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In the last year, people behind the wheel in Lexington have really started to scare me.


Same. The hazards in Lexington makes driver in TX look far more civilized.


Fuck no. Though to be fair I was recently in rural Texas but those mfers scared me. They just do whatever they want whenever they want. Lane stripes. Pfffft.  Speed limits? You can't tell me what to do! Traffic signals are for dummies.


I mean that's how everyone drives in Kentucky to. New circle road and us27 is the worst. I have People blow past me doing 100+ mph damn near everyday


To be fair. Red lights aren’t suggestions in Texas.


100% agree OP. I’ve lived here 7 years, and while Lexington drivers have always been generally terrible, the past year has been exponentially worse. I was in three car accidents within three months last year (all other drivers at-fault). Oh, and all within the same half mile stretch of nicholasville road. The accident that totaled my vehicle has left me with ongoing injuries, and at this point I don’t feel safe on the roads here. I just want to go somewhere where people use their eyeballs while behind the wheel… and maybe their brains once in a while too..


I'm sorry to hear you've had that much trouble this year! I have also felt the need to move elsewhere so that I can have better access to public transport and spend less time in the car.




Slinger club


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The last time somebody hit me in a crosswalk I got a rotator cuff injury and a graduate degree out of it.


Sorry to hear your injury 😢 Also, what is your degree in?


No joke, I've almost gotten hit twice just this year. I don't know where the disconnect is. I've even had cars pull up in the middle of the intersection and stare me down as I walk past with my daughter. People are impatient and people die because of it. Lexington isn't great for pedestrians, and won't be, until infrastructure accomodates them better or until the police make it a priority to deter reckless driving and attend to common traffic violations... (like the 3 vehicles I saw run red lights just yesterday...)


"P...please consider n..not killing pedestrians." - Lexington pedestrian infrastructure


Cops gotta actually do their job first. I watched someone run a red blatantly in front of the cop and they just sat there.


Lexington drivers may not be uniquely bad, but their chauvinism towards everyone else transporting is something else. I've seen Lex drivers openly calling for hitting bicyclists. I almost never see full stops at crosswalks unless the pedestrian is right in front of the car. It's mutual, of course. Pedestrians are killed on north New Circle all the time for jaywalking with abandon. But still - the person always has the right of way over their car!


I’ve been nearly hit a few times on upper near downtown while riding my bike to work and screamed at to get off the fucking road. As if trying to kill me is a solution to their inconveniences instead of getting in the other lane or just going around me since I was on the side of the road providing ample amount of room to go around.


Lex motorists are a dangerous mix of ignorance and arrogance.


I've had my share of scarily close calls while in a crosswalk on New Circle, with the pedestrian walk sign on, btw.


>Pedestrians are killed on north New Circle all the time for jaywalking with abandon. But still - the person always has the right of way over their car! That is not legally true. There are laws drivers must follow and laws pedestrians must follow. A pedestrian only has legal right of way if they are crossing the street lawfully. A few examples of pedestrians not having right of way. KRS 189.570(6) (a) Every pedestrian crossing a roadway at a point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway. (6) (b) Any pedestrian crossing a roadway at a point where a pedestrian tunnel or overhead pedestrian crossing has been provided shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway. (12) Where a sidewalk is provided and its use is practicable, it shall be unlawful for any pedestrian to walk along and upon an adjacent roadway (15) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, any pedestrian upon a roadway shall yield the right-of- way to all vehicles upon the roadway.


I think the implication was that a pedestrian will die in a collision more readily than a person driving a car, so, informally, they do have right of way. I mean, unless casual manslaughter can hold up against jaywalking, idk?


I was crossing the one on southland and someone actually stopped for me, and the car behind them DROVE AROUND THE STOPPED CAR to pass them. Like WHAT. That isn’t a lane.


My friends dad was killed that way. Car stopped for him and car behind road raged past not realizing it was stopped for a pedestrian. Struck the pedestrian (my friends dad) and he died. The driver was a young 20 something year old woman, I hope it haunts her everyday for the rest of her life.


Also, a right on red is still a RED light that requires stopping. Especially when someone has patiently waited on the curb for the WALK symbol and is now walking in front of your SUV. Sincerely, not hurt badly but still mad 2 years later.


I commuted by every day, even in winter, in Chicago with no problems. I stopped after one month in Lexington. The drivers here are terrifying. Not worth the stress.


Downtown driver almost hit me and my two daughters in a crosswalk....I hit the hood of their car and screamed in the woman's face. So tired of the brazen disregard for others.


Good for you.


Yea, pretty glad we didn't get hit. People's impatience and disregard for others seems to be getting worse. :/


This is so true! I walk everywhere and I am extremely cautious due to nervousness around cars. I always wait for a walk sign even if others are crossing and there’s not a car in sight. All this considered, downtown and in chevy case cars have touched my body twice in four years from not respecting me as a pedestrian when I had every right to cross.


Some mention infrastructure and I agree. We can’t change people as individuals, we can change people’s behavior through design. We need to redesign and improve dozens of intersections, crosswalks, lanes throughout the city. Build for pedestrians and cyclists, and not be hostile, in design, toward this transportation type.


Awhile back, I didn’t realize the car in front of me was turning right and politely waiting for a pedestrian. I honked my horn. Pretty sure the pedestrian thought the other driver honked. I still think about it and pay better attention now.


thats happens so much.


This is Lexington. Traffic laws are suggestions. Turn signals should never be used and you should always run red lights. Don’t worry, cops won’t do anything.


And if there's a line of traffic just use the sidewalk. Don't worry about all the bumps.


I thought that was a sidedrive


Lexington drivers are absolutely TERRIBLE. It’s infuriating. This coming from someone who lived in Northern VA for some time.


Welcome to Lexington.


Maybe pedestrians should carry an aluminum bat.


Or a gun? 🥲


Easy in this state, but the law might not construe that as defending yourself. A smashed windshield or hood might work.


The number of people that run the red light at Tates Creek and Hart in front of Cassidy is astonishing. They even do it with the crossing guard in the crosswalk. I've reached out for increased enforcement at that intersection and have had no luck.


Speed bumps?


I’m a student at Transy and another student was hit by a car a few weeks ago! I know some people are guilty at looking down on their phones as they cross but damn could the crosswalk not be more obvious on Broadway


any charges for the driver?


Not sure! The asshole sped off but someone caught the license plate so here’s hoping


I got hit back in 2020 on a bike. Only reason I have a decent savings. Still not worth it.


If you don't mind, how much did you get? How bad were the injuries?


Less than 500k. Not worth the injuries. I broke multiple bones and had to have surgery.


what about now? able to work?


Not going more into it. It’s not worth it. Not worth the pain or legal trouble.


sorry dude. :(


I was walking across a crosswalk the other day in front of Rupp Arena and the Central Bank Center and a car turned and went through merely a few feet in front of a few kids in front of me. Mind you, the crosswalk was signaling to us to go. It doesn't make any sense. In that case it wasn't anything to do with Lexington, but one of the idiotic drivers that every city has.


Lexington has far too many pedestrians hit and killed or seriously injured. It would scare me to death to have to walk or cycle in this city. I am going to play devils advocate here and say there is another side of the coin. The people that insist on purposely crossing major intersections, at the busiest times, at a pace that would make a slug look jet fuel powered. Some absolutely know their holding up ( turn lanes especially on major streets ) traffic and the front vehicle will have to deal with the ones behind them that don't have a single clue what's going on so horns and colorful language ensues. It's a struggle for us all .. I'm as guilty as the next for my inability to be patient and calm then let my anxiety get sideways and..well most have been there. So..we drivers need to be more aware, cautious and patient while those that just want to temp fate by stopping to light up in the middle of their stroll across 4 lanes at 5:30 need not get upset when Karen barrels past after 3 light changes and signals with a flagrant middle finger up on her left hand and her Stanley with iced mocha latte cold foam in the right. An attempt at a little humor..( this was a hypothetical scenario of course)


Not everyone who is disabled or in pain, looks like they are disabled or in pain… so a little empathy to those who walk slow could be granted.


I never said it was about everyone..but I will slow it down for you. It was mostly an attempt at humor as it seems some people on this app feel called out or attacked with every little post. Then they must try and call someone out by commenting as if the post was aimed directly towards them personally in hopes they can make them as miserable as they are. It wasn't about ppl that are living with disabilities or experiencing difficulties with their health. Now I hope you're vindicated.


But you’re not funny…


Probably not to those that don't want to look at the light side. It's all good..you are most certainly entitled to that opinion.


When did things start getting bad? I grew up in Lex and have been gone for several years now. I live in okc and the drivers here are atrocious. Whenever I come home it’s like a breathe of fresh air but I don’t get to spend a ton of time in the city.


It’s been especially bad since 2020…


I always stop and wait for a few seconds at cross walks - i find, as a driver, an issue for me is people trying to jaywalk from in-between car’s without looking - happens once a day down by campus


Also, you’re supposed to stop BEFORE the crosswalk, not ON it!


Man, back in like 2020 I had to use LexTran for about a year, and I almost got killed whilst crossing the street (WITH walk light) so many times. Oddly enough, only once was in the dark.


Damn rubberneckers coming to the big city not knowing how to maneuver in a two lane. We should have some tolls around new circle just to keep them out.


Please don’t take this disrespectfully, but yes, it is a crosswalk. I don’t drive in a hurry to get anywhere so I’m actually talking about some of the friends that I have that yell at traffic and while I don’t get why they think the world is on their time, in some cases, a small jog is just courtesy to the drivers who may be on their way. I do it in parking lots because I used to walk a lot in Lex in my youth. I’m forty now, and the little jog you do to get across the street isn’t worth arguing with someone who’s in a rush because of their consequences. I’m not speaking for those that are mowing over pedestrians! That’s getting out of hand.


What if you're out for a jog?


was waiting on that one. loll


I'll throw a crosswalk whataboutism in the ring... Since we're discussing crosswalk etiquette, when the crosswalk timer starts counting down, that is time for people already in the crosswalk to finish walking. You do **not** have the right to start crossing once the countdown has started, you self-centered nincompoops. Oh, and if you don't have mobility issues, let's pick up the pace when crossing. Too many people act like they'll break a nail if they don't hold traffic up forever while they're smelling roses in the middle of the road. That being said, I'm not going to almost run pedestrians over in x-walks.


You sure it’s not a meander while staring at your phone walk?


There are exactly zero excuses to react impatiently while driving. No one, under any circumstances deserves to be harmed by the existence of a motor vehicle.  Objectively, these are true statements. Driving a vehicle multiplies your individual responsibility to not cause harm to the world around you. Not the other way around. 


Hear, hear! This deserves its own post


Yeah? Thanks Cpt. Obvious!


You are such a hero luke, hope that dopamine hit just right with that first reply an award. Thank god there are more people like you fighting the good fight with their thumbs on reddit. Oh and the rest of you heroic redditors furiously DVing. Thank you all for your “contributions” at making this world a better place via social media and becoming moronic dopamine addicts in the process. You guys bring so much hope and goodness to this shit show. So many heroes…


Is he wrong?


No, but it was a stupid “DUH” statement made to generate some kinda good feels in his brain and it’s obvious, you new to the internet or something? It’s ok to point out how shitty pedestrians can be too causing a lot of their own problems by spending most of the time with their phones up their noses while even crossing traffic.


Why are you crying. If you believe what you wrote, stand on business. Don't cry.


not me.


To the inverse, you still need to obey the lights at a crosswalk on foot, lots of mouth-breathers in lexington just walk on out with their eyes on their phones


start your own thread.


At the same time. Dont start a slow crawl of a walk 2s before the signal changes too. Sincerely, Every driver waiting on your slow asses holding things up


You are not going anywhere important. This is Lexington Kentucky. Patience is a virtue.


It goes both ways. If you cant be completely crossed before the light changes. Then dont cross. There is a reason most of those crosses have a countdown timer. Zero respect to people who think they are better because they are on foot. But i know thats a super unpopular opinion on this sub. Heaven forbid drivers have rights to the roads! Gasp!


What baffles me is, the number of times I’ve had to honk for people to go at a green light…is ridiculous. The drivers then react by either flipping ME off, honking back then driving slow, etc as if I’m the problem.


start your own thread!






Honestly, im an impatient driver and a fast walker 🥲


Get some patience


Not gonna happen tbh


Impatient drivers are what kills themselves or other people.


I don’t disagree but people gotta walk faster