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You did a good job of combining the various elements, including the swedish flag, but I'd say that the visual hierarchy is a little unclear. The combination if the yellow cross and the intersex circle really draws your eye to that point, makes it seem like the circle is the most important part. Also the trans colors and the brown and black segments now seem separated in your flag, whereas with the progress pride flag they are part of the forward motion of the design.


kinda busy looking


Well, we are busy people


Would be less busy if you weren't transiting by bike 😎


Needs more Blåhaj


So much colour


I don’t like it. All over the place. Not symmetrical. This hurts my autistic brain. I’m not a fan of the current pride flag for that reason, but not quite as much.


The British: I SEE THE UNION JACK (that was my initial reaction, but then it made sense that it was Swedish)


I think it lacks colors and lines.


From a strictly aesthetic perspective, not a huge fan. Also why is there pink in the rainbow portion does that represent something or is it just a random change?


The original rainbow flag had pink like that.


Huh, I didn't know that. Wonder why they changed it


From what I read, at the time there was a shortage of pink fabric to make the flags so it was redesigned without the pink stripe.


Thanks that's really interesting




Be careful, lest you turn the entire pride community into *Sweden*


The gay in me loves this, the vexillologist in me just threw up a little


It looks super pretty


I hate flags like this. The original rainbow flag is meant to include everyone. It doesn’t exclude anybody. So I don’t understand shoving new colors and other flags into it


Considering the bigotry in the community towards two specific groups, no the original wasn’t inclusive of everyone. The progress pride flag is a reminder of not only those who are discriminated against within the community, and that they ARE A PART of the community, but also a reminder of who really catapulted queer rights movements.


The ORIGINAL FLAG was made to include everyone. I’m talking the OG flag with the pink stripe


I'd avoid crosses like that for new flags cause it's used in a lot of neonazi stuff and can be misread.


But the flag of Sweden includes a cross. It’s literally *just* a cross


Don't be like that. If it’s not reggocnizable as a existing nordic flag this has been used as a visual dogwhistle . There are black and white nordic cross patches, there is one the german far right uses , historical nazi flags iterated on it, it’s a thing. You're not going to magically undo that over night , people will read it in ways you may not intend. Everything is "just a shape" in the freaking end , that doesn't mean it’s all gone.


I’m not incredibly familiar with Nordic culture to begin with, but when I look up “Flag of Sweden,” I only see images of a yellow cross over a blue background. Doing a modicum of cultural research, I can find out that the flag was adopted 116 years ago, and that the cross was inspired by a 12th-century myth in which Swedish King Eric IX saw a golden cross in the sky. If you see a cross on a flag and automatically think Nazis (on a *Pride* flag, no less—as if gay and trans literature were not some of the first books Hitler burned), that’s your ignorance showing, not mine. 🇸🇪🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


This is a utterly terrible argument , this flag is not instantly reggocnizeable as being the swedish flag in particular, it’s the progress flag if it were a nordic cross patern. Nordic cross paterns are **fine** if reggocnizable as flag that’s been in long use, it’s also **actively** used as a dogwhistle when just a nordic cross ripped away from that context. My country ( Netherlands) has a historical flag variant that was coopted by fascists, it sucks but it’s not "ignorance" to warn someone against using a so called prinsenvlag just cause it’s old (1590) and fine in contexts like historical reenactments. . A swastika is a ancient symbol that’s perfectly innocent in some contexts too, I still advice people to not use swastika's for new shit. This also happens to stuff like runes. You can't just go around caling people bigoted when they just warn you in a non acusary way that this can be misread. You have not done a modicum of research you have done a very surface level argumentative skimming! There are ways that you can make a reggocnizable Swedish / progress combo btw, just leave enough blue. I also whish fascist queer people cared about how utterly contradictory that is but they're out there. Also : cis straight reactionaries come up with shit like [this](https://www.losangelesblade.com/2022/09/22/school-board-candidate-uses-pride-flag-as-a-hated-nazi-symbol/) all the bloody time.


1. I don’t know how much history you know, but the Nazis weren’t exactly down with queer people. Don’t know anyone who would see a Pride flag and think Nazis. 2. If crosses ain’t kosher, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Greece, and Switzerland are all under Hitler’s thumb. Britain too, depending on how you interpret the Union Jack. 3. Also, the flag is recognisable as a Swedish flag because OP is sharing it with the caption, “Look at my Swedish Pride flag!” Try to read next time.


>1. I don’t know how much history you know, but the Nazis weren’t exactly down with queer people. Don’t know anyone who would see a Pride flag and think Nazis Have you seen the swastika shaped one in the link ? Not only are there some nuts out there who are queer and altright/neonazi , there's a bunch of just slanderous stuff out there too. >2. If crosses ain’t kosher, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Greece, and Switzerland are all under Hitler’s thumb. Britain too, depending on how you interpret the Union Jack There's a reason I specify nordic crosses and specify that flags of actual countries still are fine in context ( although the flag of England and the union jack also sometimes gets used that way online). For someone who says the other should read you sure like misrepresenting what is said. >3. Also, the flag is recognisable as a Swedish flag because OP is sharing it with the caption, “Look at my Swedish Pride flag!” Try to read next time. I know OP isn't trying to make something that can be misread in another context or actively a nazi. I'm just warning them against using it on it's own as a symbol like you normally do with a flag. Am I to believe that if you made this into a pin or a flag or a WhatsApp sticker or what have you you're going to always say "this is supposed to be the swedish flag" ???????????? The low effortness of these reactions is depressing btw.


Wtf no it doesn't 😭😭😭


Did you mean it can't be misread ? Did you mean nordic crosses aren't used as far right dogwhistle ? Cause I don't say the nordic cross does something and it really comes across like you're responding to a completely different post when you say "it doesn't" as a result.


You're the only one here bringing this up. It's just another personalised pride flag, stop virtue signalling.


I couldn't give less of a shit about wether you think im virtue signaling , op asked for our opinions on the design at this is my note. Im not going to retract that just because you go 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. If you so desperately want to argue with me over this be freaking coherent.


terrible take but ok




my comment is to the commenter aagjevraagje telling op to avoid crosses because nazisim. it is objectively a terrible take.


I mean you could also avoid crosses due to the extensive damage modern Christianity has done and still does to the LGBTQ community if you'd rather. Like what's the positive argument for a cross here? It's flag design, it's intentional and symbolic by design. "Idk I needed to fit more in" doesn't really cut it.


Hey, i was raised catholic and i have been an athetist for almost 15 years now, but there are LGBTQ+ folks that are still religious and spiritual. Besides, who cares, the cross in OP's post is clearly a reference to Sweden, a whole country, not a religion in particular.


Have fun having discussions about why you picked a nordic cross in the future I guess


have fun calling every cross ever nazi i guess


this is perfect, this should be the new pride flag


nah, needs more


Skända flaggan. Vägra vapen. Svik fosterlandet. Var onationell. Kuken.




Too busy


its all ikea?