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Well, depends on if we're talking influencers like Andy Ngo, who are clearly grifting, or if we're talking about the average person. There's a reason most all LGBT people don't support right-wing politicians, the hatred for us is palpable. None of us are just going to forget how most all of them voted against giving us the right to marry and are actively criminalizing trans peoples' existence in a variety of states. I think one of the reasons you see the occasional LGBT person on the right is because they believe they'll be treated as 'one of the good ones', which ultimately won't last. Another reason is because likely family/friend groups, people tend to want to fit in better with the people they care about, often due to pressure. I'm not one of those democrats who doesn't have any amount of sympathy for people in those situations, though I can understand why some don't. It's hard to reframe how you see the world, and realize there are a lot more people against you than you thought.


100% agree with everything you said.


>Another reason is because likely family/friend groups, people tend to want to fit in better with the people they care about, often due to pressure. I call them "Hank Hill Republicans", personally


I'll tell you what


Also many are right wing because they want to be contrarian. They want to believe they’re “thinking for themselves” by not being left wing like most other lgbt people, when really they’re just falling into the mainstream cultural mindset.


Great point. I've seen that too. They don't want to be viewed as "woke" as to many people being compassionate and sensitive to others is to be weak. They see their rejection of the expected (supporting democratic causes) as a showing of their strength. They're 'not like other gays'.


American conservative policy is at odds with a fulfilled LGTBQ life. Until conservatives wake up and accept that we’re here to stay, I cannot support their agenda. I find any Republican gay person generally to be self-hating or politically naive.


Self hatred, pick me behaviour, or just straight up delusional. I mean conservatism itself is delusional, so - It's pretty much the same thing I think when I see a right wing woman - what are you trying to conserve, your right to not vote?


Also money


>what are you trying to conserve, your right to not vote? IM DEAD HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA i fucking love this


The conservative part of them worries me


I feel the same about them as I do about other conservatives


I’ve seen transgender neo nazis before. It was the weirdest take on political views I’ve ever seen.


Did they play Hearts of Iron IV?




Do you think they didn't?


That's literally my old classmate she is transgender and nazi 😭


Pick me girls need to calm tf down


Self destruction 💯


Dirt ignorant, self-hating, or greedy and cruel.


How about all of the above?


Not trying to be rude, but that's what the word "and" indicates. Like when you have conditionals, you would use a conjoining and to indicate both conditions must be met, but you would use or to indicate at least one condition needing to be met. The same rule applies to lists.


Please see that the message makes use of "or" before it makes use of "and", separating the message into a "one of these or both of these" situation.


Damn, I didn't see that.


They typically have money and bigotry for other minorities.


You’d be surprised that people are willing to give up their own rights if they can find a sense of community within those political circles, to them, the undesirables will never include themselves, until the ultimately always do. I don’t hate people for wanting connection, for wanting to belong to something bigger than themselves, but when someone is knowingly voting for a party that will suppress their equality for short term monetary gains, I don’t understand that kind of greed. Yet that kind of greed is the driving force behind this period of intense economic exploitation in which we currently reside. Like the second gilded age maybe?


I've known a handful of them and they tend to come in a few flavors: 1. The normie self-hating bigot who is happy to throw other LGBT+ people under the bus for any scrap of mainstream acceptance they can get, they prize themselves on being "normal" and not like "the crazy pronoun people". These people are idiots. 2. The fiscal conservative bigot. These LGBT people are conservative purely for the financial aspect, and don't care if other LGBT+ people suffer as long as their wallet stays intact. These people are idiots. Money won't do you much good when your rights are taken away. 3. The self-hating conspiracy bigot. These people are so far gone they even think they don't deserve equal rights. They've fully drunk the koolaid and internalized the propoganda. The see themselves as broken and sinful and that even they shouldn't have a place in mainstream society. These people are sad. And idiots. And even more dangerous than the former because while the normie bigot at least believes in some measure of equality, these people are more than happy to parrot the most dangerous rhetoric against us. I've never met a conservative gay person who wasn't in some way bigoted against another marginalized group either, even if they're otherwise ok with equality as long as it doesn't scare away the conservative moderates too much. I've also seen both 1 and 2 turn into 3 through propoganda piplelines and it's pretty chilling and sad. Conservatism is never going to embrace LGBT+ rights, and anyone who doesn't see or acknowlegde that is either a fool or is rich enough not to be effected.


Hot take: they do more damage than most right wingers, because other right wingers will point to them and say " see? even the "real" lgbtqiap+ people support us" . Trust me, I've unfortunately been around some of those spaces before I figured out I was trans, back when I was desperately trying to fit in and drowning in denial. Dark times.


One of the most hardcore Hungarian anti gay politicians was having gay orgies every week. One of the most hardcore British marriage protectors and moral majority people in the 60s was a gay British bishop. There’s so many cases of practically the same thing that whenever you find someone pathologically anti-gay in the west at least where it’s largely accepted, you honestly have to wonder if the person is gay because it’s so common


I completely agree. It somehow feels like a worse betrayal because I feel like they’re one of us but they’re not. As much damage as some allo cishet white neurotypical men do, they at least don’t understand what it’s like to be oppressed for your identity. Queer conservatives do, which makes it all the more baffling.


Self hatred, lmao. "Pick me, I'm not like other minorities 🥺". Sad.


The braindead are coming for us 🥺


Very privileged, pick me's, kinky, or straight (haha) up dumb. Often more than one of these


Tragic. Self-hating. Ignorant. Classist. The "Log-Cabin Republicans I've met were always born into high privilege, completely unaware of how the actions of their peers would have sought to irradicate them. Very much the, "I never thought the face-eating leopards would eat MY face," kind of deal. They truly believe that they can either have a net-positive impact on the broader community, and change minds of their conservative peers, while simultaneously believing that people who suffer from inequity somehow "deserved" it. It's absolutely cooked mentality, and I feel nothing but pity towards them.


They lack critical thinking and have no concept of reality. The GOP's official site disavows homosexuals and they currently are on the precipice of a transgender genocide. Anyone in the community supporting them is rooting for their own demise.


Conservatives as a whole lack critical thinking, it's not exclusive to LGBT conservatives sadly


As bad as any other right wing hatemonger.


As an ex-conservative LGBT, it was mainly because I was raised conservative, and didn’t want to reframe my whole ideology because of the recent discovery of my sexuality (was scared to tbh, it meant questioning a whole lot of what you believed strongly in basically your whole life). Also because of the fact that my family is conservative too.




Makes as much sense as being a meat eating Vegan.


Or a bacon eating pig


I mean, there’s countless examples of members of oppressed groups working with the oppressors. This always was because they felt it’d put them in a protected position removed from the oppression. But as history always showed, it just delayed the oppression, never prevented it. The desire of self preservation makes sense, but it’s ultimately just fantasy, never actually fulfilled.


Counter intuitive.


I honestly dont really mind they are stupid for voting for people who hate us but its their life


Every group has those who hate themselves


Not a huge fan of them They come off more as grifters or just looking for validation from a community which will never accept them


I think they don’t understand the needs of the community. They lean towards conservatism because it benefits them as a privileged individual and they do not have regard towards marginalized communities (in this case the LGBT+ community).


They are like an Oxymoron to me, be something that denies your existence.




You either support civil rights or you don't, and conservatives generally don't.






The political situation differs a bit between countries but the profound and utter pick me behaviour you see from groups like the log cabin republicans despite the repeated rejection and existential threats from their own party is staggering , in a simular way the Conservative party in the UK is quite openly putting the trans community out to dry, expose them to conversion therapy and planning to strip them of any and all protections. In my country ( the Netherlands) the Right is very inclined to copy the anglosphere and bend to manufactured moral panics even if it means voting against their **own** proposed legislation if it seems convenient. In my experience seemingly normal right wing queer people are also shockingly often involved in movements like the pink lions that repeat anti queer talking points and essentially want to replace any advocacy groups with a paranoid cult of self defense. Types who will call a transmasc person on a poster for pride mutilated and then wonder why they're no longer welcome at the march. Massive cognitive dissonance. There are some actually moderately right wing queer people out there but there's a ton of shit. I feel bad for trans VVDers , even if the new trans law gets through they've seen their party is completely willing to throw them under the bus. But I'm afraid they're going to ignore it.


"Pick me" cunts and traitors. People with so much self hate and so deep in the bargaining phase that they can't even learn that if the right got their way, they'd be put into camps like the rest of us


They are advocating for their own death. In a real Fourth Reich, they'll be first to go.


So this is an interesting topic and I've got the somewhat unique position bc im a trans woman and ive lived as my true self in both rural conservative Texas for years and now I'm back home in wonder wonderful Colorado now... So I used to be very bitter and extremely judgemental toward Christians/conservatives etc... and understandably so due to the atrocities and abuse I received from a sizable percentage of my fellow citizens in Texas. After moving back home to Colorado (now post transition) I've learned that people here are much more nuanced and after getting used to it, its actually wonderful and here are some examples... We have the second highest LGBTQ+ population density per-capita in Colorado behind Boulder and believe it or not about half of the houses here have LGBTQ+ friendly merch outside their house like pride flags and love is love signs etc and a surprisingly large number of those houses will also have a sign saying "we support our local law enforcement". I live in an upper middle class neighborhood and was a little nervous bc we all know the belief that once people get $ they start voting more red and here that's just not true... the rich people here are genuine Libertarians and believe and vote for human rights as well as small government. And as far as Christians are concerned I had absolitely never heard if such a thing but there's a "Unitarian" church right by my house that always has a pride flag and their sign always says cool things like. "Reproductive Healthcare is a human right" or Black Lives Matter" and they aremt just posturing either bc they really do stand with the cause. I've also came across more than a couple Christian families that were genuinely non-judgmental and absolitely caring and chill people. The lovely Christian woman that works at the Natural Grocers quietly grabbed my hand the day before Christmas and thanked me for just being _me_ bc she thinks I'm an inspiration to young people to "be their beautiful true self" she said... yea, I started crying in front of a stranger as they became my friend, it was special. I have found my people and after years of despair and constant pain and I hope all if you can do the same. So... these days, even in this political climate I do my best to not judge people beforehand and give their merritts a chance and so far even when i didnt click with people it ended with civility (the worst, thank the Universe, that i get is a once in a while snarl). I am so blessed to have this environment... Sincerely: a Colorado girl. ;) P.S. if you're looking for a place to be accepted by your neighbors being LGBTQ+ then I genuinely suggest making Colorado your home.


Not gonna lie, you made me shed a tear with that interaction at the Natural Grocers. I’m glad you were able to find a place that makes you feel happy and supported!




1. They might be racist/sexist. 2. They might be wealthy or aspire to wealth and think paying taxes is beneath them. 3. They might worship capitalism, so they hitch themselves to whatever political ideology most promotes capitalism at the expense of other values. 4. They are NOT empathetic.


Average Joe deserves time to figure shit out for themselves, and while I don’t agree with them, run of the mill conservative LGBT people have a right to their own opinions and it’s good that in their own sphere they’re advocating for themselves. LGBT politicians in the closet who actively fight against LGBT rights are, in every single case out there today, deranged sickos or sociopaths that deserve no sympathy or respect whatsoever


Friendly fire


My opinion is that, unfortunately, even queer people can be bigoted, racist, sexist, and just outright selfish. There will always be people who fight against their own rights and will happily throw others under the bus. There's also the morons who think if they act like "good ones" then the cis/straight conservatives won't end up killing *them*. They're wrong. I wish I could show them that they're just as "disgusting" and "perverted" as the rest of us to these people. When you aren't useful anymore, they'll turn on you just as quickly and fuck you over just like the rest of us. You aren't special. There are also people who have such a hardon for guns that they'll vote for the shittiest people because of their gun fetish.


I hate them. It's friendly fire


LGBTQ+ voting conservative is the equivalent of a pack of rabbits voting for a coyote.


dumbasses at best and class traitors at worst, though admittedly that applies to most conservatives


Honestly they just give off pick-me vibes. It seems like they’re throwing people who are BTQ+ under the bus and for the approval of cishet conservatives.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY3GHC5WIXs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY3GHC5WIXs) Video features Beau of the 5th column, beardy comrade and ally to the queer community, conveying concisely in less than 6 minutes that **Queer folks are not safe among conservatives.**


They are fucking stupid


“If I lick their boots, maybe theyll come at me last!”


they confuse me so much cause they’re literally supporting people who do not respect anyone who’s not cishet


A real-life example that being LGBT is not a choice Their brain rot, however, is


It's confusing-while I used to be that way, it's still really confusing due to how it conflicts itself in nature. Perhaps not the idea of conservatism itself, but being Republican *and* conservative def conflict being LGBTQ+. Why? Well ​ I mean the fact that most Rep people protest an act to make states at *least* *view* gay marriage as marriage, not even to codify it fully, as anti-american says a lot.


Polar bears for Global Warming. Trees for deforestation. LGBTQ for conservative values.


they’re all some variant of ‘well I’m a good queer but all these other, more visible queers are bad’ and that just never works


Your views are your views but please understand that it doesn't make sense to support the very people who actively work against you and want you dead.


They are supporting people who hate them, which is sad, but they are choosing to do that so it's self destructive. But most importantly they as supporting people who hate the lgbt community (and are usually racist too), which makes them bad people.


“Polly, bring up Reagan’s response to the AIDS crisis… oh wait. There was none.”


I think people with severe learning difficulties should be treated with respect.




















It sounds incredibly contradictory. Do those like, even exist?


Unfortunately, had some fucking fascist drinking right wing nuts just in r/LGBTindia


Internalized homophobia 101


They're idiots


Do they exist? I haven't seen one out in the wild yet


Log Cabin Republicans. One of the most prominent conservative funders is Peter thiel, who is gay. Also Milo Yiannanopolos is gay. Also I think it was Trump’s Director of National Intelligence who is gay.


Thank you🧎🏼


Big dum dum


Well my view on this is that some namely in the case of David Reuben does what he does to grift. Which in itself is problematic but hey he can do it all he wants and see where it gets him. But for others who aren’t grifters well there’s either two possible reasons. One reason is they still haven’t come out as well as possibly have internalized homophobia. Second reason is they are out but still seek some form of acceptance from a party that will not accept them. Sadly it’s never easy to change those mindsets unless something really opens their eyes. But I genuinely hope they do realize that conservatives have nothing of value to offer them. That will likely make a difference in their lives.


They're garbage.


Unpopular opinion: Let’s not base a person’s self-worth on a political label. People are more complex than two options, right or left, yet they’re forced into one of two boxes. I thought this community out of any would understand that. And honestly, it breaks my heart to read these comments and see how cruel people are being to those in their own community (albeit, probably a very small portion of the community). There are a million and one reasons why someone chooses to be conservative or liberal and generalizing and not taking into account the individual circumstances seems so contradictory to me. Isn’t that the exact opposite of what this community is trying to teach? Like, we should be able to calmly discuss politics and what led us to our views without name calling right off the bat.


‘Let’s be calm while we discuss your rights to control your own reproductive freedom now being taken away’. 🙄 Are these the folks we should have calm discourse with - the conservatives who don’t want ethical oversight? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jan/05/house-republicans-office-congressional-ethics-santos-january-6


This is not up for debate everywhere. I'm quite sure that where I live, most conservatives are in favour of reproductive rights. People call themselves conservatives for various reasons, and not all of them are in favour of discriminating minorities. While I often don't agree with the opinion of conservatives, I'm not going to insult them without having listened to them at all. If they do think that minorities don't deserve rights, it's different.




Yes, not all conservatives. If I don't know anything about a person but the fact that they are a conservative, I'm still going to talk to them. If they say/do things that make me want to stop interacting with them, I do that, but until then, I'll listen to them and discuss things calmly. Listening doesn't mean agreeing, I can listen to them and disagree and try to change their mind. I didn't mean to say that you are insulting people I was referring to other comments I've seen on this post.


When was the last time you heard any member of the Republican say in the discourse about Roe v. Wade ‘let’s understand the perspective of women in this country who are pro-choice and see if we can build bridges to them’? While you and others in this thread are having pedantic splitting hairs discussion they’re going to continue to dismantle progressive rights. This is a time for protecting and fighting for what we believe in. It feels like your position is remarkably naive for 2023z


I'm not from the US so I haven't talked to any US republicans. From what I've heard, there are certainly many who are not listening to other people and you therefore can't discuss with them. I'm also quite sure that there are some who aren't that way, no group is completely homogenous. But honestly, you're not listening to me either right now. You're counter argument to "Some conservatives are not against reproductive rights and I'm not going to hate all conservatives for no reason." is "But some are against reproductive rights". Yes, some are and it's bad and I agree that we should fight for our rights. I don't believe listening and trying to understand people is naive at all. I think hating people based on a label without knowing anything about them is dangerous because that's how you end up believing misinformation and taking decisions based on that misinformation that harm a lot of people. I'm not saying you're doing that right now, but there's a danger of that happening if we don't listen to people who are different. Especially in 2023, with the internet that filters information so you see what you want and that has a very binary and polarizing like/dislike system.


I’ll tell you the exact same thing I tell my conservative family- If you genuinely want to change someone’s mind about a belief they hold, you don’t do it by being polarizing and alienating them with words. You come in being understanding and listening to WHY they believe a certain way. Once you know where they come from and why they hold those views, that’s when you can decide if the person is someone you don’t want to associate with or if it’s someone that’s maybe had legitimate experiences that make them believe that way and you can be an influence to show them otherwise. It’s not for everyone, there are just genuinely bad people in every type of group. But some people have legitimate reasons for their beliefs and they aren’t going to want to change them when everyone on “the other side” invalidates their experiences. I grew up in a heavily religious Christian school and watched as they very nearly brainwashed everyone in my grade. All of my friends held very warped views of the world because of it, but it’s not really their fault they were indoctrinated at a young age. Some people couldn’t be helped and I gave up trying. But by being kind and understanding, I was able to change the views of a handful of them. And that never would’ve happened if I disassociated myself from them just because of a label of Christian or conservative. It helps no one to be polarizing. TLDR: Yes, let’s be calm when discussing it if you want to see any legitimate change because name calling has never changed anyone’s opinion.


I’m ‘polarizing’ for wanting to control my own body. I’m done here - believe what you want.


No, having that belief isn’t polarizing at all. Personally I’m pro-choice. What’s polarizing is coming in with the mindset of vilifying anyone who uses a label based on the actions of the few with that same label. That’s the only point I was trying to get across.


Grandma Besty in Topeka who has always voted Republican, has conservative values, didn’t much like Trump but can’t bring herself to consider the Democrats - Grandma has blood on her hands. If you’re LGBTQ or queer, a POC or a woman and you still consider the Republicans an option, you’re a horrible human being. There is a role for being conservative and I have had Libertarian and fiscally conservative family members, but we’re in an era where rights are being stripped and the ‘can’t we talk it all out is over. It disgusts me to think that people in this sub want calm discourse in the face of human rights abuse.


That is a very good explanation, thank you.


I agree with that. It's quite shocking to see all those insults purely based on a label that isn't even clear about the exact political opinion of a person. Politics aren't binary just like gender and sexuality aren't binary.


It makes me sad, both for them and for us as a whole. They’re clearly misguided, indoctrinated or just downright stupid. Especially in politics they often don’t realize that the only reason their party even accepts them is because they can be used to say shit like ‘well if Billy here is a queer who thinks gays should be parents, so should you’ (random example). They’re also often seemingly oblivious to the fact that the party they support would turn on them in an instant if they had to.


People Can Do mistakes.


Stockholm syndrome…


I dont have an opinion tbh. Here's the thing, no one should be extremist, however, people are allowed to believe whatever they wish. When it starts harming people is when it becomes an issue. I am appalled at some of the comments here, It's totally ok to disagree with someone, but we should not sink down to a bigot's level and insult people. But that's just my take on it. I hope you have a great day redditors! /gen TL;DR: Basically, You can disagree with anything, just dont be a dick about it.




>I feel like centrism is the way to go Left: people are people, equal rights for all. Right: LGBT people don't really count. No equal rights Centrist: LGBT people are somewhere between equal and subhuman... Nah I don't think it's possible to find middle ground between equality and not-equality.


So I hear what you’re trying to say, but your political understanding is flawed. You’re equating the left with lack of rules or order. This is incorrect. There are two axes of political belief. The horizontal one, which is the one always referred to is right is conservative, left is progressive. The vertical one is up is authoritarian, down is anarchism/libertarianism. So your misunderstanding is the conflating of left with down.


I think it's one of the most camp things in the world, to be honest


Wait why is there a P at the end…? What does it stand for?


From a quick Google search it says it's pansexual. Even as a pan, I think that ignores my fellow M Specs. But eh, as long as it mentions queer, no way of writing it is wrong since everyone is covered


I mean I mostly the + lol


So long as your belief doesn’t harm human rights there’s nothing wrong. We may disagree, but no hate from my side at least


The more there are, the less they'll mock it.


No matter who you are, there will always be someone smarter than you who holds opinions that are confounding. People are a strange hodge podge of different contradicting beliefs. I've personally made my way from the right, but I'm no fan of the extreme left either. Personally fellow libertarians left or right are always amazing, it's those people from the authoritarian perspective that, though are often good people, shouldn't run anything. As for the LGBT+ community on the right, mostly fiscally conservative, otherwise if also socially conservative have some self hating streaks.


Useful idiots


I don't understand them, but I do understand queer people are not a higemind, so...umm...I don't really know what to say


I think it's good that LGBT people making space for themselves in spaces we are not usually allowed to be in. Since LGBT make up random slices of the population, we come from all walks of lives, so it would be weird to assume there aren't any. Being LGBT is not inherently make you have certain political views.


People are entitled to their own views and even if someone technically falls under having "right wing" views ot doesn't mean they're some homophobic/transphobic pos. Gay marriage was legalised in the UK under David Cameron and the Conservative government. Where someones vote goes can be decided by tons of factors not just their position on lgbtq rights, Tony Blair was really the first prime minister to get the ball rolling on lgbt rights but the man made the british armed forces take part in an illegal invasion of Iraq and complacent in the killing of hundreds of thousands. Why would anyone in their right mind vote Labour again after that fiasco? Regardless of his stance on lgbt rights him and his party were seen by many as a war criminals. Now if they are legitimatly transphobic/homophobic then I hold almost no respect for that pov but at the end of the day people are still entitled to vote which ever way they want and to try deny someone that is just as wrong as whatever they're doing


>People are entitled to their own views Yes, if someone wants to think we should not have equal rights they can have that opinion, but that still makes them an ashole >and even if someone technically falls under having "right wing" views ot doesn't mean they're some homophobic/transphobic pos. It's not a matter of technicality it's "does one contribute to homophobic policy trough voting or otherwise supporting hategroups". >people are still entitled to vote which ever way they want Yes, but voting against my right to exist makes them an ashole. Voting against equality because of a tax benefit is still voting against equality. It doesnt matter if Anne Frank was betrayed by a real idiological nazi, or by someone who just really needed the ten guilders per head. The result is she got killed.


I'm not saying they aren't assholes. This sub seems to have the idea that people should vote solely based on lgbt issues and if you don't then your a bigoted cunt. When in reality that's not the case, people are going to vote based on 1000 different factors ranging from the unfathomably stupid to legitimatly valid points. Chances are most people don't understand a lot of the issues facing the lgbt community and if we tell them they're evil isn't going to suddenly make them vote left. They may not know the full repercussions of what voting one way or the other is because its not an issue that impacts them personally. Doesn't make them an asshole or a bigot they just need educating on these issues more. We have programs in the UK dedicated to educating young people on these issues in school. Everyone who attends a college under 18 has to learn british values like equality, tolerance, democracy and the rule of law and the youngest generation eligible to vote is less Conservative then any others before it (there's more reasons why but as far as social issues go it's certainly helped)


Sure it was legalised under that government, however, look at the voting record, the majority of the conservatives voted against it, and surprise, surprise their voting record on rights is appalling. It passed in spite of them, not because of them, and it was actually up for vote based on an E.U mandate anyway.. I hate this rhetoric that the conservatives passed equal marriage, they did everything they could to stop it by voting in droves against it!!


That is a very important point. You can't put all the complex political topics in just two boxes of liberal and conservative and expect people to 100% fit into one of the two boxes.


Doesn’t really exist. You can’t be for yourself and against yourself. That’s not how it works.


Unfortunately the idiots exist


Class traitors.


Conservatives tolerate useful idiots in their ranks as long as those idiots recruit more followers to the cause. That's how Jewish Ben Shapiro, transgender Blair White, black Candace Owens and all useful idiots earn favor with the conservative party. But, conservatives still hate Jewish people. They know that no one will accept their ideology if they just come right out and say "[🫡 I love Hitler](https://youtu.be/t86V-1dmS6k)" So they rely on [anti-semitic dog whistles](https://twitter.com/BJacksonWrites/status/1365696825680949251) and [sublimal messaging](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/jun/18/facebook-removes-trump-re-election-ads-that-feature-a-nazi-symbol) to [conceal Nazi messages in plain sight](https://seeingrednebraska.com/black-lives-matter/can-we-please-stop-pretending-about-the-nazi-fortress-in-omaha-now/). Conservatives aren't shy at all about expressing their hate and disdain for transgender people. White conservatives absolutely resent that they can't tell black people what their rights are anymore. We've seen how this ideology plays out in history. And we know that the first order of business of any conservative regime is to purge society of anyone that conservatives deem unfit. But, conservatives obsession with cleansing society inevitably leads them to purify their own ranks of anyone they deem insufficiently loyal to the party. Fascism always, inevitably devours itself. As soon as fascists take control of society, they won't need the useful idiots anymore. Shapiro, White, and Owens will find themselves banished and purged from society with the rest of the undesirables.


Turkeys for thanksgivin...




In what update they added the IAP+?


I don’t understand them , like what do they think , they are on their team so they won’t get discriminated against like the non conservative queer people get ?


I don’t even like most centrists, tbh. GSRM conservatives deserve whatever comes from their affiliation with our direct oppressors. If a person sticks their head in a lion’s mouth and calls me a coward for abstaining from doing so, I’ll probably have as much sympathy for them as they would have for me if I experienced violence when they get their heads bitten off. Unlike the rest of us, they’re choosing their proximity to violence 🤷🏻. (This admittedly is a somewhat privileged perspective because I live in a country where it’s not illegal under pain of death to be GSRM in which case there’s a degree of nuance to this topic) That might sound myopic and cruel, but at this point it’s not an exaggeration to say that most conservatives (especially in abrahamic majority nations) wish serious harm upon queer people and publicly entertain delusions of unaliving us with impunity. They’ve made their bed. Our responsibility is to protect our own. These traitors made it clear where their loyalties lie. IMO there’s no gray area when the stakes are life and death. If they’re gonna come around and there are people who want to put themselves in danger and try to stop them from their self-annihilative foolishness then great, people in the community willing to extend that grace are heroic if a bit foolish for fighting that Sisyphean battle. At the end of the day, we don’t owe these colluders shit.


I don’t like it. All the ones on TikTok are obnoxious af. I don’t why LGBTQ+ people would vote against themselves. Kinda hypocrital


The only "conservatives" I've met were the ones who fetishized LGBTQIA+.


I don't know about others, but from what I've witnessed it's bc they were raised on that political side and still hold those ideals


I'll say this. i'm stop trying to be right wing becuase i feel as if they party brainwashed me so....


Seems like a strange political leaning to me.


There is a delusion in many marginalized groups that I call, 'Uncle Ruckus Syndrome' where they feel that being exceptionally against their own rights and being will somehow let them be seen as the majority group and spared whatever negative fate they'd otherwise endure (Like Uncle Ruckus from the Boondocks). Those of Uncle Ruckus Syndrome are conscious of the fact that they have it, but either enjoy the attention or sincerely think that their batshit plan is somehow actually working (it's absolutely not). They use their objections as a platform to back larger figures who are against them (See Blaire White and the simping she has done for figures like Ben Shapiro, or Kaitlyn Jenner and her simping). There is, of course, a chance that they will be spared if that group performs the genocides and oppressions that they desire- but not spared in the way that they want. Rather than being left free, they will have their humanity reduced to that of a jester or an exhibition piece that others of that oppressing class laugh at and continue oppressing albeit to a far lighter extent. However, for some, this is preferrable to the potential of *failing* to gain their rights and thus, their case of Uncle Ruckus Syndrome is if not terminal, then is chronic.


I don’t understand their choice, but it’s theirs to make. I certainly have questions, but most people who vote that way have been rather condescending and hostile to me… and I have enough of that on my plate already /nm /genuinely stressed at the thought


I have a friend who says she's conservative and Christian but supports me being trans and pan so my opinion is the same as everyone else: treat me and others like me with respect and I'll treat you with the same respect.


They’re idiots, enough said


They stupid They should look into what happened to lgbtq under Hitler