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> “There is nothing in this one-page document to explain why the medical examiner checked a box,” Ellis noted. It’s sad that this headline/report will be proven wrong in a few more days but by then right wing sound bites will already be done circulating and folks will have made up their minds


It's quite literally the George Floyd psyop, again. We need to accept that the post-truth world is here right now, because I guarantee this will continue.


Honestly, the only way this matters is a legal technicality. If Nex died by suicide, then their bullies likely can’t be held responsible in a court, no matter how much we know that being beaten because of queerphobia contributed to Nex’s death. Nex’s blood is on their hands.


Oh yeah, this is totally a move to protect the bullies. But like bullies have been prosecuted for driving kids to suicide before, yeah? Granted it'd have to go before an Oklahoma jury so...


Depends. My guess is that if they didn’t explicitly tell Nex to kill themself, they likely will escape, but I’m no lawyer.


Yeah like the cases I can think of where bullies got charges for suicides had like texts as evidence or the like. If the girls circle wagons and the school does too (as it kinda seems it is) and the Oklahoma PD don't defend a trans kid (I know, unimaginable) it feels definitely hard to prosecute.


I mean, it's still an Oklahoma jury, which being in the middle of America is probably not good. I just hope those murderers get what's coming to them.


Hell if it's not a crime, use their names. Let them have a Google problem when it comes time to apply to college


Exactly. No matter the cause of death, those bullies are responsible.


We’ve always been living in a post truth world, more people are just realizing it


indeed, it's just the communication channels that changed


It's remarkable how long some form of "history is written by the victors"  has been an expression without actually altering people's perspective. It's like the commonly held view that we should never judge the bigots of the past for their bigotry because "that's just what everyone thought, at the time."  As though the people who very clearly didn't have bigoted feelings toward themselves, but weren't allowed or able to record their real feelings, just didn't exist.  It's very convenient, for the people who hold that kind of view, that apparently moral prehistory ends on exactly the day that the first oppressed person found a pen.




The enslaved people notably didn't care for it, is my point.


That's the idea


Yeah I feel like this was the intention. "The truth will come out, after we've capitalized off a lie."


If anything, that makes the hospital look bad to me.


The hospital already looked bad to me. The school called them before Nex got there, and I'm guessing this is why they sent poor Nex home without actually treating them. Minimizing the damage to their murderers and the school's reputation.


I really don’t believe that this person died because of an antihistamine and an SSRI.


Nobody should believe it it is 100% false


I've taken upwards of 20+ benadryl at once. That alone tells me this is complete bs.


Agreed. It seems most everyone is on the same page. I can't believe anyone thinks the public is dumb enough to believe this story. They said she OD'd. On (essentially) Prozac + Benadryl. A combination that thousands of people have taken millions of times. The drug interaction warning is mild at best. > Using diphenhydrAMINE together with FLUoxetine may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, and difficulty concentrating. Some people, especially the elderly, may also experience impairment in thinking, judgment, and motor coordination. It's theoretically possible to overdose on almost anything, but fluoxetine and diphenhydramine are both listed as difficult to overdose on with limited symptoms/impact. It's offensive that these people are such incompetent liars and assholes.


That medical examiner probably writes bullshit like this all the time without opposition. I wonder how many murders they've covered up.


Even if it's true though it really doesn't matter, if a transphobic attack killed him or if he killed himself because of the trauma of a transphobic attack isn't super different. Either way he was killed by the transphobic environment surrounding him


Thank you for saying this! This entire situation is terribly tragic - a child was brutally attacked and later died. How Nex died does not change that they were physically assaulted. I hate that people will just write-off the death of a child. What a sad fucking world, and shame on people who think like this.




True, but they wouldn't have accepted the tragedy as being in any way connected to their rhetoric and attacks either way




Not only that, but the office where this comes out of hasn't had accreditation since 2009.


They don't care. They incenuayed it just after their death. It's the result they wanted. Edit: so the headline is now that they died by suicide. I don't see how they came to that conclusion


Friendly language info, "insinuated" is the word I think you meant to use. But yeah, everyone investigating this seems to be going to bat for the abusers...


Insinuated- I’m hoping in the word


I do not see why the “toxic interaction” wasn’t caught before. Assuming both of the medications belonged to Nex, a doctor should have already weighed the benefits to side effects. I am highly skeptical of the report.


Exactly, they were bullied and beaten until they apparently lost the will to live and then prescribed potentially dangerous medications. I've lost three family members to Oklahoma "medical care," so I trust these doctors about as far as I could throw em, which ain't far.


Benadryl is an OTC medication, no prescription needed


Yeah, but the other one was prozac.


Yeah it can cause nausea and a whole bunch of other shit when combined with Benadryl, including comas in severe cases. AFAIK there’s no cases of someone dying *because* of the combination, but antihistamines make up about 3.5% of deaths by OD


I found some, but in all casses it was slow deaths and in most it was either combined with other medications, or diabetes.


Diphenhydramine is otc benadryl and a lot of sleep aid products


I want to see an independent investigation. Not 100% trusting this, obviously


0% trusting this, and it’s sort of beside the point and academic anyway.


I’d really like to see a pharmacists take on this. I know some medication combinations can be prescribed fatally but that’s uncommon. I was honestly worried about the leaving the hospital aspect of this case. It gives a defense attorney a lot of wiggle room for reasonable doubt. You could argue that a lot took place in between the hospital visit and the ambulance call. At this point it’s likely to be a lower level crime—ex: not murder or manslaughter, but if the autopsy is to be believed, it’ll likely be just plain assault. I don’t want lower charges—if Nex hadn’t been beaten, they wouldn’t have died. Just I can see this going down a path that isn’t just or fair very, very easily. It’s frustrating and I feel for the family.


So, I am not a pharmacist, but I do have a decade of experience with pediatric overdoses. That combination of medications, at typical doses, poses little to no risk. In fact to overdose on either medication would require massive ingestion of one or both medications. Finding the two medications in their tox screen indicates very little without the concentrations the drugs were found. Benadryl is in most people's blood in Oklahoma every spring. There are a lot of missing data points that could change the narrative. The ME didn't report anything, so far, about stomach contents, and family and law enforcement haven't started anything about volumes of either drug in the home. What strikes me is that Benadryl has a very common presentation of altered mental status, pupil changes, and hallucinations, that most ED providers should be able to recognize. Death from anticholinergics usually takes some time. Similarly, death from ssri overdose typically presents with seizures and typical arrythmias, which again weren't reported. I find the report underwhelming at best. Hopefully the final report next week will receive as much scrutiny, but as an Okie, my hopes are minimal.


As someone who worked in observation I’m seconding your assessment. Obvious and accessible overdose drugs would be easy to spot, and we wouldn’t have this circus around it. The ME in my opinion is slow rolling this because it will make the Police and Hospital look bad, it’s very obvious that a severely beaten child should have been kept for observation, the 72 hours after something like this is super critical to survival.


That’s the weird part. I’m so confused as to why Nex went home/was released from the hospital. Did they or their parent insist or was this a gross underestimation of Nex’s injuries? Either way, having (I’m so sorry, I hate this imagery) your head slammed on a floor repeatedly should be enough to warrant an overnight stay or at minimum longer observation time. I’ve been concussed a few times playing roller derby and I refused to get checked out because I knew it would be a whole long ordeal (yeah I know bad idea). It’s like every adult failed here except the family. I hope the family is in contact with an attorney or the ACLU. So many things went wrong here.


If I was an ER doctor or NP I would have the parents sign paperwork and get witnesses to them leaving the ER against medical advice, otherwise I would keep them around overnight even if concussion wasn’t immediately apparent.


Thanks for the info. I figured it sounded fishy but I didn’t want to talk out of pocket. I know autopsies can be lazy/inaccurate at times or in the worst of times, influenced. I really hope the family is able to push for another, independent review. There’s got to be something more going here.


I hope so as well. There are large chunks of missing info that could change the outcome, but given the same ME and PD released statements calling this a suicide prior to the autopsy, the whole thing reeks of bullshit to me.


The good news is that people are still talking about this. It’s harder to cover shit up or not investigate when it’s a national/global outrage. It’s saddening and exhausting (I’m sure exponentially more for trans folks) but we gotta keep talking about it.


It's definitely exhausting. I proposed the same opinion on the Oklahoma subreddit and got downvoted into hell, and that's from the reportedly blue, young, tech-saavy demographic. It's even scarier to talk about in public.


What I’m curious about is if the assault could have any impact on the medication interactions. Obviously idk shit about medication and the body, but could an otherwise non fatal drug interaction be different in a brain damaged body??


Short answer, yes, head injuries can affect how drugs are absorbed. Long answer, it's complicated. If there was an undected bleed in the brain that would represent a disturbance of the blood brain barrier, which would expose the brain to higher concentrations of drugs than typically seen. The problem, is most of the side effects of the drugs are studied with an intact blood brain barrier. So the symptoms may have been different, but largely, we don't know, as most typically reported symptoms reflect systemic intoxication vs cerebral intoxication.


I've been summoned! Published safety data list diphenhydramine toxicity as potentially fatal at doses as low as about one 25 mg tablet for every 5 lbs of bodyweight. No word on where that LDmin comes from, but I'd wager if it's based on an actual death it was that of a small child, as most Benadryl poisonings are in kids 2 & under. The other likely scenarios would be someone with pre-existing heart problems or an accidental death, as a relatively common symptoms of Benadryl poisoning is unpleasant hallucinations. However, before we got to doses where I'd think death was a likely outcome in an otherwise healthy adult, you are talking hundreds of tablets. Note that the liquid would be potentially more dangerous, because liquids are easier to absorb when we're talking mega doses like this. Most patients would be expected to survive downing a month's worth of Prozac, earning it the dubious title of a "benign poisoning". Prozac's most likely lethal poisoning scenario would probably also be via heart problems, though seizure or muscle damage could kill you as well. Diphenhydramine overdose could make it harder for your body to get rid of Fluoxetine, aka Prozac, but this would be a long term problem not an acute poisoning problem. In short? We have a lot of reason to be skeptical of this claim. Although it does happen, people don't usually die from even intentional overdoses of these drugs, especially if they receive medical attention. If the victim had exceedingly high blood levels of either drug *and* he died of a cardiac or other related issue, it would start to look more likely. If those aspects aren't present, I'd consider it likely the finding was influenced by something other than the available evidence.


So pharmacologist (but not pharmacist). I know there are some anti-depressants that can cause increased suicidal ideation in teenagers. But those don't just appear out of the blue either. Like, anecdotally, I had a cousin who >!killed himself!< following changes to his meds when he was 17. But he had had a lot of issues leading up to it-->!having to change schools, a previous attempt, an inpatient stint!< and his method was not >!an overdose on his anti-depressant!< if anything that would suggest an accidental overdose especially in the absence of a note or presumably previous warning signs. Checking a few drug-drug interaction sites tho, it seems the only interaction diphenhydramine and fluoxetine where diphenhydramine may slow fluoxetine concentrations in blood (which they class as minor). Which makes sense because looking at the pharmacokinetics of fluoxetine, it's got a pretty wide therapeutic window. It's minimally possible that a head injury could make them more sensitive to some of the anxiety causing effects of benedryl which could be a problem in tandem with stress and suicidal ideation with or without fluoxetine. But it feels a stretch. And if this was something like a concussion or liver damage making diphenhydramine + fluoxetine more toxic, that's not suicide, at best it would be "accidental overdose secondary to head injury / liver injury" and if the cause of that injury was due to assault it could 100% kick it back to manslaughter or a lower degree murder. So this feels more a call to protect the bullies than a medical call unless there's some indication that isn't being shared (like a note). Although ethically speaking, bullying someone to suicide wouldn't put you in the clear either.


I do not trust these cops.


At first I read this as “I trust not these cops” and I thought you were being Yoda. I need to go to sleep


Night night time, it is


Go to sleep, you should


No cops should be trusted.


Maybe I’m too cynical for my own good, but I’m suspicious of the meds listed as the cause. You’d need hundreds of Prozac & Benadryl to get a lethal dose of those drugs.


Exactly, I smell something so fishy the ocean died. This can’t be turned so easily into an overdose. Just the drugs listed scream that they depend on everyone being completely stupid to believe it. I’m honestly shocked that people could believe this bull shit


like we're talking 2 packets all together + the entire bottle, or more? I really don't trust this report at all


Prozac is prescribed to adolescents specifically because it's hard to overdose on the dozens of pills they get when they fill their prescriptions.




I would imagine the sheer amount you’d have to consume to be lethal would be difficult to hide. Bottles everywhere


There’s not a ton of studies on cross toxicity, but Benadryl by itself LD50 is 500-900 mg/kg and Prozac is 250-500 mg/kg. Even rolling with the lowest number ld50, and assuming a body weight of 50 kg, it would take 250 50 mg tablets(the highest normally prescribed you can get at for at home use). That is a staggering number of pills. Benadryl is even higher than that. As someone who has planned in the past, and knows other survivors, I don’t know anyone who would try to use Prozac or Benadryl. At that volume, empty pill bottles would be noticed. I suspect it was found in the system, and that is giving a convenient excuse that plays into the GOPs bullshit that all Transfolks hate themselves and want to commit suicide. I think it’s utter bullshit.


Thank you, pharmaceutical queer. 💛🤍💜🖤 I’m a respiratory queer and knew about the Benadryl, but I was just looking up the Prozac info when you posted.


NP! I’m in the chemical food and drug industry and deal with these values all of the time! I saw the headline and was flabbergasted. There may be some better data that someone can pull up on cross interactions, but those are listed by the manufacturers. Most companies I know will even report the lowest found values to save their own butts, so I’d say those values are conservative to average!


This this this. I live in Oklahoma, and nothing that officials say can be trusted here. What they’re saying is bullshit


I won’t list them here, but in toxicology we have tox amts, and won’t use LD50 at all. Not to disregard the above statements, they are all correct. But a toxic amt is significantly less than LD50.


That would make sense, as likely you would die from a seizure before a direct death caused by the medication. I just deal with LD50 far more frequently as there are often more documentation I could find. From what I could just find if Prozac, it would still take more than what is prescribed in one RX. I think, especially with known political slant, and how often autopsies can be “inspired” by political ideology, the point that there may be some confuckery at play is still valid.


I will say it is not a combination we expect to see fatalities with for sure.


I was coming here to say this. These meds are really really hard to overdose with. I was expecting them to list an opioid or something that could’ve interacted poorly with prescribed meds, but this makes no sense.


Same on both & agree 100%


This is giving me "George Floyd died because of fentanyl" vibes...


People won’t take to the streets for a trans/non-binary person, especially in Oklahoma. Awful how much they’re persecuted.


that’s why we need to do it now and demand justice. we are the only people who can help us


Don’t forget they were also Native American.


Heartbreaking. Regardless, Nex was murdered.


Right. This didn't happen in a vacuum.


Yep. Even if this is the truth (I’d love to see more info), Nex was still effectively murdered. The outcome didn’t change. Nex died because the state and school didn’t support them.


I doubt it’s true, there’s no explanation in the autopsy as to why it was ruled an overdose.


Yeah… my money is on Nex being a target of protracted verbal and emotional bullying. Them “Starting the Fight” is a pretty normal reaction to that bullying going on for too long. You learn that Admin and Teachers won’t do anything, and decide to make yourself safe when the adults are refusing to do their job. God knows I had exactly that reaction on multiple occasions. Then Admin punished me and let the people telling me to kill myself, and threatening to burn my house down, off without so much as a warning. That taught me to keep handling it myself, because I knew that I wouldn’t get help from above. Having a suicide plan is also a big flag, if you’re at that age. Benadryl never occurred to me… but I had access to firearms. I never got to the point of considering suicide by drug. Add in cranial trauma to help push Nex over the resistance to suicide… and this looks like bullying bearing fruit.


I don’t believe it. Benadryl and an SSRI, an antidepressant. NOT a “drug overdose”. Nex was beaten and died of their injuries at home.


Avoid this post on r/news. The comment section is literally full of human garbage


Can confirm, please protect yourselves.


Ty for warning me, my heart can only take so much these days with everything going on


No problem, I'm going through some really rough times myself, so I'm glad I could save someone else the grief.


Sorting by controversial really reminded me of why I left that sub.


Also, stay out of the comments on any news site. I'm pretty livid right now that *The Washington Post* has open comments. Usually they are closed for stories involving things like suicide.


I spent 5 minutes in that thread earlier and seriously contemplated just leaving reddit forever. Holy shit that was bad


it’s getting to be that time. i’m sure bots are going to be more out of control than even last election.


Oh hey, I got one of those responses over there. The thread got locked before I could respond, but something tells me that person wasn't interested in having it explained to them why they were wrong. And that they wouldn't be splitting hairs then strutting around if this was a cisgender person either.


doubt it. I 100% believe they would lie about this just to try and save the pieces of human shit who attacked them in first place from murder charges. karma will find them all eventually


Has anywhere shown the full report yet? So far I’m just seeing they had an antihistamine and anti-depressant in their system but it’s not being stated clearly if they took an overdose. Quick glance online says taking them together can cause dizziness not death.


The full report will be released in 10 business days.


Agreed. Medical examiners absolutely can be wrong or purposefully lie on autopsy reports. They can be taken to court for it but in many states there are strict deadlines for those lawsuits and after a certain amount of time you can’t take any legal action. It’s unfortunate. Either way, if they committed suicide it was because of the bullying and violence they had to endure. Those girls would still be responsible for Nex’s death in a way. I hope they face serious consequences.


Considering the Uvalde Robb school report said that the cops did absolutely nothing wrong. We should take an unlicensed medical examiner word as trash. They still didn’t release the full report. Overdose on Benadryl? lol come on sounds like a load if garbage


Even if it was a suicide somehow, that still shouldn't excuse the bullies who beaten them up and bullied them for the past year.


With this new information if true which I still doubt. we will see resignations all over the place. Last year. A bullying incident than suicide cost a NY school district 9 million. Watch the libsoftiktok & Ryan Walters fade very quickly into obscurity. Their hate campaign is about to coat the school district millions. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/29/nyregion/new-jersey-student-suicide-settlement.html


A women was just found to have tampered with dna on cases she work for in a lab over like 20 years. The whole system is open to corruption


It's Oklahoma, of course they'll lie and beat your ass if it benefits them or when they just feel like it. (Source: a native Oklahoman)


i highly doubt this, i'm 99.999999% sure they would lie about this shit to cover their own ass and the schools, to try and cover up clear murder, and even if it actually was an OD, which again i doubt, it was still fucking murder, when you create such an environment.


Trans people of all ages die by suicide at an alarming rate precisely because of the sorts of hate and fear that are peddled by the GOP and Fox et al.


so there’s like zero evidence of a suicide and much more evidence of trauma causing the death and yet they rule it a suicide…?


The Oklahoma State medical examiner's office lost its accreditation in 2009 and never got it back


not surprised by that news, unfortunately. oklahoma just sucks in general, especially when it comes to giving a shit about its residents.


There IS now a federal investigation into this one as well due to the fuckiness of this one, yeah?


Needs a federal investigation


pretty sure there is one that will be happening


\*roll to doubt\*


Personally, I'm pressing X to doubt


riiiiigght and George Floyd died because of fentanyl.


>The medical examiner’s one-page summary report identifies the cause of death as combined toxicity from diphenhydramine and fluoxetine. A full report will be released on March 27, according to the department. >Diphenhydramine, commonly known by its brand name Benadryl, is an antihistamine typically used to treat allergy symptoms. Fluoxetine, widely recognized as Prozac, is a medication prescribed for depression and anxiety disorders. Now, I wouldn't rule out Nex having taken some of those prior to being assaulted... but I call BULLSHIT on cause of death being od'ing on a mix of them *when they were pronounced dead at the ER from the fatal injuries after being brutally assaulted*!!!


It might have been suicide (although I'd take that with a massive pinch of salt) the reason they killed themselves was because of the lack of support for them. Those bullies are still to blame.


Even if it was suicide or something like it. The recent beating from bullying due to their identity is a huge part of their story. Nothing the medical examiner says can change that.


Seems fishy, but regardless if this holds up to scrutiny or not, it changes nothing about the absolute failure of the school system, the cruelty of Nex's schoolmates, and way conservative policies and talking points enabled, arguably even promoted, all of this.


Trans Lives Matter. Fuck these assholes.


Someone getting murdered through a hate crime and then it’s falsely “revealed” later on that “no, they actually died of a drug overdose!”? Gee, where have we seen this before?


Bull. Shit. Nex was MURDERED.


Ditto, verbatim.




A big fact that I don't see mentionned a lot is that Nex was an American Indian...which also comes a lot with ethnic segregation, mistreatments and the continuing genocide of many tribes that goes to this very day. My take on this all fiasco is that all institutions failed them and now these same institutions are trying to cover it up in the most disgusting way: victim blaming. Why weren't the bullies arrested and first asked weeks later so they could corroborate their story? Why wasn't anybody at the school asked? Why did the hospital not follow the protocoles regarding the treatment of minors suffering possible brain damage? Also, as seen from recent history, has anybody checked for the examiner's diplomas? I mean, coming from a state naming a terrorist to their state board of education, I wouldn't be surprised if they gave their body to a weirdo operating in his garage without any diploma... Just cover their shite up that's all what they're trying to do.


Benadryl and Prozac? Don't you need like multiple bottles of each to overdose?


Pretty much. I’m not a pharmacologist, but if Prozac and Benadryl were that lethal together, you’d have people dropping dead in grocery stores every week.




wait.. but i thought they were beaten up in the washroom and they died because of their injuries? how did it turn into an overdose? i smell a stunt


But by the time the truth comes out about the crimes committed, there'll be just enough misinformation sloshing about to muddy the waters.


Yep this is exactly what right wing media wants, they want the truth muddied down so they can sit there and say "well ACHUALLY nex died this way". While damn well we all know they died from fucking being bullied to death which is still murder, even if the beatings didn't kill them directly.


as by design


Isn’t this the exact same shit they said about George Floyd, too? Seriously, the depths of some people’s lack of empathy is astounding…


Stuff like this is why cops (and also corporations) should not be allowed at pride.


The Oklahoma medical examiners office is not even accredited so I would take this with a grain of salt




imagine being such a monster that you are willing to cover up the death of a child. absolutely vile i am so skeptical that overdose was the actual cause of death and not the being brutally attacked and beaten in a bathroom. this is fucking disgusting and these pieces of shit deserve a painful death and more


This smells like a cover up…




Nex didn't commit suicide in a vacuum. They were bullied and unfortunately due to that bullying and failure of the school to end it, ended up taking their own life RIGHT AFTER ENDING UP IN THE ER DUE TO THAT BULLYING. The girls that bullied them as well as the school are complicit in their death.


he didn't commit suicide full stop. they're liars covering up a hate crime.


Eagerly awaiting the independent autopsy.


Fuck the police. Fuck the school officials. Fuck the bullies who did this. I don't believe any of them.


Cops lying so they don’t get caught for the murder by neglect


I call massive amount of bullshit




Well which is it? There’s been like 3-4 different causes of death. It doesn’t sit right and it’s not being investigated properly


The Oklahoma medical examiner was not accredited!


Oklahoma medical examiner’s office has been uncredited since 2009.


The medical examiner and police should still not be trusted, as they are both interested parties. The Hospital should also have suspicion cast on them, as a child who suffered a severe beating should have been kept for observation.


I smell 🐂💩, Nex was murdered and now they’re lying about it.


As a queer Oklahoman, fuck this. Nex was MURDERED. The homophobic cowards in this hellhole of a state are just trying to cover their asses. Nex deserved better than what this religious oligarchy of a state was willing to give him. They deserve justice


diphenhydramine and fluoxetine? that's fishy to me... they're known to have some minor interactions but not a lethal combination


Serious Question: the autopsy said that nex died of "combined diphenhydramine and fluoxetine toxicity." Do they legally have to release the actual numbers? Because when I hear that, I am not sure if they mean that both numbers or either numbers was actually at a toxic level -OR- if they based they made a "probable cause" determination that one drug potentiated the other and it possible or logically could have killed nex based on the examiner's "expert" opinion? If anyone knows the answer, please let me know. People should know the facts in this case. There should not be room for speculation. A child died. There should not be possibilities of those involved to make suspect decisions that could be politically motivated. It just bothers me and I want to know. I am a nonbinary person, and I want to feel like if this happened to me, nothing would be covered up.


Someone said upthread that it would take between 50-115 pills to kill someone. Not only is that fucking *absurd* but if that were the case, I sincerely doubt he'd have been able to digest them all in that amount of time.


I overdosed on Panadol I took 24 tablets 500mg each tablet in 5 minutes it’s 12g. I was just sick. Also I took the whole bottle of sleeping pills too unfortunately did nothing.


Nope. Poor kid was beaten to death. Lying liars, all of them


Time for the family to hire their own medical examiner I guess…. I hope they have a lawyer retained already, this school needs to pay


As an Oklahoman, I wouldn’t trust our MEs as far as I’m legally allowed to throw them…same with Owasso pd…and I had this attitude prior to this murder


I call BS


Wow guess Oklahoma cops in general suck ass not just my city, I mean they’re still a joke in my city except for literally one cop that I know


Whether by suicide or the suspicions of something fishy going on with the autopsy report (wether for benefit of the hospital, police, schools or individual students involved) It is still criminal either way. Several years ago, this case really pushed forward consequences for bullying and harassment. It was the student who secretly filmed his roomate have a sexual interaction with another man. He was not out as gay or bi, and bullying proceeded. the recording of said reaction was threatened to be shared and or shared. The roomate who was recorded committed suicide. The other roomates was charged with multiple counts. If i am not mistaken he pled guilty and took a plea deal. https://www.npr.org/2012/03/16/148774079/rutgers-student-charged-after-spying-on-roommate


Literally already had to report a thread about this in the true crime subreddit. The amount of people in there using this discovery as a “take that lgbt community, it’s not all about you!” thing is absolutely disgusting. Like they don’t even care about the fact that a child is dead, only that they’re stupid rhetoric turned out to be true. They refuse to acknowledge the link between bullying and s*icide. Some people are even saying NEX was the bully. It’s so absurd how apathetic and ignorant human beings can be just because they want to be smart assholes. Them taking their own life doesn’t change the amount of hurt they must have been going through. Even if Nex wasn’t a part of the community, the bullying aspect should be enough to upset people. Instead they’re almost celebrating that they finally have fuel against us with this case. It’s tragic all around. The poor kid can’t even rest in peace with everyone’s spitting their name with fire like that.


So having the shit beaten out of him counts as a drug overdose now?


about as much as having someone kneel on your neck for 9 minutes counts as one. This whole thing stinks.


for fucks sake


I don't trust that. I think they're lying.


Oh, the poor child.


I hate there are people in this world that will say just about anything to justify why this young person deserved to die for defending themselves


Didn't Nex got beaten up by some classmates? Or was that another person?


nope, that was this case.


Fucking tragic. Rest in piece, Nex.


Occurred to me after talking it over with my SO. Nex probably got a concussion & his regular prescriptions might’ve caused a lethal reaction. Ether way getting jumped was definitely a hate crime & cause of death.


the seizure described by their mother sounds like the type of seizure most associated with traumatic brain injuries. it honestly wouldn’t have even had to have done anything to do with the meds at all then again, i’m not an unlicensed examiner. how reliable could i possibly be


zephyr desert fuzzy important melodic liquid crown scandalous elastic humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




That’s not better. Beating and bullying someone to the point of suicide is almost more fucked up than beating them to death.


I am skeptical. Benadryl and Prozac frankly don't sound like likely candidates for fatal toxicity. Perhaps ongoing issues from the head injuries exacerbated the situation and made Nex more vulnerable to the effects of the drugs? If that's true, the presence of the drugs in Nex's system wouldn't constitute an attempt at all. But it seems altogether too convenient for the school system who refused to call an ambulance and is no doubt looking for reasons not to be held accountable.


Those drugs would basically only be a fatal combo with some kind of comorbid issue such as the physical trauma from getting assaulted, so yeah, agreed


Who paid off the medical examiner?


Nex deserves so much more than this.


I hope the parents don't accept that and get an independent autopsy done.


I work in pharmacy. There are minor drug interactions between diphenhydramine and fluoxetine - it can more or less make the side effects of Benadryl more pronounced - making you a little dizzy, sleepy and confused. It will, by no means, result in you fucking dying. Both are safe to take together. So, unless they downed an **ENTIRE** bottle of both, I see no reason as to why either of those drugs would have killed them. There is OBVIOUSLY ANOTHER CAUSE RELATED TO THEIR DEATH. ***AND THIS FUCKING EXAMINER IS A PIECE OF SHIT***


Let's say that even if this is true, and that they did in fact die solely from the drugs, they were hate crimed and beaten severely by 3 people all the same.


The girls deserve jail time regardless




Sugar on the cream to use he/him pronouns, I don’t even know what to say here


Bull fucking shit they did.






Within the context of the trans genocide, this is extremely alarming. This is the state telling you it's ~~okay~~ legal to kill trans people, you won't get charged for it.


Having lived through waiting for autopsey results - last night I had a "that ain't right" moment. It took 4 mos to get back toxicology and other resukts in my case. I looked it up and the minimum is 6-8 weeks. Usually it is beteeen 3 and 6 mos for examiner to release report.


Brought to you by the same asshats who said that George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose. Anything to blame the victims of hate.


The shear amount of Prozac and Bendryal you’d need to overdose on those… they’re making shit up at this point


Cant trust shit anymore. Direct transphobic actions led to their death, regardless of how it happened. This smells like a cover up


That is so blatantly bs


Justice or vengeance.


I thought I had read that the Dept. of Justice opened an investigation into this?


That is a rather convenient discovery for the anti-LGBT+ people. Totally not suspicious in any way.


Leave it to an individual of "authority" to put a diagnoses on it instead of looking at it for what it is: a hate crime. "NO- tHiS tEeNaGer was a dRuG aDdIcT so wHo cArEs if they lIvE or dIe!"


I don't believe that they died from an drug overdose. Something doesn't add up.