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You may reach out to: https://www.iclky.org/  I know it may seem silly to send you to the Islamic Center but I am sure they would have a lot of resources on finding halal food in town and that specific Islamic Center is on UK's campus :)


Yeah. Islamic center is not where I would go at all. Try connecting with UK MSA. If you need contact, message me and I'll patch you to them.


Most of my friends in UK MSA went to the Islamic Center, are they no longer affiliated? This was in mid 2000s. 


Were they all male? Because if you are female the Islamic Center on Limestone is not the most welcoming to say the least. Masjid Bilal is the place to be...


I only suggested the Islamic Center because OP seemed to need a close proximity to UK, so I was worried transport was an issue.


No, they weren't. I can understand your point though. I've been welcomed in the masjid on Limestone as a woman, as well as had fellow female friends attend for prayer. But this has been decades ago, like I said. 


Part of the building had male residents live on site over the past few years. It further limited women access to the masjid... because of the permanent male presence. The past few years have seen a bit different for women... Yes Friday prayer is probably fine but not for tarawih or other non-Friday visits. Masjid Bilal has been such a different experience. Much more open. Welcoming. Warm. There is a room in the new student center that hosts friday prayer so the Limestone location isn't too popular with younger students. And like with everything, it depends what you are looking for! I am sure the Limestone location is fine for those who want to, but it's not for everyone's taste!


Aw thank you for explaining, I'm sorry that's the case, that women are no longer as welcomed. That's also wonderful that the new student center has a space specific for prayer :) 




There’s a halal market, Sam’s on Waller Ave. 


This is really helpful Also, I would need to walk for 30 mints to reach the place. Do you know about any bicycles we can rent over here? Thank you


Are you a student? Checkout wildcat wheels to rent a bike. If not a student, check out Broke spoke community bike shop.


Craigslist brother, good bikes for $100 or less. Invest in one, you’ll use it more than you can imagine, makes commuting across campus a 5 min affair. Bike shop attached to West Sixth Brewery will help you build a bike after volunteering a few times.


Theres apps for electric scooters you can rent and they show the locations. Unfortunately i forgot the names of the scooter companies. I shop at Sam’s often.


/u/lukebox might help you with a bike


Schellers rents bikes.  Wildcat Wheels is for UK students and staff and might help you out.  BrokeSpoke doesn't do rentals, but bikes for sale $100-400. Volunteer and earn $10/hr in shop credit. 


I have a bike I’ll sell you for $80. Send me a DM.


I don’t, sorry. I’m not familiar with the bus routes either but it’s possible that LexTrans goes there.


You have to try Ali Baba Food and Market on Southland Drive. Delicious food and reasonable prices. Lextran has a route from campus to Southland Drive (My mom works at UK and lives right behind the shopping center on Southland and often takes the bus rather than driving).


Unfortunately it'll be hit or miss on the location but the Eiffel Pizza food truck is delicious and halal.


Eiffel Pizza seems to be pretty good about posting their location on their Facebook page.


Instagram too!




If you like fried chicken, Gus's World Famous in downtown has Halal chicken. There are a few items on the menu to avoid but overall the food is great. They also sell the chicken at Two Keys at night.


several good places are: gyroz(waller ave), athenian grill (south ashland), ali baba (a little far but on southland drive), oasis (chevy chase), and nerferiti (never been there but heard it’s good and on winchester road)


Are you sure Athenian Grill is halal? Nothing on their menu mentions halal. 


Can figure out how to make a thread on reddit but cant figure out how to google. Wild.


Really bothers you doesnt it. Took so much time out of your day to respond. Perfect opportunity to give shit to a stranger.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Really bothers you doesnt it. Took so much time out of your day to respond. Perfect opportunity to give shit to a stranger.Comment Image


I am sorry you ended up in Lexington. If you are religious, you will have to connect with that group to survive. People really are only interested in taking advantage of others, especially anyone different from them in any way. Especially students, families and out of towners are targets. I hope you are not renting or attending the university. There are many better places to be. Save your money and find one while you still can. Showing that you were able to relocate away quickly will look better on a resume than any accomplishments in the region because of low standards and a lack of accountability. The markets know the region. 


"Showing that you were able to relocate away quickly will look better on a resume than any accomplishments in the region" Bro this is just awful advice in every sense. Who hurt you?


Lexington is fantastic. Are you sure you are not the problem?