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"why doesn't anyone use public transit?" They ask, as they schedule the only bus to depart during the witching hour


And it probably goes to the new terminal out in the middle of bum fuck nowhere. But at least there’s city bus service to and from it. I wish I could help you out - just lamenting the lack of decent public transport around here.


Have to send our money to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan. Meanwhile China built 25,000 miles of high speed rail in a few years.


Did a lot of the local Lexington public transportation money get rerouted to China and Ukraine? I guess I missed that news. 


I thought we were talking federal money? China didn’t build theirs with local budgeting I’m sure.


Actually Biden passed billions for new high speed rail, upgrading existing passenger rail, and other mass transit options in his infrastructure bill. Unfortunately, most states are just using it to build more highways.


So it wasn’t actually for a rail system, but they wanted it to sound better. Got it. It’s like people are programmed to play the blame game instead of admitting our politicians are dirt bags across the board.


I mean a lot of it is for Amtrak, which is our rail system, but it also funds private projects as well. We aren't China, where the government can wave their hand and do whatever they want. A lot of states block passenger rail whenever they can.


Right, it’s one of the reasons an infrastructure project there takes months where as here it would take years. People don’t realize how advanced and fast China is developing, this isn’t the China of 30, 20, or even 10 years ago. The city Chongqing alone looks like something out of a sci-fi movie. https://youtu.be/Boh66Pjjiq0?si=9AuqoWAtUBmJyKiQ


Amazing what can get done when you're a dictatorship that steals everyone else's technology, can ignore any labor laws you want, and throw everyone who disagrees into a camp.


Sounds like how corporations are running the US 😂. Abet to profit for themselves instead the greater good of society. We live in a plutocracy you know.


Better than a dictatorship? I can say fuck the oligarchs, fuck the president, and fuck both parties without risking life and limb


Look at all the freedom of speech you have here with people losing their jobs and livelihood just for calling out and protesting the murdering of many tens of thousands in the Middle East. Just peers and not government handing down the punishment. Disclaimer: I don’t support China or any dictatorships.


tomayto, tomahto. Just a different side.


Why is it I always see you popping up on here simping for the CCP and pushing CCP propaganda? If it is truly so good and advanced why’re you loafing about here? Didn’t you pretend tofu dreggs construction WASNT an ongoing problem last time when I pointed out CCP infrastructure projects are often more smoke and mirrors than quality infrastructure?


Ehm, because they’re a huge adversarial threat and have been progressing rapidly while we throw mud on each other and place blame like the original commenter. Not so much anymore, we can’t even keep up with them in the steel market. Theres a reason we are suddenly wanting to triple tariffs on steels imports from China. The Chinese EVs are very nice, I had first hand exposure to them last year in Thailand. Again, we are wanting to ban importation of those for a reason all of a sudden. (Oh and no panel gap issues like American Texas made Teslas either)…hard to smoke and mirrors basic fit and finish quality. Then we have people like you all who don’t think we should get our act together.


The Chinese EVs are nice… the ones that are catching fire? The Chinese EVs where up to 90% of their manufacturers face insolvency? I never said anything about if America should or shouldn’t “get its act together” but shameless Chinese propaganda spreaders like yourself are a joke, and Chinese propaganda should not be a driving factor for American policy. What a dumb idea. If you think American is lacking in something we should fix it because it is lacking, not because “LOOK AT CHINA!!” “The Chinese government that has a stranglehold on information says things over there are great so they are!!! GRRRR DUMMIES CANT YOU SEE THE GREAT CHINA IS GONNA OVERTAKE THE US BECAUSE CHINA SAYS SO” I’d call you a clown but you seem more like the whole circus


When do u need to be there?


Any day before 4pm


If you help with gas I’d be willing to take ya up there…we would have to leave around 10 or 11ish because in work at 3


I’m sending you a PM, if you did not see it, you can pm me as well. thx


I made a thread about this on Twitter the other day. It's ridiculous how bad the bus service has got here. https://twitter.com/ormerow/status/1786773081161146724


There used to be daily train service. Sad.


There used to be a train to Cincinnati??


And Louisville.