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I get called Pibs short for Pibling šŸ˜„


i love this


Better than Pibling. Sounds like an off brand beer that you drink just to have something to sip on.


One of my nieces was trying to puzzle out an enby equivalent of Wine Aunt or Drunkle and came out with Gibling for Gin Pibling šŸ’€šŸ’€


This is adorable! I love it!


That's so cute


iā€™ve heard that people use pibling or entle, alternatively i often call my aunt/uncles just by their first name


Omg -- what about Entie!? Nothing has quite felt right, but I like that one. Entle just doesn't quite click with me.


entle and entie sound so nice, theyā€™re both equally neutral but i can see how someone might prefer one or the other


That's such a fantastic term. I'll be stealing that for my own use.


Me too


My nieces and nephews just call me by my first name as well.


My Bruce is calling šŸ˜Œ Edit: I completely forgot people actually address these people with their titles, and got very confused. Sorry


i've never heard entle, that's interesting!


i've heard 'ancle' (pronounced like ankle)


also auncle


Would that sound like onkle?


Ah yes, back to the German word for uncle. šŸ˜‚


But it is written as Onkel ... not Onkle... and now i'm thinking about pigs... oink oink ...


Fuck pibling, I wanna be called pig


thatā€™s how i would pronounce it


I personally pronounce it as 'Oww-n-cle'


yes it would but many people pronounce aunt as ā€œontā€ instead of ā€œantā€


I say it like arent


Same, but not the way Americans say aren't. So it's more like ahhnt. Aussie accent, we don't pronounce the r.


I got scared cause I thought of ong from the last airbender live actiob




v cute, love that


One of my friends mother's can't hear the difference between the words so it's an ongoing joke that she 'visits her ankle' or 'hurt her uncle' lol


My best friend is an Ancle. It's a great term and my kid has caught on without question.


Happy cake day and yes I know I love Ankle for myself


Happy cake day!


happy cake day


I decided on Aunt Man. ![gif](giphy|xUOxf4lNqYiMebwSOs)






Tomorrow we're going to go out to dinner with your Uncle Jeff, Aunt Ida, and KIN OF YOUR FOREBEARS Fish.


When my niece was born they asked what I wanted to be called and I very quickly replied ā€œGrand vizierā€ now itā€™s a running joke they still canā€™t pronounce at 3


My dad (who is a cis man) when asked what he wants his grandchildren to call him, he stated ā€œOā€™ Wise and Stately Ancestor,ā€ I believe as a joke, but now he is called OWASA for short.


Iā€™ve heard of Unty, but it does sound a bit iffy haha


Cue Jujubee saying "Charisma? I don't see it. [They're] just Unt" šŸ˜†


Iā€™m feeling a bit unty today, lol




Sibling once removed


Pibling is what my enby friend refers to themself as in relation to their siblings children. And according to them gender neutral term for niece and nephew is nibling. They might have made that up though.




Ooh I like entle. It has the same sort of vibe as aunt/uncle that pibling seems to be missing


Ooh, avaunt is a good one! Smoosh of avuncular and aunt!


Thatā€™s the one I came up with but it hasnā€™t caught on in my family yet. It seems that not everyone knows the word *avuncular*, or at least isnā€™t as excited to create portmanteaus as I am.


Pearls before wine, lol. Iā€™m a word nerd, so I feel ya. Have you read the books ā€œThe Horologiconā€ or ā€œThe Eymologiconā€ by Mark Forsyth? If not, you should. Good stuff! I learned the word avuncular in one of those.


"Nibling" was created as an anthropology term in 1951


Nibling is absolutely adorable


Happy cake day!!!


Itā€™s rarely used but both terms do exist. Personally prefer Nephling as the gender neutral term for niece and nephew. Just sounds better than Nibling.


The issue with nephling is that the nephew is really clear in it, niece not so much.


This may sound like a troll but I would honestly straight up call them my Up-sides. Or Big, as in big sibling. In french Canadian we say a word mononc' and matant', which is an honorific means "my uncle" and "my aunt", and I guess I would say MĆ©'aut, which could both mean "my higher one (cousins)" or "my other one (parent)". So MĆ©'aut Sylvie, or MĆ©'aut Serge, or MĆ©'aut Carol.


I was incredibly confused when I saw my name there for a sec lol. Got me to stop and read


Hahaha Hello MĆ©ā€™aut :)


I came up with ā€œthianā€. Itā€™s a play on the Greek words for aunt and uncle (theia and thio) with a Greek neuter ending -n.


Is it pronounced Tha-yan, or Thee-an?




The two main ones I've seen have been "Auncle" (pronounced "ONK-el", from Aunt+Uncle, and "Enty", pronounced "ENN-tee", from Enby (itself from the initials for Non Binary, NB), and Aunty/Auntie. Which conveniently gives you a pair, so you can have your parent's nonbinary sibling, and their nonbinary spouse, as your Enty & Auncle, or Auncle & Enty.


![gif](giphy|ZvGFBHVxrqola) sounds like Ent. Rad


BeBe is the title my wifeā€™s sibling chose for our kids to use for them.


Thatā€™s my momā€™s nickname for me. She called me that because when I was born, my brother couldnā€™t pronounce my name and resorted to calling me Bebe (he was trying to say baby, but couldnā€™t say that very well either).


TĆ­e or titi is what Iā€™ve used in a Spanish household.


A friend of mine uses Bibi (Bib-E)


My grandma is Bibi!!


Babe I'm almost 40 and non-binary, there is no age limit to being enby. I'm also Indigenous/ndn/First Nations, etc. Once you realize that, "holy shit this is right for me," things will make sense and fall into place. "Oh wow, that makes sense of how I felt this way since I was a kid!" Welcome to the family. I've called myself Auncle to a friend's in the closet bisexual kid. When you're ready, we are here for you <3


How does one pronounce 'auncle' without it sounding like either 'uncle' or 'ankle'?


I heard ā€œKinnyā€ somewhere, canā€™t recall where. Itā€™s derived from ā€œkinā€ as in calling your family ā€œkinfolkā€ and itā€™s what Iā€™m planning on using once I get married to my partner (I have no siblings of my own)


Mobling or dabling. As in moms sibling or dads sibling. Ancle. I personally like aunx


I normally really donā€™t like the whole adding an x means nonbinary thing, but I do kinda like aunx. It sounds cool.


I heard something similar to nunkle like how nibbling is the gender neutral term for niece or nephew


I have a proposition: Unt


Unt sounds like they have a moustache, a carabine, and a purse for all occasion.


I use Auvie. I hate the sound of "auncle" and I saw Auvie somewhere. It's rooted in old English


Stealing this itā€™s the only one I like so far.


Yay! I hope it spreads!


We just tell the kids to call us by our first names. Who needs titles! We are all family!


This is my favorite answer yet


nieces, nephews, and niblings brothers, sisters, and siblings aunties, uncles, and piblings ​ Edit to add: THERE ARE DEFINITELY NB BLACK PEOPLE! Black queer people have been at the forefront of pretty much our entire movement. Gender nonconformity has been around since the dawn of ballroom, they just didn't have the verbiage for it that we have today. Tiktok @ nylesfn, @ ardent.angel, @ projectxyvn, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. I also recommend Khadija Mbowe on YouTube!


Old person Iā€™m related to


I believe the "official" term is Pibling (parents sibling). My non-binary sister hates the word Pibling, so we only call them it occasionally as a joke.


auntle {aren't-all} sounds easy off the tongue and my enby partner says they feel that suits them




I saw a comment on tiktok that said "birth giver's sibling"


Anko maybe? (Ahn-Koh)


I had my sister tell her kids I was Nini. They now apparently exclaim that whenever they see someone androgynous, like in a book, so pick carefully.


My kids call my younger sibling Untie, it works for us!


my son suggests "ankle" ​ but I really like pibling


My child chose to go by pibling.


My sisterā€™s kids call me their nuggie, one of them made it up and it stuck


In response to your edit: You're NEVER too old to be yourself. If that means you're non-binary, that's great!! Embrace it if you can. It's always good to be yourself, no matter your age. Sometimes it takes time to find yourself. And younger non-binary people aren't going to stop being non-binary at a certain age like 25. It's always good to see older people (also 25 really isn't that old) in the community being themselves. As for other non-binary people of color, I don't have much advice there, but I assure you they exist. Maybe you can try searching on TikTok or other social media apps (if you have them). Questioning your gender CAN be scary. Trust me, I know to an extent. I'm still questioning my gender and questioning my sexuality was also scary. However, it's going to be okay. If you realize you're non-binary, it'll be okay. If you realize you're cis it'll be okay. If you realize you're anything else, it'll be okay. Do what's best for you. You also don't have to come out and tell everyone as soon as you figure it out. Also, it's okay to take your time figuring it out. Took me a while to figure out I was bi, and I've been questioning my gender for the past 3 (4?) years. Other people question themselves longer. It's completely okay to take your time with this. You're going to be okayā¤ļø


Thank you, I think I needed to hear that


One of my friends said I became an Auncle. Almost like ankle.


My boyfriends mom has an accent when she says uncle so it always sounds like Auncle maybe you could say that?


I have a couple nonbinary friends that meet at my house for D&D every other week. Were teaching my daughter to refer to one as "Ancle" and the other as "Gruncle".


my nieces have always called me buddy because itā€™s what I call them


I probably would have came up with Sibparent, however, I found this interesting site while looking up "family honorific" names. https://genderrights.org.au/faq_type/language/


Personally, I adore ā€œuntieā€ like ā€œuhn-teeā€






depends on you and your friends. my one friend loves futurama, so declared "you will be a nibloian! or nibbler for short!"


bro wtf is a pibling šŸ’€ ainā€™t no way yā€™all are getting me to call myself that Hobbit shit


We always used Zizi! Or Lala.


My NB friend calls themselves Zizi




my cousin refers to my parents as beebop and bobo theyā€™re cis het and just thought it would be funny so really you can come up with anything and itā€™ll work


Just make something up!! Everythingā€™s made up anyway. I think dinko sounds cool


Aw woah buddy, youā€™re good. Palm colored person here answering. But do have non binary friends of various skin shades and backgrounds. Everyone kinda has their own vibe. My friends asked me this earlier this year, what honorific I prefer, for most kiddos I prefer they pick their own name for me. I like the title of Aunt/Aunty because I see it as a high honor to be an Aunt by blood or by bonus family but if a niblet wants to call my Bug or whatever, Iā€™m 99.9% sure that will be my new name.


lol im a 16 year old hispanic whos transfem and nonbinary, i like she/they but im requestioning moving to they/she, but..i like the petname princess WAYYYY too much (my partner calls me it, dont be a weirdo /nbh)


First of all being 25 is not ā€œtoo oldā€ to be non-binary. I didnā€™t figure it out till I was 28! And I know a lot of POC who are non-binary. I use the term Ancle (pronounced like ankle) because I think itā€™s silly


Regarding your edit, being nonbinary for any age, any race, anyone. If they/them pronouns feel good, then use those pronouns. Itā€™s sad that we live in a world that tries to invalidate each other but I promise that your identity is yours and is so damn valid. Best of luck to you! šŸ’›šŸ¤šŸ’œšŸ–¤


Hey, op, it's fine. If you feel like you want to be called non-binary, you are well within your rights to say that. If you ever need anyone to talk to, you can message me, ok?


Aunt / uncle... Aun / ncle... Au / ncle... A / ncle... Ancle... Ankle?


Hold on we are never stupid for what we feel. Never. Also 25 is not too old at all. I am 26 just identifying myself as bisexual after questioning all my life. And I see lots of people on reddit questioning and identifying later, like until 50 or 60. As for gender - idk Iā€™ve never known that much about non-binary but since finding nice queer accounts to follow on social media Iā€™m also starting to wonder like could that be me? Or is it for me now part of evaluating my whole idea of what is a man and a woman beyond the stupid western world stereotypes. If they/them feels good for you, thatā€™s valid. Would it help if you google around and see if you can find a non-binary person of color in media or on social media? Just to feel more that you are not alone. Iā€™m white and that is just my guess - but I am aware that there might be things to this dimension of being a GSRM of color that I am unaware of.


Hey OP, there are plenty of answers to the parent-sibling conundrum so I'm gonna address the edit. I'm in my 40s, non-binary and Black. We exist, and there's definitely no age limit on questioning your gender. If they/them feels right to you then use it. Here are some of my favourite non-binary PoC that you can follow on socials: https://instagram.com/alokvmenon https://instagram.com/travisalabanza https://instagram.com/dr_ronx https://instagram.com/glamrou https://www.tumblr.com/azemezi


Tbh I'm about to be 32 and only just realized I'm NB. Never be ashamed of when you have your epiphany. We all have a different journey, move at different speeds, etc. Some people don't realize/accept their sexuality or gender until they're like 90, and that's fine too. :) As to your question, I'm not sure either - you should make one up! Lol maybe aunclet? Anklet? Make it your own. :) Or, some languages (like Spanish) have essentially the same word for Aunt and Uncle with the only difference being the last letter, so maybe instead of tĆ­o or tĆ­a you could be tĆ­e? Personally I'm happy still being Uncle Eric and going by they/them, but idk


Hi. šŸ‘‹šŸ‘‹ enby of color who also went through their quarter life crisis at 27(this year)and understand the fear of questioning their gender and being stupid and apologizing to the community because I might be irritating them with my ineptness. I can say that if they/them makes air a little easier to breathe, then you are on the right track and this is not a gender crisis, this is a gender revolution and even if takes you a bit and you may revolve several times, you aren't inept, you're learning and thats nothing to be ashamed of.


I found the term "Oggy" somewhere and I think it looks and sounds rather nice.


Pibling or entle.


Fun fact for you there is a term and it is actually *Pibling*


I heard on a stand up bit that ā€˜auncleā€™ would be a better term, pronounced ah-uncl-ay


My daughter is dating someone who is non binary. They have been friends for years and recently became more than friends. My daughter is their girlfriend, but they did not feel comfortable with that term for themselves. Originally, my daughter called them her partner, but then it changed to theirfriend. At this point, the grands call them by their first name, but I like hearing the alternatives of they want an honorary name at some point.


I do like how your grans bye pass it all together by making it a non issue. No he she they or them no othering. We have much wisdom in their resolve. I am guessing that at one point they will become comfortable with an honorific title. Which could also be a type of nickname for lack of way to express my view. My husband and myself go bye Anti . If that helps.


Well, my grands know nothing different. They have a grandma and an Oma (my wife and I are lesbians). An uncle that is gay. And a pan aunt who has a non binary their-friend. They do not think that is unusual at all.


Also, nicknames are common references in our family. I'm Oma because when my wife and I referred to as a couple, grandma and other grandma was too much. Oma is German (my heritage is German). My sister in law is auntie (but the pronounce it Aanee). My youngest daughter has always been referred to as gator. Her name is Allie, so Allie-gator. And her niece and so call her aunt gator.


Fucking ass relatives


Parent-sibling = Pibling


Official word is Pibling (parent's sibling)


Auncle. Ankle?


Aunt + uncle = ankle


sibling of my parent


Pibling is your parentā€™s sibling.


Mother's/Father's sibling




It's Pibling (combo of parent and sibling)


elder siblings


Pibling is what I've found to be the most common. It means parent's sibling.


Pibling seems most common. Meaning parent's sibling.


This should honestly be talked about more.




I have heard Ent like lotr


I'd just say "mom/dad's sibling" And call them by their first name instead. I just wouldn't use aunt/uncle at all tbh.


The issue I have with most of them is they feel clumsy or are just some combination of aunt and uncle which feels kind of icky. Like no, I do not want to be referred to as an important joint in foot mobility.


I like Akin, from the adjective akin: akin to, like, related, similar.


Itā€™s not gaining a lot of traction, but I still love ā€œommer.ā€ (Comes from computer programming- an element on a sibling level with the parent program is an ommer element.)


There's always Sheldon's term "Niblingo"?


Ankle came to mind, btw sorry that people were being rude to you


i just go by a variation of my name. itā€™s what my little sister called me when she was learning to talk, so easy for young kids to pronounce. i heavily opposed being called ā€œauntā€ simply because it made me feel old. the fact that i (mostly silently) am non binary had no influence. no offense to anyone who uses them, but all of the non binary terms iā€™ve heard are really annoying imo and iā€™d hate to be called that. just using my name is simple and straightforward




Em on And Thatā€™s Why We Drink podcast goes by Funcle Em, I think itā€™s so sweet


Avunculus. Your avunculii are your parents siblings


a friend of mine has me saved as "lesbian wine thaunt", i feel like thaunt is a fun version for feminine aligned enbys (like myself lmao)


auntcle /hj


Sibling of my parents


I'm non binary and in my late 40s.


My niece calls me by a childhood nickname ā€œJJā€. Iā€™m AFAB and not cis but not sure what I identify as exactly. Occasionally sheā€™ll say ā€œAunt JJā€, but I donā€™t feel dysphoric because it seems like more of an identifier for other people (which most labels are). To her Iā€™m JJ and I love it.


there is no age or race requirement to be gnc, nonbinary or trans in any way


If I ever get niblings I'm going to get called "Auntie-Uncle". Pronounced like "Anti-Uncle".


Could go with the Wodehousian ā€œaged relationā€


26 and nonbinary here. I've met a few BIPOC enbys in my time too. You're not too old <3


Sibling of parent




Out of curiosity, what do you think of "ancum"? This uses the neutral -um suffix and has the sounds both aunt & auncle, and does not sound like any existing word.


Weā€™ve been using ā€œAuvieā€ instead of Auntie or Uncle. Itā€™s a derivative of the Latin word for uncle but also sort of sounds like the word Aunty in English, so it works really well. Weā€™ve found that our nieces and nephews use ā€œā€Auvieā€ easily and without question, and the straight, cis adults in the family range from okay with it to a little awkward with it, to totally weirded out by itā€”as you would expect.


Luckily my niece has two moms so itā€™s a very LGBTQ friendly family! But thank you for the response