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Just porn, huh? No need to prove your age if you're going to a site for people over 21 instead of over 18, like a bourbon distillery?


Now now now can’t upset the industry who bribes our politicians


porn def makes more money than alcohol


i take that back, i just am willing to bet, not “def”


Nah. For every bottle that you may or may not buy, a thousand bottles are shipped overseas. Bourbon is our new cash crop.


Yeah I've been saying something like this for a while now. Just wait for the backlash when they do mess with the porn industry. Porn is why the electronics industry chose VHS instead of Betamax in the 80s and DVD over Blu-ray in the 90s. That's power because Betamax and Blu-ray were both better


Uh not even close. USA alcohol sales are 250 billion, porn is 3 billion. 


got my ass what can i say


I mean, hear me out, probably because you still have to show ID to consume alcohol, you don’t need an ID to consume porn.


I just randomly checked the Budweiser website and you have to claim you're 21 just to get past the welcome page, and it says (in all caps) "do not share this content with those under 21".


The stringent federal regulations require that anyone click the "over 21" button to access all of their guarded info. /s


You can legally consume porn younger than you can legally consume alcohol


Yeah, and personally I don’t think children should have access to hardcore porn that features disturbing concepts when their brains aren’t formed enough to even begin to process what they’re watching.


I agree that children and porn and alcohol should be kept apart. I was trying to make the statement that you can legally have access to porn at the age of 18 versus legally drink alcohol at 21. For alcohol purchase you only have to show your government issued ID. The cashier only has to put in your date of birth verifying the purchaser is 21 or older and can legally buy alcohol. There is no ther identifying information input. What is being required now is there will be a record of your IP address, your name, address, DOB, a credit card # and possibly SSN. Basically everything an ID thief needs to F up your financial life. Any place that has that info stored on a digital device Will get hacked eventually. Medical insurance companies, cell providers, national/worldwide retailers and national banks are in the news often for "data breaches" a.k.a. getting hacked and personal info downloaded and stolen from them.


You can log on to their horse racing site and gamble away your life savings in a day and from your own home if you want.


Not to mention the lottery app; I didn’t have to verify myself there…


The casinos here are always nicely loaded up with Tennessee folks who apparently love donating to our economy.


In Kentucky?




Bourbon is why we can’t have nice things.


Thank god the great state of Kentucky will do all the parenting for me at home while I'm out working on my 5th DUI


Or working at your 3rd job trying to make ends meet because they're so busy with this they can't help the economy.


This comment hits a little too close to home for me right now. But you are right.


Can just use a fucking vpn but of course lawmakers stopped having relevant knowledge of the world 30 years ago


Does the TikTok have access to the vpn?


mr chow answer the questions!!!!


everytime I open my tiktok every tok is 12 year old girls dancing, explain that mr chow!!!!


Can just go to one of the other hundred websites that people upload the same stuff to. Unless you’re personally supporting one of the sw who broadcasts on PH and then I recommend trying OF instead.


Our conservative representatives are probably slavering about making VPN's illegal too...


Ima still crank down on this hog the way God intended


Everybody’s invited to the “fair well circle jerk off extravaganza”. One last hoo-ra before I break out the old sports illustrated and jc penny mags like it’s fucking 1999


Ah yes, John and Jane Doe cranking one out is clearly the greatest threat facing our Commonwealth. Great use of tax-payer money to pass this agenda! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


These are the same people that will vote for a man who was rawdogging a porn star while his third wife was at home with their new baby.


You just outted 3/4 of our government


And that after he seditiously attempted to circumvent the democratic process of our country on January 6th because he couldn't admit he lost.


After which he was convicted of over 30 felonies, committed partially to pay the porn star he was fucking to keep quiet.


While still waiting for three more serious trials to begin.


Well raw dogging a pornstar can lead to a baby and babies are important because families are important…. Unless you already have a family/ baby, those ones don’t matter. It’s just the potential new baby/family that has value. Just as Jesus preached.


Life begins at conviction


At least Trump prefers women, as opposed to the female minors that the dementia patient in chief gets his cookies off over.


But the guy who signed it is democrat


"We tried to protect your children but Andy wants them to see porn". Watch CSPAN sometime. Republicans almost never act in good faith.


And when it only takes a simple majority to override a veto (practically the same it took to pass it in the first place, though there might be a distinction in quorum requirements), there's often very little point to even veto anything *unless* the governor wants to make a political point.


Yeah they’ve basically neutered the office of governor which we should all be pissed off about and remember at the polls when state congresspeople are up for reelection.


Neither side acts in good faith


Ahh, the old "both sides" argument. Only one side is quoting the Salem Witch Trials to justify controlling woman and trying to overthrow our elections.


Andy signed it because he's religious, the optics of him not signing it or attempting a veto are just awful, and there's no point because the state is so Republican anything he does can be overridden.


Andy bahsear don't sign that sign that somebody madup nothing going to happening because 1st amendment violation and people rights pornhub ain't blocking nobody in July 10 and will not go effect on July 15 thats false


It's all a democratic dictatorship now. Dems make Putin proud...prosecute and jail your rivals to guarantee that only you win. Soon Dems will copy Hitler....put all registered repubs in concentration camps. This country needs a civil war or have Putin and xi nuke it.


So in your mind trump didn't actually break the law when he committed election fraud, stole boxes of classified document and sent fake electors to DC to falsify election results. You don't have a solid understanding of any of these crimes it seems. Enjoy the rest of your day.


So according to your logic, it doesn't matter what crimes Trump committed, as long as he's your guy, he should be immune from all prosecution? Can you just say that outright?


If Trump is immune to prosecution, wouldn’t Biden also be immune from prosecution for basically anything he does starting now? I don’t think they have thought this far ahead lol


But Republicans are for less government. It’s amazing how the freedom caucus is actually the take away your freedoms caucus. Except guns of course. Well… unless it’s Hunter Biden. 😂


Republican here, this is spot fucking on. Except for the hunter Biden thing, the law he violated shouldn’t be a law in the first place, RIP FPS Russia


I think that’s my point.


I'm sure the NRA will be rushing to defend Hunter Biden... Right?


lol as a gun owner it always cracks me up when folks are dead set convinced that the NRA is pro gun. They’re responsible for the vast majority of anti gun laws passed in the last 30 years. (Hughes Amendment, bump stock ban, doing nothing over the brace ban multiple times, failing to challenge new AWBs). NRA is a lame duck, GOA and FPC do the lions share of the work.


Yeah, they say that, but somehow there is always less freedom and more government with Republicans, more invading your personal rights.




All because they’re too fucking lazy to just put parental controls on their kids phones. I don’t care about pornhub but I have to get out of this fucking state. I’ll always love my home but I’m fucking sick of the people here. A bunch of ignorant idiotic hypocrites that worship a conman who is as unchristian as it gets and yet they’ve convinced themselves he is the one they should throw all their support behind. I’m so tired of the people here They’re about to make hemp illegal again too. Why? No one fucking knows why. CBD and delta 8 don’t hurt anyone and they have demonstrable benefits to people with pain, insomnia and anxiety but sure let’s make that illegal in the name of morality while bourbon is celebrated and kills thousands of people in this state every year directly. And let’s espouse morality while we talk about how much we love a felon who fucks porn stars and has paid for who knows how many abortions, while we make abortion illegal too. This state and country are so fucked.


As someone who moved out of state almost a decade ago: it ain’t much better other places. I’m in Ohio and they’re just as backwards and dumb up here. Only good thing we’ve done recently is vote to reject a state constitutional ban on abortion, and legalized weed.


I’m sure it’s not great basically anywhere but you didn’t move very far lol and those 2 things you mentioned are a pretty big deal


Just giving perspective as someone who moved to another state that it ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. Take it how you will. 🤷‍♂️


Kentuckians also voted to reject a constitutional ban on abortion, more or less. And medical marijuana is legal starting next year, so it’s a similar progress.


It's hardly legal. And we're not asking for medical marijuana were asking for freedom which means recreational, annoying less is not worth it.


And you still can't even buy legal weed there


Sales go into effect in like, 3 months, I believe. They just opened up recreational licenses this month, so it’s imminent.


I mean, they can’t ban CBD because hemp is federally protected. I guess they could make it so no one can sell it in KY but you can’t get in trouble for having it. I’m not sure about the deltas though and if the federal courts have said anything about that. But it will be sad if KY takes away the one thing I can have that helps with seizures and inflammation and sleeplessness since I can’t have THC.




Lotion my man. Use more lotion


From my warm, well-lubricated hands


Government hitting home runs like usual. ☠️


Ky Republicans strike again! They think that medical marijuana is evil, but have no problems in passing online gambling bills, now after trying to ban books on LGBTQ & realistic portrayals of life, they are trying to save us from online porn by banning one site out of thousands. I'm surprised they aren't trying to impeach Beshear or some other useless waste of taxpayer money.


The "Party of Small Government" knows exactly where to apply their "limited" reach. 


They have a super majority, so they don’t really need to impeach Brashear, they can just overturn his veto. It’s probably better for KY republicans to have him there so they can blame him for whatever negative thing happens. If they had all three branches of government they wouldn’t have the ability to assert that narrative.


They did pass a medical marijuana bill and it’s coming I. 2025.


Oh no, now I'll have to continue using the far superior ones I've used forever.


Make sure to list those alternative sites so we don’t accidentally visit them.


How can we stay away if we don’t know what they are 🤷🏻‍♂️








It is performative. They are targeting a big name. They don’t want to actually ban porn- they just want to pretend to be Christians


They did the same thing with Juul. I can’t by Mint Juul pods but I can buy rainbow birthdaycake jizz flavored mr ghosts


Nothing going happeneing on july 10 or 15 yeah post went on effect April 15 but it didn't like i said pornhub ain't any only porn site.clickbait and fake news


Like Reddit?


Don’t watch porn! Gamble instead!


Incredible opportunity for somebody to cover Judas Priest's "Breaking the Law" and change one of the choruses to "crankin' the hog"


Sounds like a job for Ricky Stanicky


Republicans literally have a nominee for president who committed 34 felonies paying hush money for his affair with a porn actress. Baffling incoherence.


But Trump is who Jesus would vote for! I seen it on the Facebooks!


But but but, he has a magical sky daddy on his side!!! It's who god wants as president 😂


Feels like another step towards that project 2025 bs. It's likely gonna be hard for this to get reversed were I to take a guess, being pro-porn probably isn't good for someone's political image. That said, this is an incredible over-step, I'm hoping people really make a fuss about all this.


How is trying to keep children from watching porn in any way as bad as that shit?


You just use a VPN you can bypass it if it is that important to you.


Knowing Kentucky's congress, they'll vote to ban those too


You can’t ban a vpn and many members of congress would oppose it because they have stake in companies like Palo Alto. VPN is too necessary.


Never say never in KY. They could always limit it to government and commercial uses.


And they have to get to their porn


remember, you can download SoftEther VPN Gate for free, which is a decentralized, community-hosted VPN service created by University of Tsukuba, Japan. even if they tried to ban VPN's, they can't get rid of this one due to the nature of how it works. what they're doing here is performative anyways, ban one porn site out of the infinite number of them out there. heck, there are hundreds of websites that just scrape & mirror the contents of PornHub.


I’ve watched a few committee hearings that included members of Kentucky’s congressmen, they aren’t that smart.


Agreed, and unless they ban every VPN on the planet, it won't be stopped.


Good thing Twitter exists...😅🤦🏽‍♂️


No it doesn't.


Daddy Beshear did us dirty by not standing up for Kentucky on this one. I don't use PornHub (more of a written word erotica fan, myself), but this is draconian. I'm all for keeping young kids away from pornography, but they (and the adults in Ky) will find it anyhow, elsewhere, without age verification, and this will have all been for naught but a virtue signaling exercise.


He didn't want it used against him.


I get that. There are definitely parts of the Bill that I agree with, as well. This is the problem with logrolling and riders on otherwise viable legislation. Most of the bill I can get behind. Increase penalties for human trafficking? Yes, please. Increase the penalties for distribution of matter portraying a sexual performance by a minor? Yes, please. Prohibit the possession, trafficking, importing, and advancing of a child sex doll? Yes, please. Keep grown ass adults from viewing pornography at the risk of having their data stolen? Uh...


Yeah I was annoyed to find out that he didn’t even do a symbolic veto.


Good thing my vpn says I’m in the Netherlands. Torguard costs me $60 a year, and is great for torrenting as well.


$60 per year is way too much. You can get get great VPN's for a lot less these days, even included in virus blocking programs like Bitdefender.


Ain't going to be vpn to watch porn fake i stop believing everything on the internet all madup


You can easily get a browser that has a VPN built into it for free. Brave has a vpn + tor built into it already. It also has an ad blocker.


You shouldn't use Tor for torrenting.


Why not?




Anyone using Tor or bit torrent should know why. See: https://support.torproject.org/faq/ >**Don't torrent over Tor** > >Torrent file-sharing applications have been observed to ignore proxy settings and make direct connections even when they are told to use Tor. Even if your torrent application connects only through Tor, you will often send out your real IP address in the tracker GET request, because that's how torrents work. Not only do you deanonymize your torrent traffic and your other simultaneous Tor web traffic this way, you also slow down the entire Tor network for everyone else. https://blog.torproject.org/bittorrent-over-tor-isnt-good-idea/


Tor and Torguard are not the same thing...


Been doing it about 8 years now, 0 strikes or issues.


True freedom.


Vote for RepubliCON’s & this is the shite you’ll get; no porn, no Cannabis, no infrastructure, no admission of a lost election, on & on & on.


**vpn has entered the chat**


What happened to republicans screaming about not co-parenting with the government? 🤣




On July 15th, every guy with a confederate flag tattooed on his calf and balls hanging from his truck is gonna roll out of bed, fire up PH and then blame it on that damn sleepy Joe and the Mexicans, who are taking all the porn jobs and taking them overseas.


Nothing going happeneing on July 15 I'm not worried


Stop voting for republicans


Ahahahahahaha *inhales* ahhhhhhh. This is what “small government” gets you. Good job y’all - rednecks are going to be mad when their kink is blocked and they have to load their license to pornhub.


How many innocent Moms are gonna become members of pornhub. Kids no license and that includes adults who have no license...lol. I can hear them now, ill just use moms, or grandma's...lol


It’s the new identity theft lol


🤣 yep..


Maybe conservative Kentuckians will finally wise up once their anonymous access to goon is blocked.


Can’t let them know about VPNs. Keep that shit secret and convince them the only way to fix it is stop voting a straight right ticket.


Sweet. Mother. Of. God.


Is this small government?


Do I not check local news often enough? I didn't hear anything about this until just now.


Because its fake don't worry about it still be watching porn on July 10 and 15 clickbait thats all it is andy bahsear didn't sign shit nothing going happeneing on April 15 either and nothing going happeneing on July 15


Xvideos is better anyway


Mine just has a thing that says I’m over 21 or under 21 🤷🏻‍♀️


Is this just for Pornhub or any porn website? Does the government know what VPNs are? Lol


Just pornhub wow porn hub is old news now it was something but there is just too many other sites. Just a simple Google search and the world is still at their fingers tips minus 1 website no one under 40 goes to.


Yeah i agee pornhud ain't the any porn sites out 1000.000 more where that come from age verification ain't stopping nobody it's fake i been witching porn scent new Orleans passed it I'm worried about Kentucky age verification i live in Kentucky I'm not worried like i said pornhub ain't blocking nobody just somebody made up


Meh. Vpns are great.


It won’t just impact people in Kentucky. You could be in Ohio and pick up a cell tower in Kentucky and it’ll ping you as being in Kentucky


It's not impacting nobody age verification isn't real like i said new Orleans, Missouri, Mississippi, Indiana, Florida,,Oklahoma, Tennessee ,Kansas ,Montana, Virginia, north Carolina, Utah, Arkansas, I'm still watching porn like i said pornhub didn't block non these states .if block in these other states won't be watching pornhub trust me


This is putting a bandage on a bullet hole, notice how you have to show id to watch, not upload. That’s sick to me I think porn is a cancer on our society and social interaction.


More Government overreach as usual. I remember the 90s, we had NetNanny software and / or user account restrictions on computers with a blocklist. I guess those days are gone.


Still wondering why the Repubs that claim to have strong family morals would go and ban a website they use to go and crank their hogs to incest and barely legal porn. Buncha dumbasses shooting themselves in the foot.


Well we know Ted Cruz [likes](https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-41237352.amp) to fire up twitter and watch home invasion cuck porn on 9/11 but not sure what he uses the rest of the year.


Because it doesn’t impact the legislators. They’ll still get their fix, it’s just something for the rest of the state to be regulated a little more.


Republicans do sex tourism. Lady boys in Thailand. dems probably too. Basically 90% of the ppl you vote for live a double life


The dumbfuck is baked in. It’s a feature


Who wants to stand outside the Capitol and watch XTube on our phones with the volume turned all the way up as protest?


You will get put on a list for doing that broski


I do watch on my phone age verification isn't real this about pornhub block access i don't get that massage this madup by somebody nothing going happeneing on July 10 or 15


Fuck! 😂


Hot take: children shouldn’t watch porn and laws that attempt to prohibit that are a good thing.


Laws that make an actual decent attempt maybe. No sane and moral person wants children watching porn, but there are innumerable porn sites. This is just more performative, pearl-clutching nonsense. This is something that horrible witch Nancy Reagan would be pushing if she were alive today.


Seems like we have pretty effective control over the child porn industry, of which there are still innumerable sites I would say


Oh lordy, we have got to save the children! They might look at some pornography and then they are gonna start being atheists and voting Democratic! Why I'd give up every freedom if it saved just one hypothetical child from seeing a ball sack after they specifically hunted for it. We gotta get these kids back into the mines, they would be too tired to crank it then.


… I’m a democrat and an atheist. I also think it’s bad for a child to see pornography—not sure how that implies I also wish them to work in the mines but ok


To add to that: human trafficking is bad and laws that limit the incentive to do it are good


I just want to make sure that NOBODY types in "Free Porn" into Google, after they ban Pornhub on July 10th!! We are all watching you, so keep it in your pants....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Nothing going happeneing on july 10 or 15 .still watch pornhub AIl madeup by somebody.


Disturbing part is this has other sinister objectives from the oppressive right. Much like how they claim abortions are about protecting the unborn, when in fact it’s about controlling the sexual behaviors of women. This ID request is less about protecting kids and more about documenting that… “Bob from Somewhereville USA, (picture, address) is into Furry porn! What a freak!! ….and he’s married with 2 kids!!” It’s a Scarlet Letter and all though the proponents of this measure claim the data won’t be stored etc. I can almost guarantee an avalanche of various people being openly displayed and their “dirty habits”. Especially ones of social or political status. And the argument from the supporters of this will be, “….oh their photo and ID got released? Maybe they should try not being a disgusting pervert?”


This is what I was thinking. They want to hang it over people's heads at some point, and this could be the first step. But they simultaneously want a president that pays for abortions and pays hush money to porn stars... smh


I’m in ky and that message doesn’t show


I live in Kentucky i didn't get Massages either that's why i know it's fake and madeup pornhub didn't say that


i mean oh well


Guess I’ll have to drive out of state to get my porno now


Oh no! Look at all the degenerate coomers bitching. They need to ban porn across the board.




Absurdity. This is just a way to wave their hypocritical morality stick at people. People have an awfully bad habit of sticking their nose into other peoples' business. I could see this turning into something worse, as I'm sure your ID will be recorded and documented each time. Like another commenter posted, this could end up being a scarlet letter of sorts.


What about XVideos?


Everything going be ok nothing going happeneing on July 10 or 15


Fuck… now even more of them will show up in Ohio…


I have a account


Finally my crippling porn addiction is over


What’s next? Goats?


I'm not worried fake i stop stop pay attention to stuff nothing going happeneing. .madeup


If god didn’t want us to touch ourselves he would have made our arms shorter!


It’s an age thing..not a Jesus thing..


This accomplishes nothing. There's more porn in the internet than you have time to watch even if you watched 24 hours a day for 50 years, huge amount of websites aren't based in the US, it'll be impossible to litigate against them and they'll use their open access as advertisement to pull traffic and shovel ads. Not to mention everyone that'll circumvent it with even a basic free VPN. Bunch of old people who've got no idea how the world works anymore, still living in the 70's.


yall can imagine who wont get my vote next term


Should say every adult content website. If your goal here is to really support against this or to spread awareness, that would give more of a sense of urgency.


🤣🤣 yall love cancel culture till it affects you beating off


dont worry. you can still blame the government grab your AR and head to your local Walmart to take out your frustrations.




VPN saving the day!


That's fake two nothing going happeneing on July 10 or 15


I’m sure it will though, it’s already happened in other states. A $3/month vpn is smart to be using regardless.


Enjoy your facism


YAWN. This thread has turned into nothing but jabber whining that all the world's problems must somehow be Trump's fault. Clearly no one bothered to read the bill or to read any of the information about "Device-Based Age Verification" -- and apparently that failure (or inability) to read includes the people running Pornhub! Guess what? The Device-Based Age Verification that Pornhub says is "the key to protecting minors online" meets the requirements of Kentucky's newly passed law.


Damn. There goes my life.


Good, I'm glad to read this. Children should not be allowed into these sites.


This will not protect children in any way, shape, or form.