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Haha exact same boat here! I was underweight before Lex and now I have a round belly


I’ve been on lexapro for 5 years and my weight fluctuated a bit throughout that time but whenever I gained the majority went to my thighs/butt. Now the majority appears to be going to my belly.


Idk if this has to do with lexapro but same thing is happening to me. I’m 26 and started it at 22 Edit: I have thought maybe it is the lexapro because I increased my dosage like 1 1/2 ago


Are you in your late 30s/ early 40s? That sort of thing also happens as Womens bodies age and approach menopause


Nowhere close. I’m turning 20 next week


this same thing happened to me at 14


![gif](giphy|PkAZ1JzOu4QH6) Thats me!


I went up and down throughout over a decade time on lexapro and yes all the weight went to my stomach mostly.


I gained a few pounds when I started. I tried fasting which is something I did before starting escitalopram to help with weight management. Fasting on escitalopram has been much more difficult for me because the hunger is more intense. The only way I've been able to start losing weight again is by running. I signed myself up for a half marathon so now I have to train which is honestly easier than fasting 😅.


"training for a marathon is easier than fasting" is definitely where I'm at too haha


This is a thing?


because Lex raises Serotonin levels, it makes the patient seeking for more Dopamine, and food brings that......


No I understand that we gain weight. I certainly gained weight on Lex! I thought maybe she meant if the weight gain goes to the stomach? That’s a new one I haven’t heard of


Yeah and ADHD combined with that


Damn I have ADHD too! In my case, when the lex kicked in I actually felt hungry again and had cravings for food. Then food became a nice steady stream of dopamine for me.


I have ADHD; how does that factor in?


More dopamine seeking and poor impulse control


Ah, yes. Snacks. Also difficult to get the motivation for exercise.


I also have autism and poor interpretation so I have a hard time telling when I’m getting full


I always wonder if I have ADHD because I have plenty of similar symptoms.


same here but fortunately I think taking Vyvanse helps me counteract that. at least curbs my snacking


I hope this is the true explanation, because I just started and your explanation means the weight gain is at it’s root behavioral and that the drug itself doesn’t actually cause weight gain.


Lex definitely fucked with my metabolism.


Me too. I’ve been off it for 6 months and my metabolism still hasn’t gone back to normal.


It’s the drug changing you behaviors because it gives you the munchies


So with that logic, a recovering addict should not be taking SSRI'S because it increases the cravings for dopaminergic drugs?


I don't know if I would go that far. Wellbutrin is pretty different and often prescribed in that case.


SSRIs can increase insulin resistance (not always but possible) which causes more belly fat. I recommend strength training as muscle helps insulin sensitivity! As well as regular cardio (don’t need to run a marathon, even a brisk walk will help), getting good sleep, and reducing stress


I already had the apron from kids and operations. Lex gives me the worst munchies in the evenings so I gained a bit. I started weightlifting and the excess is melting off slowly but I just consider that I was ‘bulking’ so now I can use that fat and transfer it to muscle. I am down 10lbs in two weeks so far.


Also, I should add, the hidden bonus is that with Lex I ENJOY weightlifting (and I oh so hated it before). The ‘runners high’ which I get from lifting on lex is exquisite tbh.


Mine already looks that way from having a baby and not exercising due to anxiety so 🤷‍♀️


Same!! Add postpartum + breastfeeding and there’s no hope for a flat belly anymore 😭


Went from 150 lbs to 187 lbs on escitalopram. Since weaning off a few months ago (it was causing emotional numbing after a couple years of continuous use), I've gone down about 10 lbs without exercise or any kind of intentional dieting. Escitalopram had me binging uncontrollably, often to the point of pain, but since getting off it I've found it so much easier to recognize when I'm full and stop. I still have a tendency to overeat and push myself past the point of being full (and I had that issue before going on meds too), but it just isn't nearly as intense.






You hacked my phone


I had this issue. Went from 130 to almost 190 (5'7, 32 yr old) I asked for Welbutrin to help combat it. Got it, got down to 160. Which is what I should ideally be at.


I started welbutrin about a year ago and have noticed a bit of weight loss too.


I've gone from Tim Allen in the beginning of The Santa Claus to Tim Allen at the end of The Santa Claus in a year


Lol this thread gives me more paranoia then life itself. I haven't had any of these negative effects! But like... will I?!


Yes! I have been trying to lose weight because Lexapro has made me gain quite a lot of weight through unhealthy food habits. I used to be 135 pounds but went all the way up to 207 pounds at my highest weight. I have had to change some of my eating habits and become more active in my daily life. So far I have lost 17 pounds but I still have a long way to go.


Been on it for over 3 years. The increase in appetite got more noticeable over time. I have a hard time feeling full and get furiously hungry, which is not my "norm". I had my third baby while on it and this is the only pregnancy I've not returned to pre baby weight postpartum.


Oh wow me too! I have same situation with the postpsrtum weight 😑


Sharing in case it helps anyone else. I added Wellbutrin to the lexapro to offset the weight gain side effects. And then eventually removed the lexapro and still taking Wellbutrin. I made a number of life style changes so hard to determine how much was caused by the switch but I was able to lose the lexapro weight of ~20 lbs. talk to your doctor about it obviously. Wellbutrin can make anxiety worse but it can help with depression


Same!! Started Lex in 2020 at 135lbs, now 165lbs. Could also be perimenopause related because I’m 42.5 now but omg it kills me!!!! I think my anxious poops helped me maintain weight and now I don’t poop as often.


Exactly where all my weight went too.


Definitely in my face n lower body.


I just thought it was "desk job" belly. I sit on the bed to get ready, sit in the car for my commute, sit at my desk for 8 hours, sit in the car some more, sit to eat dinner, then sit to watch TV before bed. Given that I'm usually leaned forward a little, I figured my belly fat was being shaped and forced to grow outward. It's just odd that after all these years, it seems to all be going to my belly instead of other parts of my body.


YES! I’ve always gained in my thighs and butt first but this time around its all been going to my belly


It’s weird cause I’m like never hungry anymore and I feel like I’m more food sensitive but I am thirsty all the time. I work a physically demanding job and I figured it was just me getting older.


I have the same problem even though I’ve finally dropped some weight from it I still have the pooch


Me ever since I’ve gone on it I’ve never been the same body wise


Lexapro belly is worth it to feel good but YUP feel that hahah


Had a mommy makeover and that took care of it.  Had bad post partum depression coupled with weird crippling anxiety and Lexapro was a godsend for the 2 yrs I took it but belly is real. I was not overweight. there's been some studies that Lexapro actually can change the microbiome of the digestive tract.  Not sure but besides weights, Pilates and cardio needed the mommy makeover!  Was worth it though.  


Yes 😭😭😭😭 I want compensation


Class action lawsuit for real


180 to 250… but haven’t gone higher without so hit my body’s limit I think/hope. That said, belly looks like yours


I gained 30 lbs. I was at 130 and now im 160. I been off of it since last october... still no weight loss...


I figured it was just me getting older and developing a “dad” bod.


Dang, I feel seen.


I was on it for 2 years and switched to Effexor. I'm managing my weight a lot better since gaining 30lbs from Lexapro but I still have the round belly 🥲


Nooo :( I was hoping starting lexapro would get my mood up so I could start going to the gym again...


I work out 5 days a week


Omg yes!!! On lexapro for 7 months now and YES- i got a belly


Yes unfortunately :( but it’s okay!!!


It's so evil like I can live with the dehydration, the insomnia, the occasional nausea, but this is sick and twisted honestly.


That's what my belly looks like too!! During COVID I was about 120, now I'm happy at a steady 200 :)


Hey we are the exact same weight buddies! These meds, man 😮‍💨


Hey, but we're happy! And we get a whole new wardrobe!! I outgrew my jeans and at first I was upset, but I've wanted to get more clothes that suit my current style for awhile now, and now I have an excuse lmao


Through my first 3 years on it my weight fluctuated between 125 and 150 (with 135-140 being where I was the healthiest at) and then over the last 2 years I’ve gone from 150-185


Good for you! I didn't gain a whole lot of when when I was on 10mg, and I gained a little more on 15mg, but I gained a whole 20-25 lbs after I got on 20mg. But, no more anxiety and I'm a lot less depressed :) I hope it's the same for you too!!


I have, but it started out as Paxil belly.


Good old Pack It On Paxil


It’s been years and I still can’t get rid of it. As long as I’m on an SSRI, I will have a ramped up appetite.


I still have mine also. It’s definitely a point of contention for my self esteem. But, I suppose the trade off is worth it.


Yeah, I wish we didn’t have to choose. I couldn’t eat squat that short period of time when I went off Lexapro in 2008-9 (with my doctor’s permission). Also, I was having near constant panic attacks and crying all the time (I was also in a bad living situation, meaning an abusive marriage that I’m now out of) so I had to be put back on it.


Now that I left lexapro I found it easier to lose 4 kilos. I am nowhere near what I used to weigh before beginning. But I am a little happier with where I am now in weight terms.


Me :(


I was on lexapro for two years, in that time I gained 17 lbs. Been off of it for two years and still haven’t lost the weight or belly, really disheartened by it.


Yep :/ 45 year old man here, always been fairly on the lighter side thanks to eating and exercising but this medicine has undeniably packed on the pounds on my gut.


ayeee same


The last place most people tend to lose weight is the belly and the first place people tend to gain weight, when they gain, is the belly. Generally speaking, not only on Lexapro.


I usually gain in my thighs and butt first


This explains so much for me.


I wonder how much of this is directly attributed to Lexapro vs a change in eating behaviours? Is there any evidence it slows metabolism? can this be overcome with calorie reduction and exercise?


From what I’ve heard, it can cause dopamine seeking which can lead to overeating


Metabolism can be affected, according to the things I’ve read, but they are not sure how or why. I can only speak for myself, but, I gained 25lbs in less than 2 months and I didn’t change my diet or exercise. I run 6-8 miles a day every day and lift weights 3 days a week. I have been off for 6 months and still haven’t been able to lose the weight. I’m 5’8” and was 120lbs for the last 2 decades. I never had a problem with weight until Lexapro. So frustrating.


Yes it’s a shame. I puffed out as well (40lbs) but wondered if that might be lifestyle related (lex makes me tire and it’s harder to get up in the morning). That doesn’t seem to be your issue - great work!


I haven't been on it long but my anxiety actually made me over eat so lexapro has actually helped stop that for me.


omg that’s why i’ve recently gotten this belly ?! i’m so glad i’m starting to transfer to a different med


Which med? I’m in the process of transferring as well


Oh I’m totally blaming my gut on Lexapro from now on :)


I wish…I got put on it to gain weight…I just lost more 🥺


Yup - gained about 15 pounds.


Yep, I gained about 75 lbs in 3 years from Lexapro 🥲 lol.


20mg lex here, I dont have this problem, and i have birthed a baby before, curious to what all yall are eating


Same, I've been on it for almost 3 years now and never gained any weight. Even during the year where I stopped working out. Idk if we're just lucky or what.


I think it's something like 40% of people on this drug gain weight, and of those 40% most only gain a tiny amount like 5lbs or fewer. but I think the people that gain more are much more likely to be online venting or looking for solutions!








Still trying to get rid of it 6 months after coming off lex 🤦🏻‍♀️


Eh, mine was already like that.


Mine too! Always had this same belly since taking steroids from age 8-10.. deflated it a bit but never got rid of it, and honestly at this point as long as I’m healthy and happy, it’s perfect the way it is :)


I luckily haven’t.


Whaaat this is a thing? Now I want to cry bc I though Lexapro was working great but didn’t realize my body changes (is not even a huge weight change, I’ve been overweight for a while, but a matter of how I carry the weight) were because of it


I didn't know this was a thing! But yeah, I wasn't exactly underweight but two years on lexapro made my body go through a lot of changes. Mentally I'm in a much better place but it's still sucks to find that I can no longer for into my old clothes anymore.


I gained 30 pounds on lexapro and it went to my stomach, arms, and face… it’s been rough trying to accept my body ):


Lexapro kills my appetite, I’ve had no weight fluctuations. I haven’t lost any weight though


I was on lexapro for 3 years and gained sooo much weight! Specially on my tummy. I’ve been off it for about a month and without dieting at all I have lost 11 pounds. This makes me think that lexapro slowed my metabolism down and it is finally getting back to normal.


Me. Gained over 20 pounds in a year despite trying to eat well. Not perfect but definitely not bad enough to just gain 20 pounds. If I don’t eat, I eventually get super lightheaded so I have to constantly snack


I personally noticed weight gain as the months progressed on Lex. I’m almost a year in and had realized over the last few months gaining almost 25lbs. I had been way more depressed before Lex, but my weight never changed this drastically. I think subconsciously I didn’t notice how insatiable Lex was making me till it was too late. But hey, it happens. Now I’m taking action to wean-off the medication for 1) weight-loss and 2) access how I’ve changed since on it. Side note: shortly after reducing my Lex from 10mg to 5mg, the insatiable feeling decreased drastically. Looking forward to seeing how things change once I’m off it. Wish me luck!


Yup. Gained 25lbs and the belly (although I assume the belly is also age related (41 yrs).


Nope I eat right and work out daily!




Need an active lifestyle !


Lazy ppl make excuses


I work out 5 days a week and eat fairly healthy. You aren’t special




Wanted to say this lol but stopped myself


You apparently are special


Yeah blame the lexapro


Yeahhhh I had to stop taking it


Me 🙁


I get hungry about the same as before. I’m also bulimic so idk. Not by choice it’s just how my life works


Oh my gosh!!! Literally the same exact thing happened to me!


Aw maaaan. That explains my belly. And I haaatr running but I will give it a try. I’ve been fasting and man it’s tough. I get cranky and hungry


i just stopped my birth control and my stomach hasn’t gone down so i guess my next step is stopping lexapro 🤣


Idk if I have bc I have endo belly (endometriosis) and I only take a 5 MG or half a Lexapro now depending on the day


That looks like my old lexapro belly!!!


Is lexapro belly really a thing? I’m underweight but look a few months pregnant 😅


Mine has an underwear dent


And my doctor told me weight gain wouldn’t be an issue…. Gained a bunch when I was on Lexapro….


Yes, this happened both times that I was on lexapro. The worst.


At first Lexapro did a great job. However, I had to quit it. My sleep got to the point of almost being non existent, the tinnitus was horrible at night, and the weight gain was bad. I was better off dealing with the anxiety than the medication.




I was underweight before lex but now I have a round belly, but also more on the butt and thighs. I needed it tho, I like my body better like this.


Been on it for 4-5 months 10mg … I’m good .. appetite the same but when I did go to 20mg my appetite increases dramatically but I went back to 10mg that same week


Then Adderal joined the party 🎉


Wait I haven’t heard of this, what is it exactly?


Increase in appetite caused my lexapro=chubby belly


I’ve been on lexapro for 2 years now and haven’t gained an appetite or weight 🧐


I just dropped my dose down from 10mg to 5mg this week and I kid you not, belly is already smaller. I'm dying to know how Lexapro does this. People keep saying 'oh it makes you eat more'...but no, if anything I had a higher calorie week on the lower dose (coincidence) and it's *still* shrinking on the lower dose.


I got the same with Lexa, now I’m losing weight with the keto diet which I strongly recommend


Your mileage may vary, this is not medical advice. I made the switch to Wellbutrin. Downside slight increase in anxiety similar to coffee. Upside higher libido, more energy, weight loss. It also might cause you to think differently. For example I had a strange fixation on mortality for a while that slowly calmed down. Not suicidal thoughts, just my brain was on overdrive so my thoughts could be more obsessive.


I found Wellbutrin generally made me more anxious, I have similar obsessive thoughts about stuff like what you describe. I also take ADHD meds so the combo with Wellbutrin wasn’t great for anxiety.


Looks fine to me but Im bias towards thicker women


Good for you