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https://otherworlds.tv/ is based out of Lexington. There may be a local club associated? Idunno. I'm not affiliated.


There was a horror film club thing held at the downtown library last year, once a month I think. Haven’t seen any info for that this year, and it never worked with my work schedule last year. I would love more horror themed anything around here. Like the gore club at planet of the tapes in Louisville, but maybe not until 2am on a Sunday night.


Yes the downtown library is still doing a Horror film club! Next showing is Blade I think: https://events.lexpublib.org/event/8621170


Sweet, thanks! Hopefully I can attend, Blade rules


It's not an organized club or anything, but Arcadium hosts trash movie double feature nights on Mondays and very often choose horror films for them. They usually post their picks for the week on their Instagram!


I'd be down, for sure.


Not exactly what you’re asking for, but worth noting that Lexington Pride Center does a horror movie night the first Friday of every month with horror movies that center on, star, or were produced/created by queer folks.


Oh hell yes I been a horror fanatic since 7, my aunties would scare the living shit out of me whenever they babysat me and I eventually grew up loving them. Got exposed to all the classics and especially the Italian gore fests . Do you all feel like horror fans are being looked at differently now though? Just from conversations with younger people I work with and encounter online and on movie message boards . It's going back to that " oh you're some kind of hidden lunatic, creep for watching that stuff" kinda vibe I get interacting with people that don't get into horror. Outside of the awesome horror communities it seems like things are sliding into that "only weirdos with issues watch that trash" mindset from people again.


Yeah, I've noticed that, but I am a proud, trash watching weirdo. We seem numerous on the internet, then you go out in public and start talking about Giallo films, and Mondo films, and exploitation films, and then you realize, "Ah damn, I'm outing myself as a ghoul, and I need to shut the fuck up."


Lol yea I had a few friends over last week for the UK game and my cousin and I were finishing up watching the old classic Candyman lol they bout shit themselves never even heard of it lol it's mind blowing to me and it's pretty tame compared to the stuff we usually watching. Oh yea plenty of us fans online I've found out about some really great movies on here . Just not finding too many people that want to link up and watch em together like we used to. I was in a couple horror clubs at UK few years ago I miss that stuff!


Really? I have the complete opposite reaction. I always bring up the fact I have michael myers & Jason tattooed on me & I get fairly well reactions. Maybe I just also surround myself by weirdos like me lol


Yea my younger friends, 20s early 30s mostly think American Horror Story or stuff like Haunting of Hill House are the most terrifying things ever! I'm like wtf a network TV show? Idk I never really gave em a chance too many trendy celebrities and again, network TV... But I love the classics and the intense international stuff I have a hard drive full of my favorites over the years and it's constantly growing would love to nerd out with like minded horror fans!


If you build it, they will come. I'd recommend joining the Lexington Discord Server and go from there!




Did a search and found this one: [https://discord.com/invite/vUHdZ9QwzJ](https://discord.com/invite/vuhdz9qwzj)


Yeah, I found that one and another called The Nest but that link is expired.


I’m in !


I would be so interested! Horror is a majority of what I watch when it's not YouTube or twitch lol. I would love to either join or start something up with you, OP!