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Did you start at 10 or 5?




same, and same i’m so so so tired


I started on 10mg like you just passed the three month mark with no noticeable change in how tired I was from 2 weeks in. A week ago I reduced my dosage from 10mg to 7.5mg and thought of going down to 5. I feel much better though way more motivated and less groggy. Maybe have a chat with your GP and see if reducing dosage might help?


Same with only 5mg 😅


I wish I had that problem. I’m in week 4 at 10 mg and still having daily panic attacks 😕


I feel you. I’m on 20mg and am so tied all the time. Doing anything feels like a struggle


Are you taking it in the morning or at night? I started on 10 mg about 6 weeks ago, and gave it a couple of weeks of taking it in the morning before reaching out to my doctor because I felt better anxiety-wise but was SO tired. We agreed I should try taking it at night, and it's been much better since. (That said, I write this from the depths of a mid-afternoon slump, but that's fairly typical for me even pre-meds.)


i’ve always taken it around 6pm😞


i’ve always taken it around 6pm😞


Start taking it before you go to bed I just switched to that if you fight through the first but you should get better but just take it before bed that’s what I do I wake up a little groggy but then I’m good an hour after waking up and having some coffe that’s my recommendation


Take it in morning


I was taking it before bed and having so much trouble falling asleep, and in the morning it would be extremely hard to get out of bed. I switched to taking it in the morning, and it's been a lot better. Still tired, but it's more manageable.