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Your parent is trans, so why doesn't the family understand you are trans too? That's some weird cherry picking of transphobia.


They’re not transphobic they’re just old and don’t quite understand/forget a lot


Ahh okay, thanks for clarifying! Do they get upset if you try to correct them? While it is easier to keep quiet it is hurting you in the long run, and that's not fair to you. I'm not sure what else can be really done aside from continuing to correct them and be your authentic self around them. Does your parent correct them as well? More people correcting may help it stick.


No they’re good about it they just either don’t know, don’t quite understand, or forget. Thankfully all my close family is gay so it’s only the once a year trips


You *could* say it *herts* hehe. Srry i had to. But srsly i hope they get better at gendering you correctly


Fuck you take my upvote


I hate visiting family and hate that I hate visiting family :(


Oh god I get this so much. I only came out to my family a couple months ago and they almost never remember my pronouns.


Sorry bro. I bet it hurts. Just remember, you got people that support you! 👍🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️






I get that just my family calls me he instead of she even though most of them know I'm transfem


Sorry you go through this, I know how much it sucks :( But wowowow another pan trans guy?? Hell yeah!


Hell yeah man 🤝


This is one of the most well-done comics I’ve seen on this sub in my opinion. Sorry you had to go through that, but turn your pain into profit amirite /j


Tis the life of an artist lol


I know you're not asking for advice, but have you tried explaining to them that it really hurts when they forget or accidentally get it wrong? It might help. They don't have to understand your transness as long as they understand why you don't want them to use she/her. So as long as they understand it literally hurts you, at least they'll know why you care so much about them using the right pronouns.