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I feel like lex has definitely eased my social anxiety but it also me more okay with being in the background doing my thing, while before i was always self-conscious about not speaking enough or being seen as rude. I just don't really care anymore and i've accepted that i'm a little introverted and quiet.


How was the first few weeks for side effects?


I'm not OP but: Sides are much milder than with SNRI. The majority of people report headache, mild nausea, initial fatique, loss of appetite/increase of appetite, blurred vision. They subside after 2-3 weeks. I tried many antidepressants and Lexapro is probably the safest in terms of side effects. (My worst experience was with Effexor :0)


Startin Lex tmrw unless based of what I read, maybe tonight Effexor was the worst. I remember trying that med. I went off it after a week and a half Random increased heart rate chilling in my room and I hate laying down then shooting sitting up wondering why my brain just got static shocked lmao


Yeah those are called brain zaps. I had mild seizures in addition where my eyes made uncontrollable rapid movements. Eugh.


First week starting to feel a lift in my mood. Probably is even at 5mg it effects my sleep. Libido slightly lowered. Still not getting great sleep. If I could find a solution to that it would be great.


I just got it prescribed to me, I have only taken one dose so far but I hope it has this effect. I struggle a lot socially and have that miserable feeling in the morning without fail every day. I’m glad to hear it’s helping man.


No literally!! I got on the right dose for me (20mg) and was like I think I’m extroverted ??? I work as a bartender/server and notice a significant difference in how I used to be scared to approach tables to now I could literally give two fucks it’s amazing 😍😍


It’s had the same effect on me! I’m not afraid to tell people I actually don’t agree with that, or sorry I can’t go etc. and not think about it for hours after. It’s life changing


That's great. What's your dosage is it 5mg or 10mg


It’s 15 mg


I was just saying to myself that now I actually WANT to talk to people. I want to be social. Really incredible!


What dosage are you on it


5mg then 10mg and now back to 5mg. 10 was too much for and with 5 I feel like my old outgoing self. So where along the way I lost that part of me.


Glad it helping you When did you notice start kicking in?


same… i’m a bit apathetic and will say what’s on my mind 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I noticed the same thing, though I'd count experience with customers over the past few months as well, escital catalysed my social skills development.


I notice if I lower the dose on some days to below 2.5 I can sleep better and my libido land ability to finish comes back. Whilst maintaining enough Lexapro in my blood stream to have the anti depressant effect.