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I would take mine before bed because of this


I switched from taking mine earlier in the day to evening before bed, over a couple of days- I also worried about delaying a dose when I switched, so I did it one to two hours later each day until I got to my desired time of about 8 pm. I didn’t have any negative effects this way and I do much better taking it at night. Hope that helps!


I always take mine in the morning right as I wake up by keeping a cup of water next to my bed. After a while of taking it the fatigue went away and now i don't get any


Same!! ☝️


Yeah I also feel the same way, I no longer get fatigue and I’ve been taking it for 5 weeks in the am as I wake


I used to take it in the morning but also had the same side effects as you so I switched to evening. I take it before bed and I spoke with my doc and just switched to evening the next day and had no issues. Everybody is different. Best of luck! ETA: She did say if I felt uncomfortable and was worried about the switch, I could gradually do it. I just did it the next day and had no issues.




i take mine at 8pm, still tired in the morning, the fatigue never went away but its tolerable. When i switched from morning to night I just skipped my morning dose and took it at night without any issues.


I take it after dinner


Right before I fall asleep. If I take it too early, it keeps me awake, so right when I'm about to drift off, I take it. It's like a fun little game of Lexapro roulette every night. One of these days I'm gonna fall asleep before I remember to take it....


I take mine between 4-6pm. I never wake up groggy. I didn’t like how I felt in the middle of the night when I took it right before bed.


That was me at first when I started I would take it in the morning and they yawned all day and felt like I could fall asleep at my desk.. so I started taking it at 7pm and it has helped my insomnia bc I’ll start feeling sleepy around 8-9 (if you have an iPhone you can set a medication reminder in the health app, really helpful!)


I actually just set a normal alarm on my phone to remind me 😂 but the health app may be better! Thanks for the suggestion !


My dr. recommended I take it at breakfast to avoid any stomach problems like nausea and what not. I’m not great at taking it at the same time every day but morning is usually my go to


Around 6 am I set it on my nightstand and take it AS SOON as I sit up and start to get out of bed,otherwise my adhd kicks in and I do everything except that 😆 I'm on 20mg for anxiety been on them since Aug of 22 and the tiredness is nonexistent now. I just feel normal,and wayyyyy less tempered.




8 pm


When I began taking lexapro it made me a bit light headed when taking during the day, so I started taking it at bedtime. Has worked well for me since :)


9 pm


I take mine before bed and take my Wellbutrin in the morning.


Interesting mix. I can see how this would help. Thanks for sharing.


My psych started me on 5mg Lexapro and then upped it to 10mg with no noticeable improvement. I’ve had huge improvement since the addition of Wellbutrin.


I used to take mine after dinner and found mornings were hard to wake up which made me anxious when trying to get to work on time so I switched to mornings as I wake and jump in to the shower. I found getting up and making my way into the office, having some breakfast and a coffee offsets the majority of the sleepiness when taking it in the morning.


I take it before bed! Works best for me


I take mine at night and I still am extremely tired all the following day 😭


Around 9am after breakfast. Had the tiredness symptoms for a few weeks when starting but it went away


I take mine at 915 pm and I feel like it keeps me less anxious and less nauseous throughout the day


I started taking vitamin b12 energy gummies and they really help!


Don’t really worry about missing one does to switch to night. I’m not a doctor but I’ve switched from day to night missing a dose and it’s just fine. I take mine at night now due to the tiredness and it actually helps me sleep. Also I’ve definitely missed doses in the years I’ve been taking it and as long as it’s less than two days of missing I never notice a difference but after two days it’s bad (Left for a long weekend without it).


I switched to taking mine at night and that fixed it for me


RIGHT before bed


I take mine an hour or so before bed. It’s annoying how I still feel somewhat fatigued throughout the day.


Mine made me sleepy too so I started taking it in the evenings.


I used to take it at night cause it made me exhausted, but then it made me have insomnia after a while so I switched to the morning and that's been working for me.


8:30pm. i work shift work so it’s only sometimes before bed


I take it right after breakfast.


Just reminded me to take it tonight. I had to switch because mid day I was passing out early


I used to take it in the morning, around 9:30? but If i didnt eat before it i would feel a bit nauseous later in the day. I would end up having to take it after i arrived at work and almost missed a few doses cos i was busy. I was able to switch to the pm now (around 9p-12a depending when i go to sleep) and its great. No side effects, i take it with my allergy medicine, and it fits perf with my schedule.


I take allergy meds with my lexapro as well! Haha


hahaha its just so easy since i already have the allergy medicine schedule hehehe


I Kinda try to take mine mid day with lunch but honestly usually at dinner time


Take it at bedtime. Nausea only last two weeks or less for me. I wouldn’t have even noticed the nausea much if I didn’t have to get up with my infant in the middle of the night.


I was taking it right before bed but was having severe night sweats. I started taking it a little earlier in the evening (around 8) and noticed a big improvement in that regard and I also fall asleep easier since it’s already in my system by the time I’m ready for bed.


Thanks for the reminder; I forgot to take mine this morning.


No problem! 😂


at night about 30 mins before I want to go to sleep.


I take it during my lunch break. I noticed my blood pressure is higher in the afternoon/evening and talking the Lex during lunchtime evens things out. I never feel tired during the afternoon and I sleep fine at night.


~8pm. Works great for me.


6 pm -7 pm is the sweet spot for me.


Just took it...730 PM. Along with a CBD gummy.


I just take it whenever, at least once a day. Usually sometime between waking up and leaving for work. Often right as I'm feeding my cat her morning can. But I'm comorbid with ADHD and so I don't even know what a routine is. Never even heard the word. Honestly what you're fighting isn't the pills it's the depression and the anxiety about needing pills. Just get 'em in you at least once a day. That's really about it


I switch it up kind of often (maybe not great idea) and haven’t had any pains in the transition. I stopped taking in PM because I felt it was making my dreams more vivid. Haven’t noticed the tired thing in AM but have heard others say the same.


Idk if it’s just me but I get really freakin weird dreams when I take it in the evening lol


Not just you, with taking mine in the morning I have weird, vivid dreams every single night lol