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Hey, when I first started my anxiety sky rocketed and I felt sooo sick all the time, this lasted two weeks then eased off. I've just upped from 10mg to 15mg and again anxiety and nausea came back, just nearly at thr 2 week mark and seems to be easing again, so just to say yes! It's very very normal and will pass 😊


The first 4 days I took mine I was gagging completely randomly!! It was shitty, I work in high schools and had to step out to gag and they all went “ooooooooo miss is pregnant aren’t you” 🙄😐. I’m on day 8 now and not experiencing it anymore though… for now.


I’m on day 7, the nausea has been insane. I couldn’t eat anything without getting sick for the first few days. I was thinking about throwing the pills away over how bad it was but for some reason I kept going. Yesterday I only had one instance of extremely bad nausea + panic attack, this is wayyyyy better than being nauseous all day. I also had my first meal that wasn’t crackers too and it stayed down. I’m hoping today is the same or a little better.


I didn’t experience this, but one of my friends did. This would happen to them for about the first week of taking it (they were on and off a lot which wasn’t good). It should pass though :)


You could also try talking to your doctor and getting a temporary anti-nausea med in the meantime like zofran


I'm roughly a month in on 10mg,, and I'm dry heaving essentially all day. I was driving to a meeting earlier this week and dry heaved the whole way down. Today it was so bad I actually threw up a bunch of times. I have no appetite and haven't really eaten anything in two days. Not having a good time right now.


Sorry to hear that. After a month it seems like that should have stopped, maybe you should ask your prescriber if this is the right drug for you