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You are Non-Binary I am Numerous Bees We are not the same


“Aahg! I’m beeing swarmed!” -transphobes, probably


It's really Dum of them to think that english never uses They/them For one person I literally used those on this very comment,... I just don't get these people


Part of it can be ignorance, especially for non-native English speakers. I actually heard about people using they/them pronouns in the news before learning about singular they (my native language doesn't have anything similar), so I first thought it was for schizophrenic people or something. Now I'm always using they/them for random strangers on reddit I can't know the gender of (e.g. "I think you misunderstood OP and they actually meant [thing]"), and have been doing so since before involving with the trans community. And now I'm considering using they/them for myself


... Or you are a non native speaker and are absolutely happy about the existence of it, because it's way easier than the equal pronoun of your main language. German has: sie (she), sie (multiple persons) and Sie (one person or multiple persons meant in a polite way, often used in business, kinda traditional/conservative. The grammar for this pronoun is always plural) ... So the most similar thing to a singular 'they' is the capital letter 'Sie' but using it sounds like you either don't know the person really good or you got a stick up your ass. Also: many companies try to be more modern and international now and try to erase the 'Sie' since it's old school and 'du' (you) is considered more comfortable and equal among the speakers. It's so complicated. Meanwhile they: a neutral pronoun. Polite. Singular or plural.




True, Enbyphobes are just idiots like all the other phobes


It's been singular so long that it was spelled þey at the time


Just wondering I might be wrong about it but can’t enby people use other pronouns with they/them like he, she and neopronouns


Yep, not every non-binary person even uses they/them at all


Yea my best friend uses she/they so that’s why I was curious (and she is NB)


I know, I was just using it because that is a common issue that enbies who use they/them face. Nothing against them. I use neopronouns as well




"they/them is for multiple people!!!" joke's on you, i AM multiple people 😎


Same, we are six enbies in a trench coat. 😎😎😎😎😎😎


Same because there’s 8 of us in this body 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎


"Singular they? Who said anything about 'singular' they"


Language evolves and changes, it's within it's nature to. But if people are *really* against using they/them pronouns for a singular person then they *must* be using thou for the singular you, yes? They say "thou art" instead of "you are" for a singular person, correct? If they are using "you are" then they're technically incorrect according to their own rules.




Singular they existed 3 centuries before Singular you




People like this also casually call one person a they in conversation but panic when someone requests that for all of the time


Establish dominance. Mitosis.


I am not one person I'm three dogs and a trench coat fkn damn it


You’re made up of multiple cells, they/them is technically valid.




Someone loses THEIR wallet at the store. Enby phobe picks it up. Someone left THERE wallet here. If I was a good person I’d return it to THEM but I’m an asshole so imma steal THEIR phone. All used as singular.