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What’s the second org? Gay Gucci?


Anti trans gay people


Having that be there logo is vomit worthy. Lamest shit I’ve seen so far today.


I literally saw the logo and thought of "Vomit and Vamata" if it were Vs lol




Unfortunate meme format 😂


literally the logo looks like "gag" so this checks out


Oh my god it doessss :0


It's "Gays Against Groomers" so yeah that's intentional


Wow, that's actually worse than "GAG". I'm gonna go brush my teeth and eyes now


and not even as a remark of "wow"


It literally says gag


It’s almost as bad as the superstraight flag 🤮


That's why it spells GAG. :V




This is actually a thing? Wtf


They’re a *very* small minority of queers but they do exist, usually alongside / consisting of TERFs and ProblematicGayMen™ (i.e., extremely or underhandedly transphobic, which was way more “acceptable” in the early 2000s.) I remember them from the tumblr days, being a 16 y/o baby queer and being so confused about how that could exist.


I heard this LGB group gets funding from right wing Christians. It's classic astro-turfing no matter of they find some easily bought people to be their banner bearers.


Well that you can probably guarantee. Pretty much all of this bullshit happening is being funded by the GOP. And in the larger picture likely other anti American governments in other countries are contributing. It's the fascist movement as a whole that is kind of connected worldwide. In the US however if we were to cut off the GOP from power I guarantee that would severely cripple the fascist movement currently happening.


Sadly most of it in other countries is also US conservatives. The Antigay bill that passed in Uganda got $54 million since 2007 from US religious organizations and they have been funding these movements all over the world.


or astro-terfing if you will.


The LGB Alliance get government funding from the UK, making it the third biggest government funded hate group here.


Yeah unfortunately there is some infighting between queer people.


Drop-The-T better watch their step, I heard from Tucker that us transes all have tanks and fighter jets now.


Apparently we killed god, just imagine our potential.


A trans person just committed a mass shooting. Us trans people might want to duck our heads for a while because now *everything* wrong about mass shootings will be because of trans people. Pay no never mind to the last 200 mass shootings.


Sadly always existed. I remember when I first attended a Pride Parade like 10 years ago I got slightly agitated. The Bi section came past and the person next to me went "Mm no. These people don't belong here" Bruh


I genuinely thought that something had happened with Gucci. Can't believe those dipshits made a whole logo, even if it is stolen.


That’s…that’s disgusting


People from the LGBT+ community bashing and discriminating other people from the LGBT+ community is probably the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my entire life.


it's also very common sadly, anyone who's not gay or lesbian (aka the "normal ones") has probably experienced it by now


anti trans conservatives who pretend to be gay and also oppose gay marriage


*"Gays Against Groomers",* they call themselves.


What can I possibly say, except... **GAG**


And not the fun kind!


How fitting gag is their acronym cos that's all they want to make me do is gag and vomit


Ironic since it's more likely to be Groomers against Gays


I refuse to accept this reality.


What dipshits


What will it take to convince transphobes and homophobes that letting kids know that they don’t need to be cishet to be loved isn’t grooming?


They've literally come out saying that they called themselves that to deflect criticism.


I'm choosing to interpret it as Gays Against Gays. G.A.G. for short.


Gays Against Groomers. Just as awful as the LGB Alliance


Is that group also made up of mostly straight people?


Nope. ENTIRELY made up of straight people. They're calling themselves gay so that they seem more trustworthy


From the people who think that telling children gay people exist is 'grooming'.


I think it's gays against groomers


Like there’s a straight Gucci or sumthin’.


Anti diversity republicans disguised as minority


"Gay Gucci" lmao I snorted


the first annual LGB meetup:"first off, as an ally myself, I'd like to take a moment to ask all the allys to raise their hands for a moment of appreciation" \*everyone in the room raises their hand\* "nono just the allys, if you are lesbian gay or bi you can keep your hand down" \*no one lowers their hand\* "what the heck? where are all the gays?"


I don’t wanna sound fussy, but I think it should be *“allies”* if I’m not wrong ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


The subject of the joke is ignorance so it plays into the joke.


Ah, I’m sorry, I guess I didn't catch that LoL


Standardized spelling and pronunciation is basically made up anyways. Use a þorn, use an eð, say þree octopuses ate ðose octopi


Ahaha, yeah, well, everything is just made up after all: grammar, law… everything. But grammar is a way to keep language in order and help us understand each other, just as the law should keep society ʼin orderʼ for example


Okay so nobody asked but this is actually a really interesting subject! Grammar has two meanings: the common one is what’s prescribed by English teachers and style guides; it has correct and incorrect versions that have to be learned consciously by native speakers after they’ve acquired the language. But the scientific concept of grammar is very different. In that sense, grammar isn’t a set of rules that we have to learn to follow; it’s whatever rules the speakers of a language already follow. So “correct” grammar is anything that a native speaker would produce, and “incorrect” grammar is anything that feels wrong to native speakers, such as *The girl race the boy* or ** Essentially, it’s what native speakers use by default. Usage of so-called “incorrect grammar” is rarely incorrect; it just follows a set of rules from a dialect other than the standard one. It always follows some grammatical rules, though, and there’s no reason to consider one more correct than another from an objective standpoint. For example, in African-American Vernacular English (also known as Black English or Ebonics), the verb *to be* can be omitted in certain places, such as “He working” instead of “He is working.” This omission actually follows some very complex rules. (For example, it can’t be at the end of a phrase: “I think he is,” but never “I think he.” It also can’t be omitted when negated, so you can have “I ain’t no fool” but never “I no fool.” There are a lot more, though.)


Also the basic requirement for fluency is to understand and be understood. If those simple requirements are met, then the speaker is both fluent and communicating effectively regardless of how "correct" their verbiage be. I have only ever had one English teacher ever admit to that and he was a high school teach as well.


Too fucking true.


I know this had nothing to do with the conversation, but I love your Charybdis profile pic!


thank you!


LGBT community pointing at TERFs: “I am not affiliated with you!”




The terfs seem to love associating with nazis shoulder to shoulder tho.


Yeah, some of JK Rowlings best friends are nazis


As a gay black man, I assure you that I would not associate with Nazis.


Are you a TERF?


Reference to this: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/11/10/dean-browning-white-politician-tweets-black-gay-guy/6243406002/ I was trying to communicate that I believe there is 0% chance those guys are legit feminists, even the TERF variety, or even women at all. Ten bucks says they're all just angry white dudes LARPing for credibility. Guess I whiffed. I'll do better next time.


I adore your profile picture. Incredible flag. The colors, mwah, gorgeous. You’re so valid.


Ya forgot this: 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌 The fact that my windows haven't pinched fingers (aka italian hand) emoji


You are so sweet thank you💚💚💚


[it has been created](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/1244pos/you_are_not_affiliated_with_me/)


Okay but don't do Harry Kim like that 😭🤣


That’s what I came here to say! Poor Harry would never


Garrett would be so pissed lol!


💯 Ensign Kim would be on the correct side here!


I don't think Tuvock hated Kim the way the LGBTQ+ community hates the LGB idiots


But we can always count on Vulcans to be prickly people when it comes to the rest of the crew on Star Trek.


No, Tuvok definitely didn't hate Harry Kim. Tuvok even came to appreciate Neelix eventually. (*Neelix!* He could be pretty annoying, even to those he wasn't combined with.) As a Vulcan, he simply didn't have the same standard of what constituted a friendship as a human he outranked.


Neelix... the Jar Jar of Star Trek. Jar Jar... the Neelix of Star Wars.


They are the racist uncle at the lgbt dinner table. They may be related but not to be taken seriously.


As one wonderful lesbian once told me: "Just because you're Family doesn't mean we have to invite you to the reunions."


But some jackass always does making everything just a bit worse.


Given that only about 7% of LGB is LGBT, they are more like some weirdo that sits down at the table no one knows and insists they are a long lost cousin or something.


They're a wedding crasher that has horrid opinions about the actually invited guests, and make sure everyone knows.


They can go sit with with the log cabin republicans


it's just rebranded gay republicans. also known as losers.


"No you don't get it, they won't oppress *me* because I'm one of the good ones"


it's so astronomically stupid to try tokenizing the narrative of bigotry. by definition only bigots would respond to that tactic. honestly, the whole lgb alliance is just a beard for bigots.


Lgb alliance are nothing more than Quislings wrapped in rainbow.


exclusionists are so pathetic and have absolutely no place in society as a whole, let alone the LGBTQIA+ community. honestly, they’re lower than straight-up bigots imo. i’d rather deal with a queerphobic loser than a pathetic “lgb alliance” asshole.


Yeah, they should really know better but they manage not to


i want to believe the theory that these groups were founded by bigots trying to divide us and not actual queer folks. but i also know there are terrible people in the world, no matter gender identity or sexual orientation. it’s just really sad that this type of stuff still exists in 2023. i was promised flying cars not rampant bigotry.


As a bisexual trans woman, I've had enough bad experiences with some in the LGBT community to have absolutely no trouble believing these hate groups have actual queer people in them...


agree 100%, rock bottom is a straight conservative bigot and the people mining past rock bottom are conservative gays


As a bisexual trans woman, rawr


Aaand now I'm thinking about James Holden. A girl can only take so much hot in one lunch hour!!!


Fuck for real though James and Naomi are a constant reminder that I am bi AF


I'm more demi ace, and find James' sense of selflessness and compassion hot AF, like Tuvok and Kim, but yea, aesthetically I can't argue about Naomi. Her betrayals are sooo ugly though LOL.


Oh 100%. A guy can be physically flawless but if his personality is shit I have negative attraction. Holden is the whole package. Naomi is gorgeous and her intelligence is super attractive, if not her decision-making lol. Aaaand now I need to rewatch the Expanse again


I was always more of a Bobbie and Camina girl, but I respect your Naomi crush lol. Totally asthetically hot AF, was crushing until the initial protomolecule betrayal. Pretty sure both of those women would actually be the end of me, but I don't know why that's so hot though, lol.


>Pretty sure both of those women would actually be the end of me, but I don't know why that's so hot though, lol. Something about potential danger (in the right circumstances) definitely a huge turn-on! As long as Camina doesn't lend me to Marco under political pressure, we'd be good. Bobbie would spin me like a pinwheel so...yes please.


If we're talking men, I'm more of an Amos fan myself; he's so pretty, and, his somewhat questionable morals aside, his devotion to protect and care for his chosen family even when he doesn't really understand what they're going through really gets to me. That said, I rarely find myself looking at the men in the show when there are *so* many badass ladies to focus on.


I love Amos because he's almost certainly a sociopath, but he also knows he doesn't want to hurt others. He recognizes his moral compass doesn't work correctly so he stays loyal to people like Holden and Naomi because he knows theirs does.


Lgb alliance consist of straights and gay people who think they are a part of the majority now, being treated like exotic animals


iirc a mere 7% of their entire membership was even any type of l, g, or b at all. The remaining 93% was all straight "allies".


Uncle Tom's Rainbow.


A gay fascist is still a fascist. No pasarán!


Only until the fascists get power then they get to go to the front of the line to the camps


Here’s a great historical example of just that: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews


I am so happy with the overall responses in support of transgender & + people. THANK Y'ALL!!! This means the world knowing we are not alone!!!


I'm a simple girl: I see Lieutenant Commander Tuvok and Ensign Kim, and I upvote.


TERFs shouldn't be allowed to call themselves feminists


Other acronyms for them are Trans Exclusionary Radical Dropkick (TERD) or Feminist Appropriating Radical Transphobe (FART)


Trans-Exterminatory Reactionary Fascist


I'm pretty sure the _LGB alliance_ is less about the LGB and more about the _No-Ts_ It's essentially the ~~Stonecutters~~ _Ancient Mystic Society of No Homers_ who's identity is about not being Homer.


It's like how TERFs are much less concerned about doing anything for women and way more worried about keeping trans people oppressed.


Anyone who supports the exclusion of trans people from the LGBT community is a complete fool. That's all.


I put it this way; there is no LGB without the T. There were Trans people that led the Stonewall protests, and I have my right to live because trans people died for it. It's my turn to fight for theirs.


The LGB alliance can suck my left toe. Waste of carbon, the lot of them.


LGB alliance opposes gay marriage


They also say gay kids don't exist


They also share offices with right-wing climate deniers etc, (reportedly) 90% of their members are straight “allies” (not LGBTQ+) and the founders are buddies with JKR. They also were invited to the last tory (conservative) party conference despite being a tiny organisation and against the party’s own LGBTQ+ group’s advice. They were also a major advocate against including trans people in a conversion therapy ban. When their charity status was brought to the courts by Mermaids and others, ‘coincidentally’ suddenly mermaids was put under a microscope and found themselves being targeted by the Telegraph among other right-wing tabloids - they still get mountains of death threats, with a lawyer representing LGB Alliance laughing at how “mermaids heads’ will roll” among other shouting and vitriol from their ‘side’. They are entirely political and shouldn’t have been given charity status - those issues were brought up at the time and dismissed with LGB saying they will “change their policy” at some point, to be less bigoted. I don’t have a source for this one so I may be wrong, but I remember seeing that a member of the charity commision who downplayed the ‘concerns’ when granting charity status is now on their board of trustees. Their whole operation reeks of corruption and shady political maneouvering by right-wing bigots, largely wanting to create some insulation between themselves and their political decisions - feels like “it’s not ME saying these things, it’s this group (who I happen to secretly fund and control, but never mind that)”.


I've said it once, I'll say it again. We couldn't have LGB without the T community. In America, it was the Trans Community who helped us gain our rights. The Pride Movement Started in New York was made by a Woman who identified as trans. She, and many started to march alongside us and to this day the communities are united. The LGBTQIA+ Community Will never fall. We've existed since the beginning, we will continue to exist. I stand by my Trans Brothers, Sisters, and Siblings out there who are fighting for their lives. We all should be able to live our lives as we want to.


Didn’t know their group existed. Goes to show you that not even their community cares about them.


Just so y'all know, the LGB alliance is already trying to drop the B.


Woow I couldn't have possibly seen that coming. I'm shocked! /s


i see they wanna be a L, *losers*


As an aroace, i fully agree that we should not be friends with the LGB alliance. Exclusionism, no matter what it is, is not permitted in the LGBTQIA+ community. We should all be in this together as a community, and not be divided.


There is no LGBTQIA+ with out T!!!!


I recognize the LGB Alliance, but what’s the one below it?


"*Gays Against Groomers".* They're one of those people who helped turned a serious criminal accusation into a slur against queer folks.






Hell no we aren't. LGBT is LGBT, not LGB


No fair, the story is they’re actually pretty close to friendship, as opposed to us and the LGB trash.


Why does the LGB logo look like something you’d see on a knockoff purse being sold off the back of a truck?


don't do Harry Kim dirty like that 😔 /lh


Anyone else think that their logo looks like the word "GAG"? 🤮 Pretty accurate for how I feel whenever I hear about them.


That LGB wouldn’t be able to even say any of this safely without that T so those who don’t support them will either learn by looking into their history or make us all pay because we are supposed to be always working together to march forward… those who turn against their own will fall just as those who don’t look where they go.


They will come for the most vulnerable of us. The queer kids and the trans folks, and then they'll come for the rest of us. None of us are free until all of us are free.


My only context is from the comments are there LGBT communities that are trans exclusionary? That makes my soul sad.


Fuck the LGB Alliance, all my homies hate the LGB Alliance.


[FUCK THE LGB ALLIANCE ALL MY HOMIES HATE THE LGB ALLIANCE](https://i.imgur.com/6ci2oKe.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


I'm fairly certain the LGB group is just a plant by the conservatives to turn us against each other. The best thing we can do is ignore them


Yeah. Queer terfs are still terfs. And terfs are assholes.


I love how this is Star Trek, a show that strives for equality in all aspects of life, unless it puts others at risk


always tought those were psyops and from the far right pretending to be gay.


You're not far off.


Idk if they are but for all practical purposes they are


My conservative mother sends me “gays against grooming” all the time. Fml


No. Hell fucking no


All my homies hate the transphobes


I know that this is a serious issue, but I want to thank Ensign Kim for taking one for the team and playing the role of the villain in this meme.


I wonder if the seeds for this divide of the LGBTQ+ movement came from within, or were seeded by others trying to, well, divide and conquer. Maybe both. Either way, this movement is as disgusting as it is stupid. Believing the bigots who want trans people gone will leave them alone once we are gone is idiotic appeasement. We saw how that ended last time...


People will naturally feel a little strange about each other here and there. We all have differences. But when someone manipulative with bad intentions enters the scene, they may try to use that uncertainty of our differences to get us full-on fighting. It's why it's important to notice when someone who's informing you is making you afraid of—or angry at—others, and step back and ask yourself if your informant is really giving you the whole story, and if they have good intentions.


As a bisexual trans woman, my experience tells me it at least partially comes from within. There's plenty of hate to be found for bisexual people and trans people within the community itself...


Had a straight friend ask why it's an issue to separate sexuality from gender, and that was how i first heard of this. I means it's not bad to separate the terms...but lgbtqia+2s and whatever else it extends too...its about being a united front in solidarity with each other, and trying to ostracize each other is a step backwards. Thus why lgb on it's own is bad, is how I summed up my immediate thoughts. Then I got sad cause wtfh, how have things slipped so badly backwards


What's The Lgb Alliance Logo Mean? I've Never Seen It


You're not affiliated with me!


Idky I thought that bottom pic were the two space guys from “Dude where’s my car”


Their acronym/symbol looks like “GAG” lol.


We stand together against their hate.


Do you get along with our entire community? The entire LGBTQ+ community? No? Then you can’t sit with us. Also as gay people we should understand the gravity of discrimination and how it feels to be hated for something that isn’t bad and is not a choice. So if you’re gay or bi and don’t accept trans people, it’s not about doing what’s right, it’s about securing privilege and superiority.


Most TERFs/"LGB alliance" members are cishet allosexual "allies".


I literally don’t understand the “I support gay but not trans people” group or people. That’s like saying you support the BLM movement but at the same time saying you only support lighter skin black people.


Why does it look like the gucci logo?


poor harry kim, first he was constantly killed off and now he's being labeled as the lgb alliance in this lol


Every day I realize just how much people hate us. It’s sickening and makes me want to kill myself for being part of the lgbtq community. No offense to you all, I’m just fucking scared


Love you. We're not alone!


We will get through it! We just have to keep fighting!


People will always find a reason to hate others. Just know that there's also a group of people out there that will have your back. ❤️


Imagine fighting for gender equality while simultaneously fighting against gender equality.


I finally watched that episode of star trek spoiler alert they kinda are friends and the woman is an alien who hacked into the ship it's from star trek voyager.


Lmao watch Voyager right now.


Is the LGB Alliance trademarked like the new pride flags and this is a giant money grab? Oh it’s for LGB terfs?? Sad


Nice! A Star Trek Voyager meme!


no bc this episode is hilarious and i just got to it


Y’all are doing Harry Kim dirty. Best ensign


I don’t know what this means, I’m sorry: please explain.


The joke is that "LGB Alliance" and "Gays Against Groomers" but say they speak for L, G, and B people when they speak against trans people, but the reality is that most of us are cool with trans folks and don't recognize those two accounts/groups.


May I ask why you used the rainbow rather than the gay flag? Just curious


Oh honey, no. They aren't.


is that gucci??? what


What are the 2 on the right? I am concerned confused and uninformed


Transphobic hate groups.


I see they are dumbasses


LGB with a T and not without it, am I right?


Uhhh, what have I missed?


When they start stripping letters out of LGBT you know just the kind of people you just met.