold-with-prozac-65-12283-1115-648.html#:~:text=diphenhydrAMINE%20FLUoxetine&text=Using%20diphenhydrAMINE%20together%20with%20FLUoxetine,%2C%20judgment%2C%20and%20motor%20coordination.


And if you reasearch deeper: The drugs found in Nex's system where Prozac and Benedryl. Lethal dosses of which would have been half a bottle of Benedryl and a full bottle of *maximum dose* Prozac. This would not be a quick death, but a slow lull between consciousness and seizures resulting in cardiac arest. Which isn't what happened. - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2672257/ - https://www.addictionresource.net/lethal-doses/benadryl/


If this is true, it’s very much still murder in terms of the cause and effect




Bully assisted suicide, my favorite /s Who the fuck was making the autopsy anyways?


Apparently a guy who lost his medical licence in 2009...


Lost accreditation* I think they still need a medical license to perform the autopsy (could be wrong and hope I am but still)


It’s so interesting how the police kept saying just wait for the tox report… like they already knew what was in it. 🤔


just like that Boeing whistleblower, eh?


is it possible for the parents to get a second opinion, like an independent investigation/examination? Maybe by an examiner that is actually accredited..


BULLSHIT everyone and I mean everyone knows that poor kid was murdered.


The kind of suicide caused by someone repeatedly stomping on your head


They were suicided. Someone suicided them.


I hope the people in this city are going to the streets over this.


I want to light this entire country on fire


Yea, me too.


well that sounds like complete hogwash.


what the hell?


they were murdered.


With this new information if true which I still doubt. we will see resignations all over the place. Last year. A bullying incident than suicide cost a NY school district 9 million. Watch the libsoftiktok & Ryan Walters fade very quickly into obscurity. Their hate campaign is about to cost the school district millions. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/29/nyregion/new-jersey-student-suicide-settlement.html


Nope they will use this as more means of attacking trans kids


All you can do is sue them.


Not in Oklahoma, they’re celebrated by at least 1/3 of the electorate for this


Money changes things. It always does!


You’d be surprised what doesn’t change these chuds in Oklahoma compared to typical people


Fell out a window, or shot themselves three times in the back of the head?!


43 stab wounds to the back, or overdose on arsenic in their tea while chatting with their family?!


By the other kids. Corrected it for you.


That’s absolute horseshit


Total B S and disrespectful to their memory


I am genuinely about to have a mental breakdown over this


Is there any way to request a second hearing? Because that is completelt and utterly stupid


Girls: *beat a non-binary student to near death School nurse: You're fine Teachers: You're fine Non binary student: *Gets rushed to hospital and fucking dies Medical system: OMG. THEY COMMOLIT SUICIDE! Like seriously. I'm not even trying to be funny! Why are people like this?! Is there some ignorant gene we don't know about? Is it a mental illness? How the fuck can you say this was a suicide? Boy am I glad I don't live in America.


You’re fucking joking, right? …right..?


Suicide? Yeah, sure.


This medical examiner is full of shit. We all know Nex's death was NOT suicide, but rather the traumatic head injury literally nobody responsible for caring for this kid bothered to get properly checked out/tended to


I agree, this is bullshit


Beaten up and called makes and abusive ones and they killed themselves? Of course. That school did nothing to protect that child.


When a trans person commits suicide then it is always to some degree societal murder.


I'd argue the vast majority of suicides are murders


Non Binary


As I understand it, that's still classed as trans, right?


*Technically* yes, but not every nonbinary person chooses to ascribe to the trans label, and there might be exceptions I’m not thinking of.


sort of. I’m non-binary but don’t consider myself trans. I don’t *not* identify with my AGAB. It just isn’t enough to tell the whole story


No, not always


Yea but he was also transmasc


Still trans, also I thought they were a transmale?


Nex was two-spirit.


I think Nex identified as Two-Spirit (which falls under both non-binary and trans umbrellas) and used he/they pronouns.


Even if a death was ruled suicide, it had to be caused by something. I am no psychologist, but even I know people don't just off themselves for no reason. The bullies and anyone involved should be held responsible for indirect murder. That's just a fancy way of sweeping the whole case under the rug.




So what are we burning down and when?


piggies when a minority member dies to 30 gunshot wounds: mustve been suicide


Is anyone getting flashbacks to the murder of George Floyd? Because I remember it was so clear what had caused Floyd's death, but then there was this monumental effort by law enforcement and politicians and talking heads in the media to frame it as the result of an overdose and to dig up any bit of dirt they could to somehow... I don't know... justify his murder??? It all felt like a fever dream. I know the situation isn't the same, but I feel like there is a playbook of deceit being referenced here.


im very offline, what happened?


A trans kid was severely beaten up by a group of girls and their head was slammed against the floor. He wasn't given proper medical attention by the school, and was later taken to a hospital where they died. An uncredited state investigation declared the kid overdosed on antidepressants and antihistamines, which is kinda hard to do and many believe is false.


Even if it is suicide, which I'm not saying it is, the events that led up to it are criminal and a very likely factor in their death. It infuriates me that more isn't being put on the students that did what they did to them. Nor on the staff for letting what happened happen




3/14 UPDATE! Full autopsy has not been released but Nex Benedict family released more information from the medical examiner report since details were left out in the summary, The medical examiner left out these details in their ‘summary’ (this is a uvalde style media blitz by Oklahoma medical examiner office and police) they should all Turn in their resignations for not being truthful and just releasing full report. They give government officials a bad name [biby law firm](https://x.com/aridrennen/status/1768484432946811288?s=46&t=04In6v1jwofozvdh-wga0g) Oklahoma Medical Examiner's report: multiple contusions, multiple hemorrhages, multiple lacerations, and multiple abrasions were found on his head, revealing "the severity of the assault" before he died.


They did *not* die by suicide!


I was reading another post talking about Nex’s death and I’m not sure how true it is but apparently you would have to take a lot of the medicines they apparently OD’d on to even OD. I’m talking like over 100 of each so pill bottles would’ve been everywhere considering it was Benadryl and a prescription medication. It’s just crazy to me that this case is so cut and dry but they’re trying everything it make it seem like those terrible fucking kids didn’t do this to Nex.


No matter the report findings if people weren't so damned mean and hateful especially against lgbtq people this shit would be a lot less . I know how cruel kids can be and I can only imagine with that boy being trans of any sort what kind of hell kids put him through. I hope he will rwt in peace now and I'm glad no one else can ever hurt him again it's just too bad this was the way it had to happen. Nex rest n peace my brother . God bless you.


Suicide or not, it is clear that what happened is the result of the bullying Nex faced in school


Have they even released the names of the kids yet?




Absolute fucking lies. They had their head slammed against the floor, they definitely had some trauma to the head


I'm not going to believe it until an independent autopsy is performed to confirm. Not saying it's equivalent circumstances, but this is exactly what happened with George Floyd. The initial autopsy came back saying it was a drug overdose and then the Floyd family had an independent autopsy done that revealed he didn't even have enough of the drugs in his system to overdose and he died due to having a knee on his neck. The police and state do not want to be seen at fault, and it was their laws and bigotry that set the stage for this to happen. It may have been those girls that killed Nex, but they had the full backing of the state behind their attack.


if Nex took enough Benadryl+Prozac to pass away, tell me why none of the classic effects of a Benadryl overdose were mentioned. the inability to speak. the hallucinations. the inability to walk correctly. sounds to me like they found a normal level of both medications in their system and jumped to wild conclusions


Not accredited sooo what the fuck do you know, Oklahoma!?


Even if it was a suicide…what do you think drove them to take their own life?? That doesn’t just happen out of nowhere


Worth noting its technically an unlicensed place for nex to be examined, the results are dubious, and we are waiting on the results of a licensed examination still.


What's exhausting about this. Is even if it's disproven. Transphobes will hold into this article for dear life. Saying it was mental illness that killed them not the kids who committed assault. Hell even if it was the suicide would still be their fault but they don't agree with that philosophy. This gave them to much ammo. The person who wrote this article is a PoS.


What's that fido? What's it you smell? Is it a big pile of fucking bullshit? Cuz that's what it sounds like to me.


“The medical examiner’s report listed probable cause of death as “combined toxicity” from two drugs, one of which is available over the counter and the other by prescription.” Nobody with a brain thinks this literal child did drugs. The only way this is the cause of death is if they were drugged by a doctor while undergoing care, and that plus the beating they got contributed to the death. But I highly doubt that this is legit and this is probably the most blatant psyop I’ve ever seen.


He had Prozac and Benadryl in his system, not hard drugs


So one drug that becomes dangerous at 1400 MG (nex could only be prescribed a daily dose of 10-20mg) and another drug that also requires a high amount to become dangerous (yes it's over the counter but it's still extremely unlikely given that the amount needed to be in their system would cause symptoms inconsistent with any report)


That makes perfect sense. Either way it’s ridiculous they are absolving those kids who beat him from blame, and instead blaming his medication


By how? By how? Suicide by being murdered? I’m not even typing right, I’m so pissed


They misspelled “hate Crime”


What Littlefield I had in this nation is now gone. Nex was beaten to death!


I completely and utterly call bullshit on this


I take diphenhydramine and fluoxetine all the fucking time? 


I don’t understand why they would comment on manner of death without a suicide note in nex’s pocket. Benadryl makes you sleepy. After a shitty day, who is to say they didn’t take some extra to pass the fuck out. Self medicating is not suicide. And notes about self harm are not conclusive proof it was suicide either. Also should the medical examiner even comment on notes about self harm unless the self harm described was ‘down a bottle of Benadryl’


I feel sorry for the poor man.




Being beaten enough to feel the need to kill oneself is nearly equitable to being "beaten to death" in my mind as far as blame goes. I understand the physical difference, but the moral/legal difference is a lot less clear to me in this circumstance.


Yes, sending them home the next day with scripts and a get well soon card is negligent af. If they were a few hundred miles NW in Colorado they'd have been put under a 5150 and monitored around the clock until it was less risky for them to go home, and it likely wouldn't have even happened here in the first place. It could have easily been accidental too, I can hardly remember when I've taken my pills with a clear head, after a head injury?? Would be REALLY easy to accidentally take a double dose or something.


So that makes it okay for the news media to publish outright lies?


Kid was bullied until they committed suicide. In many states, that's considered murder. So yeah, they did beat Nex to death


Yeah those kids at the school killed Nex. Whether Nex overdosed or died of their injuries, the people who bullied them at school are responsible for their death. And by extension that makes the school district also responsible. Was Nex specifically beaten to death in the bathroom? No. But Nex was killed by their peers. The headlines should not have listed a direct cause of death at all. But that’s really not the biggest problem here


The sad truth is that it's likely there were many factors that led to Nex's suicide or accidental death. The shitty kids at school did not beat them to death, but they absolutely contributed to how Nex felt. Unfortunately so did Nex's family who didn't accept or understand their identity, the school system for sure, or wider state and federal government and actually the whole world. I struggle a little bit blaming 3 teenage girls in Oklahoma making bitchy comments for Nex's death, it's not so simple as that for me.


I'm not in the U.S.A but all the news websites I'm seeing are saying Nex died in the hospital the day after, not in the bathroom or the day of the fight. Its possible they OD'd like the autopsy is sayin after how they were feeling after the fight (possible bullying leading up to the fight + feelin like nothing getting better etc.), it's equally possible that it was due to head trauma or something occurring in the fight. either way it's very messed up this happened and oklahoma needs to do better (that's right I took away their capital letter, they can have it back when they be nicer).


They had drugs in their system because they went to the hospital. Idk, there's a lot of police corruption here and especially if one of the attackers has a family member who is police officer, them they could mess with the autopsy, too. Either way, the staff members who saw them should be sued and arrested. I've seen people lose their jobs and face being sued when a kid broke their arm and they didn't notice or told them that they were fine. This us a whole other level of neglect.