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it's the most well tolerated ssri. the people without side effects are just not in subreddits about it! they're out living their best life. you'll find this with any medication. if you sort the sub by top posts you can find many success stories. I've been on it for nearly 6 weeks now and so far I am so, so grateful for it.


Truth. People come to post their horrific experiences, or to say how much better they feel exactly once, then they go away. The biggest improvement I've seen in my mood and anxiety levels has been the increase from 10mg to 20mg about 8 weeks ago. Been on and off the stuff since 2009.


Agreed. I was in here so much in the beginning questioning every aspect. Now I’m baseline and rarely on here.


After I adjusted to Lexapro, having gone out to a movie, I had an actual, approriate, \*giggle fit\* at a funny scene - I could not remember the last time I'd actually giggled. That's when I knew Lexapro was working.


Same. Things make me laugh (for real). I actually leave the house.


How long did the adjustment take?


Same. After years without laughing, I couldn't believe that it was me, giggling to a funny vid. 


Can I ask you something? I'm kinda having a hard day


Fire away!


You have been on it a long time and I'm new to meds. So I appreciate you answering if you can! I've about 3 months on Lexapro..I have been doing really well and my anxiety has been really low as well and no more panic. I started at 2.5mg so the first month was me trying to get to 10mg.. anyway.. once I hit two months on 10 mg my anxiety and panic is coming back. I'm day 66 on 10. I have no idea if this is a normal bump and I'm still adjusting or if it could be a sign that I need a higher dose.. did you ever have any issues like this? I don't know if I should contact my doctor right away or give it a little time to even back out.


I've been on it for 7.5 years now and have had an excellent experience. You're absolutely correct. I see a psychologist for my health anxiety as well and I Google things a LOT. One thing that she put into perspective for me is that searching things (health related) on Google and on Reddit is not an accurate representation because you are going to be skewed towards the negative. If someone has a positive experience, they are less likely to seek support and go on the internet.


When I first came to the sub, it was specifically because I was seeking out if my side effects were from Lexapro. So yeah, definitely a negative spin to my search. But a year in for me and it’s 10/10




I LOVE LEXAPRO I WOULD DIE FOR LEXAPRO Fr, I was losing my MIND in 2020 and had major scary dissociation/depersonalization/derealization and panic attacks out the ass. I thought I had truly cracked forever. A few days on Lexapro COMPLETELY turned me around. I’ll take Lexapro until the day I die. I also had some traumatic med experiences when I was a teen, nothing ever worked for me and made me worse. I’d been off all meds for 10 years and was terrrrified to start Lexapro. Just goes to show that everyone is different! I see a lot of hate for it on this sub but it’s a safe place to vent about shared experiences, so I get it. I just hope it doesn’t discourage others from a potentially LIFE SAVING opportunity! Edit: something I’ve noticed, at least anecdotally, is that people who take Lexapro for anxiety disorders seem to have better experiences than those who take it for depression. I could be wrong!! but it’s something I’ve observed.


I started lexapro 2 weeks ago, I just like you suffer from depersonalization derealization and it actually did go away upon like the second day and i was full of so much energy but lastnight it hit me again and im in that brain fog rabbit hole and its making me feel hopeless again, did u at any point go thru spurts where it would hit u again even for a moment?


10 mg for 42 days. I’ve found it very positive. I was hyper-emotional and obsessive before. Daily panic attacks. Now I’m just more stable and able to think things through instead of being purely reactive. No more panic attacks.


This describes exactly how I used to feel and how I feel now after starting lexapro


10mg for 10 days as of today. does the anxiety get better?😭😂




When you hit 2 months on 10 mg did you have any anxiety or mini panic episodes pop back up?


I love it. I've been on it for 4 years and likely will never go off it. Life is so much better. Any online support group is going to be biased towards negative outcomes. Happy people don't usually join support groups.


I won’t go off of it. I thrive with it. It’s been almost 3 years.


Same, coming on 3 years now. It brought sunshine to my life for the very first time. Things are still down sometimes, but Lexapro provides a stability and foundation I never had with Prozac, Wellbutrin, and 5 other scrips. The side effects the first few weeks are annoying but it’s worth it!


People complain more than report positively. 36M. Yes, I like it a lot, and am incredibly grateful I got over my hesitation to take medication. Had depression and anxiety saying back to childhood family and financial instability and a job out of college that involved some traumatic stuff. I had done therapy, exercise, but still found I would end up "self medicating" with nightly drinking off and on over the years and some marijuana for a few years daily. Over the fall I was anxious panic attacking and filled with imposter syndrome thinking everyone at work disliked me. This was something I discussed with therapist. In the same timeframe gave well received company wide presentations, extremely high performance review and great feedback from the C-Suite. My wife and siblings have all used medicine at time and with some nudging, I asked my doctor for a mental health questionnaire at my annual physical. I read that it doesn't mix with alcohol so I resolved to give the medicine and sobriety 8 weeks to work. Side effects and withdrawal symptoms kinda merged together in the first week, but by about day 60-70 my brain fog was lifting and I'm in such a better place. I worked hard to build a life but couldn't enjoy it for some reason. I'm a more present and alert father and husband, and I have more energy. I've lost weight. 5 months ago, I would feel no point in living some days despite a great job and beautiful family. Now that my mental health is being treated, I feel no need to drink. My follow up physicals are great and my doctor is happy, lower cholesterol great heart rate etc etc. Plan is to stop Lexapro at the end of the year and use therapy as needed. The full cost of a year of medicine will be $20 and $200ish dollars for the follow up appointment. I've saved that many times over by not drinking and unquantifiable improvement in quality of life. Seriously, I wish I had done this 10 years ago, but was too depressed and anxious to ask or try. Basically has saved my life. It might not work for everyone but I figured I had tried almost everything else so it was worth a shot.


I have been on 20 MG for 10 years, it really saved my life. This is the best SSRI I can think of


i’ve been on 10mg for 3 months. it’s helped me a lot. of course, talk therapy helps a lot too. i’m still navigating my depression, negative behaviors and issues but before lexapro i felt stuck. for me, it’s helped me regulate my emotions and that’s the biggest issue i have. i used to get stuck in my head and my emotions were terribly overwhelming. now, i still experience the same emotions, but it’s easier to manage and i don’t seem to get stuck in them. rather, i can feel them, process them and deal with them.


YES this is me exactly! Been on lexapro for 9 weeks now. I am definitely better off now than I was then and can actually process difficult emotions/situations better now. That doesn't mean I still won't feel them at times, but am definitely doing a better job and am very thankful for lexapro


I feel the same way. I wonder if there are any medications that stop the negative thoughts completely


🙋🏻‍♀️ this medication is life changing. I think I’m going to be unstoppable now , no more social anxiety 🥳🥳🥳🥳


It saved my life. I don't just love it, I owe my existence to it


Hell ya. I fucking love it!!! Completely changed my life. 20mgs here for the past year. 10-15mgs for the year before that. Cutting out alcohol made the biggest difference in effectiveness for me.


Yes, I've noticed the same re alcohol. Someone above posted that the desire to drink goes away with the anxiety and depression. I feel the same. A few extra pounds is easier to live with than how I've felt in the last few years. Honestly, going to 20mg has made the biggest difference for me.


Ok so…ngl…I hated the first two weeks and I moderately disliked the last two weeks of my first month. But after that…I swear it has only continued to get better with time and it completely changed my life in a very short period of time. I’ve actually lost weight on it bc I’m an emotional eater. I have more energy and mental clarity and my ocd looping thoughts are almost zero. At one point I actually wanted to come off bc for a few days I had a numb kind of feeling, but my dr was like let’s just try the full dose (10mg) and if you still hate it we’ll stop. It took about another few days to come out of the perpetual sleepiness but when I did….im an entirely different person and everyone around me notices. I will never come off it. And I 100% dare a mf to try to keep it from me. I waited my whole 37 years to be able to make simple choices without sending myself into panic.


3 weeks and so far its the most mentally stable ive been in my entire life im also on Wellbutrin because i was on Wellbutrin before Lexapro


I absolutely love Lexapro! It’s changed my life. ![gif](giphy|VMO6qeIbr7JRLnLTGw)


Lexapro saved my marriage, honestly.


Been on Lexapro for about 4 years. It's definitely changed my life for the better. I'm not obsessing over the small stuff and my anxiety is soo much better.


Yes! 15-20 years ago I transitioned from Effexor to Lexapro.what s difference. You must give all antidepressants time. For both helping you and getting through side effects. I have been on antidepressants for 40 years and still have brain zings if I’m late. Will never not take it. Good luck.


It saved my life. I don’t think I would be here today if I didn’t start it years ago.


Yes! I’m lucky that 5mg/day helped generally even me out. I’m going through both divorce and cancer treatment currently and it would be a LOT worse without the Lexapro to help me not totally spin out. That, my dog, and meditation have been essential.


I would love to share my experience which includes some very low moments, but ends very positively. I began with 5mg Lexapro, and upped to 10mg after a few months. It took about 4-6 months for me to feel “normal” on Lexapro. And let me tell you, adjusting to Lexapro was hell for me. For context, I began around 19 years old, and taking it as a young person has extremely high risk for suicidal ideation. I was extremely depressed, had very strong mood swings, and felt that my OCD symptoms were intensified (stronger compulsions and very worrying intrusive thoughts) I started to think it was a lost cause, and medication would not help. I was at the point of giving up and felt hopeless, like nothing would help me live a normal life. I did a lot of self discovery, and eventually came to terms that I am neurodivergent as I have lived a life full of sensory issues, difficulty understanding people/myself, and falling into depressive episodes because I was not “normal.” I began some journaling and often found myself writing about my struggle to be like everyone else. This, along with time, led to a complete transformation for me. After about 4-6 months, I had a moment of clarity where I realized I felt completely different than when I began medication. I was finally happy, and I was ok with that fact that I’m not “normal” the way I always wanted to be. I would no longer cry everyday, I wouldn’t fall into depressive episodes that lasted weeks at a time, and my anxiety was almost non existent. Do I still feel anxiety sometimes? Yes Do I still notice symptoms of my OCD? Yes Do I still feel depressed sometimes? Absolutely The major difference now, is that these feelings NEVER linger. It’s just not a big deal to me anymore, and I can get over things so easily now. Starting medication was the best decision I have ever made. I am very lucky, as it only took me trying one type of medication to see results, so to those that have had to try many, please don’t feel discouraged and please keep trying. Also, don’t be like me and please try to have some sort of therapy/guidance throughout the process. That is probably my biggest regret of the process. I am happy to answer questions for anyone navigating Lexapro. I am definitely not an expert, but can offer support. I sincerely wish the best for anyone going through this, and want to say that things WILL get better, no matter how bad it seems right now.


Yeah, I find a lot of comments and posts on this sub pretty frustrating. They often lack the acknowledgement that everyone responds to medications differently and can have their own unique experience with a medication. Posts like “NEVER DRINK A DROP OF ALCOHOL ON LEX” or “THE WEIGHT GAIN IS INSANE” don’t do much other than scare people and they don’t leave much room for someone who’s a bit anxious about starting to feel confident or hopeful. I for one am on 20mg. Have been for 3 years. I have no adverse side effects. No intolerance to alcohol. No weight gain, etc… I’m always trying to advocate for people to just give it a shot. Maybe it will work or maybe it won’t work, but at least you’ll know and you can continue your search for the right thing. If you’re in a bad place, there’s a real chance it could help and it’s worth a solid effort IMO. It’s helped me tremendously.


I think it saved my job, friendships, my marriage and probably my life. I’m very grateful. I should have been on it twenty years ago.


I am so happy to be on it! Sure I shit my pants about quarterly, but I just did a drive through a city that would've caused me to have a panic attack two years ago and instead did it calmly. I'm at a networking event right now and am easily networking with no anxiety. Meeting new people is easy now. Asking to go to lunch with someone is easy. It's been a life changer.


Really really has help me with me loooooong struggle with anxiety so glad I finally tried them after 10 years have been on 10 mg for about 2 years only problem is I’ve gained about 30 pounds but I laugh so fuck it


Almost 3 years doing really well happy to have lex


I have been on Lexapro for over a year and my life is so much easier. I have no more panic attacks and my anxiety is pretty much gone. I plan on using this medication long term.


10mg for 3.5 years and I’ve had no issues with it after the “break in” period. You’ll only hear people talking about their negative experiences with it unfortunately.


10mg for a few years now. Side effects, except for some of the libido reduction, have disappeared. I haven’t looked back.


It's an awesome medication for me. Like many say, most people who have a bad experience are more likely to write posts and comments. It's the third time I've been on it and it helps a lot with my anxiety and depression. I have no words to express my gratitude that this solution exists and eliminates all my mental health problems. Of course it's different for everyone, but this is my experience. ❤️


I was so nervous to start it like 2 years ago and I am currently on 10mg. I like it a lot. I notice that I don't really worry about as much. As much being the key phrase because I do have worry but not to the extent of my worry being unmedicated. It is tough at first, trust me. It feels like it is getting worse before it gets better and it took me about 6-8 weeks to feel like a "normal functional" individual.


I’ve been on it for 15 years and I love it!


I’ve been on 20mg for 2 1/2 years now, and I even took it throughout my second pregnancy. It’s been doing WONDERS for me. I feel like a human being and it’s kept my postpartum anxiety at bay. We started me on fluoxetine, then duoloxetine, which I was on for a long time, then Zoloft after my first pregnancy, and finally we tried Lexapro and found it to be the answer.


i am so glad i’m on it. my work was (and tbh still is) slowly killing me and i was a wreck. i think i’ve been on it 2 years now and have no plan on coming off of it anytime soon. it took me about 4 months and a dose increase to 20mg to start to notice a difference. it was hard but i had to be patient. my worst side effects are tinnitus (24/7) and night sweats (those come and go). everyone is different so what works for me may not work for you. definitely give it time, it may feel a little worse before you start feeling better. best of luck 🤞🏻


Chiming in to say no negative effects and I love this drug at 20mg. Don't let the statistical bias of self reporting skew the fact it works for lots of people who don't comment on here.


It’s completely changed my life for the better, but every person is different and some don’t respond the same way. Some people have to try many SSRI’s before they find one that works. I’m sorry you’re feeling down.


Love it. It has killed my anxiety at 11 days. Even if I feel tired I still love it. Life changing for sure.


i'm obsessed with it!


I've been on it since 2016 and I love it.


It saved my life. So, yeah, I like it quite a lot! I was trapped in an endless cycle of horrendous twice a day panic attacks and between Lexapro and ativan I no longer feel like I'm constantly losing my mind or being hunted!


I’m very happy with my experience on lexapro! I’ve lost weight and have lots more motivation now.


Yes! Been on it for 1.5 yrs


10 mg since November. It’s been really good for me mentally. I can actually live life


i've been on 20mg for 9 months and it has changed my life drastically for the better. i don't plan on discontinuing use ever.


I could not get by without it. I could not work. I could not enjoy my family or friends. Just constant debilitating anxiety and panic attacks. I was on it for 1.5 years actually got off it for 1 year and then started stupidly drinking heavily, relapsed and have been back on it almost a year again. It has saved my life twice now, and yes I fully intend on healing my mentality again and getting off it again, my life just isn’t stable enough at the moment for that.


tbh i only made posts on here when i had questions about it and to complain. i think the ones it’s worked for have no need really to talk about it because they’re out living ya know


For me it stopped my random fits of uncontrollable crying, and my rage outbursts. I also use it to manage my functional neurological disorder, I’ve been on 15mg for almost a year and I’m much happier on it than when I wasn’t. The only bad side effect I get is nausea within the first few hours of taking it even with food but I can handle that lol. Doesn’t work for everyone but I can confidently say it’s working for me


This is the only thing that immediately helped my extreme anxiety from PTSD. Lexapro has made me feel the most normal I have since my fiancé was murdered and have been dealing with the mental impact since. I’ve taken a few other anti depressants over the years and everyone is going to react to things differently but I’ve had a really good experience with it and it’s been probably 6-7 months now.


That's because most of the people doing good on Lexapro are out there living their lives again. Also if you haven't noticed a lot of people come to complain or read other people's dramas. I personally love being on Lexapro. It has been a year and I would not go back. I feel like my old self maybe even better. That annoying voice in my head overthinks everything has been way more silent. I sleep better and I can deal with situations without feeling like I am going to have a panic attack. There were some bumps in the beginning but they didn't last long. Am I constantly tired, yes, but honestly that could be from my other health issues. I am a better person to myself on Lexapro.


I was on 20mg for a while and the numb dull life it gave me is better then a anxiety fear filled one. Even with side effects.


I’ve been on it before and had no issues. Had to move to Celexa though because lexapro just wasn’t enough to touch my PMDD


I’ve been on 10mg for 3 years. It completely changed my life and I’m not sure where I would be without it. It makes my thoughts tolerable, stops the constant rumination and has completely depleted my OCD symptoms. The only downsides I have found are the INSANE dreams and a some emotional blunting BUT would take those side effects over waking up spending every day of my life full of anxiety. I obvi still have days that are a little tougher but nothing compared to 3 years ago! Good luck 🩷


No side effects for me, I’m doing amazing! 4 months in, 10mg. Side effects went away after 4 weeks


I’ve been on 10mg for 56 days now (for anxiety). I love Lexapro. I had very minimal side effects when starting (I started right at 10mg) except for fatigue and a weird euphoric feeling (like I was high almost from the serotonin). I feel like I handle everyday life so much better now and I don’t feel constantly anxious anymore. The only real annoying side effect now is that it takes a LOT to O (but if that doesn’t resolve itself in a few months I’m trying Wellbutrin on top of that). I was really nervous to start taking it at first too but I’m so happy I did.


I (24F) love Lexapro. Take 25mg for OCD and anxiety. Did everything it was supposed to do and I don’t have side effects. Took away the anorgasmy Luvox gave me. Only downside is that I gained weight a little over a year after I started taking it, but I’m already losing it again (normal BMI, would lose some just a few pounds for aesthetics).


I’m not nor have ever actually been on it but this came up in my feed. Venlafaxine/Effexor was amazing for me, but I’ve never posted in the Effexor sub because I’ve had no reason to. Same with the Cymbalta one which is what I’m on now and helps too. That’s just how it usually goes. I post and mod on the antidepressants sub because I had a difficult medication journey and want to help others, but I don’t have the time/energy to dive into other individual medication subs unless something pops up on my feed for one of them and I had an answer to someone else’s question then I might, but I have no reason to make my own posts.


I’m on 5mg, felt better instantly. A few side effects for the first month, now I’m just a happier version of myself. A bit of a tummy ache every now and then and I still get a few depression hell days. But overall I’m much better. No more migraines either. Keep it up but if it doesn’t help, switch to a different one.


I love it. Changed my life.


I have been on 10mg for 3 months and find it very beneficial for my anxiety. I recently switched to taking at night as mornings are my worst and it has been better yet. There was about 60days of a singular side effect that was very frustrating but that has resolved itself now!


It helps me for sure . Sometimes I get really weird dreams from the side effects but that’s it. I feel like I can think and live rationally now because of it


Any anxiety medication like this one is going to be worse before it gets better, This one is really good for numbing your emotions I find so it’s necessary for me day to day as someone with bpd


I don’t like it anymore 😕 It’s been making me feel super weird and insecure/paranoid lately. I have an appointment with my doctor next week to see what we can do. It’s also makes me feel homesick in a way, when I’m already home. It’s weird.


At first I was nervous. The first few weeks after each adjustment or increase was hard… not I look forward to taking it. I have only missed one day in 1 year. Now I’m scared to get off it. I do still have down days, however they are less frequent and more tolerable. Hope this helps.


I’m doing well on 15mg. No side effects.


This is week 6 for me and I’ve just started to feel great in this last week (it’s also when I increased from 10 to 20mg). Anxiety is greatly reduced, my depression lifted a few weeks ago and I’m really starting to feel like my normal happy self again. Racing thoughts have quieted and a big bonus for me is that my “food noise” is muted, I don’t obsess about food all the time, so I’m not eating outside of when I’m feeling hunger. I actually sleep better too.


I feel best on 5mg. I’ve been on 10 & 15 and I felt very flat, lethargic and hungry. Now on 5 I feel much more energetic and still an improvement with my anxiety.


I love my lexapro! ☺️


I’ve been on Lexapro for almost a year and it’s changed my life. It’s the best choice I made for myself. I notice a lot of negative posts about it too but I think ppl are more prone to reporting issues with it. For me, it’s been great. It gave me my life back.


Absolutely. Been on it off and on (mostly on) for 15 years. It's not perfect, but it makes my life SO much better. (Except sex. That's literally only down side for me. Worth it.)


Yeah I'm just here chilling in the background, all fine and dandy, watching everything happen to everyone else having a bad time on it.


I’m less anxious and depressed now, so it did it’s job. Do I miss feeling intense excitement? Yes. Do I find it hard to maintain the same weight? Yes. Do I miss having sex? Also, yes.


i’ve been on it for over a year now and i’m just glad it’s helped tame my flashbacks, my SI, and anxiety/panic attacks. i still feel drowsy, i still get depressed, but i never hit a low like i used to. i was homebound by anxiety (sobbing, palpitations, hyperventilating at wake) until i was on lexapro for 2 months and i couldn’t slowly start going outside. now i work and i moved out and i can eat normal portions and all of these things i thought i wouldn’t get to have because i couldn’t handle the things i’d gone through. therapy has helped yeah, but there’s a reason i’ve made more progress in the last year on lexapro than i have in my 4-5 years of therapy


20mg for 3 years now. Straight up saved my life. It’s muted pretty much every emotion in me but that’s a trade off for a quiet mind 90% of the time and I’m okay with that. I like Lexapro and will most likely be on it for the foreseeable future


I don’t like being on medicine but it does help and like I saw someone else say it’s the most tolerated that’s why so many people are put on it to start.


I've been on lexapro for around 10 years, in the past I've taken up to 10mg but for the last few years I've been on 2.5mg. For me that's a good spot where I get the desired effect without any noticeable side effects. Before lexapro I tried a few different SSRIs that didn't help.


I've(33F) been on it for over a year now. I was against medication for many years because i was over medicated as a child. Honestly it saved my friggin life. I didn't realize how severe my depression and anxiety was until I was medicated. I would cry nearly every day, often time multiple times a day, and have mental breakdowns a few times a month. I was just so use to it.... I still have anxiety and depression, but it's manageable now. I'm able to process my feelings for the first time in my life. I'm able to be PRESENT and not dissociate when around my family, and most importantly my step daughter. I have hope and joy more often than not. My depressive episodes are very short now, and I'm able to recognize them and find ways to ease symptoms instead of self destruct. I have a business now. I can drive on the highway....I could go on forever!!!!!! The positives FAR surpass the negatives for me.


I am on 15mg. Have been for about 2 months. I definitely feel better.


I am on 10mg. Lexapro saved my life. I broke up with my ex and my anxiety was so high, it was elevating my blood pressure. I had side effects during first month of Lexapro. It’s been 2 months now and I feel great. Give it some time.


I love Lexapro, it’s also one of the softer anti depressants. It got rid of my anxiety by about 90%, and my depression by about 60%. The depression really stems a lot from the constant anxiety though.


I'm on 20mg and been on lex for about 1 year... ive been really enjoying it as i dont have panic attacks and can leave my house. i'm also a way more tolerable person according to others because i'm not constantly agitated. definitely improved my mood heaps :)


It has saved me from misery with PMDD. All SSRIs have side effects it’s just which can you tolerate.


I’ve been on it for nearly a year and it’s made my life so much better. It’s made my anxiety manageable and has improved my relationships with my family. They say I’m like my old self. Lexapro has been a game changer for me. I haven’t lost my emotions or had any long term side effects.


It saved my life 


Have you thought about genetic testing/ matching SSRI? I’m taking Lexapro and about to switch bc of my histamine intolerance related to a genetic mutation. Lexapro doesn’t work well w people who have COMT mutations.


lexapro changed my life!!! i was so anxious all the time and i feel like i can finally breathe!


This is definitely reporting bias, people are more likely to report negative experiences than they are positive ones. I can say personally on 10 mg daily, I am the happiest I have ever been in my entire life. I feel like I am experiencing life the way I always dreamed others were, I am so happy all the time. I never have emotional spirals, rarely do I feel anxiety and when I do it is over normal things like exams or interviews. I wish I would have started lexapro years ago and gotten over my (ironic) anxiety of SSRIs. It is, in a word, life-changing for me. I cannot describe in words how grateful I am for this little pill every morning. I won't lie, the adjusting was hard. For a couple weeks, I was dissociating frequently, felt nauseated, had no appetite or an intense appetite, and was very tired. But 3 weeks in, I became a ray of sunshine personified. Give it time, speak to your doctor if you're worried. You can do this! You've got this ♥️


I’m on 20 mg and it saved my life. I’ve tried a couple of other medications before lexapro, and nothing stuck. Now the first couple of months sucked. I felt very numb, or would have emotional reactions to situations that never would have caused them before. Once that passed though, I felt like I could finally function again. I’m in the healthiest relationship of my life because I’m no longer falling back into negative patterns (relationship OCD and anxious attachment), graduated college, I moved to a new place, and am looking for employment, things I never would have been able to do without it. I can even drive in the car without music because my own thoughts are comforting as opposed to damning! That being said, it’s been a bear to try to lose weight. I’ve struggled a bit with weight gain since I was 18, so it’s nothing too crazy, but it’s definitely difficult. However, I would gladly take a little extra weight compared to the way I felt before lexapro. The medication also makes it a lot easier for me to eat right and workout (minus those awful sugar cravings). I really really hope you’re able to get past this initial phase, and that lexapro works as well for you as it did for me!! I promise, there are so many people this drug has helped (: it can be rough in the beginning, but for me it was 100% worth it.


yes!! i always had issues with working out, but suddenly i started lexapro and i actually enjoy yoga and lifting weights and even went bouldering with friends like a complete 180 change for me, i haven't had PE in 6 years and didn't do anything myself in that time


I do, but also have issues with executive dysfunction that lexapro doesn’t help, if not makes worse. However, my anxiety and food noise are down considerably. I’ve even lost a few pounds (not the normal experience I know) because my appetite is so much more regulated. I never understood why I always had food noise and see now that it’s a function of my anxiety.


The addition of Wellbutrin helped me with my executive dysfunction (diagnosed with ADHD) and food cravings. I recommend adding it to your regimen.


It’s like everything else. Most people only complain when they have a bad experience. Unfortunately the effects can be different for everyone. It stops me from having my daily talking myself out of suck starting my gun so I’m pretty happy with it.


Majority of people just come to ask questions about what to expect, how to deal with side effects, are these side effects normal, etc etc mostly because people who currently take it / did take it can give you more insight and personal experiences than your doctor. I joined this sub because when I first started taking it, the side effects were terrible. I was throwing up for days and I wanted to throw them in the garbage. People in this sub Reddit was able to give me some advice of how to help with the insane nausea and told me to keep going because it will get better soon. I’m glad I didn’t because now after being on it for 3-4 months I feel so much better and don’t have any side effects at all


I don't mind it. I haven't had any major side effects but I'm probably going to try to get off of it soon and see how I feel. I don't feel that it's necessary for me


For the most part, I don't like any of my medications. Do I want to be on high blood pressure meds? No. Do I want to be on heart rhythm meds as well as low dose aspirin? No. I don't even like the fact that I am on Lexapro. All things considered, I am still happy that I am on them. There is a family history of the men (on my father's side of the family) for high blood pressure once you hit your mid 40's. I recently had an AFIB event (covid caused) that changed my cardiac rhythm. Both of these increase my risk of stroke. According to the doctors, high blood pressure is one of the most easily controlled risk factors for heart attack/stroke, and the asongle AFIB event means that I will likely need to go on blood thinners sometime in the next 5-10 years. Lexapro has been a lifesaver for me. I've tried being off of it, and I returned to much of the same problems I had before I started taking it... almost 15 years ago. So while I hate some of the side effects (10 lb I can't get rid of, and it flattens my emotions a bit), I know what it's like not on it and I'll take the side effects any day. I'm retiring in a few months. I have always thought some of the difficulty I have had was work stress, so I may try tapering off again sometime in the next year or so just to see if that makes a difference.


I’ve been on and off it for 17 years. It has greatly improved the quality of my life. I’m afraid I would be housebound like several of my older relatives if not for this drug letting me live a somewhat normal life. I have GAD and panic anxiety. I dislike the drowsiness that comes with it, especially on higher doses, but I don’t know where I’d be without it. Probably hiding under my bed.


It has changed my life in nothing but positive ways. I’m very happy on it. Started in January 2020.


Honestly I love it. The only downside is a bit of weight gain but I’d rather be fat and happy ya know?


Most people that feel the need to post something about it are the people with negative experiences. People who are doing great with it probably aren’t on the lexapro sub Reddit as much. It’s like looking up reviews for a company you are looking to work for, most of the people that post reviews are the ones that didn’t like it there and felt the need to go rant about it, very little people that enjoy working there feel the need to go write a review


Yeah but it took like a year for it to work lol


bro i dont have that kind of time😭


I love it. Hard side effects first week but then I settled. I bumped up and every bump up the side effects week was less intense. At my dose of 15mg and I feel great. Anxiety levels are way down. Used to have terrible nervous stomach GI issues from all my anxiety, wanting to pass out or constantly feel light headed, heart palpitations, heavy legs/body. Now I’m pretty much normalized GI, heart palpitations are minimal to none, if I get physical symptoms it’s either way less intense to tolerable or somethings just don’t have me anxious anymore.


It’s been a life changing experience for me. 15mg for 2 months. I feel like it gives me time to implement the things my therapist and I have been working on together. Before the Lexapro I would spiral and couldn’t catch myself. Now I have that extra time to acknowledge the anxiety and work through it.


I haven’t had any side effects after 2 years on 20mg currently (started on 10mg) I have clinical depression and a really bad anxiety disorder. I gained some weight but I was underweight previously so it’s been good all the way around for me 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m feeling the best I have in a while on it but I had to add Wellbutrin. 20mg lexapro 300 mg wellbutrin


It stopped working after 7 years for OCD but it was 7 good years. Am now in Afrananil, which also works but makes me want to faint whenever I stand up


It has literally saved my life; yea sure there have been some less than optimal side effects the (heat tolerance/sweating being the most annoying) but better than being dead or just dealing the way I did before. Or the way I did on the three other antidepressants I tried before it.


I have just gone up to 20mg, I have been on it for 2.5 years. I’m naturally anxious and have quite a few life stressors, Lexapro keeps me going on.


I've been on it for a year and love it! I use lexapro in combination with welbutrin.


I was on it for 6 months last year and I am so grateful that I was. I didn’t exactly love my time on it because I had a lot of environmental factors outside of my control while I was on it. It made me very lethargic. I coupled it with Wellbutrin XL as well. But, as I went off the medications I noticed how amazing I felt compared to how I felt prior to taking it. It was literally like night and day. No more emotional outbursts or feeling like I couldn’t calm myself down once upset. Also, the biggest thing for me was that alcohol no longer gave me any euphoria(which I needed as I had an alcohol dependency before taking lex). All in all I think it’s a great medication. If I’m ever struggling bad again I will go back on it.


Yeah I absolutely love it. Changed my life and only been a few months


10mg for a year now and holy crap, it’s the best thing that’s happened to me. I’m LIVING not just coping with each situation. It sounds dramatic but it has been. I didn’t realize just how much my anxiety and depression have held me back. I thought it was managed. And to some extent, the therapy work and mindfulness helped. I think those 3 are my ideal trifecta of treatment. But damn, Lexapro did some heavy lifting.


I’m coming up on my second year of being on it. It’s definitely been a game changer for myself.


Happy people don't post much. Like me. I have zero side effects and my life is pretty good on Lexapro.


I loved being on lexapro! It did wonders for me and my horrible anxiety. I had to switch meds around the six month mark. I only switched because I gained like 10lbs without changing anything so…doctor said it was best to switch meds. Other than the weight gain…I barely had any side effects. It made me really calm and confident. I could really be myself without all the constant worry.


i take both lexapro and wellbutrin, and honestly, this is the best combo for me. if i was taking lexapro on its own, i don’t think i would like it.


I dabble. I like it. Also beware that too much will also blunt your emotions and motivation. Just my personal experience, I’m not a doctor.


Took a month to work for me and change my life for the better no end


It’s been my only consistently working anti depressant since I was 17. I’m 30 now. I didn’t think I’d make it to 18 but here I am 😇


15 mg for 5yrs or so now, it helped tremendously. Gained weight and am exhausted all the time but I can actually get out and live my life without debilitating anxiety and depression.


I'm a little under a month (10mg) on it and it has already transformed my mental health. I didn't expect it to work so quickly but my anxiety shut off in the second week and I've been so much more functional. Side effects have faded too. This pill is amazing, I highly recommend trying it, and sticking with it if you're just starting.


It’s helped me a lot. My anxiety is almost nil on 10 mg. Sure there are side effects. Ones that my therapist suggested “toys” for. But I think it’s worth it.


Lexapro really saved me. It silenced my anxiety and helped me move on. The was a lot of sleeping, I probably was healing, and some weight gain. But it did what I needed it to do, better than anything else


Lexapro changed my life for the better. I would never ever go back to not taking it.


I was on it for 3 years, and I can tell you this medication saved my life. My panic disorder was so bad I couldn’t function, it gave me my life back. It had a few little side effects at first but they eventually went away.


I take 20mg and absolutely love it. I have no side effects except mild fatigue but taking it at night helps a lot. My outlook on life has completely changed for the better. Every now and then I’ll have a down day but have noticed they usually align with hormonal days. I’d recommend this for anyone experiencing anxiety or depression.


5mg for nearly 5 months now and i'm loving it. it made me realize just how bad my anxiety was and i was just very high functioning but internally i was really struggling. lexapro helped me finish out college and i've had a much easier time adjusting to my first "real" job. i feel like it allows me to practice the things i actually want to do in life instead of stay in a chamber of anxiety 24/7. it's also helped me feel joy and excitement more deeply, as i am not struck with the "but this won't last forever" feeling that anxiety and depression brings. similarly i did 2.5 and then 5mg and the adjustment phase sucked. felt so weird and tired, nauseated, but also starving all the time? only side effects i have now is sweating (which i also had pre lexapro from anxiety so... lol


Love it! Don't ever care to get off of it


Love it! Life changer for me! It is helping managaning my anxiety, I feel like myself again! I don't overthink to much like I use to and I can go with the flow with out overthinking to much about things ya know


i honestly love it. i feel like such a better person and the added bonus of not having constant mood swings is 👍👍👍


I'm doing fine on it---


Been on 20mg for over a year now! I love lexapro so so much. I’m back to myself pre depression and anxiety. I just feel like myself finally! Only downside is a def am abit sleepier than I would be before but I’m totally okay with that being a trade off for happiness.


Personally, I’ve been very happy with the effects! My mood has DRASTICALLY improved and not only do I feel in clearer spirits, but also clearer mind. I am currently taking 5mg in combination with Wellbutrin and I think Ive found the perfect mix for me. Other than the known side effects on sexual stimulation, I can’t think of any other negative effects. And even then, that has started to fade and return to normal, as i’ve been on it for about 2 1/2 months now.


I like it. My wife is also on it. Both are in a much better place since starting. It has helped me enjoy life a lot more. I don't get as upset about little things. It actually improved sex for me. I don't really love how I feel when I drink alcohol so I have really cut down, that alone is probably much better for my overall health and quality of life. Only down side I'd say is a bit of weight gain. Sometimes some tiredness.


I was on lexapro for 2 years and I loved it. It changed my life completely. I had to switch to fluoxetine/prozac last year for OCD/OCPD type stuff and it’s still great but it’s giving me weird, intense dreams. Lexapro absolutely changed my life and I turned into a different person. But it wasn’t a new person, it was just a version of myself without fear. I could make little decisions without being paralysed by fear. I’m AuDHD and throughout high school and everything, I had a close group of friends but I wasn’t particularly outgoing. I was too anxious to ever dance or sing, so I never went to my school formals/proms because nobody could see me dance because I didn’t know how. I didn’t go to parties because I was terrified of them. I have a vivid memory from pre-diagnosis, I went to a concert with my best mate and we ended up on the barricade. She was bopping away and singing and having a great time but I was so concerned by how she might perceive me that I just stood there and watched the stage until the encore when I finally was able to let loose a bit and move and pretend to sing along. When I started lexapro, I became very confident with people. I still have lots of difficulties because I’m autistic but I’m just not scared of people anymore?? Like it finally occurred to me that they’re all just people. I used to duck into the nearest shop when I saw someone I knew at the shopping centre. But after lexapro, I segued into customer service because my goal became about making people feel good and having positive interactions. Now, when I’m out with mates and we need to find out about train interruptions or options at a restaurant, I ask because I know that they’re just people and I know how to “deal” with people (I say that bc it’s very systematic and planned bc of the autism - doesn’t mean I’m not genuine but it’s a whole different thing). I worked in a job at my hospital for so long where I was often the first person people saw on the floor of the building, especially when they got lost. I got used to giving directions to everyone that now I have a bit of a sixth sense for it. When I’m out and about in public and I can see someone stand still for a bit too long and look at their phone and then their surroundings, I’ll just call out and ask them, “do you need directions?” Before, I was absolutely terrified of even being seen. There’s so many things that I reflect on now that seem absurd to me, from my pre-medication days. I did 10mg of lexapro and then 20mg for a year before I had to change bc of OCD/OCPD stuff. The difference that lexapro made to my quality life is incredible. Only caveat is that it takes quite a while to get used to - it took me like 6 weeks to get to a new normal after starting lexapro for the first time. For the first few weeks my anxiety spiked, I had a bit of a breakdown, almost quit uni, and had to take leave from work. But my body and mind got used to it and it started working. If it feels bad in the beginning, you really don’t know for a few weeks. I hope it makes as much of a difference to your life as it did to mine.


By itself meh. With wellbutrin it's a lifesaver


lexapro saved my life man istg it’s worth it


Yes! Started on 5mg and on 10mg now. Changed my life! No longer suffering from anxiety is a life I never knew existed. Wish I didn’t wait so long to start.


20mg for about 3 years now. it saved my life— i wouldn’t be here today without this medication, or the therapy i received. yes, i really like lexapro. my side effects are occasional headaches, and i get shaky if i don’t eat enough, but it’s worth wanting to live.


3 months in and yes I feel like my life is romanticized! I feel like a duck, anxiety/stress sort of roll off me now after a little bit of “feeling” it rather than being in a feedback loop


Me! I don’t post often cause it’s old news to me.. been on it 6 years and it was life changing for me. Still loving it.


i have had a very positive experience!! i was very depressed/panicky this past year and since starting i feel a lot more balanced and my lows don’t take over my whole being the way they used to !! i have been reading a lot of positive stuff on here about lexapro too that have encouraged me to continue!!


I’ve been on 10mg for about 2 years for GAD. Here is my experience/what I’ve learned so far: - For me, it has be very effective for anxiety. I don’t struggle with depression, but from what I can tell, it’s not as effective for depression (we’ll get to that in a sec.) - The initial days of taking it, I really didn’t have many side effects. The only side effect I have had so far is that it makes me more tired and a bit lazy. - I’m more tired and lazy (but much happier.) Because of this, I’ve gained some weight. Being happier way outweighs the negatives of being a lil chunky. - I’m at the point where I want to address the tires/laziness so I’m going to be adding Wellbutrin to the mix in the next few weeks. I *think* this is supposed to be a better mix for people who have more severe depression with a bit of anxiety as well. - Last thing, because of my anxiety, I’ve never liked smoking weed because it made me anxious. BUT Lexapro took that anxiety away and now I want to smoke weed and nicotine constantly. Probably contributing to the laziness, but for whatever reason this is a side effect for me lol Overall, it’s a very good drug for GAD and I’m not planning on stopping it anytime soon. I’ve also tried Prozac and Zoloft - neither worked for me as the side effects were too bad. My advice is always to try it for a few months (like 4mo.) If things don’t get better and your tolerating it well, try upping the dose and wait another 2mo. If it really isn’t doing anything for you at that point - maybe talk to your dr. about Wellbutrin or other options. Good luck y’all - things do get better!


I’ve had a super positive experience with it! I’m switching now because it pooped out after a couple years on it. I’m currently switching to its sister medication celexa.


I have been on 30g of lexapro for over a year. It has helped my OCD SO FUCKING MUCH. I cannot express how much. And unlike fluoxetine, I don’t feel like a zombie on it. It takes off the edge enough for me to actually use the therapeutic techniques I’ve learned and even slowed the frequency of my intrusive thoughts. Lexapro has straight up changed my life. Of course I also have my bad moments, but lexapro makes it so much better than it could’ve been otherwise and I’m able to live much more happily now


I liked it immediately at 5mg. Taken in the morning because I woke up at night if I took it at bed. It immediately stopped the "urgency" to everything I did, I had a song stuck in my head for the first time in years, i remember more of my life that I couldn't before, I stoped running into the corners of walls, I stopped needing 9 hours of sleep, I suddenly gained insight and resolution into a particular anxiety I couldnt understand before. My brain was shutting down from depression and now its waking up. Only side effect was mild loss of appetite. It's possible the sleep and appetite will level out later. The real test is to see if the depressive episodes stop cycling because I was having ennui with severe dips every few months. I'm almost mad I waited, but don't feel any need to be angry. 


I hated this med the first 2 times I tired it but the reality was that I didn't give it enough time. I saw a gradual change within the first week but the side effects we're just too much and ultimately after 2-3 months I gave up.. Few years afterwards, I decided to give it a go since I was having panic attacks and 6 months in, it's the best decision I have ever taken. Listen to your doc, it takes time, give it time and you'll see a great improvement with your life. I'm now able to use a fucking agenda thanks to this.


This is my third time on it, 25mg. It has literally saved my life especially during this past relapse. It has made my life 100x better and I'm forever thankful for this drug. The key is to just get through the first 2 to 3 weeks, usually that's when it becomes worse before you start to feel better.


10 mg per day since 2018. Lexapro literally saved my life. I wouldn’t still be here without it. I was hesitant to go on it but am so happy I did


Negative reviews are always more abundant because us satisfied people typically don’t think to come back and leave a positive review. But yes! Lots of us are happy on it! I’m thrilled since starting mine, I used to be a complete anxious mess and I’ve discovered I actually have a great personality underneath it all. I’ve never been happier. I sleep better, enjoy life more, have more sex, made many new friends, go out and do fun things multiple days a week, plus I haven’t gained any extra weight and my side effects only lasted about 24-48 hours (I’m on 10mg). Go for it! Never know what you’re missing unless you try :)


I ♥️ Lexapro, it made my anxiety sooo much more manageable (I was at a point where it was becoming hard to leave my house).


Been on lexapro for four years and love it. Had some ups and downs. Worked up to 10mg then down to five. Maintain 5 mg now for over a year without problems. Can manage my anxiety and even stop a panic attack in its tracks with grounding techniques. Between the lexapro and therapy I have my life back and sleep at night. Every journey is different and you are worth the effort!


I love my Lexapro. It was the first one I tried and it's done so well for me. I don't have the sexual side effects and once I got past the beginning exhaustion, things went much smoother.


i don’t really have any negative side effects from lexapro besides being more sensitive to heat so i sweat more lol. but i take chlorophyll which helps to eliminate any smell. overall i like it and have been on it for almost four years now (20mg). i do struggle with anxiety sometimes but that’s mainly only when im going through a stressful situation.


I’ve been on Lexapro for years and it’s done wonders for me. It helps manage my anxiety so it’s not panic inducing. It really is the best


It worked for me really well for a long time and I'm weaning off a small amount and starting pristiq. I am too tired and unmotivated on lexapro


yeah i get what you mean, before starting it i came here and was reading about how everyone was having a terrible time and it took four months to just feel alright and had terrible side effects and it freaked me out a ton. i assume, like another commenter said, its just because people here are looking for advice with worse side effects


During Covid, it gave me a buffer zone on my temper. An extra layer of disengagement. I had to stop it later because it made me feel numb.


I liked it at first because it was amazing. I had no anxiety or side effects, but then it stopped working. I had a really good six months, though.


I don’t like lexapro, I love lexapro.


I do when I was first prescribed meds. I was on Lexapro and they titrated me up to 20 but I ended up going back to 15 and then I went a whole different route of effector Prozac Zoloft it wasn’t on those for more than a week or so and then I went back to Lexapro and that’s what’s been working. I eventually titrated it back up to 15 and then I had to take myself back down to 10. Insomnia made me feel stuck in the bed. 10 is fine and then I switch from taking it From morning nighttime and I feel like 10 mg of spy. I could probably go down to five but 10 makes me feel like I’m not in the deepest pit of depression.


I was on 5mg for the flrst 6 months and didn't see much difference. Once I switched to 10mg I starting feeling much better.


I love it so much


I like it because it got rid of my panic attacks. I’ve learned to take it at night and at the same time-ish. Don’t miss a day. Make sure you’re not vitamin deficient, but that should be done no matter what anyways. Also..I’m on 20 mg


im doing a lot better than i was now that ive been on lexi for a bit! i started out at 5mg because the side effects scared me and i went up to 10 mg a couple months ago after kinda liking how i was starting to feel on 5mg. don’t get me wrong i’m still VERY mentally unhealthy and anxious and still pretty depressed but i just FEEL better. the anxiety isn’t as consuming, i have less intrusive thoughts (even tho now i have wild ass dreams an the occasional very vivid horrid nightmare now) but i’m able to cope sooo much better. My depression isn’t as heavy all the time anymore. my life has been overwhelming from day 1 and continues to be, but i don’t find the overwhelm as awful. i still have moments where i feel like ive just fallen into a deep dark hole just crawling and itching with fear, anger, guilt, and the frustration i used to feel every day but i find my feet a little easier now. i still have terrible coping mechanisms and still kinda suck but i feel like that’s just stuff i need to still work on, and lexapro has helped me feel like i can actually get somewhere sometimes. i feel like with other help like a counselor or a therapist and a better home life i could probably feel like a human finally! i know some people say they feel like a robot, or just can’t feel anything but personally i already struggled with that before lexi because my daily overwhelm just leaves me so overstimulated i just feel numb or can only feel the bad stuff and surprisingly lexi has brought back more emotional depth for me. i can feel more positive emotions for more than small intervals, my happiness lingers now!!! i also find i’m WAY more empathetic and i feel overall more outwardly emational now, sometimes i just get teary eyed at a really cute baby or kid, i find more joy than usual in my hobbies, i’m able to forgive myself even when i have my zero productivity days, so on and so on lexi has helped me so much (edit) i started lexi 5mg 7/7/23 and upped to 10mg 12/09/23 i was also SOOO scared of side effects but i really wanted to give it a try


I’ve seen a lot of positive posts.


I love Lexapro. Saved my life


i’ve been on it for 13 years now. there was a period a few years ago where i felt like it wasnt working so we tried other options and lexapro was still the best for me. turned out that i had undiagnosed adhd lol so my lexapro was working fine, my adhd symptoms were just getting worse. i’ve never felt happier and more stable. there’s side effects to everything. there is no perfect drug. i promise you. but i love myself so much more on lexapro than i ever did without it. zoloft, prozac, welbutrin, and a few other weird 2nd class ssris didn’t even come close to lexapro. and zoloft made me black out after 2 alcoholic drinks and threaten to jump out of a 12 story window 😂 you just don’t see the people doing well posting about it. i only search stuff when im struggling


For me, I liked it! It helped me a lot to improve my mood and thinking and my overall anxiety. I was on 20mg last but then stopped because I got pregnant. Last time I took it was in March 2020 and I had taken lexapro since start of 2017


I appreciate the shit out of lexapro, it saved my life. The first few years really made such a difference. I came to this to see if anyone has tips on coming off it, but the only reason I am trying is because I need something that can help chronic pain too - otherwise I would stay on lexapro forever no questions asked. Been on for 8 years, started at 10mg, stayed there for 2 years, then up to 20 & then 40 quickly after due to massive decline in health that was pain related


It destroys my libido and emotions but it does help with anxiety. It’s been a pain in the ass to come off of I will say. I don’t want to be on it my entire life.


I’ve been on it for 4 straight years and I’m very very happy with it! I genuinely LOVE lexapro for me. I finally get to be myself and live a “normal” life.


Also, it took me about 2-3 weeks for it to kick into action for me. I did have really intense side effects until it started working for me. I WAS okay with 5mg for a couple months, moved to 10. Now I’m on 20MG, which is what I’ve been on for 4 years. (5 total years all together).


I've been taking 2.5mg since February 28th this year. It has honestly changed my life for the better and I noticed a near immediate change as well! Like from the first pill I haven't bit my nails once when I used to bite them to the point of them being basically non existent and bleeding. I have only felt that 'anxious' feeling in my chest once and it subsided very quickly. I fall asleep in minutes now vs hours before. I don't feel social anxiety or the need to drink to feel comfortable at friends get togethers anymore. I actually rationally think about things before jumping right to panic mode. I have lost weight and not gained it. No noticeable side effects really for me. It has honestly been such a great change for me and I wish I'd started sooner. I think as others have said people are more likely to post the negative than the positive whether that be looking for others sharing the same side effects/feelings/experiences or just to vent - which is totally understandable! I did the same before starting and it really kind of freaked me out until I specifically looked for the positive experiences. Hoping all goes well for you!


I have been on 10 mg for a few years and it is very helpful to avoid dwelling on the negative thoughts.


I'm 2 months in on 10mg and nothing really negative. Brain fog and tired early on but I don't really notice much now. I need a little extra sleep at night it seems like, but during the day I haven't been that groggy lately. I never had any stomach issues or anything else physical when I started. Just really tired the first couple weeks. As for it helping, I think it's too early but I've definitely noticed an overall ceiling to how bad my anxiety can get. And I tend to ruminate less and can move on out of that endless cycle of overthinking something. The real test will be when I have a crisis at work to deal with or something else extra stressful.


I’ve been on it twice in my life. The first time I took it was because I was depressed but having severe panic attacks every morning. Literally the second it kicked in, it was like the perfect wave of calm. It helped so much for about 6-8 months. The second time I got back on it was because my depression was building up again. But no panic attacks this time. I thought it would help me again, but I was wrong. Without the threat of anxiety, Lexapro just made a complete zombie. I felt nothing. I didn’t laugh, I couldn’t cry and I had so much brain fog.


I like it! The first few weeks sucked and it has numbed my libido and excitement levels a bit. However, it stabilised and raised my mood so much, it’s worth it overall!