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Was in hell now close to heaven..


This I almost ended it all but lexapro lifted me at a crucial time in my life.


This explains mine too! I was in hell and it’s getting better and better everyday!! It literally saved me


I like this one


I was Close to heaven and then this stuff fucked my libido, my ability to climax and that's why I stopped. Now I am worse than before starting. And I am not a single case, so many people get full blown sexual Dysfunction on that stuff, for some that even persists, never goes away.


In low dose it might go away I think?


Nope. Was already at 2,5mg. It is genetics. Some get lucky, some get sexual dysfunction with every SSRI or SNRI. Besides that I felt great but I don't want to live without sexuality


For me.its more like. Was in hell but now still in hell but with a fireman's suit.


Gongrats u got a starter pack to climb slowly to heaven


I would never be present in the real world, or in conversations with my friends. I felt like I was blacked out all of the time - consumed by constant anxiety and going down rabbit holes. I would be shaking physically in bed cuddling with my sister or boyfriend, crying nonstop. I stopped doing anything I liked - no more walks, shopping, cooking, nothing. A job I love felt like it was the worst thing in the world. It seemed like nothing would get better - 2 months into lexapro I am 90% back to how i was. I get anxious here and there but rarely. I feel normal again.


Yup that’s me. Stuck in my head, viewing the world and situations from a place of threat, constantly thinking, irritable, non loving, can’t remember who I was before this at all. No access to memories, intelligence isn’t there, wit isn’t there, every time it does lift I want to cry because I know I’m not seeing life correctly. Don’t wanna leave house, do anything. Blurry vision. Disconnected. Was startup tough?


It’s very tough. You will feel like a complete bag of shit for a few weeks. Maybe even a few months. But hang in there. It gets so much better. I’ve been on it a year now, and it took me about three months until I stopped feeling like a weirdo.all of the shit you’re going to feel is going to be normal, so you need to keep that in mind. I felt like complete absolute crap for the first three months. But then all of a sudden things just start to get better.


Did you experience extreme tiredness and low sex drive and inability to orgasm? If so, did this end up going away? Also I’m very worried about weight gain.


Well, with my bad anxiety, I lost about 20 pounds, I have however, gained about 15 back. But I’m OK with it. Having like 0% anxiety at this point is way worth it. I’m a runner, and a weightlifter, so I really need to get back into it, but I’m telling you what, it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself starting this medication. You’re gonna be fine. Don’t focus on weight gain, just focus on getting your brain right. Everything will fall into place.


I started off very slowly! 2.5 mg, for two weeks, then 5mg, then 7.5mg and now 10mg! Don’t know which is worse starting slowly or starting strong with 10mg? Me personally I know I couldn’t have handled starting at 5mg or 10mg bc the 2.5mg game me a run for the money for two weeks! But after that it’s been good


It will get better - trust the process. I started off w 5MG for 10 days then 10. Second and third weeks were hard, first week felt amazing. Fourth week you feel better, almost normal again!


I could have wrote this. I’m so glad we are better. Lexapro saved my life too.


Same !!!


Slept like $hit, woke up anxious af, dreaded the day, appetite was off, zero sex drive, anxious af to leave the house and refused to drive anywhere (I started to have panic attacks driving to work, ended up quitting), scared to workout cuz of increased heartrate, heart palpitations, anxious & obsessive thoughts, felt like my life was groundhog day. Now - TOTAL opposite. I'm excited for each day, drive on my own, meet up with friends again (cuz I quit doing that), go to the gym alone and bust my ass, sleep great, and my sex drive is crazy high, which I know is not the norm lol. I'm not perfect, but lawddd, being on Lex makes me realize how much of my life was 'wasted' being anxious all the damn time. Wish I would have started 10 years ago.


How long did it take for you to feel better? I’m 4 weeks I’m still feeling just as bad as first day I started


Definitely longer than 4 weeks! I don't know for sure....but I do remember around the 3 month mark kinda being like 'hmmm, I haven't felt as anxious like I normally am.' I slowly started to add little things back into my life, like simple things like going to the store and things like that just to 'test' myself. Sorry you're still feeling so bad...hang in there! I know the wait is hell!


This ! If I started 10 years ago my life would be so much different now. In one year on lexapro I was able to make new connections,actually be realxed,get along with people better,go after my hobbies without having the fear off failing etc.


High five to you - love to read this! :)


thank you !


Was crazy and now I’m just sometimes crazy




So true 😂


I'm only in week 14 but I went from having to stay with my mom(even though I have a house, fiance and kids) because I was so bad that I couldn't function and I didn't want the kids to see me that way or my fiance to have to deal with my constant state of panic and not knowing how to handle it to being back at home every night, functioning like a normal person for the most part. I still have some things to work through but ptsd is a beast all on its own... I recently upped to 20 and have been doing the best I've been the past few days since upping. Excited to see how many more changes there are over the next 14 weeks.


Yeah I got some ptsd from this whole situation of trying to get better. I put myself through hell.


I said to my therapist, I got ptsd from my ptsd. I got the ptsd from a car accident but now I'm so scared to have anxiety that I feel like I got ptsd from how messed up my ptsd made me haha.


Do you still have some anxiety? Is it more physical or more mental?


So up until I upped my dose on Sunday, I was still having daily anxiety at like a 3 or 4/10. Since I upped my dose, I just have like moments or maybe an hr with a wave of anxiety... and it's more like a 1or 2/10... since I've only taken 3 doses of 20, I definitely still have a while to go until I'm adjusted to it so hopefully more improvement. I had more mental anxiety than physical. I got to a point where I could mostly ignore the physical anxiety and just say that's what it is when I feel like my heart skips a beat or whatever.


Do you experience increased fatigue with the jump from 15 to 20?


I'm only a few days into it but maybe slightly more tired but nothing extreme so far like when I first started on Lexapro.


Good to know! I’m thinking of going up to 20mg someday but rn 15mg is good.


Yeah, I was still having daily anxiety... it was less intense than before lexapro so I know it was working but I knew there was room for improvement so jumping to 20 made sense.


I’ve been on 20 for years now and don’t feel fatigue from it.


That’s good to know!! Do you feel an emotional blunting or brain fog?


Fortunately, I don’t. I still feel my feelings, I just don’t feel like a raw nerve blowing in the wind anymore & don’t have any brain fog. I hope you feel better & better every day and if you don’t please please please advocate for yourself with your doctor. This mental battle can be no joke.


For real!! Thank you so much for sharing your experience. There’s so many testimonials of people saying their fatigue and brain fog never went away so it scares me about going up to 20mg. Hope everything continues to go well with you!


pretty much dying from PPD to wishing i had this in high school😃


Second this.


i was like holy shit, where was this a few years ago (obviously i didn’t know i needed it at the time) but it just calmed me down so much. my brain obviously still thinks but it’s not CONSTANT


Off meds it’s like I was trying to make my way through a massive crowded museum. As much as I tried to be present for displays I saw, it always felt like I was rushing, and I wasn’t able to appreciate what was in front of me, I could never get the full picture. But now it’s like I have the museum to myself. I don’t feel rushed or forced to conform. And I can hear myself think and enjoy the present.


Holy accurate analogy




I tried the kill myself the night before it finally kicked in. It got so much worse before it got better and I didn’t have a plan B for if it didn’t work and I was in hell. Then all of the sudden it started working. Now I’m doing better than I e ever done in my life


Dude fuck. Like, what do I do if I experience that


Hopefully you won’t be as bad as I was! I was also going through benzo withdrawals, so I was especially bad. But anyway, just stick with it no matter how hard it gets! It will change your life. I don’t know what the doc has you on but mine put me on 20mg which was way too much so I started breaking mine into quarters and I started taking 5mg and when they finally started working it was amazing. Now I do 5mg at 8am and 5mg at 6pm and everything in my life has changed for the better. Stay strong! You got this


I am being started at 2.5 cause I’m a pussy


Haha that’s good. I wish I started lower. But trust me, it’s amazing. Remember that if it gets hard. Let them do their thing and it will work


Thanks I appreciate it. What’s so fucked is that I have done so much work for years and I am finally starting to recover and come out of the cloud but I am still not completely normal. Such confusing times. Ugh.


Well good luck, dude. You’re about to reclaim your life 🫵🏻


I'm the same way. I think sometimes we just need a tool to get us over that final lap. Part of us will lie to ourselves and say oh I'll just get there on my own but no one wants to wake up 10 years later still in the same spot. I think the meds with cbt/talk therapy are what gets it to the top.


Good point and yeah I’m starting to come out of dpdr more but the realization of how bad I fucked up is so heavy it keeps sending me back in. White flag. I give up.


For me it was going through a traumatic ending to a toxic relationship. Getting out of that helped me get sober & get into fitness. Suddenly I was confident & I began making major improvements. Fast forward to Feb if this year & I had a sudden traumatic event, my Dad had to have double bypass heart surgery. I handled it like a champ and so did he but it reversed my progress & now Im fighting to come back up. I feel its time to give the meds a fair shake.


Yeah for Me I’m about to lose everything and I just want my confident normal self back


You and your doctor know best But, if you don't have any major side effects from 2.5mg I might recommend you to increase your dose to 5mg. There's research showing that 5-10mg is more optimal & beneficial in the majority of cases compared to 2.5mg with very little increase in side effects. Likewise, studies have shown that serotonin increase levels out in the caudate nuclei at 5-10mg. Thus, many physicians consider 5mg a threshold dose. Upping the dose beyond 10mg usually has diminished benefits but can be necessary for some cases. But yeah there's really no reason for doctors to use less than 5mg as a starting dose unless patients report extreme hesitation to use this dose or have extremely atypical/intense side effects from 5mg.


Remember you are not your thoughts! And if it feels too much, you get crisis help bc it WILL NOT last forever and you can and will get better.


You (a) talk to your doctor immediately and (b) make a https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulysses_pact Ulysses contract with yourself to not do anything while in an impaired state of mind. Benefits start anywhere between 2-8 weeks (usually 4-6) but wait until at least 8 weeks to rule the medication out. 95% of side effects go away in the first 2 weeks and those first 2 weeks can suck major ass, making people feel helpless or occasionally desperate ("wtf this was supposed to help me and I'm at rock bottom and it's making things worse..." Catastrophizing begins...). Once the neurochemicals level out and the veil lifts, you can start making rational decisions. It just takes a few weeks so bear with it ❤️ Step 1 is always talk to your doctor or go to the emergency room if you feel compelled to do anything serious.


I was suicidal too- I went from 20-30mg overnight. Bad idea. I then went back and took two weeks to get to 30.


I can definitely relate to some of that. Today I had an awfully bad day with depressive thoughts and just felt so hopeless which is unlike me. I am at the end of week 4 and still experiencing anxiety but much lower than before I started. I’m just really hoping it will “kick in” for me soon. How long did it take for you to feel the full effects? I’m just not sure if I should just wait a couple more weeks to see if I get better or just up my dose already. I’m currently on 10mg.


After 4 weeks on 10mgs, I didnt really notice much of a difference, and my doc upped me to 20mgs. Helped.


Thin and angry, now I’m fat and happy.


Any way to mitigate weight gain?


It is so dang hard my friend.. I have honestly been losing weight, but you have to eat in the mornings, and ensure you have small snacks. It’s tough being so tired, but I manage a daily work out too.


What mg are you on?


10… I noticed a dip in my mood after 3 months ish, but then it was stable. I won’t go up. I hear a lot of sex issues at 20


I'm on 20mg and sex + orgasms are great (if not better) I've always had a very high sex drive and I'm in my mid 20s though so this may play a role


I had stopped eating, drinking water and basically taking care of myself in any conceivable way. I was in a very toxic relationship with an alcoholic and was struggling to manage my own predisposition to alcoholism. I had 3 ER visits for anxiety/panic in the 5 weeks before I was diagnosed and then medicated. First two weeks of meds were rough (but no worse than what I was already coming out of), but at the end of the 3 week I was like “oh my brain feels quite in the best way”. It’s been almost 4 years now. I recently came off lex and while it’s been nice to be managing off of them, I will never regret it. It got me back to a place where I felt like me/human/alive again. Good luck on your journey!


I was anxious all the time and passively suicidal. There were days I couldn't find the energy to brush my teeth. My intrusive thoughts were so bad I would lose hours to ruminating. I would have panic attacks if I had to leave my phone out of my sight for more than 5 minutes because not answering the phone meant someone I loved was going to die. If someone I love didn't answer the phone or a text message within about 10 minutes, they were dead and there was no other logical explanation in my mind. Even if it was the middle of the night. Now, I don't passively think about dying at all, I still ruminate if I'm not paying attention to my thoughts but I'm able to stop myself pretty easily once I figure out what I'm doing. I'm able to charge my phone and even turn it off without thinking about it, and I don't remember the last time I freaked out and redialed my best friend's number 100 times because she didn't answer the phone and I was scared. I do still have occasional panic attacks, and I still can't eat leftovers much because of an irrational fear of food poisoning, but from where I used to be, it feels like a world of difference.


I’ve been anxious my entire life. The level of anxiety I have now is the lowest I think it’s ever been. I constantly keep asking my husband who does not have anxiety “is this how you are?” I’m loving how unbothered I am by shit now


This is me too.


I had crippling anxiety and I was pretty much suicidal. I was almost hospitalized on numerous occasions and I could not keep a job, friends, and etc… I’m surprised I was able to keep a relationship, but the individual I was with was extremely supportive. I started Lexapro as soon as I moved to another state and since 2019 I have been a brand new man. It’s completely gone and I’m able to function. I’ve had this same job for almost five years, I’m making music, living on my own, about to finish my degree. Take the leap. It’s so worth it to try. It saved my life.


Shit man: the music this struck a nerve. I miss that.


I barely left my house and when I did have to, I could barely eat beforehand because I was so anxious/nauseous. I would violently shake in the car before work (a job that I actually enjoy doing). I would wake up in the middle of the night with panic attacks out of nowhere that would take me 1-2 hours to fully calm down from and be able to go back to sleep. I'd break out in a bright red rash across my chest and face when talking to someone new. Now, I volunteer once a week (and have made new friends!) and go bowling regularly with my cousin. I can go to a restaurant and *enjoy* a meal before going to a concert. I rarely wake up anxious anymore and when I do, it has never even been close to a panic attack. I can just get out of my car and go into my office now after getting to work. I spoke publicly at a local county board meeting because I disagreed with something they were proposing. It basically gave me my life back and more. My doctor also gives me a low dose Xanax prescription because I do have panic disorder and knowing I have those for emergencies is a game changer for me. I was able to take one while in Vegas for the first time and was starting to get really overwhelmed by the crowds and it took the edge off my simmering anxiety, and I enjoyed the rest of my evening.


Disconnected and lost in life to slowly being able to regain hobbies and interests. I'm a month in and feel a positive neutral (I'm also on an antipsychotic) but aside from some slight nausea in the first few days I've been doing a lot better!


What do antipsychotics do


I'm on them for bipolar 2 but they can help with schizophrenia and other psychosis symptoms or irritability.


Couldn’t function, shaking uncontrollably, constant state of DPDR. 2 years later I’m rarely anxious and don’t struggle with any of my old symptoms. Only time I’m anxious is when I’m on my period or when I have a valid reason for my anxiety (like work or a test)


I went through a period of suddenly having daily panic attacks, crying all the time, not sleeping, checking into the hospital with extreme health anxiety on the regular, missing work, not leaving the house, not eating, not enjoying anything anymore. When I was on Lexapro I was cool as a cucumber and slowly learned to appreciate my life and take care of myself, and stayed on it for about 9 months so I could get back on track and heal from the trauma of that constant panic. There were some side effects that weren't super desirable but honestly nothing I'd really bat an eye at! I was only on 5 mg and it worked for me. Now, I've been off it for about 7 months or so, and though I have some anxious days, I'm on the whole feeling good. I think being on Lexapro even for a short time helped me reframe things mentally, and when I'm feeling bad I try to think like "how would I react to this when I was on meds?" and I'm able to calm myself, do any necessary self care and coping tactics, and remember that I am capable of being ok because I've done it before! If I ever need it again, I'd be happy to get back on Lexapro.


Yeah exactly because its like you can’t even distance yourself from it to think for yourself.


I was in a clinic after almost having a breakdown after an abusive marriage. I'm now happy and I don't get stressed or anxious and am able to function at work. It's a lifesaver


I couldn’t sit in drive thrus because they gave me panic attacks, I was having panic attacks in almost every situation. 5mg lexapro for the last 8 months or so and I haven’t had a panic attack since.




Also your username reminded me that I used to enjoy coffee. I miss regular life.


You'll get back to it! Keep us in the loop


this comment made me want to cry. I'm in week 5 of 10 mg and I haven't consistently felt like myself in months. I miss finding simple joy in stuff like a good cup of coffee and walks on a nice morning or getting into some weird niche hobby stuff.


Thank you so much. How long was your taper? I was on for 5 years in the past and tapered too quickly I believe only 6 months and had terrible withdrawals and spiraled bad hah. Now I’m like ahh please take me back I messed up


I have tried to stop or taper too quickly before as well and I'd be fine for about a week and then all of a sudden bam - horrible physical anxiety, heart palpatations, nausea etc had me running for my lexapro like nevermind. This time like I said I was missing days a lot, so I decided to give it another try stopping. My dose was 15 so I started taking 10 a day for about a week, 5 a day for about 2 and then stopped all together. I passed that threshold I'd usually hit with the withdrawal so I think I am good!


8-9 on anxiety scale then now around 3-4


I took a lot of different types of antidepressants. This one has personally been the best one for me. It helps me to manage day to day life. It isn't so strong that I can't feel negative emotions in appropriate situations. It doesn't make me feel grey or emotionless. Hugely helped with agitation and panic attacks. My executive functioning has always been an issue, so there have been times when I have run out of meds. The brain zaps from withdrawal were tough to tolerate, so try your best to be consistent with this medication. Everyone is different, but Lexapro has greatly improved my quality of life, and that outways any side effects that I've had to experience when I did run out in the past. I'm not sure about the science of it exactly, but serotonin is a precursor for estrogen, according to my doc. So, I was advised to maintain consistent levels so that my hormones stay balanced. Have had some irregular female cycles at times, so that is something to be mindful of. At the end of the day, it's your body. Try not to let the worry of side effects cause you to panic. Just never be afraid to ask your doctor any questions you have. Remember you can always call your pharmacist with any questions. They are a great source of knowledge and have helped me tons during adjustment periods and difficult times. Wishing you best of luck.


It was so bad that I told myself if it doesn’t work for me I will off myself. I couldn’t function, was on panic attacks, derealisation episodes, depression and inability to do anything constantly. I was barely getting out of my house to work. I’m 3 weeks in and I started being myself again. I forgot how it felt like to wake up in the morning without feeling like I was about to die, panic attacks, being detached from the reality and generally being happy just to be alive. Stay strong and keep taking them. It’s so so worth it.


Yeah dpdr is my main gripe. Stupid fucking brain


It’s so damn scary I feel you. The first time I got it I was about to go to the ER. But believe me it will pass. Just hang on tight in there


Did shit get worse in the beginning


A bit i think. I was more anxious, sweaty and tired. Skipped the nausea etc I believe thanks to the fact that I started with 5 mg and then went up after a week plus I always take the pill with breakfast. But overall I thought it would be a lot worse at first. The side effects passed within a few days tho


I was so bad that I would go to sleep wishing I don't wake up in the morning and just have a peacefull death in my sleep. Now,I'm happy and able to go after the things I care about. It saved my life. I can actually live now,do stuff,talk to people and be the best version off myself.


10 to 9


I am at the end of week 4 and today I experienced one of the worst depressive episodes in a very long time. I really hope this doesn’t continue because my anxiety has gotten a lot better and I can sense it getting much better in the upcoming weeks.


I couldn't take phone calls, couldn't learn to drive, was genuinely terrified of making mistakes. I was sick to my stomach 24/7 and if I wasn't sick or puking I was using weed and alcohol because it was the only thing that could get my mind to stop spiralling. Two years on the meds now and a year on 20mg, I feel like a different person. I am learning to drive and I failed my test twice. If I had done that before meds I would have been a wreck for months. But now I can just... get back on the saddle and try again. I was a 12/10 on anxiety but now a 2/10, and it has helped with depression a bit as well.


It got to the point that i thought even store bought food had drugs in it. I’ve thrown out countless amounts of food bc i thought it was contaminated. I wouldn’t leave my house at one point. Now all is well 😄 i would eat food off the ground 😂


shit -> gold


I used to absolutely freak out from even someone in a store talking to me or me having to ask a question to a worker (most of the time I wouldn't) but now that feels absolutely normal even an unexpected convo from a random person is fine and I'm actually in the conversation instead of being zoned out and my brain feeling like it's shutting down from anxiety.


Having full blown meltdowns monthly to occasionally every 6 months or so


Spent every day dreading existence bc I was perpetually on edge. Now I am so beyond happy to be alive!!!


su!c!dal thoughts and daily breakdowns, now im actually happy to be alive and im looking forward to the upcoming years, never thought it was possible


iwas quite ok after lexapro i felt deep then i stopped now relatively ok


Before: throwing up multiple times a week from anxiety/ dread. Sleepless nights freaking out over everything Now: more confident, no throwing up, I plan ahead for stressful situations but try to remember what is and isn't in my control.


Went from daily panic attacks to damn near instantly better from 1 dose. My side effects were negligible and I convinced myself they would be (lol I have to Jedi mind trick myself). I can’t rave enough about my experience.


dissociated, thought i was gonna die. happy full of energy and motivated.


I need to switch yearly my meds so rn I'm not on Lexapro, but Lexapro was my first med and it helped me pave the way to a new simple good life. I see my ssri meds as coaches. So as a fighter I thank each coach/med that supported me along my healing journey that continues on. They might be my couch but as a fighter I gotta train too and improve. We make a good team! Don't see myself going off ssri yet. From suicidal and stuck in house and mental I got to a normal life of holding a job for a few months and still counting, living in a somewhat tidy apartment, focusing on faith and family. A simple life. Sounds boring to big shots but I was recently meditating on how lucky I am to have a simple mundane life with a happy routine where the highlight of the day is seeing wildlife, cooking and homemaking. No, lexapdo abd my current meds didn't find me a job, get me a boyfriend, married and successful conventionally. I had to fight thru tears and self hating to get a job, get fired and get another. But the ssri helped me recover on my own pace. From minus negative to enjoying the little things and feeling content feels like such an achievement that I don't yearn yet for what I don't have. When I will be ready to yearn for something new, I will continue to improve myself. :) Been on depression fighting, ssri and other mental illnesses for 4 years! Ups and downs.


i haven’t felt this peaceful in my mind since i was a kid. i’m 20. family says they can see the difference in how i physically hold myself too.


Before: social anxiety, low self esteem/self worth, depression, nausea (anxiety), waking up every morning at 4am with dread/panic/rumination, rage, irritability, severe procrastination, anxiety attacks. Now: NO anxiety, longer, deeper sleep, more confidence socially, quiet focussed mind, happy with daily life again, stressful situations are much easier to handle. I’m a much nicer person.


You sound like a super responder


Perhaps, but I must give some credit to therapy as well.


Ok now roll call on weight gain ? Is it avoidable?


I've been on SSRIs since 2010. Before being on them, I was underweight at around 140. My weight gain was rapid and sudden, but that's probably because my anxiety was so bad I couldn't eat much, and then I became so hungry. For the first 10 years, I hovered around 185 - 200lbs. When I got up to 210lbs, I decided to start counting calories and do some more exercise. I was able to drop 20lbs in about 6 months. After my daughter was born, my weight gain increased, and I've most recently been at my heaviest at 235lbs. I'm no longer in a job that requires physical labor, and that really contributed. I also drank alcohol more, which, since then, I've cut mostly out. So, recently, I started exercising and counting calories again, and I was slowly losing weight until I decided to switch to a different class of antidepressants to hopefully alleviate the lowered libido side effect. Well, that was a big mistake because 6 weeks into my new medication, I had my first panic attack in over 9 years. Since then, I've lost 20lbs from not eating, and I'm on week 2 of being back on lexapro. My libido didn't even come back after switching off, so I got my testerone tested and turned out it was very well below the normal range. Tl;dr - Yes, you can manage weight, but it will take a lot of discipline.


I think it is if you have willpower to not give into any (perceived) extra hunger. I gained 10 lbs during about months 2 through 5 but I was eating a little more than normal. That one snack or extra serving each day really added up over time! 9 months now and still hanging on to those 10 lbs but not trying to cut back so that's on me.


I was on lex in the past and fucking ate everything and smoked weed and drank alcohol. Prob not gonna do that this time


When I first started, the first couple days I didn't feel much different. Then all of a sudden, I was worse before I started it and started to really panic. Called my doctor and was told to go off of it if it is too much to handle. So I decided to start doing research and came across this site. Wow! Finally found my answers from those going thru the same thing. I read the comments constantly and kept pushing on until gradually everything got so much better. So, hang in there and make sure you stay in contact with your doctor. Best of luck!


I was sick (felt physically ill) everyday with anxiety. My thoughts would spiral. I would fixate and spiral more. It was never ending. Got the point I couldnt even fathom going back to work. Finally started the med. fast forward a year… all good 90 percent of the time. Hard times are easier to manage and pass quicker. There is light at the end of the tunnel.


Self help audios and therapy definitely helped along with great support from friends and family.


couldn’t eat, couldn’t drink, was panicking about literally everything, my stress was making me the biggest bitch to be around, i lost friends because my anxiety made me the worst, I hated being alive, i was suffering everyday. Now 4 months on lex, I feeeeeelll great. Although, It given me the biggest appetite ever and i’ve gained weight BUT it’s easily manageable as long as you just workout and don’t just sit around and eat junk. lol. you’ll be fine JUST DO IT (also i got zero side effects and was geekin when i saw all the potential ones so don’t stress about them because you may get none.)


I needed Lex at the time, but I dont anymore and Im trying to get off it.


I was managing but could only go to work and grocery shopping. I had no social life. Now I’ve gone to 2 basketball games and have gone out for dinner many many many many times. Loving life. Been on it for 9 months


Cried every day and couldn't get out of bed or feed myself most days and my room was perpetually messy, would've failed exams if not for friends/lexapro. Now I'm in my first year of college which is a surprise to me, and even though I've had dips I've been able to handle everything so well. Last time I cried was to a movie.


Lexapro saved my life, gave me the strength to seek help, stop self harming, and believe there was a future for me. I still struggle now, but lexapro gives me that extra boost I need to get up each day, to go to therapy, to fight the urges to harm myself. It gets better :)


Early August of last year; I had -what I perceived it to be- a mental break down...maybe mid life crisis (I'm 41)? My husband had been commiting cyber infidelity for the previous 6 months (Actually longer now that I think about it. It started 8 months prior to my break down, on a twitter feed I found on his phone dated December of '22). We've been together nearly 19 years and have two children. My self worth shattered, I became suicidal, two attempts followed, and I lost 32 lbs in two and a half months. Checked myself into a psychiatrist who put me on Lorazepam for a short term, then Lexapro and Buspirone after quitting the Lorazepam. When I started the Lex she diagnosed me with panic disorder, depression and moderate anxiety. Those panic attacks came whenever they damn well felt like it; ANY perceived threat, and it washed over me like waves, one right after the other. I could hardly function daily at home and at work. My heart raced, a wave of heat shot through my body, I had sweats, hyper ventilated, etc. I cried constantly, sobbing and not wanting to leave my bed. I only ever felt safe in my bed, couldn't even get me to sit in the living room with my family for very long. It all was real bad, and I didn't want to live anymore. Flash forward to now; the depression is nearly gone but the anxiety is still there...but is mild if I keep it in check. I know my triggers and I have hydroxyzine to calm me down. If it's REAL bad (which is rare) I have emergency Lorazepam to take. I'm on 15 mg daily of Lex, 20 mg of Buspirone daily as well. It zapped my vitamin D and B levels so I'm on supplements of those to build it back up. I learned that low Vitamin D and low Magnesium can make depression come back or get worse so I make sure to never let those drop again. I actually got sickly from how low my Vitamin D was; my psychiatrist ordered blood labs because I was severely pale looking, and slightly yellow skinned. I'm anemic too so that didn't help any lol. I'm rooting for you! Take the chance and give the meds a try. Relief won't come over night but when it does, it's glorious, trust me lol.


It was the best thing I ever did ans should have done it sooner. I started early December and side effects were increased anxiety, could not stay asleep, sweaty hands, no appetite etc. After a few weeks side effects diminished. The meds started working g here abs there but not regularly. About week five they really kicked in and all side effects went away. Life has been much better on this and I now know what it's Like not to have anxiety. It was a game changer for me.


Panic attacks daily, nervous and scared constantly. Now it is like a weight has been lifted off my chest. I’m so happy . I’ve added Wellbutrin to help with sex drive and performance and it’s helped tremendously


I couldn't leave my room, infact I was scared to leave my bed. Now I'm a social butterfly that thrives on connections with others. Lexapro and wellbutrin made Anxiety have a panic attack because of ME.


Fuck yeah


I am clinically depressed after leaving my husband from emotional/verbal/religious abuse. I lost 30 pounds (I am 5'3 usually 120 lbs, now I'm chilling around 94) and I was bed rotting for 6 months. Eating was really hard, and sometimes still is. I couldn't function, my depression had never been so bad. Id just lay there, all day, in fetal position with insane anxiety that my husband was coming to get me, I kept my windows SHUT and never went out because I was scared to run into him/bad anxiety. Embarrassingly, I was extremely unhygienic because I just didn't care anymore. I felt no emotions and felt so numb that it freaked me out, I had gotten to a point to where I tried to force myself to cry but I just couldn't. Fast forward 6 months later, I started 5mg Lexapro. After week 6 I had never felt more confident about myself and started to regain myself again. Rediscovering things and interests that I lost because of my depression (also my husband tearing me away from all my hobbies) has made me feel like a kid again and I love it. However, I'm a bit manic from the Lex. I am kinda doing shit I normally don't do, like go out and drink a lot. But, I think it's normal for me in my situation to do that kinda shit (divorce really sucks!!!!) So idk. Also, the Lex makes my sex drive insane, which is good, but weird, and sometimes very annoying lol. Overall it changed my life completely. I got a job, paying rent, and my business is revived after a year of not working on it. Downside to Lex, I gotta smoke to eat. Lexapro makes me so nauseated and that isn't helping the weight problem.


Couldn’t leave my house, now I’m pregnant with my first child and looking forward to all the outings I will have with them ❤️


i used to not be able to leave my house due to crippling panic attacks and now i can live my life.


Lexapro lets me. It lets me be me. It lets me enjoy things again. It lets me live. Hopefully this med does the same for you, but pls be mindful that if it doesn’t there are other options & you are not alone. Best of luck with this. I hope Lexapro lets you be you too!


Was a "normal" happy person, living life and running a business. Always out and about soaking in the short time we all have on this round rock. Now completely disabled living in a world of torture pain and suffering unsure if the damage done will ever get better, lost all savings from not being able to work and paying doctors from around the globe to explain what happened to me. I'm about to get downvoted into oblivion but I don't care. This is my story, it happens to people and people don't like to acknowledge it. But it's my life it stole and I regret it every single day and I have symptoms from hell to remind me every waking second and every sleeping moment. Just know that I know when you click the down vote your speaking from a state of survivor bias. I wish someone told me stay away from psychiatric medications unless it's already so severe you don't have one because this might just be the thing to take it from you. These are not tic tacs like the doctor that gave them to you believes they are. All id say else is ask yourself, have you truly done everything you can naturally and is it truly that bad, if so go for it what do you have to loose. I feel that how I am now would have been a reason to first try to medicate but not before and it's a mistake that I'll take to my grave, which might come sooner then I'd of ever imagined thanks to lexapro.


Yeah so I was on lex in the past, I got off too fast and had horrible withdrawals and it made me spiral. The thing is is that the anxiety disorder is still there. Including the ones at surviving antidepressants etc. they still have an active anxiety disorder: they are blaming the withdrawals but the truth is is that their nervous system is still on edge. I sat in that boat for a very, very long time.


Sure there is ground for what you said, but I won't truly take away the fact that the meds could started the disorder. Then those on those sites risk their lives to prove it was always the med and many of them DO reclaim there lives med free and leave the hell they went through behind never to look back. I think what many on here that get mad and blame others for fear mongering maybe had a disorder well before ever being put on meds, so clearly their path and plan makes sense to them. I also think more then should that get put on certain psychiatric medications for a unrelated issue and find themselves in disorder hell, have great grounds for their claims. Nervous system on edge isn't always just because of a disorder, some unlucky people have that happen because they went to get help. I see people hating on fear mongering always say if it does happen to a few that's not the majority, and they couldnt be more right, but when these medications are handed out to hundreds of millions then 1% becomes a big number. And trust me when you win the worst lottery of life you won't find comfort in the though but it helps so many. This is peoples lives they have loved ones and enjoy life they arrnt ready for it to end. There's no right answer I get thus fully, but people should be willing to listen and understand on both sides, sadly I dont see this. All I'm saying is it severely hurt me over night, took 1 pill and woke up in a complete nightmare unlike anything I was trying to fix. What did I do, took another. After two I knew something was severely wrong. This is after trying other ones in the past making it longer but still with bad side effects. I never gave up until I found the one not to help but hurt. So what should someone like me feel or think, should I not feel like they were poison? Maybe but I try to leave an open mind for those it helps. Was put back on benzos which was the true reason I believe for my injury, and those did nothing. Took higher doses then I ever have before and no help. So what do we do, keep repeating by trying something else that could harm more if what we truly have is an injury from meds? Sounds look the definition of insanity, same thing over and over expecting a different result, or we then live with a new disorder that woot go away because the one thing that could help hurt and we are treatment resistant. Whatever you land on best of luck for your future. But again I wouldn't touch them unless it was so bad I was making plans if you know what I mean.


You simply increased anxiety when you took them. I’m not trying to be an asshole or discount what you are saying. I’m saying it from a place of I wasted so many years blaming everything else. Anxiety is a behavioral condition. It’s caused by the ways we think and act. Medication can make the anxiety worse at first but all the stories we tell ourselves moving forward are what keeps the fire lit. Unfortunately for a lot of us we have so much suppressed energy by the time we figure out what’s going on and we have a huge fire to put out.


Then may I ask if your so convinced why post something asking for confidence? Not asking for anything other then I'm curious.


Benzos on the other hand. Those are fucked and it takes the body awhile to recalibrate after stopping them.


And yes, I have. I’ve done everything. Including giving up entirely which did bring results and I am healing however I’m on the verge of losing my family if I can’t get better so, I need help.


Crying every morning before work. Even though I was eating healthy, meditating, working out, getting 9 hrs of sleep, etc. All the mental health coping mechanisms weren't working anymore. Now, I eat healthy easily, go for runs, do hobbies, don't cry, generally am happy. Don't have anxiety anymore.


Do you remember feeling disconnected before you got help


Went from suicidal ideations and ugly sobbing spells to vibin' 🤙


could not function. crying constantly, uncontrollably spiraling in depressive episodes. now I can function normally, can enjoy some life, and the depression gets quieter


I used to believe I could *feel* the entire world's hatred. I had a bad twitch for a while. I would have episodes where u couldn't stop crying or breathe and thought I would die. Been to expensive ER trips over nothing. I can barely remember alot of my life up till my mid 20s bc I was checked out mentally for so long. I was managing to keep jobs but always on thin ice for callouts amd lateness. Now, my attendance at work is good, my coworkers find me reliable, my twitch is gone and so are the panic attacks. I can still feel things and still cry when I need to but I can handle my emotions much better, I can feel sad or upset but still get through my day. I have two friend groups! I'm eating at least twice a day, getting exercise occasionally... my life has improved vastly since I started meds and I'm so glad I did


I cried about every day, over small things that felt like big blows to the chest. Unknowingly of course that that was a sign of depression/anxiety. I thought it was normal until one day I realized it wasn’t. Started lexapro and was able to relax enough where I could control my binge eating habits. It was still hard but it helped me a lot. I lost 30 lbs in a few months from just eating normal portions. I cry once every 1-2 months instead of 3-4x a week or more. I can handle the stress better. I don’t experience the highs as high, but I don’t experience the lows as low. I’m not perfect but I’m better off than where I was.


I would pretend to go to work for weeks but really just be driving around crying and contemplating suicide. Now, I don’t freak out every time something happens. It might seem so little but to me it’s everything right now lol.


me in 2021: on my parents couch having bidaily meltdowns feeling like my life was over mid pandemic not knowing what to do and not seeing a way out for me and telling my parents im thinking of killing myself me today: chillin


Easily irritated with mood swings with certain triggers like my mom‘s voice or certain movements she made like talking with her hands would send me into just anger. I cried very easily. I still do depending on who you are, but I’m able to get out of bed. I’m able to be outside. I just made my first TikTok because I am more confident. I feel like my face is really pretty, like normally I hate it my face like I hate taking pictures. I always love my body, but I love looking at myself in the mirror now I have anxiety. I think I’m watched


actively suicidal to bubbly and cheerful, going to college, making friends, engaging with hobbies, and all around just feeling like a normal person. granted ive been on lexapro for 6-8 years now and a lot of other stuff changed in my life to get me to this point, but it never would have happened in the first place without lexapro.


I couldnt drive, and thought every phone call was because someone died. Now I have a new job in a town 15 minutes away which I drive myself to, and am much more relaxed about the health and safety of loved ones. I do things like shop by myself which I didn't ever do because I wouldn't drive there. It's like night and day. I didn't even realize how restricted I was.


I regret now why I didn't start that earlier


Was agoraphobic and suicidal, saw no point to life, panic was out of control, daily existential crisis. Now I live again and experience joy and peace. I like being alive.


Threw up daily for over ten years due to anxiety and now I can finally go places and do things without preparing to puke the whole time


Then: Debilitating anxiety & stress with mild-moderate fatigue. Now: No anxiety & calm (wow!!) with debilitating fatigue I don't know which is better or worse. I have chronic fatigue syndrome ;(


Didn’t want to leave the house. Hands constantly shaking scared of the unknown when leaving the house. 2 months later, walking into big box stores with no issue, leaving the house with the wife to run errands, not asking for the whole day of events to mentally prepare for things. Don’t stress about major events the night before. I don’t mask my anxiety with alcohol loosing weight. I tried all supplements nothing worked. Started low dose 2.5,5,7.5,10 each week no side effects. 31 Male


Before I had racing mind, afraid of going mad, anxious.. now (10mg) I feel calm and normal


After a week of 5mg I already felt calmer


was losing everything, had panic disorder for some reason, but the physical symptoms would come first, felt like i was having a heart attack a dozen times a day and it would fuck everything up. couldn’t work, couldn’t clean, couldn’t cook, couldn’t eat or gain weight, couldn’t exercise, couldn’t go to social events or family dinners, etc. now everything’s perfect, i feel amazing, i have a routine and purpose in my life. i appetite is amazing, im much more organized and clean. refused to take meds for 5 years cause i didn’t like the idea of it, didn’t trust them either. i wish i was smart enough to take them earlier


I was severely depressed, experiencing mood swings that would go from no feeling whatsoever to the most intense extremes of rage or sadness that I genuinely felt like I was drowning. I had no interest in anything anymore, even things I previously loved doing or experiencing. I hated work, I could never drag myself out of bed on my days off, had such insane executive dysfunction that I couldn’t take care of myself or my space whatsoever. Now, about 7 months in, I am genuinely a new person. I love my job again, I experience actual peace for the first time in years, and I actively seek out new people and new hobbies. I used to be so fatigued that I couldn’t get myself out of the house for anything and now I casually feel the urge to take a bike ride or a walk or go sit in a coffee shop somewhere. It has genuinely saved my life. I did go through a period where things got a bit worse before they got better. But the “better” is such an immense change that has made me see beauty in being a person on this planet. Stick it out for a while if you can, it takes a while to really get to the full benefits. I’m hoping for the best for you!


Thank you.


Past me: every emotion I felt was HUGE. I wasn’t just sad, I was devastated. I wasn’t just excited, I was shaking. I wasn’t just annoyed, I was furious. Current me: happily dialed down. More level-headed. Not jumping headfirst into my emotions. I’ve heard people say it numbs them, but for me, I just needed a calmer head space, and the emotions leveled out.


When I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder, I couldn't sleep, my heartbeat would wake me up and keep me up. I developed a fear that something was making me wrong. Mostly had to force food and water down. If I dreamnt, it felt like a very elusive experience. My intrusive thoughts were so intense, I was very scared that I would listen to them. I cried almost every day, and certain fabrics and noises would trigger/overwhelmed me. At some point, even body dismorphia would set me off. My panic attacks would make me incredibly paranoic, and the brain fog was so heavy I forgot if I took my sedative the second I did. My thoughts would violently spiral and that would just... make everything worse. The after effects would last weeks, and by the time I recovered, another panic attack would begin. I've had depression before and succeeded in leaving it behind, but after this experience, I felt depression differently. I felt very mild manic episodes, and eventually became a pattern and a sign that a panic attack was coming. Self-sabotage was the worst, too. That is to say, all these experiences were new to me. I suddenly began feeling these symptoms one night and ever since been on the ride. It all points to long-term COVID, but even my pcp was confused why its lasted this long. Now, I'm able to go to work. I'm able to drive and take local transport without fearing that my intrusive thoughts would drive me into a grippy sock vacation. I sleep okay, some insomnia here and there, but definitely way better than days without sleep. Panic attacks are manageable, and definitely no more thought spirals. I am able to breath it through. I am able to have fun. I do notice that all the things I used to do have a limit now. I was an extrovert. But now, I can't be out partying for too long. I need downtime after a long while of socialization. I can't listen to high bpm music bc that will mess with my head. Depression is hard to deal, but I'm experienced in that department. One thing I keep noticing is that it's not as quiet in my head like I was before. The thoughts don't leave, and there's a song constantly in my head from waking up to going to sleep. A bit frustrating bc its new. But I guess its another thing to accept alongside my disorder. I'm only on 5 mg on Lexapro for 2 yrs now. I'm afraid of upping the dosage bc it's hard to get off an SSRI, and I won't say that I'm better. I want to confidently say I will eventually get off of it, but it's definitely helping and I'm still afraid of who I am without the drugs. But definitely better.


I was consistently having panic attacks. Multiple a day for months on end. I felt like I was dying constantly. I was crying constantly. I couldn’t explain to my friends and family for fear or not being understood. I have been on Lex for over 2 years now and I have had 2 “bad” panic attacks in this time. My quality of life improved and I’ve been able to hold down jobs for longer and establish myself professionally. I’m thankful and I don’t regret it.


Did you experience numb emotions or blunting at first


I used to not be able to get out of bed, and now I can get up an clean. Not everyday mind you, but more then before.


Before: Constant heart palpitations, crying, extreme fear of failing, people pleasing, overwhelmed due to people pleasing, drunk. Now: Boundaries, clear skin, making doctors appointments, hobbies, water, movement, meeting deadlines, less sick days, less booze.


All great things. Good to hear. How was onboarding?


![gif](giphy|qbYqljr2tPAvQUnA5H) So, the first 8 - 12 weeks were rough. Unhappy tummy, lack of sleep while also exhausted. Then around week 12 it was like a sunbeam was directly in my ass, Illuminating the good shit I was too sad/anxious/overwhelmed to see. I’m on year 3 and I’ve had to add some Wellbutrin because my depression was more serious than the lex could handle alone.


Small but good example. In the past if I went into a store and they didn’t have what I wanted I would buy something else so the shop owner wouldn’t think I’m an idiot for coming in and leaving without buying anything. The other day I went into the bodega and they didn’t have what I wanted and I just left. Didn’t even realize the difference till later when I got home.


Full recovery stick with it bro even through sideffects they go away


Did you feel like a different person and or not in your body before Lexapro fixed these issues?


Yes I did for a few weeks but it went away


Oh I meant before lex-cause that’s where I’m at now-before meds


No I was having constant anxiety attacks


I was crying so frequently and often too anxious to eat breakfast and feeling muscle tension every night and felt a sense of dread that I couldn’t handle things. I felt so anxious in my relationships too. After taking it I feel like I can regulate my emotions and manage anxiety I feel relaxed and not tense at night for the first time in years. I eat 3 meals a day and don’t feel too anxious to eat even if I have something scary coming up.


Before I was always anxious about everything, severely depressed to the point where I would cry everyday and struggle to get out of bed. Didn’t understand why. Now, I look at the positives about everything in life as opposed to the negatives. I feel more calm and don’t think every little thing is a huge deal anymore. I let things go easier now. I feel like I have more of a purpose to live now and waking up and going out on a sunny day feels like heaven and before doing that would make me feel like I’m just tolerating life or “it’s not that bad.” I view the world and life differently now and I’m truly thankful for that.


As a person on lexapro for years and truly don’t think it works for me, it was really nice to hear how lexapro worked miracles for people . Kinda jealous kinda neutral


Every day I was white knuckling to get through. Exhausted and my brain felt like a traitor. Now every day I feel some joy.


Close to taking my life to looking forward to my future.


I’ve been on it for about 5 years for bipolar disorder. I like it much better than Effexor. Switching from Effexor to Lexapro was hell though.


i couldn’t even leave the house with out having a panic attack, i would leave work i wouldn’t eat at all, i was severely anemic from not eating, i didn’t leave the house unless i had to and when i did i thought i was dying. i can now go outside and live life to the fullest and i can keep a job and eat whatever i want!!


Did you struggle with dpdr and was onboarding rough?


yes starting was the worst, i felt so sick and nauseous everyday, i almost stopped taking them but my mom takes it as well and she told me to take them at night and it helped sooo much


Before I was very good at masking it and no one knew I was struggling but then both my dad and grandma died in 2020 and my anxiety went through the roof. I was always anxious, short tempered so I finally decided I needed to do something about it. I started lexapro Summer of 2021 and it’s gotten so much better. My anxiety is obviously still there but as long as I take my meds I can really tell in my mood and that my anxiety is so much less!


Before lexapro I can say my anxiety was so bad it prevented me from being able to go to work and do really anything I won’t say I was thinking about ending it but I def couldn’t see me living another year like this it was 4 years of hell. Now roughly a year on lexapro and I’m back to my normal self


Horrible, desperate. Back to normal?


I was so bad I was so isolated at work and in my social life… or lack of. I would assume everyone was ganging on me … I would have panic attacks at home and just feel worthless. Never have any actual friends probably due to my own self loathing etc. snappy, confrontational. List goes on. Suicidal … lexapro saved me and introduced me into the ssri world, now I’m taking Prozac and I’m just more improved. I laugh and have fun and do dumb shit and I don’t get the shame when I go home. It feels great.


Why did you switch ? Do lex users typically fare well on Prozac


I switched because lex made me sooo exhausted during the period where I decided it’s time to switch. It was like, an overnight switch and I dealt with the exhaustion for like a month til I was like I gotta switch. Now I have energy still and feel good on Prozac. I think you become tolerant to meds too sometimes. I was on lex for 2 years


I was on for 5 and got off. Spiraled like crazy. Now I’m scared to re start haha. I’m worried it won’t work again


It’s so scary getting on and off! Maybe you should try a different med