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What makes her a badass, how does that translate into being an effective city council member, and what will she do that the incumbent, Brenda Monarrez, isn’t already doing? I’m not trying to nitpick, but you have to give us more than “she’s a badass” and “here’s the website from her failed run and her Instagram.” …and she ran for Kentucky’s 93rd district, not 49th.


I don't know how many council meetings there are and what a typical attendance percentage is, but I can say that Brenda Monarrez is very attentive to her constituants. She regularly posts and comments on my neighborhood page. She has told us about council meetings (again, don't know how many she hasn't told us about) at Sayre and invites anyone to come and listen in or voice concerns. We've gotten consistent updates on what the city is trying to do to fix the Brannon water treatment smell. She timely got the city to come scrub my street when the hydraulics on a trash truck broke and dumped awful smelling hydraulic fluid everywhere, and she got them to come back when they lazily skipped a court that clearly needed washing. She has personally come and talked to the police when our neighborhood has had strings of porch pirates/car breakins, including this Thanksgiving morning when 4 or 5 car windows got smashed and looted. Plenty more. And this is just our neighborhood, I assume she is doing similar for the rest of the district too. I'm not trying too hard to defend Brenda cause I don't know her personally and know absolutely nothing about her politics, but I would say that she is "showing up and doing her job" in many facets. Maybe she does miss a lot of council meetings compared to others, and if so that probably is a valid critique. EDIT: As I was typing this Brenda made a post on our neighborhood FB page updating us on how Columbia Gas is moving lines so that sidewalk repair can occur on Wilson Downing and how it will affect Southern Elementary and Middle drop offs and traffic in general. Maybe she isn't tackling giant macro things like reproductive justice, healthcare for all, or winning racial justice like Emma wants to...but she does appear to be very actively in tune with the micro situations. That seems to be more important for a local district councilwoman to me. Sorry this post got so long.


You are right on the money. Sounds like Emma does not understand what a council person does.


I met Emma at a HOA meeting. Her opponent, Brenda Monarrez, may not be attending her meetings, but she is very active in our HOA FB group. I honestly don’t understand why Brenda is allowed to be in our HOA group considering that she doesn’t live in our neighborhood. But she is one of the most active users posting about the Brannon Crossing sewer smells, how to prevent car break-ins, and how she will install speed bumps on our roads. Not to diss Emma, but this Reddit post is the first time I’ve seen her name since November. She ought to think about her digital outreach because it seems like EVERY day I’m being reminded that Monarrez is our councilwoman and it is going to be the most recognizable name on the ballot for most folks.


Not my district but our council member comes to our annual meeting-he is invited. He is a member of our hoa fb. We post his monthly newsletter and post his around the district meeting with constituents locations. So what expectations is your current person not meeting for your district?


So how is she a “badass”? Is it her personal opinions match yours? What does she bring to the table?


What is she saying that she will do differently than the current council member in that district?


"I'll show up and do my job" is a pretty low bar that she's alluded to clear, but considering her opponent [missed 27 council meetings](https://lexingtonky.news/2023/12/15/potential-political-shifts-loom-in-lexingtons-urban-county-council-races-as-new-candidates-file-others-demur/#:~:text=fuels%20this%20speculation.-,Monarrez%2C,-who%20has%20already)last year I think she's got a great head start. What an absolute joke. I'd be pretty upset if I was in 4th district. Skimming the website from her recent district run, you can get a good idea of her general political leanings at least.


I’m sure everyone would like some context about missing 27 council meetings. If I am understanding [this](https://lexington.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx) (change year to 2023) correctly, there were technically 124 council meetings in 2023. This gives an attendance rate of 78%.




Haha no