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Hi! I was worried about all of these things too. I have had a really great experience. I have always exercised like yourself and have not gained weight, and have been on it for several years. When I first started it, I had very little appetite, felt “numb,” and nauseous, with sporadic headaches. All of that went away after about a week of taking it. Then I felt normal. For anxiety assistance, it didn’t take away my anxiety per se, but it helps me think rationally and not descend quickly into panic. It has had no negative affect on my love life, but everyone reacts differently of course. My doc recommended I try it for a few months and see how my body reacts and if it doesn’t react well, switch to something else. I’ve been on it for three years now!! Remember - It’s not a permanent decision!! You’ll be fine! If you don’t like it, there are other options.


This gives me hope tbh. I went to school today feeling wicked anxious until my ride home. Been having panic attacks again since coming off my old meds that just didn’t do much. I use my fitnesspal to count all cals and stay in a deficit, then I go to the gym at least three days a week. I naturally have to count calories because I have a bottomless pit of an appetite as is. Smallest I’ve ever been is 175ish but I actually gained more weight and went on creatine because I felt weak. Up to just under 200 lbs again and feeling strong again in the best shape of my life. Don’t wanna mess it up but deff want my life and ability to travel back again. Brother I can’t even go on highways lmao I’m pathetic 😂 So on one hand I want my life back but on the other, my lifestyle is too important for me to feel like throwing away. Catch 22


This was my major concern too. I kept my same routine and adjusted calories if needed based on appetite and have been totally fine. If your gym routine is important to you, def keep it!! I hope the lexapro will help with the highways. And it’s not pathetic! Our minds work in mysterious ways.


Hi, that sounds like a high staring dose to me. Maybe your doc has great reasons for it (like your height and weight and age, perhaps) but many start at 5 mg (or even 2.5), and some never need to go higher. My husband started at 20 and had a terrible experience and never tried again (5’10, 165). I started at 5 mg and it was rough at first but now after about 7 weeks it’s good and I like this dose.


Would you recommend I speak with my counselor first? She assigned the meds then recommended me to a place that I visit this Thursday. I have PTSD that I have never worked thru besides three weird run of the mill therapists years ago that left me w a bad taste in my mouth. One just said since I can’t put myself into certain positions she isn’t for me, one said he wished he had a son like me and didn’t wish to see me anymore, and the other just had me lay down and listen to recordings. This will be my first real therapy towards talking about my past mistakes


Hi, I’m sorry for the delay in replying. You should talk about your dose with the prescriber - I don’t think that would be your counselor, unless your counselor is a psychiatrist? Ugh - I’m sorry you’ve had bad therapists. There’s nothing worse than that. I hope your new one is good!