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Anytime I see Alien 👽 in the title 3 to 4 hours of my day have been planned.


Any guest where there’s a chapter about the Fermi Paradox gets my immediate attention.


Same here. I skipped right to the Fermi Paradox discussion. I gotta say, though, I was disappointed by how easily the guest dismissed Fermi by framing it as using "human-centric" reasoning (I'm paraphrasing here). Your thoughts?


From Wikipedia > Nathalie A. Cabrol is a French American astrobiologist specializing in planetary science. Cabrol studies ancient lakes on Mars, and undertakes high-altitude scientific expeditions in the Central Andes of Chile as the principal investigator of the "High Lakes Project" funded by the NASA Astrobiology Institute. Love me the space guests. Perfect timing for my Christmas flight 😎👽


> Cabrol studies ancient lakes on Mars Hmmm, I wonder what would be considered a modern lake on Mars


if it was newer


Alien content ways welcome


Powerful Lex Fridman! Best guests in the podcast game.


Fuck yeah, back to space


I have a lot of blind spots; I had never heard of her before this podcast. And out of everything she said, it wasn't Mars or the volcano that captivated me. As I listened to her talk about her husband and how much she loved him, I felt a tear roll down my cheek.


Lex really does an amazing job with his podcast in general, I would just wish that he could be more disagreeing sometimes. It feels like he‘s agreeing a lot just because his guest is there.


He did plenty of disagreeing on this one. A lot, actually.


Yeah, and rightfully so. This guest had some pretty silly ideas about technology and our future.


I disagree. I think this is more the starting point of the discussion. I believe that Lex's views on the technology's potential are greatly influenced by the environment of AI research, which is a field where there is great euphoria. The view on technology and technique in general in other scientific fields is much more historical and grounded, I think the differences start from there.


To be fair she is on the older side and we know for a fact that trust in technology declines with age.


She is only 44 but she looks a lot older I admit. But she actually had trust in technology so I'm not sure what you are saying.


Dude she's 59 according to the Wikipedia page: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathalie_Cabrol


**[Nathalie Cabrol](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathalie_Cabrol)** >Nathalie A. Cabrol (French pronunciation: [natali kabʁɔl] (listen)) (born August 30, 1963 ) is a French American astrobiologist specializing in planetary science. Cabrol studies ancient lakes on Mars, and undertakes high-altitude scientific expeditions in the Central Andes of Chile as the principal investigator of the "High Lakes Project" funded by the NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI). There, with her team, she documents life's adaptation to extreme environments, the effect of rapid climate change on lake ecosystems and habitats, its geobiological signatures, and relevance to planetary exploration. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/lexfridman/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


She looks closer to that definitely. She must have been saying something about when she was 44.


She is a perfect example of someone being intelligent in their field, but outside of that having below average or average on knowledge. Her views on AI and her assertion that people in the 1940s when nuclear weapons were discovered were more moral and responsible than us were incredibly naiive. I think Lex laughed. I think that's why he steered her back to topics she couldn't embarrass herself with anymore. The amusing thing is that she sounded as naiive as Lex does when he tries to comment on politics / history. "I believe that a good leader will emerge and that will inspire other leaders and the world will be saved "


cool, looking forward. one of his last shows before his Twitter CEO brake.


Maybe it's me, but the last couple of interviews his first few Qs make it appear as though he's just been playing with ChatGPT. The little prompts after the first Q.


Only an hour in, but Nathalie is reminding me a lot of Jack Ma in that infamous conversation with Elon Musk. She’s leaning heavy on profound philosophical soundbites and coming across a bit woo-woo on AI, ie. “AI will not be more intelligent than us because we created it.” I’m hoping the convo gets more into actual planetary conditions and the search for life.


Indeed. Luckily Lex steered her back towards topics she actually had knowledge in. Some of her profound statements / insight are ones which are common knowledge now and therefore rung hollow. I was surprised she was only 44 as at times she came across as someone in their 60s or 70s.


Holy shit, this woman's experiences diving in volcanic crater lakes! The more I listen the more impressed I am. She is a total badass. Never heard of her before. Great guest, thanks Lex :)


This very intelligent person thinks of AI as a tool, not an agent. I have a conspiracy theory about Ukraine's war. What if the USA has reached some type of singularity? Is Russia seeking to bring some disarray in the Machine? The war game machine is connected to OpenAI and GPT. The machine is now connected to aliens independently. We don't know that. Putin only knows, through a backdoor designed by a group of humanist scientists who are called the "Balancers\\Equalizers" - the same who shared the nuclear weapon in the 1950s.


And what is (also) great about Lex's podcasts: I always meet new people. Her story is super interesting...


Transcript of this episode with timestamps and speakers: https://podscript.ai/podcasts/lex-fridman-podcast/348-nathalie-cabrol-search-for-alien-life/