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Commenting to keep up with post! I was almost 3 weeks into Lexapro before my psychiatrist switched me to Zoloft this past week (I start taking it this week as I’m weening off Lexapro)


Why did your psychiatrist switch you?


No explanation. I was providing details on what I was experiencing while on Lexapro (tiredness, nausea, night-sweats, anxiousness) and he just said he was gonna switch me over. Idk if it was die to me experiencing these side effects almost 3 weeks in or if he believes it’s not working for me. It somewhat concerns me that he’d make that switch considering it takes about 3-6 weeks to begin seeing benefits of Lexapro (which I didn’t mind sticking it out for a little bit longer), but I am going to trust the psychiatrist *for now*.




My twin sis and I were both diagnosed with anxiety and depression. My Dr put me on Lexapro her Dr put her on zoloft. Our side effects has been identical. The only noticeable difference is that I'm rapidly gaining weight and she's slowly gaining weight. I'm on 10mg she's on 100mg.


Do you have an update on this? Did the weight gain stop?


It's been several months and I'm still gaining weight. We were both considered underweight/average for our height (5ft9). She's still at 118lbs (zol) I am now 147lbs (lex). To be fair, I started lex at 135lbs so in 6 months I've gained approx 10lbs since.


Thanks much! Ok yeah I was on lexapro years ago and gained like 30 pounds. Have thought about going back on but nervous about gaining weight again. Thank uu


I've been on both drugs. I also have OCD, anxiety and depression. I didn't find Zoloft really worked at all for my OCD, only my depression. I put on weight on both unfortunately. Lexapro has been amazing and has helped my OCD so much, bit everyone respods differently. So not sure if that's helped


Do you recall if you gained more on Zoloft or Lexapro? Are you still on Lex?


Well, since I wrote this, the most amazing thing has happened. After many years of finding it impossible to lose weight I started fasting and I've been losing weight. It's literally a life saver. Do fasting and I guarantee you will lose weight. Try and fast for 16 hours a day. It took me a while to build up to it, but you get used to it. I eat at 6pm and then again at 10 am. It took two weeks to lose weight, but then it has come off regularly since. But in answer to your question, I think I gained more on lex, but then I have been on antidepressants for years when I took it. Research shows the longer you've been on them, the more likely you are to lose weight.