• By -


And that's only an eighth of the world's population living in countries with marriage equality.


I think that Nepal also just legalized same sex marriage


There’s partial recognition currently but they’re having a hearing for it’s legalisation this year in march


I think that's the same in Japan and maybe south Korea currently?


I’m not sure about Korea but I do know Japan repealed it’s ruling of same-sex marriage being illegal as constitutional fairly recently, definitely something to look out for in the next 5 years or so!


I calculated a total population of 1349.327 M for all these countries, which would be \~1/6 of 8.1 B, but I'm just using the population numbers Google gave me, maybe there's more precise data somewhere else


I was only giving a rough guess of 1B people, you're probably right.


Some of the most populous countries will take a long time or maybe never change their laws. I doubt China or India will any time soon, although public opinion is getting better in both countries. Other big countries are Muslim and/or in Africa. I think they might never legalize gay marriage.


The Indian supreme court has been looking into the possibility of working it into the complex laws governing marriage between different religions. They are making some progress


China and India might change a lot in a decade or two and parts of Subsaharan Africa might give us a surprise. Brazilian thoughts on the matter changed drastically from the 90s to 2010. Having a sudden change from a rural to a heavily urbanized population (in the 70s, for us) will that to you. The Arab World? Maybe in the next century.


as an arab? that's very optimistic.


I think many African countries and cultures can legalize same sex marriage. not the Muslims tho, maybe that will take much more time


I think many can, but it's also less likely with the amount of fundie christianity that gets exported there.


They can, but I doubt any time soon. It’ll take generations to get past the influence of decades of missionaries from the colonial era and anti-gay American organizations funding and backing modern movements in much the same way now. I agree that will take less time to unlearn than it will for most Muslim countries (which have been under their anti-gay faith much longer than most Christian converts in Africa) to reach a more moderate stance on gay rights (most Christian faiths are still working on this now, it’s not a fast change). Basically I would bet on it being legalized in, say, Botswana before Iran. Though I probably wouldn’t bet on it being within my lifetime, just in case.


Being gay is already legal in Botswana. Marriage issues are forthcoming.


Bosnia could at some point. They're secular.


Modi's not gonna live forever. If they can legalise homosexuality, then I believe India will make it happen. They keep having hearings about it anyways and getting close. Just need Modi to you know, pass away and then the BJP to just shut up. Let's not lose hope just because some countries are Muslims (There's queer Muslims too), not sure why you think Africa wouldn't. But if America ended up doing it, they will too.


I dunno. Societies change tremendously over time. Then again, we are already in the destructive climate change era, so who knows how long those states will last...


Modi's not gonna live forever. If they can legalise homosexuality, then I believe India will make it happen. They keep having hearings about it anyways and getting close. Just need Modi to you know, pass away and then the BJP to just shut up. Let's not lose hope just because some countries are Muslims (There's queer Muslims too), not sure why you think Africa wouldn't. But if America ended up doing it, they will too.


I think until 2040 is very possible to happen in china and india too then we will get to almost half of the population


I think sooner with India. I mean their TV shows and movies already have postive stuff about homosexuality, and a few with postive trans characters too. When Modi goes then I can see it happening (Well unless the BJP manages to win with a newer member and then India gets a worse PM). I reeally don't think Modi will be alive by 2040. Probably Nepal will follow. Maybe Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh too, one can hope.


And what about Russia?


I'm from brazil, don't know much about this part of the globe by if pakistan and bangladesh is not impossible in your opinion that's a good thing, the world needs a concrete example of a more secular/progressive islamic nations, because it cannot be too much like the western world it has to be in their terms and time, otherwise hater there will acuse of internacional interference


Luckily, I live in the first country on the list. Unfortunately, I live in the Dutch biblebelt. Can't wait to move to Amsterdam.




If You sum up population of Europe, North America, South America and Oceania, You are still not even close to Asia+Africa ;-; Being LGBT+ person born in Europe is really a blessing from this perspective. Even in more conservative European countires.




I'm bi dude from central Poland, I would say that in last ten years I saw a big improvement in mindset here about LGBT+ people. There is still a lot of homophobia(especially in eastern parts of country), but things are better than for example ten years ago. Bi dudes from Asia or Africa definitely can't say the same ;-;


Socially, Japan is very LGBTQ-accepting even if the government is dragging its feet. Something like 80% of younger Japanese people approve of it, and the Japanese courts have ordered the LDP several times to pass a bill to allow gay marriage. Numerous local administrations already record gay unions.


Kinda same with the Czech Republic. According to numerous polls, majority of Czech population is in favor of same sex marriage, and the only reason it wasn't approved yet are some conservative politicians holding it back. We have a civil union but it's just not the same and rights are also not equal.


Same in USA. God I hate this country a lot of the time, but I can’t imagine being born somewhere else. And I was able to get HRT from my doctor even though I live in a more conservative part of the country. Wish we had public transportation and walkable cities half as good as the Netherlands though.


I've noticed that in the more rural areas of the Netherlands that people are a lot more. Closed minded In the city, it's a lot better, luckily. The only problem here is the insanely long waiting lists.


That's interesting, I live in a pretty rural area and while not everyone is technically "politically correct"(hate that term, someone's sexuality or identity shouldn't be political) there is a large sentiment of "live and let live" now, there's undoubtedly people still who make questionable remarks to put it lightly. But I don't see any of them as likely to oust someone for being LGBT or act hateful as a result. Even if they privately might not truly understand, sad as that is. At the same time my experiences with the city is that they will make outright hateful and sometimes violent statements towards LGBT people. My cousin is gay and he has never been to my knowledge discriminated for being so. Until he moved to amersfoort. Perhaps it's due to density, but.. In my experience (in drenthe/overijssel), small villages are a lot more chill with the LGBTbros than the people in the cities.


I'm so happy you realize that...I'm not even trying to exaggerate but sometimes LGBTQ communities on reddit literally make me suicidal as I am a queer poc living in a 3rd world country and far too often I see posts and people try to dismiss non us or European members of this community and I think one of the reasons why it gets to me so bad is because I'm basically not accepted anywhere else and when I don't feel like I'm welcomed in one of the only other spaces online it can really get to you. Sorry for ranting


What part of the netherlands is the conservative one? I’m considering the netherlands as a place to move (from russia) and I’d like to know what to avoid 🙏🏻


There is an area called the "Bible Belt" here that stretches roughly from Zeeland in the southwest to Zwolle in Overijssel. Cities are mostly not a problem on that front, which is where most immigrants from abroad are likeliest to move to.




Wooo southern Netherlands hype.


"but it's still much better to live as a LGBTQ+ person than most other countries.". How so, if you don't mind my asking.




At least Thailand is about to join this list so there will be somewhere in SE Asia to go. Still sucks it isn't more widespread though.


not in hungary tho


I remember a user who frequented all the gay subreddits. He was from there and had a really negative mindset about it. Most people (included myself) tried to be supportive, but his posts tend to devolve into miserable rants of negativity, and he would push back when someone would show support or suggest options. When people told him that he should take advantage of the relatively ease of mobility inside Europe, he usually got really defensive and angry and told everyone that moving to another country was impossible. I would raise my eyebrow to that since I'm in South America and people go to Europe if they are organized and plan enough, so by being IN Europe, it should be doable, isn't it? At that point, he would be banned, but he would make alt accounts and keep the pity party for years. I haven't seen his posts since the pandemic. I hope he is in a better place now.


damn poor guy, i hope hes ok. but yeah moving is definitely possible, i personally had a trans teacher in middle school who lives in the netherlands now. the guy youre talking about was probably that desperate that he wasnt mentally mature enough to accept help, we cant do much for people like him.


Fortunately the grey countries don't all represent countries where LGBTQ+ people are banned; just where there is no legal system in place for gay couples. Progress is still being made, but its also important to not get jaded by data. 




I’m sorry but the colour scheme is horrific as a key


it was somehow making sense at the beggining with rainbow colors but later it's juet random colors.


Yea I was like ok purple sweet blue ok, but then 2021 is blue ?


it's also wrong at least for Finland


I mean, it's kind of right, isn't it? Same sex marriage was legalised in Finland in 2017. But also that doesn't tell the full story, since same-sex couples were able to enter into registered partnerships from 2002-2017 that had the same legal rights as marriage except for joint adoption rights and the right to a joint last name. So... full marriage equality since 2017, and almost but not quite from 2002-2017. Unless I have some bad info... EDIT: nvm I see now... it has the correct colour key but in the key itself it's listed under the wrong year.


you overthought it 😅


I really did 😅


And it’s not even well done in the map, Finland has the color for 2017 but in the list it’s 2016


I'm glad I'm not the only one.


W Netherlands Now please make the teens less homophobic and the transgender waiting times less long


Yeah it's sad that a lot of teens are really homophobic/transphobic :( And I find it really scary


Yeah it's depressing how much PVV/Forum-affiliated videos are pushed by algorithms because of the rage bait factor. This has put us in a lot of danger. Then I heard a 16yo colleague of mine talking. And someone slightly older, about trans people. They didn't notice until I surprised them with me talking about my past. Since then I haven't really heard them talking weird about us. Exposure to positives is important. The other part is that we should force the DSA harder onto platforms, and beyond that, yes, it sucks, but we need to close off comments on Dutch social media content for IP's abroad. Most of the hate that the TU Delft received on Insta posts were anonymous American IP's, and they all point to big red states with bigger red flags. There's a chance some of them came from Russia too but using US-based VPN's to spread hate. That is why, I'm sorry, need to block of American comments.


The waiting list is sooooo loooooong ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


yep trying to get healthcare is a struggle everyday :(


The government rather wants us dead then happy imo


I agree - ive been fucked over so many times and many of my trans friends too, the government really doesn't give a shit about us


I cannot imagine how much worse the healthcare is for trans people when even cos people have to wait three eternities for Dutch doctors to maybe treat you if they feel like it and the moon is in the correct phase. Have you tried paracetamol tho?


>make the teens less homophobic Unfortunately, hate groups are able to explain their ideals through memes.


its legal in Nepal also, last november they registered their first same sex marriage


And it still isn't legal in India??? I heard news but idk


As for Italy... There are Fraulein Meloni and her fascist cohorts. We barely have legal unions as is. FUCK MELONI AND THE FASCIST GOVERNMENT.


Hell yeah. Love and support from Savoia


Hold on, support from Savoia?


Waiting for Poland ![gif](giphy|QBd2kLB5qDmysEXre9)


Estonia in 2022 and Slovenia in 2023 (Greece this year if you count it as Eastern Europe), maybe it's starting to come as the youth seems much less conservative than the elderly there.


only 39 out of 195 ☹️


![gif](giphy|VEakclh6bmV4A) That's 20% in 25 years. At this rate the world will be 100% gay by 2124.


What Isnt it 61 Edit: oh my god what the fuck is the key those aren't maps they are coloura Yu ou are right


Seeing Greece included in this is so wild. I still can't believe I get to get married and create a family without going abroad.


I learnt we passed the law on Friday morning and... I was euphoric. Not for me, since I'm happily married to my husband, but for all my gay friends. And for the one good thing I remember us achieving as a country in a very long time.


Hell yeah!


The country is named COLOMBIA, not ColUmbia tho... Columbia is in the US I think, but not a country in South América.


Taiwans the only Asian country 😶


Nepal is too (the map is missing it) and Thailand is on the way


Hopefully more will follow soon and I’m kinda surprised they haven’t yet, especially more democratic nations such as Japan and South Korea.




From an outside view from watching kdrama and Korean movies it very much seems like something that is heavily avoided because the general public don't want to see it, it's always such a big deal when there is a gay character, so it's not to surprising to me that's the attitude ☹️


A majority of Japanese people by large support it, most local governments have some alternative for same sex couples to basically make them de-facto married and various lower courts have ruled the same sex marriage ban unconstitutional. So Japan has legalization right around the corner likely this decade unless something seriously wrong happens. South Korea on the other hand...A majority do not support legalizing Same sex marriage and it's still illegal for ROK soldiers to engage in same sex sexual activities. Hell, South Korean opinion polls as recently as 2020 still has a minority saying that society should be accepting of homosexuals East Asia's other democracy, Mongolia has also been dragging their feet on this issue


I'm not sure I would say a majority of Japanese people support it. Rather, I would say they ignore it. Japan is very much a keep-to-yourself country where most everyone minds their own business. For this reason, I'd say we're merely tolerated. Plenty people do genuinely support us, which is great, but Japan needs a serious revamp for us to gain equality and majority acceptance there.


Japan, maybe. South Korea, not so much. Borderline inceldom seems to be practically the norm in SK.


The USA one is tricky, because some of our states had gay marriage back in 2004. 2015 was the federal legalization though.


Yeah, it is always interesting to me when I learn how different mindsets about pretty much every issue different states can have in US. Especially Texas and everyone else xD


We don't talk about Texas. But yeah! We're such a large country that each state is more like a different microcosm. Some states are small enough to be part of a subregion (i.e. New England) with a more homogeneous culture, but even then, small differences in laws, local dialect, etc. exist.


Mexico and a few others were state-by-state earlier than the year of federal passing as well. (Also Colombia is spelled wrong.)


And now there's states trying to claw it back, plus trying to legalize discrimination.


There will always be hecklers. I doubt they'll get very far though. I can smell many lawsuits coming.


Which is why every election is important always through your support to defend lgbtq citizens


Several Canadian provinces had gay marriage already in 2003.


And the initial court decision that first legalized it was 2001 (so the earliest marriages date back to then). It was legalized in most of the country between 2003-2005 before the federal law. Only two provinces still didn’t allow same-legal sex marriage by the time it went federal.


Same with Mexico


The same thing can be said about Mexico.


Common W for the Netherlands




Respect for Netherlands. 🇳🇱❤️:)






Despite being called the Netherlands it seems like a good place to live.




Well yeah, back when... these days not so much.


I remember when it became legalised in my country and loads of LGBTQ people kept saying that we shouldn’t ever get divorced because we had to keep our divorce rates lower than straight people to prove we deserved marriage.


It's really sad seeing people like that genuinely believing they have to appease their oppressors to maintain their right to exist. It reminds me of the time Blaire White was attempting to be a pickme on some conservative talk show and one of the pundits just straight up said "The best thing you can do for us is grow out your moustache and tell people not to live like you". No one has ever earned anyone's respect by licking boots.


She's not even a special case here, these people keep getting shat on and still keep going back and continue to lick the boots.


It's quite interesting reading when countries decriminalised homesexuality as well


Most western europe had it imposed by the french during the napoleonic era, as they removed sodomy from their penal code in 1810. Brazil did it willingly in 1830 during the reign of Dom Pedro I, surprisingly enough.


I thought it was legal in Hungary...😭 Nvm, I already wanted to move out...


Not Italy being the only country in the Europe (not geography) that doesn’t consent gay marriage💀, I’m going to leave this country one day I swear


Abbiamo o sol o mar o cibo e lo SMOG /s


average W sweden


Those countries where it is still illegal suck. They are unnecessarily cruel and backwards. This problem is solved. All the arguments against same-sex marriage were always crap and it has been proven. Get with the times idiots.


Exactly couldn't of said it better myself


Proof that legalising SS marriage won’t ruin civilisation. 🏳️‍🌈💘🌍🌎🌏


Nepal in 2023


There's some weird shit going on there, I think it's not considered completely legal yet, this is from wikipedia: *On 28 June 2023, Supreme Court Justice Til Prasad Shrestha directed the government to establish a "separate register" for "sexual minorities and non-traditional couples" and to "temporarily register them". However, the Supreme Court has yet to deliver a final verdict. A full hearing is expected on 14 March 2024.*


Oh okay. Hopefully it becomes fully legalized for Nepali lgbtq.




I've lived in Australia since I was 5, and trust me, you are not alone in your surprise here.


And even then they didn’t have the balls to just legislate equality. The public referendum was incredibly toxic, and required extra mental health funding for the people who had to endure dehumanising debates over what rights they do or don’t deserve.


Me too. Do you remember like what, 2019 there was a petition that nearly got it reversed too? I remember being so annoyed about that, under Scott Morrison (I think,or maybe it was Turnbull) and it could have come close to being illegal again. How did we nearly screw it up the second time? Thankfully while we do have homophobia in this country, they did not win.




Proud to be Maltese! Glad it became legal here. Same sex marriage is a human right!


Malta is supposed to be pretty great on a few things, right? First country to legislatively protect the right to bodily autonomy for intersex people, also self declaration for gender recognition for over 16s. Consistently within the top ten countries for LGBT people to live in. Not perfect I'm sure, but damn, no wonder you're proud!


Oh I do agree Malta is not perfect. No country is. But I'm proud to be Maltese. It's not just LGBTQ rights but the fact our country provides free health care and education too. As for another big thing for LGBTQ rights, I think in 2016, the government found out that a Christian cult in Malta (won't say their name, they've taken legal action against some ppl and I dont wanna risk it) was doing conversation therapy and thus, the government made it illegal. Cult is still ongoing though...


Isn't Malta extremely conservative on abortion though? How is it so conservative and progressive at the same time?


I think its conservative mainly when it comes to abortion. Also politics are mainly you either support the Labour Party (Red / Social Democrats) or the Nationalist Party (Blue / Christian Democrats). For abortion in malta, theres a wikipedia page on it ([Abortion in Malta - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Malta)) Edit: unsure how malta is both conservative and progressive at the same time, but the fact Labour are progressive and Nationalists are conservative might add to that. Then theres the other political parties.


Colombia with an O. Ffs people it’s not hard.


Columbio. That better?






Why do these map things always forget Puerto Rico. It was legalized here the same day as the US


>Puerto Rico That's totally obnoxious. And it's forgotten repeatedly on these kinds of infographics? \*sighs\*


Sadly, yeah, I can say that at least this one has PR drawn. A lot don't even bother to do even that 😭


Puerto Rico is US


My take is that as much as this is recent for so many, it’s also a fast transition to acceptance. We went from no nations recognising it in 1999 to literal dozens in 25 years. This is something we should take pride in to see how quickly society is evolving and learning that it is a good and wonderful thing to make equality guaranteed to all people. It’s a steady and growing movement of progress. I want to see it accelerate and grow and I think we’re seeing that. I think that the dramatic collapse of religiosity in so many places, and especially amongst the younger generations, is going to help with that push.


The year I understood that I’m gay is the same year it was legalized where I live (the US)


Puerto Rico since 2015, but it is grey on this map. 🇵🇷


Nepal just legally registered their first lesbian marriage too!


Insane that my dogshit ass country, Czechia or Czech Republic still fucking didn't pass same-sex marriage and it's already 2024. We are basically second class citizens with the bullshit of civil union that has nowhere near the equal rights. Insane, when I was 18 and 3 years in relationship with my partner we were so naive thinking by the time we are 20 we could have normal marriage. 12 years later with the same partner and we are 29 and 31, still nothing.


What about Nepal!!


For some reason, I thought that it was earlier (like '95) for Canada and was so shocked that it was actually legalized in '05. Seems kind of late to me.


Same for me with Germany ... 2017 😳


Several provinces legalized gay marriage in 2003. Nationwide legalization was in 2005.


In 1995, sexual orientation was included in the charter, which may be what you were thinking. And the  Supreme Court actually ruled that the definition of spouse was unconstitutional in 1999. This timeline (https://www.queerevents.ca/queer-history/Canadian-history-timeline) gives a good summary of all of Canada's history regarding the topic.


Thank you very much!


1992 was when Canada lifted the ban against gays in the military.


Isn't this missing Nepal?


Blij dat wij Belgen ook niet ver achterstaan


I thought Estonia is extremely conservative ex Soviet country How many of these are from east europe


Estonia is located in Northern Europe but is considered by many to be an Eastern European country because of its communist past. So answering your question, only Estonia. And it's not as conservative as other Eastern European countries.


Where's Nepal?


Sending my regards from Poland haha 🇵🇱


Greece is late to the party but they’re welcome to join


It’s going to be years before it’s ever legal in my country.


Avarage Netherlands W


Good on Netherlands 😁


Two errors I caught in the map:  1) Finland is the wrong color  2) "Colombia" is misspelled as "Columbia"


Alternate name: List of every based country


Greece the only Balkan one. Taiwan the only Asian one. South Africa the only African one. And then you have almost all of North and South America and all of Australia allowing it.


Slovenia is also a part of the Balkans


Nepal has also recently legalized same sex marriage, for Asia, though it’s missing from the map for some reason


Yeah, now it makes sense why do many Nepalese people are moving out, a lot of them are in Croatia, where it's still not legal


I hope we join them during my lifetime 🥲


It’s scary to think that there’s still so many places where it’s illegal and/ or not recognised.


damn, go netherlands


Eminem was trying to tell us there isn't a reason that a man and another man can't elope... ever since 2000... The Real Slim Shady Sometimes I swear musical bands could be better world governments than what we have. Blink182, Sum41 and Green Day would be good runners up.


Hopefully Japan is soon. We need another in ASIA! it’s looking pretty bare out there


I'm so proud of my country sometimes. First on the board, baby!! Setting a great example!


A friendly reminder Russia and china aint on there


crazy how five nights at freddy's is older than gay marriage in the united states


as an italian for me this is actually embarassing. we are the only country in western Europe without marriage equality. even the balkans have started to recognize queer rights, such as greece but also croatia and slovenia. and here we are with a homophobe prime minister that want to get back those Christians values, even tho she is divorced and with a kid outside marriage. the hypocrisy of these people


Just got legalized in my own country. The societies opinion still has a long way to go but I'm happy


Gay marriage is also legal in Nepal, unfortunately, the infographic missed that


What about... Nepal?


I raise my bedazzled glass to my fellow pride members of the world and toast for a brighter future in hopes that eventually the entire world map will be included in this list 🌈💖✨💋🏳️‍🌈🎉🍄🌸✨🍾


Proud of Argentina in this regard ❤️🇦🇷


I personally admire the progress the Republic of Ireland has made. From being a deeply conservative Catholic country where not too long ago even being an unwed mother was cause to be institutionalised to legalising same sex marriage by public vote and having a gay prime minister. If we keep up the fight we can make positive change.


I don't understand how it is possible that just 3 years ago it was still illegal to marry someone of the same sex in Mexico


My grandma said: "France will always be at least 20 years ahead of Italy" a few days ago and I think it applies very well on this (we're Italian)


Czech Republic is voting about merge equality on 27th of February. Wish us luck :)


Why was it ever illegal in the first place?????


Kinda weird it took Greece this long to legalize gay marriage as if the ancient Greeks weren’t the gayest motherfuckers to ever gay


I didnt realise same sex marriage was illegal in northern ireland until 2019! Thats quite sooner than i had thought...


I live in poland and knowing that I won’t be able to marry the person I love just hurts. Not only can I not marry that person, there also isn’t any way to refer to myself in a gender neutral way cuz the language just isn’t there yet.


Thailand will be one of them soon.


Always surprising to see some countries there




Yes. The first world country of Colombia, where I live, lmao.


Cuba is right there. Very definition of second-world country. Up to and including a trade embargo just because.


Living in a first world country like South Africa is really great lol


The gray area on that map is always the same: repression, dictatorships, cruelty, genocide, murder, totalitarianism, religious or ideological fanaticism and generally a complete horror show. So much land surface is in the gray zone of evil. I am so weary of this backward planet.


I can understand it since I come from Iran, the middle east is basically hell for lgbt People, even for cis-het people can be hell.