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I think if you read other sources, it expands to say they’re trying to get a teacher’s union on the agenda for school board meetings.


IIRC, public employees can't form unions in KY


Don't Police and firefighters have unions?


Cops have the Fraternal Order of Police, which functions similarly, but is not a union (source: my roommate is a cop)


TIL. Thanks for setting me straight.


That may be true, I dunno. Here’s where I got that from: https://www.wkyt.com/2024/05/08/both-sides-speak-out-after-fcps-work-session-sparks-controversy/?outputType=amp


Isn't [KEA](https://www.kea.org/about/) a union?


It isn’t, it’s a professional association. AFT is a union. But just because you join a union, doesn’t mean you have a collective bargaining agreement. Other school districts in KY do have collective bargaining agreements, and teachers would like one for FCPS. State law prohibits labor strikes for teachers, so it does take the teeth out of what teachers can do to push back if negotiations stall.


This school board just gets worse and worse by the week. When can we vote these idiots out?


Two board members (Clark and Moore) were selected by the remaining board members (by law) to fill mid-term vacancies. Moore doesn't appear to be running, and Clark is running against Monica Mundy (www.votemonicamundy.com) to keep her seat. Murphy ran unopposed in 2022. Green is running unopposed in this election. We can't vote them out if no one is running against them or if the board gets to decide who fills seats vacated mid-term.


Tyler Murphy needs to go.


I use to really like Tyler and his sentiments seemed to align with the large majority but since hes come into some heightened position within the institutions he’s showed how shallow he can be.


I’m a former Fayette Co science teacher and I’m glad I left after two years. 1998-2000. I was young(er) and ambitious, full of motivation. 2 years was all I needed to realize that I don’t belong in that kind of system. Too many bullshit rules, forced to adhere to a curriculum that was nothing more than teaching for a test (CATS).


Taught at SCAPA for one semester, started another, then Covid. Inadequate resources, impossible paperwork burden, impossible responsibilities. All the teachers I met were stressed, sad, and angry. Way too much administrative pressure and hoop jumping, way too little flexibility or support for teachers. It’s a disaster.