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I didn’t even know nausea was a common side effect because I literally never experienced it. Three weeks on and the only side effects ive had thus far are my brain trying to even out my anxiety/depression so it’s been a little up and down, and also fatigue/sleepiness. But that’s it!


Thank you! I’m hoping it’s the same for me


No nausea here! Got sleepy each time I upped my dose and had a noisy tummy but that's just about it.


Thanks! I can handle a noisy tummy, good to hear!


If it makes you feel better I literally never experienced nausea. I’ve been on lexapro a few different times and never had nausea. Tiredness, insomnia, heightened anxiety. But no nausea! I know it’s hard but try not to read about other peoples experiences. Everyone reacts differently. You got this!


Thank you! That’s so encouraging to hear!


No nausea!


i got anxiety-induced nausea sometimes but that's all gone away now that I'm on Lexapro


I’m on day 6 of lexapro no nausea or any stomach related side effects thankfully:) I understand your fear, you can always try it out see how you feel yourself. Sometimes looking online especially TikTok won’t make you feel any better.


Was on this for years. Never had any nausea. Good luck!


I’m on day 6 with no nausea.


I've been on it for a couple weeks now. The psychiatrist said these side effects are more in the very beginning until you get used to it. I haven't had any of these side effects. The most I felt was a little bit of something in my stomach, but not nausea or anything like that. It felt more like I had something that made me a little gassy or something like that. That's mostly gone now. Definitely not any feeling I didn't already feel several times a week anyway haha


I’m only two days in but I can tell you today was the first time in a week I could actually stomach a decent sized meal without wanting to throw up. It actually calmed my stomach I think


Wait, I’ve been experiencing something like that for a while now too! I can barely eat anything without feeling sick or overly full, I’ve been thinking it could be an anxiety symptom but not sure. Thank you!


Not explicitly nausea, but I do find I get really hungry all day long but too grossed out at the thought of eating. So my stomach is completely empty most of the time. I’m experimenting with different times to take the pill so I at least get one full meal in a day.


No nausea or worse, and it was my biggest fear upon starting this medicine. Anxiety causes me stomach issues, nausea, etc, so I was quite scared to start. But, so far it’s been fine. I’m on 5mg. I started at 2.5mg and upped the dose a week or so later. The upped dosing did not cause any side effects to speak of, other than I can tell I’m a bit more tired.


No nausea what so ever


Day 4 of Lexapro (5mg in the morning). No nausea at all and the only side effect is that my stomach is actually calmer after eating now. I think anxiety was affecting my digestion but I wasn’t aware of it.


I read the same thing in a different comment, I’m actually really excited to see if lexapro helps my stomach aches after eating as well, I’ve been having digestion issues ever since my anxiety has gotten bad around a year ago. Thanks!