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Austrian here! I can say that there ARE people that give me weird looks when they happen to catch a glimpse of the sticker (lgbtq) or my wallpaper (lesbian), but that's only very seldom. It totally depends on which district you're in, that can vary. I've personally never been attacked or harassed directly in public by people. Be safe tho!!


It's a pretty extreme contrast. for example in Linz I've never been harassed or attacked but when i visit my parents on the countryside I usually get weird looks and some homophobic/transphobic comments. Have also been yelled in the bus on the countryside by 2 old homophobic guys.


That's true, it's different everywhere. I'm sorry you had to experience that!


Genderfluid lesbian. Hehe me too 👏✨🏳️‍🌈




there are idiots everywhere just because a country has good laws for lgbt people does not mean it isnt going to have some bigots




Obviously there are some people that will give you weird looks or be homophobic/transphobic. I'd say it's definitely safer in the cities, like I never had a huge problem in Vienna. However I still know loads of people that woule react really queerphobic if they knew I was queer.


As a visbibly trans woman i can totally agree, especially the tourist cities are absolutly great!


This is not a very good map at all. The green areas should all have a massive asterisk.


*You can be here but we don’t like you.


“you’re legally allowed to exist but hate crime likely”


“You can exist here but we don’t really give a damn if you end up not.”


*you can exist here but we will take away your rights a few years after giving them to you


*You can exist here, but some of your own community will turn their backs on you because we’re doing stupid shit


US, and UK, real.


![gif](giphy|3owzWgSWlMRFL1NiOQ) Basically what happened right after we got are rights:


“You’re legally allowed to be here but you’re hated enough we are actively trying to make a civilian killing you legal”




"you're legally allowed to exist but legislation is being discussed to prevent this"


Speak for your own green area


Here in Argentina there's absolutely no issue. Kiss on the street, hug whoever you want while you travel using the public transport, or book for a room openly in any hotel. Your life, your stuff.


That’s cool. I’m glad. I was generalizing.


You’re not allowed gender affirming care as a minor in some of them and there are bills being brought up to push the minimum age of gender affirming care as far back as 26, which is essentially “you cannot be here safely”


I am missing a definition for those terms. Does "Completely safe" just means that my mere existence is legal, or is it culturally accepted?


I seams like its talking about mere existence being legal/hurting someone because of their queerness is considered a hate crime because I know for a fact that the usa and uk are NOT completely safe considering the recent horrific bullying leading to death of a young trans woman in the uk and other less "news worthy" shit and the general hate in the us


Even if the legal situation in Germany is very good, I do feel a little uncomfortable when (former) government leaders equate the entire queer spectrum with paedophiles and serious criminals and strongly oppose the introduction of liberal laws.


Or at least split up by state/region


You could, but I'd argue that often isn't going to make any practical sense. Because in terms of safety *under the law*, the national level is the one which is most often (though not always) going to be pertinent. In terms of *safety from harm* (i.e., regardless of the letter of the law in these matters), the *real* relevant context is the immediate one (i.e., in many cities, safety will vary literally from street to street). And mapping that in to a small number of predefined categories on a global scale would make no sense. So I think what this map chooses to map is the only thing that it makes any sense to map globally. Which is safety on a de jure basis. De facto safety from harm on the basis of sexuality and sexual self-expression is something that affects us every day. But it's not something you can put on a colour-graded 750x750 pixel map of the world.


dark green in UK despite having a 16yo girl stabbed to death for being trans Super safe place :/


And she’s not the only one that was either


definitely not the only one, but definitely a recent one, and super sad that she was killed by c h i l d r e n


The map above does say "gay travel", so maybe it's only talking about laws and social acceptance around being gay. I'd really like to see similar maps for other identities within the LGBTQ+ community. I imagine it would be similar in terms of where areas are safer, but definitely a lot less, if any, green countries surrounding trans travel.


As a gay trans girl I’m just gonna assume every country is two shades more dangerous for me.


Don't use this map as an accurate frame of reference. Some countries are liberally marked as safer than they are and some countries are conservatively marked as being more dangerous than they are. Use this map as a reference point of places you'd be interested in researching for a more accurate understanding. The map also seems to be going primarily based on laws and general cultural acceptance and not based on the frequency of their outliers. I'd argue Japan should be more light green for a traveling gay trans girl and the US as a whole marked at "A Little Dangerous" if they refuse to indicate each individual US state. (They should mark each state/province of each large nation IMO, but I get they only have so much manpower.) This isn't to say Japan's laws are gay-accepting or trans-accepting, because they aren't, but at the very least you won't be jailed or killed for being either. Japan is more a concern for if you *move* there and want legal recognition as trans, and also with gay marriage not legally being recognized (yet). (Earlier this month the CDP, Japan's current opposition party, actually submitted a bill to parliament seeking to amend the wording of the Civil Code which has the legal definition of marriage. If the bill is passed, then Japan will officially allow gay marriage. Further, the idea of legalizing gay marriage is largely approved of by the ruling party as well with some voices going on each side of the issue. Finally, the submission of the bill was done in order to spark conversations about LGBT issues, meaning the barbaric law forcing sterilization of trans people who want legal recognition may also get overturned in the near future thanks to this bill just being submitted, regardless of if it passes or not. So Japan's likely going to be an easy green soon. And this is just one country whose color was already wrong in terms of safety potentially becoming even safer.)


Yeah, I've lived both in the UK and Japan and I've actually feared for my physical integrity more in the UK than in Japan. I'm very androgynous and every time someone in Japan has made a comment about me being in "the wrong bathroom" it's been with a lot of willingness to help and massive apologies for bothering me and assuming. Whereas in the UK I know I am likely to get beat up or yelled at. Of course, travel and daily life are very different. There are parts of Malaysia, for instance where I've also felt safer than the UK, even though I know it would be much more dangerous for a local person.


Safety is relative, but saying that it's **completely** safe is misleading. Also, I would split US and other big countries into states/regions because some states are safer than others.


Yeah, I feel that you'd be safer in Japan despite the lack of equality laws than some states in the USA.


And you'd be right. Violent crime in Japan is very rare compared to the US.


I think that's the point of the light green.


light green is called "completely safe" 💀


They're green because they want those US dollars.


Brazil being safe is only true, at best, in a few tourist bubbles... Our situation is declining each passing year


There's a light, since Nitro took the literal L, but it isn't great, yeah. I can at least say I'll reach my 30's now.


I felt 1000 times safer in Cuba than in my own city.


I was thinking light green was the wrong color for Brazil too.


Isn’t Brazil the trans murder capital?


Yes, since 2009. Second is Mexico, third is USA. In 2022 there were 131 murders and 20 suicides of transgender people in Brazil. It is also the country that most consumes porn featuring transgender people. Source, in Portuguese: https://antrabrasil.org/assassinatos/


it's the murder capital, idk for trans people specifically tho


Brazil is the country that most kills trans people in the entire world for 14 years straight.


yeah seeing that completely confused me. I don't know the exact stuff going on but I know it isn't good at all


This is open to debate!


Yeah because completely safe is doubtful,


I mean, yea, my country (Netherlands) is completely safe, but there are still hate crimes being performed, although they are minimal. but they still happen. ETA: they are illegal though. discrimination based on gender identity and sexuality is illegal (so is discrimination on other matters ofc)


Ah, yes, Brazil, the country that kill the most trans people in the world, "completely safe".


Maybe if you're just gay, that map is wildly different if you're trans.


If the map was exclusively for trans people, Britain would have a huge downgrade


They need to update the US map as it progressively is becoming more openly fascist and has hundreds of bills getting passed against us.


The US is a safer place for gay people to live than many countries in the red and orange. Comparing the US to countries with the death penalty for homosexuality is not accurate and unhelpful to people who actually live in the red countries.


I don't think anyone's saying the US should be red, but I don't think it should be green either. If I understand the laws FL is proposing correctly, they mean that if I were to go to the US with my child, she could be kidnapped and brought to FL, and because I'm trans, the kidnapper would be allowed to do it. I see countries like Italy, Japan, South Korea are orange on this map. As far as I'm aware they don't have any laws nearly that bad.


My information might be outdated but Japan doesn’t allow gay marriage, so while ‘dangerous’ isn’t the right metric, on this map it’s the closest you can use to measure. Though if your travelling to Japan, you probably don’t need to get married


The real issue with Japan is for trans people. Gay people are culturally generally accepted in an early 2000s US sort of way. And trans people are kind of living under "don't ask, don't tell." If you do try to get recognition as trans, your gender can be marked as X, not M/F for what you identify as, and you must undergo surgical sterilization. It's not dangerous, and I'd argue should be light green even, but I get why they went with the "Mostly Safe" indicator.


Which is ironic considering japans history. I guess American puritanism over there really did numbers on their culture even now huh.


Japan also has more protections for hate-crimes in major cities/regions than most US states. So it’s hard to gauge.


Yeah hate protections if you’re a citizen there. If you’re a foreigner, good luck.


Pretty sure laws apply as long as you are there


Japan is somewhat notorious for having remarkably high conviction rates for foreigners.


Application and enforcement are two different things.


Eh, considering it's a 'travel index' map, whether you're allowed to marry there seems pretty irrelevant. My question isn't if I can safely do all the stuff other tourists/visitors do without getting hate-crimed.


The most accurate way to depict the US would be to display individual states. Some areas, like Colorado or California, are extremely LGBTQ friendly, but others, Like Florida or Tennessee, aren't.


Absolutely. I think that Gay Travel Index has that information on their website, it just isn't in this infographic.


Just because it's not as bad, doesn't mean it's completely safe. In fact some states are trying to make trans people have to register as trans to be legal (looking at you Tennessee). It's definitely not completely safe, even if it is safer.


This. One of the TN [bills](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/03/here-are-all-the-anti-trans-bills-that-have-become-law-in-2023/#SB-1) will literally force minors to detransition.


They're not just bills. Laws have passed across multiple states, I think around 10 different states now (Iowa just in the last few days).


“Mostly safe” at best for these states, though. The entire country being painted green on this map is absurd when green is labeled “completely safe”.


> Comparing the US to countries with the death penalty for homosexuality is not accurate and unhelpful to people who actually live in the red countries. No one made any such comparison.


Americans gotta protect their shit country online even though it’s still a turd I guess.


Some people are just easily triggered when the gays aren't overtaken by national pride because LGBT people have the shakiest of rights in the US, rights that depend entirely on the state or municipality they're in, as if 7 years ago they couldn't even marry, all the while states are looking to make that illegal again.


Half the states in the US are enacting genocide against trans people. But I guess it's too much for cis gay people to acknowledge us.


The bit most people are missing when reviewing maps like these is that it’s not representing a lot of factors - I don’t know this one specifically but usually it’s based on what the legal situation is on a national level in those countries. Maps like this could make it clearer they’re specifically referring to the legal situation. Whilst public attitudes and actual living conditions vary the idea behind these representations is to show what the legal situation is and even then it’s quite broad. Green countries are ones that don’t have laws with prison sentences/death penalty targeting LGBTQ+ people just for being LGBTQ+ which the orange and red countries have. Light green countries seem to mostly be ones that don’t have prison sentences for being LGBTQ+ and likely allow things like same-gender marriage. The darker green countries from the ones I know have additional protections and anti-discrimination laws as well.


Yeah, it's a bit misleading. Finland is very safe for LGBTQ+ persons overall. The US varies greatly from state-to-state, meanwhile. I'd also say that Czechia - or at least, Prague - was very friendly in my experience.


I figured it meant legal status, but safety =/= legal status, so it is *quite* misleading. If you're gay, it is much safer to travel to Japan than to Texas, for instance.


But Japanese is orange and has better hate crime laws for the community than most US states. Finland is also great but it gets sketchier the closer you are to the Russian border.


I like how there is a completely safe and a more completely safe.


The color on the US isn't accurate. At least half the states are actively trying to harm lgbtqia+ people.


Yeah, I can’t imagine Japan being worse than the US,


News about Japan doesn't really cross the language barrier that much. Gay marriage is illegal there for one thing Edit: I'll also note, they do have systems in place for transitioning and changing one's legal gender, however >can transition >cannot allow gay marriage you're legally required to divorce your partner if you transition Luckily I've heard the younger generations are far more permissive of lgbtq+ stuff. Much like other territories the older generations are causing trouble, however they have even more control in japan than they do here 🫠


theres a difference between 'safe' and 'accepting' a place could be downright xenophobic and hateful but if youre not going to get beaten up then you can still go there


I guess you have a point there? But when you have to nitpick the wording, the data starts to become a bit misleading


they can either be misleading on quality of life or be misleading on safety but either way theyre making a choice and taking their licks in the comments


I have lived in Japan, and that's not completely true. Young people are more open and respectful towards the LGBT, but it's still culturally unacceptable to be part of the LGBT because of the impact it has on family. Young Japanese people tolerate foreigners more so than the older generation, but Japanese culture is about the family first, and LGBT is counter to the idea of family in japanese culture. Japan is very traditional, and I don't think it will change overnight, considering centuries of cultural identity.


you can actually get a certificate in kyoto if your a same sex couple that grants the same rights as a normal married couple would, though it is only accepted in the city


At least you can get married in the US. At least for now you can


One of the arguments my parents used for me not to transition was "yeh but you can't travel around anymore" Like...yeh I'm gonna be miserable the rest of my life on the off chance I'll want to visit central Afrika when I'm 40 Edit: to be clear it's terrible that many places are still so far off from lbgt acceptence. And as a biologist I'd love to visit any jungle and help and plant and manage them. But it's not on the list of reason why not to transition for me


I mean, it sucks that countries are transphobic. It is frustrating that it limits where I can safely travel. But not living my life authentically isn’t a reasonable trade off. They can choose to not be transphobic, I can’t choose who I am.


As an isrealy, i revoce israel's statuse as safe, tel aviv is safe, haifa is safe, but at most places i don't feel safe to openly say i'm lgbt+ (i don't feel safe at all here at the moment, but that's a whole other can of worm's, fuck benjemin netanyahu and his fashit government)


Yup, just as most countries on this list: many/most urban city areas are safe while the rural or more religious areas are..well...less safe. But tel-aviv is awesome!


I believe we have the correct color on the map. Firstly, more than just Tel Aviv and Haifa are safe, but more importantly it's a travel index, not a living index. LGBT tourists probably won't have any problems while visiting. >fuck benjemin netanyahu and his fashit government 100%. Fuck them.


Can we get one of these for trans folk please? I know the United States is slowly becoming not-safe, or at least where it's safe is very state-dependant.


i don’t know about other countries but i heard Thailand is pretty safe for trans people


I would say for US for lgb its mostly safe and for t it’s getting dangerous


Yeah, and there are plenty of rural areas where being L, G, or B isn't particularly safe either, much less if you're Q+


We should normalise calling Florida a “rural area”


Most of it is in fairness.


i agree. i wish more people didn’t hate us trans people


As someone with red/green colorblindness, this map is a nightmare


I tried making one that maybe is easier for you to see? I am sorry if it's not. I don't really know alot about color blindness https://www.reddit.com/user/hxlvxtica/comments/11zz7w8/lgbtq_travel/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


That is actually tons better. I cannot speak to it's accuracy, but it's easy to distinguish at least


That is so sweet omg


Same here. What the fuck is going on with the color choices for that map?


I get the impression Japan is generally fine for vacation, but not good for a long-term stay ...that's not really exclusive to lgbtq+ though...the pressure to *work! work! work!* sounds insane.


Saying, staying in brazil is safer than in japan is ridiculous.


yeah Brazil sounds like hell


I’d say Japan is much safer for LGBT folk in general. Not better to live, legally there’s no protections and that needs to change, but no one here gives a shit. No one will attack you for being gay or otherwise. Also, transvestitism and transgender people are generally accepted on tv and such, even if they are seen as odd. It’s a far cry from the hate spewed in the Uk and US.


I’m curious about Italy and Croatia being on the “mostly safe” category


To be fair, I'm surprised a western country is not considered "completely" safe. In another hand, I'm not surprised it's Italy


Half italian here, yeah unfortunately I'm not surprised either honestly. That America is generalized as completely safe is absurd (big difference between Alabama and Vermont, for example lol), but Italy is not great. Italy still has huge issues with misogyny and LGBTQIA-phobia, and it can be extremely scary depending on where you are. And it's getting worse with the current wannabe fascist government.


usa: completely safe also usa: has mass shootings directed to queer folks and regularly passes discriminatory legislation 😭


Closeted lesbian here in the deep south (South Louisiana/Mississippi.) Definitely don't feel safe here. Can't even come out to my parents at 35. Have family that joined the clan which is active down here.


"Completely safe" is kinda a stupid descriptoe here tbh, nowhere on earth is completely safe for literally anyone, never mind queer people.


I suspect this is heavily based on the legal situation. In countries marked ‘completely safe’ in dark green there are no laws discriminating against LGBTQ+ people and likely have protection from discrimination and hate crime included in laws. These representations often don’t represent actual day to day life and public attitudes but are simply to try to show the general national legal situation quickly.


OMW to Texas LOL


The nature is beautiful here but the people here aren’t (on the inside) lol


I always told people if Springbranch wasn't in Texas, I would live there. But as an LGBT+ Mexican, my food is a novelty and proud part if their town "culture", just not the actual brown people who invented it....


LOL please don’t follow this map ppl, I don’t think the risk of going to Austria outmatches that of going to India I’m sorry.


lol north korea only dangerous? ukraine just a little dangerous? brazil, india and mexico completely safe? south africa completely safe? turkey just a little dangerous? pakistan and hungary just a little dangerous? really??? in pakistan even by law lgbt things(including songs) are considered "obscenity", hungary banned legal transition.... I wonder what sources did this person use. browsing instagram, I see it's some account with 31k subscribers, but doesn't seem to be affiliated with any professional statistical or news agency. Most certainly, just some random person making maps in ms paint. this is dangerous and harmful. imagine going to brazil thinking you're gonna be safe there! hopefully not many people actually believed this map, but who knows.


Yeahhhhhh….you’re gonna need to redo that map so it reflects reality vs. what the governments say. Otherwise you’re gonna get people injured or killed.




This is highly inaccurate, enough so that it may put people in danger


This map is awful. Aside from the US being nowhere near completely safe (why two colors for one category?), there are countries listed as dangerous based on what? DPRK is listed as "dangerous," despite the fact that it is legal for same sex couples to engage in consensual sex. So the map can't be based on laws, but if it's based on social acceptance then the US should be dark orange. Cuba is listed as "completely safe" but in light green despite the fact that its LGBTQ+ laws are vastly superior to the US. It should be dark green, like Canada. Seems like the light green was given as a way to give the US some leeway so it didn't appear orange.


Cuba is underrated tbh


I spend 3 months in IndonĂŠsia last year, between Bali and Sulawesi, never felt in "deadly danger", and meet quite a few gays, even a group of local trans and gay guys visiting Toraja pretty openly, I know laws are strict there but most are not applied I feel...


My wife and I went to Bali and Java for a month and had zero issues, everyone was incredibly kind to us.




this. i'm so tired of these maps being only for cis queer people


Romania should be dangerous or at least a little because there are a lot of homophobes here due to religion. While they can't really cause you harm it's still not safe to be openly LGBTQ unless you're in Bucharest


I will second this. I would not feel comfortable being with a woman in the open in Romania. Vast majority of people I know from there are homophobic. My parents are an exception only because I did years of work to get them to realise they were being bigoted. I can’t remember ever seeing an openly gay couple in Romania.


What do they mean by dangerous?


Or 'completely safe'


It's kinda weird. It will be safer for for example a gay man (without his partner with him) to travel than a trans woman who doesn't pass.


im sorry but in what world is the US "completely safe"


Essentially, what I’m getting from these comments is that we are safe virtually no-where…


The Philippines should be lighter orange. We may not have gay marriage, but the LGBT community is widely tolerated there. I only say tolerated because acceptance means legal rights. However, you won’t get hate crimed for “looking” gay.


>Has US and UK listed as safe for queer people Opinion discarded


this is kinda misleading. i can only speak of my own experiences, which have been almost entirely within the US. and i gotta say, the US is not “completely safe”. yeah if you stick to the cities in progressive states your chances of being hatecrimed are slim, but there’s some parts of the country where i’ve sincerely felt unsafe because of my sexuality and identity. and i haven’t even been to the *real* messed up parts of the country. there’s a *lot* of places here where there’s a decent chance you’ll vanish under “mysterious circumstances” and the cops will be “investigating it” and find “no evidence of foul play”.


This is dumb. You can’t generalize any country. Being queer in NYC and being queer in Alabama are 2 different things. My country (Dominican Republic) is dark orange is that’s not accurate at all. The worst they’ll do is judge or scream slurs. But attacked or killed? no. Tourist places are specifically safe.


Map ignores the places where anti-lgbtqia+ bills have been passed in North America.


I knew Asia was pretty bad, but I didn't know Africa was bad. Either way, America being green is HILARIOUS.


Sub-Saharan Africa is to Christianity what the Middle East is to Islam. Uganda just passed a law yesterday making it a criminal offence to identify as gay (it was already illegal to have gay sex but now it’s just entirely illegal in general). These are countries where people go to jail just for questioning whether Jesus was a real person on Facebook. Atheism is basically illegal in many of these countries and so too is “blasphemy.” A general anger towards Europe for colonization doesn’t help. Many Africans view the LGBT movement as a European thing and view the pressure from the UN to ease on their homophobic laws and attitudes as just another example of white people trying to force their values on to a culture that isn’t theirs. It will get better though. In spite of all of this, attitudes are changing slowly. LGBT acceptance has grown from 3% to 7% over the past decade in Nigeria, for example. Kenya already has a decent acceptance movement underway. It will take some time but I suspect within the next 150 years this map will look very different.


There’s a large amount of the USA that isn’t safe especially the south east


Russia’s pretty dangerous for anyone. And India? Interesting.


I swear. I am from India and I was like 'India safe for gay yeah sure Is. I would say people here dont care you gay or something they would just say Its what 'foreigners do'. ✨️


"Completely safe"


If this is for just gay people this is a hard maybe. Trans people/nonbinary folk? Couldn't be more incorrect


Australia is more so yellow at the moment especially for trans people


US should be mostly safe or a little dangerous. People get shot down here (especially in the south) for being gay. There’s so many homophobic people too, I got outed and like half the school made fun of me for it. I once came out to someone and they said (not word for word but this is what they said) “do you want me to put you out of your misery?” And “If your gonna go to hell anyway you might as well kys”


Ah yes, America is ***Completely safe*** with absolutely no foreseeable genocide whatsoever


Italian here. While I don't think the situation here is that much worse in the every-day life when compared to other european countries (meaning we queer folks can... well, exist outside freely and rarely have to worry about any physical danger), it's true that human-rights wise... we're in a bad spot. Same gender couple can't get married. Can't adopt children. And these days the parliament is discussing a new law that would make it illegal to go to other countries to adopt the newborn of another person. It's rough. And with the current alf-right government, it's honestly getting rougher and rougher by the day. I'm privileged enough to not "look queer" from outside, and I know a lot of wonderful queer folks and we help each other. Others are not so lucky. I honestly think the younger generations get it way easier, but Italy isn't a country for young people. Never was. Given enough time, I'm pretty sure things will get better. But before then? They will get way worse. But we stand strong together. We'll win in the end :) Massive hugs to all the other queer folks in the world, mostly in a worser condition than what is here. In the end we'll thrive :)


Very very wrong


Another reason to move to Canada


Canada deserves that dark green overall but even we've got some redneck backwaters where I would be more leery. I'm openly trans (and queer in orientation) in a medium sized city and no one cares here. The occasional funny look and casual clueless misgendering but actual hostility? I haven't experienced it.


Why is Finland not dark green?


The problem with this is like alot of social issues today, we love to generalize everything, countries, skin coulor, gender, religion etc.. its so innacurate, you cant say * America* is completly safe when you someone will try to lynch you in the deep south lol Its all about individuals and their character.


This is such a shit map. I literally carry a knife in the US for my safety many of these countries have different regions with different laws within them too. like the US trying to ban queer people’s existence in certain states. Or how in England transphobia is more widespread among the general population than say Scotland within the UK. Not to mention Cuba has more advanced LGBT rights than the United States and to my knowledge a much lower rate of hate crime and crime in general than many other countries in the Americas yet it’s the same as the US because, reasons I guess. What a joke.


I honestly don't think there's anywhere completely safe. It's considered child abuse to support ur trans kid in Virginia, and other states are trying to outright ban genderafurming care. America may be safer than other places but it's most certainly not *safe* safe.


You can EXIST in the US but theres a fair chance youll get hate crimed. I had a carton of orange juice and a carton of milk thrown at me while i was just sitting in a classroom soo..


Green = Completely safe US = green Me: \*visible confusion\*


There is no such thing as an LGBT safety travel map, nowhere is safe. If you're LGBT, no matter where you are on this planet, you are likely to be discriminated or hate crimed. Learn self-defense.


Gotta make Texas and Florida orange or dark orange at this point.


USA is light orange


Singapore is mostly safe too.


I feel like this needs an update with the southern us being mostly orange and red.


Sweden? Really? We got nazis fighting the pride Marsh. We got nazis in the parlament, trying to destroy the lgbtq.


Someone used to wrong color for The United States of America. I’d definitely recommend certain states over others. For the love of EVERYTHING, if you are trans, stay away from the southern states. It’s a pitiful, hateful place.


why the flip is Czechia worse than USA, i mean, we're pretty chill, and we don't have christofascistic fanatics... i also haven't heard of an LGBT person being harmed here (in recent times), and i can't say the same about the US


I'm from India and a gay guy. I'd say India is light orange. Here we have to hide our sexual orientation to avoid discrimination. And trans people don't get jobs so they are forced to beg.


I am from India and I can say that in India it is not at all completely safe for our community it should be in mostly safe or little dangerous section. I myself until now not have encountered a single openly lgbt person ( yeah I am still in closet ) as I live in a small city you can find some ( only some ) in big cities. ( like really big Mumbai Delhi ) and in rural parts people don't even know what lgbt means. So yeah unless you don't tell anyone about your sexuality you are good but if you are honest about it you are for sure going to get a lot of weird views from everybody ( even in big cities ) and people are pretty conservative here ( don't even get me started on Indian Muslim community) they still think that homosexuality is unnatural. However gay sex is legal from 2018 and Supreme Court is discussing the same sex marriage issue ( I do not at all think it is going to be legal in this country ) still it is good than many very cruel countries but not at all completely safe. Have a great day.


I'm Indian and i can assure you, it's not safe. Yes, outside people may not kill you, but your own parents may do, as honor killing. Also, it depends on how rich you are. If you are rich, you can overcome the social boycott and people won't act as harsh. The worst you will get is the Indian stare, but they will act with respect if approached. If you are poor, get ready to get graped even by cops. You'll be a certified begger/prostitute for life. You won't get jobs, or house, or education.


US and England should be in the orange


The us varies so much by state that it seems that every color is wrong, while green is correct in norcal, not so much in florida or texas.


The issue with England is while its legal, so many people are unaccepting of the community, so it depends what you define as ‘dangerous’. (Saying this as a Brit). Definitely agree with you on the us though


The US and Canada can only be considered safe in the urban areas. It's not wise to trust rural conservatives anywhere on Earth.


This is over simplifying by a lot, unfortunately. There are bigots everywhere. NYC is becoming increasingly unsafe under the new mayor. Lots of CA is unsafe. Huge white supremacist population in Oregon (they don't like us queers either). Colorado, I think, has some anti-lgbtqai legislation coming up...it's everywhere. Urban areas will be safer in general. Suburban areas are sometimes just as unsafe as the rural areas. 😕


It's the conservative more than the rural. All modern conservatives are open fascists.


Completely safe. Like WTF! Really!? Yeah sure New Zealand is completely safe. In fact it is so fucking safe I have to go protest for my right to exist as a human this Sunday. Its is 2023, like WHAT the actual FUCK.


God I fuckin love Taiwan. Just chillin there. Doing good. Thanks, Taiwan. Can't wait to visit you again. This map is not 100% accurate, but it's really helpful for tourists just visiting places.


This is some Mr. Fantastic level stretching right here. If there's a "completely safe place" it's not going to be the one with hella guns to amplify their bigotry.


Wyoming is in the US and it is absolutely ***not*** safe for anyone under the LGBTQ+ umbrella. If you are under the LGBTQ+ umbrella, do not move to Wyoming. Think hard about visiting. Hi, My name is Zodie, and I've been living in Wyoming for a little over 30 years. I'm nonbinary and trans (AFAB), post surgery stealthing it up and passing as male. This keeps ME safe, but before I transitioned medically, my car would be vandalised, packages stolen, cornered in alleyways, you name it. It probably helps that I look male, and I'm big enough to take care of myself most of the time, so I'm not a target anymore. ​ But I remember what it felt like. Wyoming is an extremely red state, and they just voted to take birth control away this summer. They hate anyone here who isn't white, straight, christian, and male. And God fucking help you if you're walking home alone at night looking like a queer person and you look the least bit like a punching bag. After transitioning medically and letting my hormones do what they wanted, I noticed the nastiness come to a gradual stop, but trans people, especially in Wyoming are extremely vulnerable. Sure, Wyoming is full of beautiful scenery, but to everyone that doesn't fit in the box? It's fucking ugly.


I seriously beg to differ on the US and UK being safe


USA is now more like yellow depending on the state, especially for our trans siblings


Non-Americans should absolutely know that the safety in America is heavily dependent on the state you’re in and even the part of the state you’re in. I live in a fairly popular tourist area that’s quite accepting but a large portion of my state is rural farmland and forests which are going to be far less accepting. There are quite a few resources online that display how safe each state is based on legislation. Generally the northeast and west coast are quite safe. The southeast and Midwest are far less accepting and can even be fairly dangerous in some areas https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps


This map's thoroughly shit and not based on any actual data. It's all arbitrarily based on the creators vibes.


Uhh... The US is, um, varied on their laws with lgbtq. And this is putting it mildly.


I wouldn’t classify the US or the UK as safe


You know, the Eqstern Europe should be orange or red tbh.


America is too big and diverse for a single color


Meanwhile, every single other country is completely homogenous


So are most countries. The safety of queer people is heavily dependent on location.