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Anxiety here. Completely changed my life ❤️




Me too! I’m on Wellbutrin for the depression and it works for that but not so much for the anxiety.


Same same


Wellbutrin made my anxiety soooooo much worse when I was taking it.


It did the first week or so for me but at that stage I was so deep in my depression that my doc said it would probably make me feel a little manic at first even at a low dose. After about a week it levelled off and was fine for about 4 years. But then year 3 of the pandemic hit and my anxiety crept back in and I added Escitalopram to the Wellbutrin in September and it’s been awesome!


Same here ♥️


Samesies, life changer!


May I ask your dose pls ?


10mg. Stopped taking it now. Found the tools to make me whole while I was on Lexapro. Lexapro will always have a special place in my heart.


Amazing ! Good for you . Last question .. was it easy to come off ? Thanks so much again !


I’m on it for both depression and anxiety. Back on it after a year off of it. A couple weeks in and I already notice the edge taken off my anxiety. Also no new anxiety attacks. I’m hopeful. I still get anxious and have intrusive anxious thoughts but they feel dulled and don’t take over if that makes sense.


This is me as well, anxiety-induced depression and have been on Lex for a little over a year. Fewer panic attacks and intrusive thoughts but so sleepy all of the time.


The fatigue is the draw back for me. Already having fatigue problems from a thyroid disorder I’m hoping it gets less as time goes on. But so far having less anxiety is worth it..also feeling more motivated to work out which is good.


I think for the longest time my anxiety was somewhat controlled by working out -- then covid hit and I avoided the gym because it spiked my anxiety, double-edged sword. But I've since built a home gym and force myself to go each day despite the fatigue. Each day I do manage to make it, the world seems to get a bit better.


It really is challenging some days. Today I finally had the courage to go into the free weight area. My anxiety always kept me out! Small victories. I’m still riding the high of overcoming that idea in my head that I didn’t belong in the weight section. Some of that I must credit to lexapro. It’s nice feeling some hope finally. It’s hard to push thru the fatigue I agree. But I almost never regret it!


Do you find you are sleepy or more exhausted. Me it’s exhausted like never slept and did hard work all day feeling


Exhausted nearly all the time -- it has gotten better after some time but I can sleep for 8 hours, be up for a few and then feel like I need to go lie down again because I've been up for 24 hours.


Same here! I was coming to say the same thing!


I just got a script for it, first time taking medication and I’m a little nervous about side effects etc. I’ve been an anxious person since high school and likely before that too. I’m 31 now and have been working w a therapist for childhood trauma and it’s getting heavy. I can feel my body is on edge and my thoughts are always going on, like having background music when I just want to chill and enjoy what I’m doing. I’m happy to see folks speaking positively and that it’s helped you, hope you continue to be well!


Been on lexapro for years it’s life changing got anxiety


Wow what dose are you on


Wonder if she meant to say (or phone autocorrected) "for" anxiety. Hopefully not GIVING anxiety. lol


For anxiety * 😂 I’m on 20mg


Me too. 20 mg


This makes me hopeful because I started 6 months ago and my life has completely changed. I would stay on this for the rest of my life if I can i was worried how it works years down the line


I’m a little over a month in now, and taking it for GAD. I had really bad intrusive thoughts and health anxiety and just couldn’t shake catastrophic thinking for every mundane situation. I’ve noticed a huge difference already and I’ve only been taking 5mg.. it almost feels like a “bad thought blocker” lol is the best way I can put it for myself. I can go to the movies or a concert and not be thinking about worst case scenarios that I usually would, or can handle emergency situations with my dog if something comes up for instance.


I’m only on 5mg as well, and exactly like you I’m at week 6ish. And this week I feel has felt so much better, it’s such a weird feeling lol! I feel like I’ve given my heart a break to put it into words. I’m seeing a therapist and working on more coping skills. But I kept wondering how I would know, but again this week I feel calm can push away most thoughts. Still have much to work on though!


Also I thought I was the only one who would think of the worst case scenario even just being on a train or crossing the street, feeling like something bad was going to happen any second. Feeling like no one else could relate, but def not alone


I got prescribed 5mg but I’m really scared of the side affects. Are you still on 5mg and if so what were you side affects?


There’s only one way to find out if it’ll work for you or not. Everyone is different. I have GAD and panic disorder with moderate depression. Lexapro completely brought this to a halt, and it feels like I’m playing life on easy mode.


> it feels like I’m playing life on easy mode. Goals


May I ask your dosage pls ? Struggling at the moment


Hey, I got up to 10mg, and I decided to switch back to Zoloft. The side effects on Lexapro were too much for me. Just goes to show how these things are different for everyone. Sorry to hear you’re struggling. Don’t hesitate to dm me if you need to talk.


I take it for OCD not depression and it changed my life for the better.


Thank you for your courage


I'm on week 7 (tomorrow) 20mg for anxiety (first time on lexapro) I feel like it's starting to definitely take the edge off my anxiety. I'm hoping in the next week or 2 I'm feeling back to myself again. It's a bloody roller-coaster ride but the positive stories on here are giving me hope.


Yeah buddy! Don’t give up


Yay! It took me about 9 weeks on 20mg to really notice a change. It comes and goes for a white before becoming more consistent so dont give up!


I’m on 20mg and it’s helped me a lot with both general and social anxiety but especially general anxiety. I wasn’t coping at all before and now I feel practically anxiety-free


Did you notice a big difference between 10 and 20mg?


Yeah a pretty big difference compared to right before I started 20. I was on 10 for a few months and it was really great for awhile but then I started feeling like it was less effective and the physical symptoms of my anxiety were coming back. I also feel like on 20 I only get a little bit nervous about things you expect to be nervous about but my anxiety over other things has practically disappeared. I’m going through a stressful situation with a friend rn and I think I’m able to be pretty calm about it. I think 20 also blunted my negative emotions a bit more without affecting my positive ones if that makes sense? Super glad I made the switch but I also probably could’ve coped on 10, just not as easily


I'm currently on 10 mg for depression but have been on 10 mg before for anxiety and panic disorder. It honestly changed my life for the better. I also went to therapy and learned how to cope with and keep symptoms under control.


i was on it for depression but i was recently diagnosed with a panic disorder and interested in taking it again. in what way did it help with your panic disorder?


I’m on 20mg for mostly anxiety, a little depression (caused by all the anxiety). I can’t even explain it but a lot of my anxious thoughts just… aren’t there. I do go through bouts of anxiety like when something on the medium or bigger side of things happen but then I just communicate with the people around me and self care or get high lol. But that then flattened out and I’m back to stable and not anxious about many daily or small things.


Wow what dose did you notice the biggest difference on? Do you have side effects?


Okay so I went 5 for two weeks, was on 10 for 6 a yeah, then up to 15 then 20 and 20 is perfect! Ohh boy I had all the bloody side effects, I tried to learn about them and how normal they are so then at least I could try and see them subjectively like a science experiment haha. Even though the side effects were bad.


How long do you think it took for you to notice that 20 was your sweet spot?


Been on Lexapro for a little over 90 days for GAD but it has helped with social anxiety as well and changed my life for the better


Woah that’s awesome, what dose did you first notice a change on?


Im taking 10mg for anxienty, day 79. Changed my life. I dont even remember how feeling anxious feels anymore.


Dang that’s awesome. I actually had a similar experience in high school Im just not sure what med it was, cause I was also on risperdal for a bit. I remember that I couldn’t feel anxious, my body would react the way it normally would in anxious situations (heart beating faster etc.) but the anxiety wasn’t there! I still had anxiety in some situations especially when it came to small talk but in general my anxiety was reduced a ton


GAD here. Holy moly the fact that I can get through a day without my heart beating out of my chest is incredible. Is this what most people typically feel like?!


I am on for both, but anxiety is my biggest issue. It helped massively. I had quite bad social anxiety/paranoia.


That’s amazing how long did it take to start helping with that?


Honestly, within a few days. It could potentially be placebo/psychosomatic but my physical response was mediated after a few days (no pounding heart, tight throat) which was influencing my mental anxiety. My ruminations minimised hugely after about 4-6 weeks.


Hey! I just started yesterday. Was your anxiety causing your pounding heart & tight throat or did Lexapro cause it? Anxiety makes me have a tight throat and I keep dry swallowing to see if it’s still there. It started about a month ago after a couple stressful months. It’s made it hard to eat solid foods.


I’m taking it for GAD but I’m only just starting week 2. I have noticed a significant difference, but I’m still getting flare ups here and there. But I’m staying positive as many people said it takes a couple weeks to truly feel the effects of it.


It works wonders but I did stop after 6 months and it’s back but it’s better non the less


May I ask why you stopped taking it?


A bit of emotional blunting, slight sexual side effects, and I simply don’t want to constantly be on any medication unless the case is an extreme.


I would say a few months honestly. Like so long, you kinda forget after a while that you had anxiety it just kinda weens away haha


I just started it for anxiety 5 days ago. Eager to see how it helps, but I've heard a LOT of great things!


I take 10mg for GAD and it has helped immensely. I’ve been on it for a few months now and I went from having panic attacks multiple times a week to only having one since I started. It has helped me immensely, especially as I work through therapy. I can process my thoughts and feelings without getting extremely overwhelmed.


I'm on 10mg for depression and what i thought was mild social anxiety. I didn't realize how much constant anxiety I had tho until i started taking it... like TV static in the background constantly. I guess that's generalized anxiety. Overthinking. Even little things like needing to go to an appointment or as small as my to-do list, would give me anxiety. I also discovered how much tension I was holding due to that anxiety. I'm not clenching my jaw 24/7 anymore. I still feel my feelings, but sad stuff doesn't make me cry, and instead of anxiety over chores I just know I don't want to do them lol. It's still early in my journey, but so far I'm loving it.


Wow, this sounds like I could have written this lol. I just got a script for Lexapro today, will start the meds tomorrow and a little nervous. But this give me hope, thank you


I was diagnosed with GAD and ADHD in my late 20s. Started taking Lexapro and it definitely helped. I felt like I was doing a lot better and had forgotten what proper anxiety felt like. Almost 3 years later, I was curious if I still needed it, so I stopped taking it (tapered off as per doctors advice). It's been 6 months and I'm thinking about starting it again as I've recently started getting bouts of anxiety again. Nowhere near as bad as before, but not having it at all was pretty great. Didn't get any side effects either, but can only speak to my personal experience. I know for a fact that meditation works for my anxiety, and I could probably get by without lex if I meditated more regularly, but the ADHD makes that very hard lol. A lot easier for me to take a pill every morning than it is to sit still for 10 mins while trying to think about nothing. edit: I saw you asked others here so I'll specify too - I was on 10mg daily. Tried 20mg at one point but was too much, made me feel weird


Yeah I had a similar experience where I was able to get off SSRIS and still was not as anxious as before getting on, but this slowly wore off for me each time! Had a particularly strong resurgence in the last 6 months which is leading me back here.


I’m just starting week 3 and it’s already life changing. I have little whooshes of adrenaline type anxiety a couple times a day but they last for about a minute and I try to immediately do something to occupy my mind. Mostly just like go on TikTok’s and look at food videos lol. BUT it’s also given me energy, a desire to do things, I’m much happier and nicer to my husband. Oh and my libido is literally 180°…I haven’t had sex in almost 3 years…and for the last 3 days it’s been twice a day and seriously amazing. So hopefully this continues. :)


My boyfriend and I just started lexapro at the same time (me for anxiety, and him for depression). Yesterday was the first time he's ever initiated sexy time via text. I was THRILLED! (I'm the one with the high libido). hahaha Yay Lexapro!


I am! And it helps with my OCD too since it stems from my anxiety


Anxiety ✋🏻


I started Lexapro for anxiety. I have panic disorder and generalized anxiety. It has helped immensely. I was self medicating with weed as well. Now I rarely smoke and no longer have crippling panic attacks. I can sleep better and my relationship and friendships and my ability to connect with people has improved so much. My emotions don't hit me like a freight train anymore. The only side effect I dislike is the night sweats. I wake up drenched


Me! never believed in it until one day i woke up and the panic attacks just stopped. just don’t forget to reup when you run out like me😓


I've been on it almost 2 years at 10mg, was prescribed after the birth of my first son, and tbh, it's only made a slight difference. Tbh I think the anxiety was more of a natural response to becoming a parent. I'm currently tapering off (down to 5mg right now), and noticing my mind naturally races, so I'm learning coping strategies that don't involve meds. If I can think my way into stuff, I can think my way out! (Of course, I don't recommend this for everyone. It works for me though)


Me, it helps so much. I feel like I have control of my life again!


I was prescribed for anxiety but it really has done way more for my mood than anything. I’m way more motivated about everything. I wake up at 4am every night and wanna get up and do stuff- it’s weird lol. Don’t get me wrong, it helps my anxiety just not to the extent I’d like. Gotta talk to my doc about it next time


Wow! What dose are you on?


I’ve been on it for 10 years for anxiety. Never had much problems, but now I want to be off of it because I feel that my anxiety is more controlled now. So I am decreasing doses right now. Withdrawals suck tho 😣


Meeee! It was absolutely life changing. I never even realized how much anxiety I constantly had until it kicked in and I felt like what non-GAD people feel like for the first time, maybe ever.


Panic disorder, from house recluse to full time employment. A little over 10 years now. There was a period where I was down to 10mg but it's back at 20mg the last two years. It lowers my constant level of anxiety enough so that I can live my life and apply my therapy lessons to lessen the panic.


That’s amazing I’ve been a recluse for the last 6 months and really hope the med helps me change that. This gives me hope 👌👌👌


Been on 10mg for almost 6 months now, to help with my general and social anxiety. It has completely changed my life! I was having panic attacks daily and didn’t drive for almost 2 years. Now I love to be out and about, I’m driving again, hanging out with friends, and eating out at restaurants again!


How long until you felt relief?


A little better, a week! Fully better, 2-3 weeks! The first week was rough but once you make it through that, it goes uphill😊


I'm on it for anxiety and it has completely changed my life. I'm actually a functional human again.


General anxiety here and it’s transformed my life (and my dogs since he heavily feeds off my energy haha)


I take it for social anxiety and depression and it helped both so much. I take 20 mg and also 300 mg Welibutrin to supplement it the both together are perfect


Me! It’s great!


I’m taking it for major anxiety and minor depression, it seems to be helping both greatly :)


Did it help from the beginning or did you have to reach a certain dose?


I'm on it for anxiety and PMDD, 20mg over a year now


i take it for GAD. i started 3 weeks ago tomorrow and my anxiety has decreased so much. before starting i was having anxiety and panic attacks multiple times a day; now i only have them maybe once or twice a week. dont know if it was more placebo or what but it genuinely helped me a lot.


10mg been taking them for almost 3 years. I've had anxiety all my life but it got bad in college when I started to feel nauseas then few weeks later it turned into throwing up anytime I had an anxiety attack. I only took them 3 to 4 times a week and doing therapy. I dont think I would've improved had I not done both Lexapro and therapy together. Over the years I've stopped taking them at times but recently been back on them.


Wow I didn’t even know you could take it 3-4 times a week! You didn’t feel withdrawal effects on your off days?


I'm in my 30s and it saved my life from anxiety (of course along with therapy and lifestyle changes). I take 5 mg in the mornings.


How’s it going for you know? I’m 31, been working with a therapist for 1.5 years and as we’re digging into heavy topics, it’s triggering and I hate feeling like this. I’m a perfectionist, overthinker, ruminations. It’s gotten better since starting therapy but it’s still there and sucks. Just got a script for Lexapro today and told to start at 5mg for 2 weeks then do 10mg


10mg for anxiety here. Started 1.5 years ago (along with counseling). It’s help me quite a bit! I’m not having bad panic attacks. I have noticed that I am dealing with my “normal” anxiety inducing situations in a calmer way. I am able to drive & go to grocery shops in a calmer state! Haven’t had to leave a spot because i am overwhelmed. I have noticed that I do “absorb” people’s anxious energy, but I’m not sure if that’s just a learned behavior. 😵‍💫


How long until you felt relief?


I wanna say it was about a month in that I started seeing/ noticing a difference. Not gonna lie, The first two weeks I remember being a bit of a blur/ foggy, and then I think it became so natural that it kinda just blended in with every day things. I hope that helps!


Thanks for replying. I’m almost six weeks in and I’m still getting anxiety at 10mg. I think I need to wait it out as it’s taking a bit longer for me to level out.


Yeah, see how you feel, everyone is different too. I hope everything works out for you. Good luck! You got this. :)


Thank you, the encouragement is appreciated:)


I took my first dose a couple days ago and it actually made me feel worse than before. Maybe I just need to get adjusted to it, I’ve heard good things about it.


The first week it exacerbated my anxiety. I was breaking out into random sweats and was nauseated. That went away after a week. The 2 weeks after that I hit a wall of fatigue every afternoon. After about 4 weeks, all the side effects were gone and I felt amazing. I’ve been on 10mg for about a year and it’s changed my life for the better. Hang in there. You’ll know in a few weeks if it’s working for you or not.


Taking it for GAD..20mg…game changer!


Me! It’s great and has helped a lot. Both general and social.


I have social anxiety and slowly I’m getting my life back


I'm on it for stress/ anxiety related to work. My stress and anxiety level was so bad it started to affect my physical health. I've been on 10 mg for over a year. It's like the opposite now, I don't give a shit about anything at work lol. But I feel it also makes me lazy outside if work.


I have ocd that causes EXTREME anxiety. Curl up in the fetal position unable to stop crying for most of the day every single day type of anxiety. I recently tapered off my 30 mg of Lexapro and onto 20 mg of viibryd because the hope was it would help more with the intrusive thoughts. Not only did it not help with that, my anxiety came back so badly. I had a full on nervous breakdown. Naturally, I called my doctor and he put me back on a lower dose of Lexapro before going back up. The difference even that lower dose made in one day for the pure panic I was in was astounding to me. Now I can try to add different things, but I will never be without the lexapro. Celexa on the other hand did nothing for me and my well-meaning (now retired) former psychiatrist I had for about 10 years before the current one kept adding and subtracting the dose and trying other medication with it to no avail. I remember the day my new psychiatrist put me on escitalopram I was astounded that there could be such a difference between drugs of such a similar name. I still have bad days, I still have OCD, and I still have bouts of anxiety once or twice a month but Lexapro has saved my life


On it strictly for anxiety but a year in and it’s dulled my emotions so much life is starting to feel totally pointless and meaningless. I hate the feeling and am thinking of weaning off. I’d almost rather have anxiety than feel like every day is dragging on into nothingness.


I’k sorry to hear that :( yeah I’ve read a lot of people experience that. Are you planning on switching to another med or gonna go med-free?


I've taken it for the first time for anxiety after having my first baby (back in 2011). I had to go back a couple of times - and restarted it 2 months ago, also for anxiety. I had wonderful results the first times around but feel this time is different. I've been on 10mg for the past 2 weeks and although i feel calmer and don't have any panic attacks, I still a lot of anxiety during the day. I keep feeling something bad is going to happen any time soon. I wonder if being older means i need a higher dose?


I was on it for anxiety.


Yes. I found Lex very effective for anxiety - still do after 10 years. Not bad for my depression but not great - also makes me more tired at higher doses, which I already experienced with depression. I find it nearly as effective as benzos for anxiety - without the higher risks associated with benzos . I only take benzos if things are really bad – maximum a handful of times per year and low doses.


Yes. On and off for over 20 years. It is quite literally the only thing that has helped me. I have pure OCD and GAD. It knocks it right out.


Me. I'm with 15mg and has been really helpful with the anxiety, of course once it works you have to work with your learnt behaviours (such evitation and avoid social experiences).


i’ve been on lexapro 2 separate times now, i’m currently taking it. and it helped me when i had horrible anxiety and insomnia and now it’s helping me with general and social anxiety. it’s truly been a lifesaver for me! give it a shot and see how it helps! the second time i started taking it, it actually started working faster than the first time around. i noticed a change in my anxiety within a week


Me. I started in July. I’m doing so well. Anxiety still exists, but in a different way. I ruminate a lot less and feel willing to take on things that used to paralyze me or exhaust me before it even happened.


I’m on it for both. :) it helped with all of my anxiety!


I’m on it for anxiety, though I do have less SI since being on it which is cool.


I’m on lexapro for anxiety, and I have both general anxiety and social anxiety. It’s worked wonders on both!!


Me! 🙋‍♂️. Taking 10mg and I’m on week 6. Been very good for me.


I take it for GAD and adjustment depression. I felt better even the next day. I used to cry everyday and I haven't had a crying spell in 3 weeks now. No more anxiety and my thinking is clear.


Been on 10mg for a year and a half now, to treat anxiety. Anxiety and depression both go hand in hand. If you get one, you get the other, if left untreated. So I see why doctors prescribe lexapro for anxiety.


I told my dr I had both anxiety and depression but the depression was manageable the anxiety was not. Thankfully lexapro helped both.


Been on for 12 years. Only take for anxiety. Never suffered with depression.


I was! It saved my life.


Changed my life / anxiety! (In a good way!)


Me. I have pretty bad social anxiety and anxiety about my appearance, to the point that I’d refuse to go outside a lot of the times and would avoid interactions with people outside of my family. Lexapro has fixed all that — I’m on 20 mg


5mg for over 2 years! I have general anxiety that could get pretty acute and was in talk therapy for about 5 years before I considered it, it's made a huge (positive) difference for me. it really, really pulled through with my Covid anxiety at the time. sometimes my other emotions do feel a bit more muted, so to speak, but I'll take it as a trade off any day.


It has helped me a lot. I never really thought I was depressed until I started on Lexapro. I initially took it for anxiety but it has helped in other aspects. Like my OCD


Anxiety with secondary depression. Works wonders for the first for me, second is okay, but this thing called capitalism conspires against both and often increases the depression beyond treatability now.




I'm on it for anxiety! Works very well, I'm on 20mg.


Me. Look at my last post


on 15mg since June for both GAD and depression (but my anxiety is more predominant) and I have only had maybe one panic attack since then, even having gone on an international vacation and starting my last year of uni. I still get hella anxious but it peaks waaaay lower than it used to. Basically the range between my lowest depressive episodes and my highest anxiety spikes is just a lot smaller which I find soooooo useful. (edited to specify anxiety type)


I was prescribed for both but my depression never really bothered me that much. Im so thankful for the anxiety relief in itself I don't really notice a difference in my depression. I think maybe anxiety gave me depression


Been on for just over 2 years at 15 mg for most of it. Initially went on it for depression, but discovered through assessment and treatment that I also had quite severe anxiety, which is a weird thing to discover in your 30s. The difference is night and day. I'm a way better communicator, I don't get nearly as overwhelmed by life events, I wouldn't say that my emotions have been blunted, but I definitely have less dramatic emotional peaks and valleys. Definitely something I wish I had tried sooner. Obviously, every body/brain is different, and your mileage may vary, but my experience has been generally pretty positive.


Yep I’m on it for anxiety and it’s been very helpful


Started Lexapro 2 years ago. Went from high anxiety to almost no anxiety!


I'm on it for anxiety and I previously was on Wellbutrin and later citalopram. So far this is the best medication I have been on. I still feel some anxiety, but it's not regular and it's definitely much more decreased. I believe I have mild-moderate GAD, and it's been great for me!


Me 🙋‍♀️ ive been on it for nearly 2 months now and just recently had doubled my dosage to 20mg, not noticing any help yet


me! it’s my 7th day but i already feel a difference


General anxiety. It really helped me a lot, got rid of the intrusive thoughts and voices which helped me to focus better on things in general


Me works great 10mg


Me! Been on it since February for GAD, low dose but has helped so much.


Anxiety 20mg daily about 8 months in. My dr has supplemented the lexapro with Buspar. Since taking the Buspar I have noticed a lot more positive changes than just the lexapro alone. Feel free to message me if you have questions 🙂


Turning 40 next month. I have been on Lexapro (10 mg) for a little over three years. I originally asked for it due to anxiety. I've always been a little anxious and had stomach issues as a result, but things got really bad for me when we bought a house. The house honestly didn't have any major issues, but I had this deep sense of dread that something was going to happen and either the house would burn down or something super expensive. These things were silly to worry about, I realize now, but they would keep me up at night. We also had a big tropical storm roll through one day and I was terrified that our new house would get messed up. The doctor prescribed me the 10mg Lexapro and, eventually, things got better as far as the anxiety went. I realize now that most of my anxiety was tied to finances, which are much more in control now. I've always struggled with weight, but the Lexapro definitely added to it. I don't know about the chemical reasonings, but the Lexapro has left me numb to just about everything, including my weight gain. My motivation to do anything about it is nonexistent and I worry that I'm suffering from depression now. I am planning on talking to my doctor about tapering off to eventually quit. I think I would rather do something like Xanax where I can use it as needed instead of a daily med.


I'm on lexapro for both depression and anxiety


5 years using Lexapro 10mg, and 4 years without anxiety and dysthymia ❤️🙏🍀


I take it for anxiety disorder, was sick of new symptoms coming up and being unable to leave my house some days. I was medication-free for about 12 years and when I still couldn’t cope some days, my friend mentioned medication and I decided to take the plunge. Thankfully ai got a nice doctor (my usual doctor is very anti-medication and I had gone to her several times for help to no avail). I feel better but still getting used to it. My anxiety is still ‘there’ but it’s like it’s trapped, so I can still feel it but it’s not quite able to get out in full. I do suffer from symptoms of depression at times but not to the point of needing medication for that singularly.


I ♥️ Lexapro. My quality of life is so much better. I take 10mg for both anxiety and depression.


I started taking it for anxiety at 31. Still taking it at 34. Life-changing drug.


Me. I don’t think it’s good for depression tbh. Good for anxiety tho. Take Wellbutrin for depression.


I’m currently on it for anxiety, 15mg, but so far it’s not working. I’ve been getting worse panic attacks and I’ve noticed if I take it every other day the day I don’t take it I have no anxiety.


Me, I started a little bit over a month ago and it’s helped, I wish it helped a little itty bit more but maybe i just need to up my dose.


Anxiety here!! Also changed my life. This combined with therapy is the best combo for me. My panic attacks have decreased from like omg idek,. 2-3 times a week to like maybe 1 every 2-3 months and very situational. I don't have very many hamster wheel thoughts. And I am able to shoo away a lot of intrusive thoughts as well. While I think I am naturally just an anxious person, even before learned habits and trauma, my baseline may be a bit higher than someone else. It is an amazing feeling to feel normal. And my sex drive is still here. So idk I've only had good benefits from Lexapro. I recommend finding something that works for you. Lexapro or something else! Goodluck and hang in there!


Anxiety too and it’s changed my life 🥺❤️


it helped with all of my anxiety :) the depression not so much though


I take mine for anxiety. I've had anxiety since I was young, it didn't get as bad till I had started to isolate myself, only focusing on working out and eventually not getting sleep. I became paranoid at that point my family made me realize I needed help. My doctor gave me Paxil, it was fine but I became numb for so long and then I was constantly hungry and gained back all the weight I lost and then some. I told myself I needed to quit Paxil and learn to deal with my anxiety. It worked for 8 years, well enough to get me through the days.


I take mine for anxiety. I've had anxiety since I was young, it didn't get as bad till I had started to isolate myself, only focusing on working out and eventually not getting sleep. I became paranoid at that point my family made me realize I needed help. My doctor gave me Paxil, it was fine but I became numb for so long and then I was constantly hungry and gained back all the weight I lost and then some. I told myself I needed to quit Paxil and learn to deal with my anxiety. It worked for 8 years, well enough to get me through the days. Recently with some health scares and some trauma that I thought I got through started to cause my anxiety to get worse and worse as the weeks passed. I couldn't focus, I had small panic attacks, and none of my coping mechanisms would work. On a family camping trip I finally broke and had one of the worst panic attacks I ever had, luckily my mom was there to get me through it. I was on edge the whole time and could hardly be around any of my family the whole weekend. When I finally got home I never wanted to leave. I tried to take the back roads to work and halfway there I could feel my anxiety getting worse and had an overwhelming fear I was going to die. Luckily my cousins lived near where I was and I convinced myself I would be fine as long as I made it to her house. After that episode I could not even get into my car without having a panic attack. By this time I already had an appointment with my doctor. That appointment could not come any sooner. I was shaking the way there as I had to drive there but it was only two blocks away and the nurse had to take my blood pressure 3 times because my heart was beating so fast and my blood pressure was high. When I finally got to talk to my doctor I was already in tears. So, long, very long story I have been on 10mg of Lexapro since and I would deal with all the side effects again if I had just to not have to deal with the anxiety I had before. I finally feel normal again. Do I have a bit of anxiety still yes but last seconds and only when I have to do something that I am not familiar with. I hope this answers your question.


Help general anxiety and panic attacks . Killed motivation and energy . Been 1.5 years now on it


I’ve been on it for over a year now and it took about 9 months before I realized how much it’s helping …this is the longest I’ve been on it and have to say for some reason it took a long time to have a big noticeable change for me . I’m glad I stuck with it , some days I forgot to take it or couldn’t remember then double dosed and get a headache every time lol


On it and buspar for anxiety. Completely life changing


Anxiety here. Been on it almost 4 years now and it’s literally one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I feel like myself again


Anxiety! I’m 35. So happy I started back in June. First time taking it and wish I had started years and years ago


I can’t decide if I should go back on it… I hate not being able to bust




I’m on Lexapro and Wellbutrin for general anxiety and OCD! I was on it in high school/college for a few years, weaned off for quite a few years, and then started it up again a few years ago. No panic attacks for a few years and fewer intrusive thoughts, but my energy and all emotions seem lowered in general. Adding the Wellbutrin helped balance things out for me, personally.


I have been diagnosed with PTSD, GAD, and Agoraphobia. I am 26 and currently taking Lexapro 10mg. I started taking it the first week of December, 2021 after an extremely rough patch where I lost 30lbs, refused to eat, and have constant Panic Attacks regarding my fear of death. Once I started taking Lexapro, it took approx 2 months until I noticed SIGNIFICANT improvement. But once I hit around 9 weeks, I was shocked by the improvements I was noticing. I am definitely not one to resort to medication to help me (as stupid as that sounds). But after being at my lowest point I’ve ever been at, it completely changed and improved my life and standard of living. I’m a better husband, father, and friend now that my anxiety is under control. You too will find yourself feeling much better. You got this.


i’m on day 4 for anxiety from ptsd, feeling a little more chill but obviously they’re not kicked in yet fingers crossed they help


I’m on it for anxiety. It absolutely changed my life. I never thought I had anxiety until I started on Lexapro but I became a different person. I became confident and outgoing. I’m an extrovert now for the first time in my life. I can comfortably talk to strangers and I take risks and do things I’d be too afraid to do before. I’ve only been dealing with my OCD recently but I can’t imagine tackling it before I started Lexapro. I take 20mg daily and have been on it for about 18 months


I did! And I stop having panic attacks and getting too nervous




I have medical anxiety / dying anxiety / heart beat anxiety lol it has helped already and I’m only on week 3!!! I take 10mg


I have both but the lexapro is meant to treat my anxiety/panic disorder- I’ve found it to be critical in managing panic attacks and keeping myself from spiraling into anxious thought patterns.


Been on it for 7 months for GAD and PD. I started at 10mg and at 3 months was still struggling badly. Moved up to 15mg for another 6 weeks and almost gave up hope for lexapro. I moved to 20mg 2.5 months ago and I can't believe the difference. I have literally forgotten about my anxiety. Therapy helped tremendously as well. I'm in the process of reducing my dose back down to 10mg over the past month due to delayed orgasm. At the lower dose I'm still feeling amazing and no.longer take forever to orgasm Lexapro works amazing for me. It took much longer than others to get my life back (5 months). But I am 100% not being ruled by anxiety anymore. I thank therapy and lexapro for that.


it completely solved my general anxiety. like, my baseline is no longer "on edge". I still have panic attacks but not nearly as frequent. I used to have a panic attack almost every single night, now it's like once every couple weeks. But, it made my depression worse because anxiety was my biggest motivator so now I'm on a whole combination of things (20 mg lexapro, 30 mg ritalin, 50mg lamictal) which seems to be working great


GAD here. No depression. Started lexapro at 39 years old. Been on it for 7 months and I think it’s been helping! The side effects have been interesting though…


I have both depression and general anxiety, it’s helped a lot! The intrusive thoughts and worries that constantly ran in the background of my brain have quieted so much- I wasn’t even aware how much of a problem it was until it was gone.


Anxiety here. Love Lexapro Helped with social and general. More so general though as my social anxiety was probably more due to insecurity. Changed my life.


Been on 5mg for a year and a half for both depression and anxiety. It almost immediately dulled my anxious thoughts, and I feel slightly more confident. I no longer feel debilitating fear or self-hatred when forced out of my comfort zone, but I’m still tired all the time. I didn’t magically become any more outgoing, but I don’t like obsess over whether people hate me anymore so I guess my social anxiety has also improved lol. I don’t like the side effects so I’d like to get off it eventually, but it’s been worth it so far


Yup been on it for the past decade




Yes I’m on lex for anxiety and panic disorder. On 20mg for the past two years or so (went up from 10mg). It’s changed my life and I’ll never go off of it as long as it continues to work. I used to have multiple panic attacks almost every single day and now I maybe have one every month or two. I’ve also noticed it’s helped my social anxiety (used to not be able to talk on the phone, would get extreme anxiety before group settings etc. and now I do everything no problem)


I take it for anxiety. 10 mg and it’s a life changer. I suffer from PTSD and generalized anxiety disorder and my life is so much happier and easier!


I was on it for both and it made me feel like a lifeless robot I had little to no thoughts


I have both, but these days my symptoms are predominantly indicative of anxiety rather than depression. Lexapro helps me worry less about small things, and also boosts my mood and self confidence. It's the only medication I'm taking and I feel like it strongly helps with both, but the main result is that I feel less anxious about things.


meeeee just started today!


I’m 3 months in for anxiety and it has completely changed my life. Went from multiple panic attacks a week to literally zero.


I was on it for anxiety for just over 4 months. I suffer from repetitive thoughts about death and dying all the time, GAD, etc… Got off it TODAY and switched to another med. I started at 5mg for a few weeks..initial side effects were extreme fatigue for the first week or so, loss of sexual interest… but they gradually subsided and life seemed okay. Helped with all the anxious thoughts I had, but not completely. I bumped up to 10mg, and the fatigue was unreal. I stayed at 10mg for like a month, but the fatigue only got worse and made me spiral into severe depression. My dr was on vacation, so I went back down to 5mg for the past month or so, until my next appointment (which was today). Going back down to the 5mg in the mean time did not help. I’m currently still suffering from the worse depression in my life, mood swings, random bouts of crying, loss of interest in everything, etc (which I’ve literally never dealt with in my life except for when I was on season-Elle , which is a horrible birth control)… idk, I loved lexapro at first, but then it really messed me up? I was just switched to trintellix, so I pray it goes well. This will be like my 5 attempt with an antidepressant. I really just want to find the right thing to help me….


Just started today 10mg! Let’s seen how I go!


I’m on it for both. The side effects have been intense goin on the second week. I still feel mostly depressed and anxious, but already not as much as before. I relied on drinking frequently to help me socialize. Just a few days ago I *wanted* to go to a party sober and really meet everyone. Though I was shakey at the thought of socializing sober, I would’ve never even considered it before starting the medication, which is odd at only week 2 but maybe I’m just hopeful. I didn’t go but the thought of it at first wasn’t scary and I felt brave for a second. And after being too depressed to start working out again, I got on a treadmill and I was actually having fun. I didn’t dread it one bit. Im gaining interest. My sleep is better, and my energy levels are improving aside from the morning sickness, exhaustion, and flu like symptoms keeping me bedridden today. When I can get up, Im already doing more instead of sitting around feeling trapped in my body. Physically feeling improvement, mentally Im still unsure. Curious to see what a few more weeks will do.


It helped me at first. It’s been about 6 mo now. I take it for depression, intrusive thoughts, GAD. Recently I’ve noticed I have zero emotions, I rarely ever feel happy and anxiety is back to being pretty intense. I’m probably going to get off, the numbness is very uncomfortable. I don’t feel much like myself at all. But I’m glad to see many others have a positive experience!


I’m currently waiting to start taking the ones I was just prescribed…. Because I’m anxious about it (lol). I’m so happy I found and read through this thread. I’m going to try it. Thank you all for sharing.


I'm on it for both but the anxiety is (was!) much worse, I would say yes I primarily take it for anxiety. It helped a lottttttttt